Hermitcraft 7: Episode 12 - The NEXT STAGE...

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we've got a lot of things to do in today's episode in about an hour's time I'm going to be doing a livestream where I create a whole bunch of concrete ready for our mega structures because as you guys know that thank you something with concrete but currently I am fairly ill-prepared for it and really rip this place is beautiful this is a really nice environment and this is the underside of my village Breda we've got sort this how did I not notice that while I was building this it's not this is not what I should be doing but then I really do feel like this is urgently required is that better I feel like this is a little bit better it's definitely better than the dirt maybe I could have muddied it up a little bit but we've got things to do Wow I've just come by to my base there is yet more things in this tiny little area here scale has bought some leaves off of me which I much appreciate because I had no useful of those it's gonna be $10 pence 14 bamboo which is brilliant and also look at this and what's this book and free samples by oh this isn't so that's it's Cal this is to do with impulse sv and these are free samples for impulses emerald and totem of untied shop I'm hilarious I'm just gonna leave this stuff here it's all just going to clutter up the ceiling this is the sound of many levels making their way in from affording the reason I need all of those levels it is because I'm hoping to get a handful of shovels that I can use yes a handful of shovels that I can use to gather up all of the resources for concrete because I having to go back and repair the shovel every time is a bit of a nightmare oh and again and again luck is on my side today let's see if we can get three in a row I didn't even look this mean I thought my base was cluttered look at this place anyway I'm here for one of these and that is it cool okay we should now be set up I've got my full shovels I've worked out where all the gravel areas are so I can I can get plenty of that obviously know where the desert is so let's do this I'm terrified I always get so scared before live streams hopefully it goes well and well it did it went really well it went really really well lots of people tuned in to watch me make concrete I feel bad we peaked at 128 thousand people watching Me Mine sand and and gather gravel having in total 1.3 million people tuned into that stream know that many people were going to be watching and maybe would have chosen to do something a little bit more interesting anyway as you can see we have got a decent amount of supplies hiss we call the bones bone meal we've got a bunch of gravel and we have a whole bunch of sand as well so we need to convert this into white concrete and I do not want to do that manually I really don't want to do that manually so then we're going to get set up with a temporary concrete maker similar to is scales monstrosity his monstrosity tree from so the first thing that we need to do is we need to gather ourselves a bunch of obsidian because we need to make sure that the bottom area of our build doesn't explode when the tnt is breaking all of the concrete this should hopefully do the trick so this is where all of our concrete is going to falling and it's all just going to end up in these chests down at the bottom here so our actual build is going to be going somewhere up here somewhere and of course needs to be at least 12 blocks above our water area down at the bottom so that if we're pushing in the concrete or when we're pushing in the concrete it can go all the way down to the bottom so we can really maximize the amount of space being used hopefully I think there should be enough I think that's about 15 blocks what are you guys doing here I don't even know any villages here you've got why do you always come to my house anyway the main unit itself is actually now constructed so these are the zero tick pulse smart piston type things where our concrete is going to be pushed across and then when it comes across it is going to be pushed instantly downwards by these Pistons so if I just hold down the right-click button here you can see how fast this thing actually is like we've just gone through all 12 blocks right there that's going right the way down to the bottom and it happens in the blink of an eye so that's how fast our concrete is actually going to be converted it's considerably faster than what I'm currently doing which is converting it in a puddle right what do I need from here I think it's is it this Oh am I being stupid good okay apparently you need to touch for this stuff I never knew I can't help myself I have to fly over and check out impulses base that is stupendous that is stupendous this is a this is a beautiful base look at that Oh people are going big this season people are building big bases right anyway after a few accidents and quite a bit of time of me getting frustrated this system has now been completed I've built a ton of these and no matter what happens I always seem to build them wrong but I think I've triple-checked this I think everything should be okay and this should all function so let's see okay tin tea gets held dropped explodes TNT gets held dropped explodes that seems like it's decently consistent I'm feeling good about that I think we might have pulled I think I finally pulled it off now before we move on I just want to address I mean I've seen popping up quite a bit which is that I should build all of these things out of concrete powder and then run water down the sides now that works for example in this area here but as soon as you start getting to the diagonals and floating bits and areas like this space it just completely breaks down so to keep things simple in my brain I'm going to convert the concrete powder beforehand so seriously that's not a bad idea anyway this thing should now all be completed and functional and working so let's see what happens all right the TNT is being dropped now I'm gonna hold down the right-click button while standing on this pressure plate here the smart pistons look like they're working now are there any blocks that are landing on the edges yes instantly one of the first ones okay I'm glad I'm glad that I discovered that before I use this for a long period of time I'm hoping that something like this should do us a little bit better so I've just reconstructed the entire kind of pickup system now there's four blocks in every direction from that little concrete blade that we're creating there's no way you how far is that stuff gonna travel if a piece of concrete does manage to escape but then I'm just gonna let it happen because that means it's working up having given it a quick test it all seems to work here nicely but I kept running out of concrete way too quickly so I've added in this dropper system right here which means that when I stand on this pressure plate I'm actually going to get concrete powder dropped into my inventory so you can see if you look at my hotbar I'm just I can hold down the right click button all day long I don't have to wait I don't have to go into my inventory to get out more I can just do this forever and now I guess I will do this forever because I've got a lot I've got a lot of white concrete to convert and I for one I'm so glad I didn't decide to convert the concrete in yesterday's live stream because goodness gracious me that might have been the dullest live stream of all time if it was just first person be holding down the right click man but then again I guess I wouldn't have been even I wouldn't been doing that I would have been just mining it would have taken forever because that took me that took me two and a half hours right to convert all of that concrete there using my superfast machine if I was just mining it in that puddle that I've been doing wow that's that's hilarious but anyway while I was live-streaming yesterday there was actually a new snapshot that was released for Minecraft which has the whole community really excited especially those of you who are interested in building because there's been some big changes made first off new blocks have been introduced that are really dark and they're like the first kind of almost black blocks that we've had that are textured in Minecraft that I can think of so that's like a totally new build planet but more importantly they've changed walls so now we almost have vertical slabs how crazy is that but imagine how much depth we can add to build now this is like that's a big game change I for one I'm incredibly excited for Minecraft one door 16 I can't wait to play with it on the homograft server anyway here we are with our spoils this is a decent number of white concrete blocks I'm hoping I'm hoping that that should at least do half I'm saying it like that because I maybe it will do half it might do half I really do hope it does half ever since is cow built this place I have wanted to use it okay in today's a day so it's cows Treasure Island pay one diamond block to mine a gem shocker box some gems have treasures and some don't important do not imagine can you imagine you just got a loan checking all the sugar boxes which one do I want okay so I can't open can't open up the gems before mining it you get to keep the gem and its contents so free shocker box basically good luck example of treasures to be found jackpots diamonds elite rasuu / gears stone redstone wood rarities okay well I'll just put my diamond into this ender chest here then a terrible joke especially because I hadn't realized it's a it's a diamond block I have to I have to pay with the diamond block so I guess alright and I am thinking that is way too obvious that there's no way there would be good stuff in there because that to me seems like there should be good stuff in there but there's probably not I would say this one alright alright no no but do I play again do I play do I play again oh I feel like I have to wait we can't go away with nothing except if I play again I could end up with double nothing 18 diamonds in the hole still nothing I think I think I'm gonna leave this one be I'll be back again just not today sometimes you need to know when you're cutting your losses you know anyway Bank it in this absolute cutter of a mess I can't help but notice that I sent a message to green yesterday and he hasn't responded and I feel like I need to try a little bit harder because I only sent him 26 fish and I feel like that's perhaps not the best message so I'm gonna send him this book and I hope that you partakes in a game of noughts and crosses with me that'd be really nice and it goes into mine car and off the minecart goes to make an enormous racket in green space I really could do with one of those those little alarm system for myself but then again I mean I am quite enjoying just this whatever this is anyway the next project that we need to work on today is kind of a bit of an open-ended one and it's one that is a little bit theoretical because we need to do a little bit more work on the base now not necessarily brute force stuff I'm going to save that for another mega sowed instead we need to get some things planned and we need to get some structural kind of bits and bobs set in stone so that I can really start working out how much you're going to tackle other parts of this base now I think the first thing that I should probably do is just clean things up a little bit because right now things are looking a little bit rubbish and that that big octagon the big octagon that's going around there that is not actually meant to be there this is it this is just a template so we're not gonna have anything that high up so I think it'll probably be smart if I actually get rid of this thing I think there's actually a chance that this could be a little bit weird to see without the octagon that's hovering up in the sky you're not I'm so used to having it up there that sometimes I forget that actually it's not meant to be there right here is the final block let's remove that and now we look now we look and see what this looks like now much better actually I thought it was gonna look strange no it looks it looks a million times better this is far far cooler now as I mentioned during the livestream I had this idea when I started constructing this thing that would have the outer octagon then I would have a central octagon here which is where the massive ruinous tawa is going to be going but then in the gap between two octagons we would have a dugout area that goes down in my head it was all the way down to bedrock I generally don't know what will look better but we'll leave that for now just for the time being though I want to start laying out where those octagons will actually start going so how many blocks is that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 there's 15 Goods and would we would we be left enough space to make a big tower I think we definitely would that seems you know what could be smart is if we actually take this distance so then it matches that might be a good way to go just so you know this is me genuinely trying to work things out in my head I have nothing planned here how interesting these things are actually 15 blocks which is probably why when I've reached 15 blocks it seemed so nicely balanced so just done a little bit maths and a little bit counting this octagon the outside octagon is 160 blocks across if we are setting this up to come back by 15 blocks then obviously that means that is going to be 131 blocks across 161 blocks cross 131 blocks across on this side that means that this octagon is 81 percent around about the size of this outside octagon which means that this straight section here has to be 81 percent of the size of this one so then it will actually look good and kind of stay uniform because yeah if it doesn't then it's just gonna look real and horrible so hopefully hopefully I can now do that in block form 67 times by naught point eight one it is fifty four point two seven so I guess I'll place 54 55 it would have to be 55 because it's an odd number or do I place 53 now 55 makes the most sense let's give that a go can't really place point to seven of the block in Minecraft so I guess we'll round upwards now we find out if my maths actually adds up correctly if this diagonal meets perfectly with the other stretch of blocks at them were onto a winner we might actually have success here yes that has gone perfectly so this should be the same distance oh yeah I mean just look at them that's like a that has gone I'm proud of myself my a level in maths is an even useful just to clarify when I did my a level of maths I wasn't just doing percentages and divided and things very easy as they level ever oh and just a clarify for those of you who aren't in the UK and a level is an exam that you take when you're around about seventeen or eighteen after finishing school you take it was known as a sixth form college would you go to for two years before you go off to university hopefully that makes sense and to those of you who are in the u.s. they're about to comment that our school system is weird your school system is weird I don't understand it at all now all that side over there was absolutely fine this side is a little bit more on a trainee we've got we've got a little bit more terrain going on so I'm gonna have to clear up some of this but it does bring up the question of what am I going to do about it when I actually start building this thing I guess just destroy yeah I mean it's just gonna be destroy it all isn't it I've just placed the final block of the inside octagon so now we can take a look at this thing in its entirety do actually wasn't expected to like it that much that's why my voice went up I was like I was planning it I was planning a dude right that's what I had in my head of what I was gonna say and it escalated but yeah before I started the Octagon I kinda wasn't expected I was 50/50 as to whether or not I was actually going to go through with that plan that was like my initial idea and I wasn't sure if I was actually going to stick with it but now that I've got it in place I think that is what this this area needs oh yeah a hundred percent can you imagine how cool that will look when this is dipped down and this is like one big pillar or I guess this is one big pillar this is like a void can you imagine if we did the infinite glass thing that a scale always does all the way around the edge oh my goodness the layers of glass say it gradually goes down into like void darkness how much glass would that be with that would that require like a billion piece Philip that would require a lot of glass a lot of glass next things next I just want to quickly talk to you about the accent I have running through my towers originally I put three lines into these things what people rightly did say that it looked like a pair of Adidas tracksuit bombs as soon as that was mentioned I was like right you know that that needs to change so I put the single line in and I do like it I think maybe I might play with the idea I might just play with not having the accent color when I first build them and then we can mix it in and see how it works I'm also not a hundred percent kind of I'm not I'm not sold to this color I can't remember the term I'm not married to this color yes that's what I meant to say oh no 100 cent married to this color I'm I I like it I think is probably one of the better options but if anyone has any suggestions down in the comment section I did see someone say that we should have different accents for every single side could be interesting so that way I could orientate myself it could almost be on you compass but I I'm not a hundred percent certain on that one I don't know I mean I'm sure there's some alternative blocks that could look really good so in short I'm really really happy with the inside odds gone I'm pleased with the shape I think it all fits in quite nicely eventually we'll work out what we're going to do with these outside sections here because there's plenty of opportunities there I can't wait to get this terraformed so that this is a solid island and then we also have land mass coming up to this outside hook to come but that's gonna be a mega project in of itself and we're not 100% certain what we're doing with the accents just yet wait hang on a second is this another minecart I see okay so he's gone he's gone bottom left is a good move is a good move right let say we chuck this one into the mix alright let's say let's put that back in the minecart and send it back to him okay once this game of not seen crosses is over of what other games what games could we play I thought about hangman hangman could be a good one but it might be a tiny bit long-winded especially if we get like a 12-letter word there's got to be more though anyway let's let's end this episode on a high note shall we I'm choking down my diamond block and I can't help myself I just I need I think okay I'm I'm thinking one of the red boxes is it's not good for a red box I do this one I mean it's something it is something but that is 18 diamonds 18 diamonds to get to shocker boxes and two stacks of stone I don't know if that's the good note that I was hoping for to be honest with you I hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next video see ya well that was fun wasn't it I actually really enjoyed recording this episode of hammer craft and I also really enjoyed the live stream that I did yesterday that was that was fun that was interesting it was my first time live streaming ages and I heavily enjoyed it so I'll be doing more of those but also this episode was fun everything's fun I play Minecraft I'd blow Minecraft dollars out of cause I'm having fun
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,158,313
Rating: 4.9714189 out of 5
Keywords: Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft hermitcraft, Mumbo Minecraft hermitcraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft season 7, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 13, Hermitcraft Season 7 episode, mega base, automatic tnt concrete converter, concrete converter, Mumbo mega base, Mumbo Minecraft base, Minecraft mega base, Minecraft Hermitcraft, minecraft survival, survival minecraft, lets play
Id: nVPEhHIi9pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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