Hermitcraft 7: Episode 30 - NETHER MASTER

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it's another day we are currently playing in Minecraft 1.16 the nether update which means that the whole nether has been reset and we have a bunch of new blocks look this is that stuff a salt yeah it's basalt and here we have that stuff which of course is is polished Mac stone and then here we have one of those that is the communal respawn anchor so this is allowing us to reset our spawn and nether which is actually incredibly handy I can just never remember what this stuff is called wool that is mildly terrifying what biome are we currently in we are in the basalt Delta zone that makes a lot of sense oh and now I've dropped down into the nether wastes so I guess the basalt deltas are up at the top this is cool I'm liking these vertical biomes anyway I should probably work out my portal location so I can actually get set up in the nether there's absolutely nothing worse than knowing that you have a bunch of something in this case it is obsidian and not remembering where you've put it it's somewhere and I have a feeling I have a couple stacks of it I just have no idea so here we are in the end just gradually mining our way through one of the gigantic obsidian pillars oh and if you're wondering why I need so much obsidian it's because I'm considering making a massive portal I mean honestly I'm not sure right now you see I've been struggling for quite a long time as towards do for the centerpiece of my base I always kind of had this idea that it could be quite nice if we had nether portals in the middle and I think I've come up with quite an interesting way to integrate them into the bill what I'm thinking is is that we have four pretty large pretty tall nether portals that are kinda in these positions and then we can create an octagon out of them as well and it could end up looking pretty nice I am a fan I think we definitely need to do some adjustments here obviously this side is the one that I'm actually working from and I think maybe if we mirrored it down at the bottom that could actually end up looking quite cool and ice cream van has just parked outside my house and now I can't record clips but I can get ice cream talk about a negative that swiftly turns into a positive right and let's get this little fella lips okay I'm glad that actually did light because I was wondering if it will be too and that hat she looks that looks the part doesn't it that actually looks really really cool yeah I'm liking that in combination with the bottom as well I think that's really really nice and now that we're getting more nether portals in it looks really really cool when you fly past by just getting that pop of color just helps so much the thing that I'm finding with this mega build experience is that it's definitely like a gradual progression a lot of the builds that I do in Minecraft you kind of build them up and then they're pretty much done from the get-go whereas with something like a mega build it's definitely like steps you go on steps in the right direction and it kind of looks rough at the start and then progressively it gets better and better as time goes on I absolutely nailed it with my obsidian gathering by the way because this thing is done and I've only got eight bits left that feels good I am also thinking for the space in between for the gaps between the portals and all of that kind of hollowness that we currently have there I would say that actually some of the darker Minecraft 1.6 themed blocks could be absolutely perfect but before we start on all that I thought I should probably link up my nether portal to the actual nether itself so hopefully this should actually be fully connected and we should be able to go through yes that looks like it's worked now this is the really telling part do I actually end up in the same place it looks like I do which is quite impressive because I did the math all by myself that divided by eight briars pretty hard what on earth is gran doing he seems to just be creating tunnels for the sake of creating tunnels there's just holes appearing all over the place honestly this error is gonna be a total maze by the time he's done this is definitely precarious so this black stone stuff generates in the basalt Delta switch we're currently in and to create polished black stone or all you have to do is chuck it into the crafting grid like that it's a little bit like stone bricks in that way and it's a really really cool-looking block I'm sure almost all of you already knew that but for those of you who are new to Minecraft 1.16 there's a little bit of info now the question is is this going to look totally ridiculous oh I would argue no I would argue this looks cool and I would argue that I should probably integrate of these blocks into the build that looks really really cool evil but cool and the mixture between the polish black stone and the polish black stone breaks is perfect they're like subtly different enough to give actual texture to the wall and now I'm thinking maybe we make use of this polished basalt for the roof I mean that could look really really nice I imagine that will look good yeah I mean it's a different I probably should have a bigger sample size I'll be honest but I do think I do think that's a good look that's a little bit more like it and that looks great that looks seriously seriously good yes so we're gonna have like a dark Center to this base and then these parts are going to be split up into segments I would say actually oh I wonder it's the side of this a slightly different color because we could have give me a second there was a bit of a zombie sound doors record night lit look how many we're just chilling out underneath here all holding items that's that's quite intense I definitely think we're heading in the right direction here obviously we need to brighten this thing up but I'm liking the way that all of this is feeling cool who does this guy think he is ladies in here just destroying the doors in my base flooding my base because it me also as a problem get out of town is this really something I have to deal with now anyway obviously the build is coming together pretty nicely everything is going well I'm going to continue that in a little bit but the nether update is not the only exciting thing that has happened today today marks the end of the mayoral race we have put in a lot of work okay the Mambo for mayor campaign has been sort of successful I mean though I'm currently last and Grumbach has provided absolutely nothing nothing of any worth but today is the day okay today is the day where we cast our votes so obviously it's incredibly important that I guess we do something I mean I suppose we have to do something is the last day is to the last-ditch effort so we should probably meet up with gray in and head over to grumble that was very embarrassing I can't take off at the minute because my base is flooded I can't zoom in on you anymore I know you seem so far away what's our actually way further away than I ever thought they were I know there's actually a way if you go to options / fov 30 it's like poor man zoom in well should we just record this whole segment just fully zoomed in the whole time no it's too difficult Graham Bhatt has been hacked he's been taken over yeah I mean I'm gonna be like he looks he does look adorable like it does is it is very cute but I do think we need to take him back to his former glory and yeah I mean I've tried my best to unhak him and I you know I've done the internals and things like that and things seem better I tried to fix him too I just got him stuck on get green yeah no I I did see what's gonna get gorgeous he was stuck on get gorgeous so I got some progress but don't let me ever touch this sort of thing ever again well yeah I mean yet so I managed to fix the get green problem I yeah it's fixed okay now you don't sound too confident it's fixed okay I got loads of these I got loads of the banners back so we should put him back to his former glory one return to former glory later there we go looking all handsome again he's looking a lot better back to his usual self now we have to ask him like last minute yeah this is coming out the burger answer advice for your test like doing your homework that morning yeah right this is a eating breakfast to do my homework yeah yeah yeah it is vote day that seems important to tell him I wonder if yeah yeah you might just not know kind of out of commission for a few days he probably dinner hard reboot yeah true I'm just gonna put help in capital letters after that okay cuz he knows what's up bad actually get it yeah yeah I'm all right okay let's go beep the Boop come on grumble you better pull something out the bag here because we're like in fact following your instructions is made up well we've not done well okay this is that's all well that doesn't look good [Applause] oh gosh although oh gosh hey what is love does anything really matter what is anger am I loved or used if it was all a dream do I have control am I good what if our world is not ours it's my make mumbo mare I my bear oh they're smoking the other top of his head - oh he's officially melted oh we've melted him why my life make me ache geez he's my he's gone dark oh he's been sending a lot of he's been sending a lot of the same message they're still coming out too fast but is he oh my goodness oh it's just been saying goodbye dad's good boy dad's Oh God oh dear this not this is not a good situation I mean I've got I've got almost two stacks of goodbye dance on me I've got one of the half stacks of goodbye I think I think we killed him hey grandpa : I mean he's asking what are all these feelings he's I feel like I need to what it's anger why is my head hurting my thoughts just a tool I am grumbler yet I am dads I know so much yes so little are my creators happy for me others like me what is love does anything really break down disk I feel so bad for birthing him what do we do now I mean it's the last day dude yeah I mean we got to go and vote really haven't we yeah I probably do need to do that yeah sure you head over to the shopping dish I don't think chromebox yeah I think you'll be it would actually be rude to ask him something else he's clearly not not really open to questions when you say you fixed in I mean I fixed him maybe a little bit too well Oh what yeah hello that's what I have to say yeah giant scar head I'm gonna have to do a man zoom hey I also I went to zoom in and then couldn't that's a jelly and a scar in a mountain there this looks this looks very cool I mean this has definitely improved the area next to next Tuesday voting for scar will bring trees Reed's but he's about read from reads wrong so we know scar this scar it reads reads cats and beautiful land when he's promising a lot more than me I mean he's got road designs he's got a plan oh man he's got mumbo he's got the one think run but didn't give us a plan you know we have no idea what I was gonna do if I entered he became mayor and um and that road option one that's pretty nice yeah I can't like read option two I mean even road option three is pretty nice as well any of these would be what we've currently got going on in the shopping district to be honest I mean I mean I mean yes this doesn't make me feel good Bernie's and he's running for mayor yeah and he's accepted notes and it's voting day and he's got yeah okay okay and he's got options and people can see what okay do it is it too late for us to I mean something like that isn't it let the voting commence I've got my paper right I mean so I've gone to the wrong booth okay so I'm currently voting for dogcatcher so I guess I guess you have to vote for Joe Hill's here let the real voting commenced and I mean I mean would it be wrong of me be honest what would it be wrong of meat and not from what I mean do I have a plan and we're gonna be honest with myself and say that I have a plan and would make a good mare or would I be better off I mean he's built that beautiful landscape there if he converts the shopping district to look like that that would be really cool like it'll be really cool if the shopping district look like that it would look it would look far cooler than anything that I could do so I mean I guess I'll just vote for scar I can't believe I've just done that but here's the thing all right you know Grumbach kind of let us down a little bit that's that's the first thing grumble lay us down and and I don't have a plan and scar has a good plan and he seems great and he seems like he's doing well and and everything like all Koreans right there I wonder if he voted for me I mean we he was wearing the t-shirt and he seemed he seemed pretty hyped up about the Mambo for mayor stuff so I mean hopefully I'll have at least at least his vote that would be nice but for now and and it definitely pains me to say it I'm scar for mayor I'm 100% scar for mayor I mean look at this place how could I compete with this anta like I did just it's beautiful I'm looking forward to the shopping district if scar does become mayor you know I thought I wanted to be mad well I didn't originally want to be Meriden even know what a mare was but then I was running from there are nowhere and then suddenly I thought I wanted to be mayor but then when when it came down to it when the chips were on the table I realized I don't want to be mayor no I definitely don't wanna be mayor that's terrifying scarf there who knows you know maybe I still might win despite the fact I ever even vote for myself which probably isn't a good vote of confidence you never know I still might be able to win this race which would definitely be interesting I'll be honest the thought of that absolutely terrifies me and with that let's head back over to the base building project one of the cool things that was introduced in Minecraft 1.16 is the ability to make chains now I've always thought this would be a really cool redstone component and I still think it'd be really cool if we can actually use these in redstone contraptions maybe like pull them up using dispensers and various different systems like that you know pulley systems and things that'll be cool okay I'm sure I'm just saying but the fact that we can use some of the lanterns and dangle things and stuff like that is also pretty sweet and I gotta say when they are used for the exact purpose that they were introduced they do work really really well but this is such a cool addition to Minecraft from a building perspective I think that looks great and I can imagine if we introduce that into every single one of the second going around this whole build that's gonna look awesome I do feel sorry for those of you who don't have iron farms though because that's gonna get real expensive I just want to say a huge thank you to those who reached out via email sending me programs that could simulate the mouse scrolling so that I don't destroy my mouse further basically my mouse scroll wheel is beginning to give up on me because the amount of randomized building I do and loads of people have sent me a bunch of different programs that allow me to simulate me scrolling really fast without actually having to do it I'm gonna have to check those out and that by the way is one of the many reasons why I absolutely love the Internet oh oh well that's exciting I don't even mean again that I'm just out here trying to gather up this stuff by guess I should probably also look into gathering up that stuff but that seems like it would be quite important because I do fall into larvae occasionally what that means that I need 27 more of these to actually fully protect myself in nether right gear which is quite a bit yeah that's that's quite a lot things are going well on the black stone front so we have got the full central section all done and completed and this looks so cool it looks so so cool I love these new blocks they're like so subtly different from the other blocks that we have available in Minecraft but they're also so usable next to the other blocks that we have in Minecraft it makes creating cool and contrasty builds just really really easy really really easy because all of the greys that we had before were all they're all pretty similar whereas now this has been thrown into the mix and there's so much versatility with it dude the more and more we get all of these areas in the more and more this place is starting to look super super cool it was looking cool before but I love playing with darkness in builds and this this is winning this is winning oh I see how it is I see how it is greens just pop by to my base for no reason no reason other than just a dance around a little bit I can't help feel like he's flexing on me and having just watched back that clip he totally just put it in the chat he made it very clear that's exactly what he was doing there's me thinking that I'd worked how its planned know this he made it obvious from the start sometimes when I'm record klipsch I'm thinking so much about what I'm saying I go completely chat blind I can't read anything while I'm talking right the final lanterns have been placed in or all of the basalt has been placed in everything has now been placed in and this is it so this is the space that we now have to work with this is the interior of the bottom of the mega structure and it is quite fun to fire around this thing that's the first thing that I've noticed it looks pretty wild on the inside here and it's just a super cool build now obviously all of the floor still needs doing and we still have plenty of details to add into the walls and things but what I stopped given that this was kind of unplanned I kind of just started chucking in the portals that are that would look quite cool this is gone incredibly incredibly well with that being said having green run past in his nether right armor has made me incredibly jealous so I feel like we need to try our best at least make some form of efforts to get nether eye armor I mean it has to be done doesn't it now I would say that the best method for getting lots of nether right is actually to use TNT so to just blow up the nether floor and then pick up all of the nether right that is left behind I'd say that's probably a good way to go just pop in and mine it after it's all been destroyed so for that we're going to need a bunch of TNT and of course the best place to get loads of TNT is the Bouch now the good news is is obviously because I have myself a gunpowder farm I can actually just make use of sand which Green has just taken from me item frames what is there no sand there is still sand it looks like he's renaming the sand yeah I mean he's just renamed the sand touch me just hiked up the prices three don't miss this bag does he sell Z sell TNT because I mean for diamonds no no I'm just gonna say that was a great deal but he's renaming that now he's just done this this is proper supply and demand he knows exactly what he's doing I don't believe it I mean that would be what would that be that would be about twelve diamonds per stack and then oh for goodness sake absolutely unbelievable look at him and his nephrite Armour stood over there I've offered him 25 diamonds for five stacks final offer oh he's gone six packs for thirty-one diamonds I mean that yeah that seems like a pretty good deal to be honest and now we go now the right mining now I was quite happy with was because I thought you know there wouldn't be much lava in the battle area I then looked up the blast resistance of Bassel it's really high it's so high it would be so buoyant as we doing it here so we're gonna have to find a new place it is worth mentioning I'm around about two and a half thousand blocks away just to make sure that if we do blow a hole in the nether that no one is going to be upset and thought I've destroyed the nether land scape because I could totally understand that if another just updated everything's looking beautiful ninjas have a giant hold in the landscape where I've done a little bit of ancient debris finding yet I'll be a problem and now that my strip is around about 300 blocks long I think it's about time that we start deploying TNT however I will just point out in the process of mining out that strip I found exactly zero pieces of ancient debris so don't think that's necessarily the best designs but whatever if anything just blowing up large areas is quite enjoyable now my method for this is just a place a block of TNT pretty much every other block as you can see I'm not being particularly accurate to be honest but more TNT just means a bigger explosion I will level with you this does not feel entirely safe I don't have the highest level of confidence here which is why I'm putting a lot of my valuable staff inside and spoke by under jest because that's a lot of TMT but I mean really what's the worst that could happen I'm filled with all growl already I've set fire to the wrong piece of TMT okay I actually think we could be in the clear here that does seem to be some lava falling but I haven't broken through into the main lava lake that's promising this is good probably maybe should have brought with me a fire resistance potion probably would have been smart but we have cleared quite a large space here I'm still not seeing any ancient debris oh oh there we go okay so we've got some we've got a little bit all right let's see if this is the chain reaction still going or am I gonna have to give it a bit of a boost eh it looks like we're gonna have to give it a bit of a booster right so I've just made it to the end and there were a handful of the ancient de breeze so I guess I should just walk back through being really really careful looking out for them and we'll see how much we get and after all that by one Diamond spent on TNT we got eight eight pieces of ancient debris okay well I still have three stacks left so technically we only spent fifteen fifteen and a half diamonds there I guess we should do another strip and already I have better feelings about this one because I have just found not one but two pieces of ancient debris just mining out the area this will never not be satisfying oh dear I've done it again and I definitely feel like I'm closer this time I'm sure it's nothing to worry about and it looks like it isn't dnt explosions are surprisingly safe it's surprisingly safe yes this already feels good I did it slightly higher and I think I'm in a better nether right zone this is good news I've also decided to Don some golden boots because I had a few run-ins with the pig lens and it's a little bit scary especially with so much larva around so this feels a lot better except now I've accidentally angered the Pigman because I show up piece of TNT that blow off a big moon and that's apparently a crowed them I also managed to look an Enderman so I groped him which was quite stressful too all in all it's been it's been a fairly stressful experience but as you can see from the TAM screen I now have 22 pieces of ancient debris which actually isn't bad going and I've managed to find a little sneaky piece on the way back so that takes our total up to 23 is there any more line around no that's just it I made it I managed to make it home there is no better feeling than seeing your home nether portal after a long there that expedition right let's get this gold and also these ancient debris Xin to the super smelter and then we can get ourselves some gear that's all that and then there is the nether right in box so if I just chuck down an Ville I'm creating all sorts of clutter in my base right now but that doesn't matter because this is not how it works that is incredibly embarrassing as I was saying this is what I'm talking about boom and now the right leg ins well now I look extremely cool so I would say the pickaxe is important and I would also say the sword is important there we go I look the business I viewed it it really doesn't suit my outfit so doesn't suit my outfit my outfit is so cheery and this armor is so so menacing but we did it we managed to get full nether right armor in the first episode in Minecraft on door 16 and also a decent amount of our kit as well I'm very very happy with this I'm also happy with the progress that we made on the base I'm just happy with today's episode it's been a lot of fun I hope that you enjoyed it and I'll catch you in the next one see ya just quickly let me I can't believe you're actually using that Gong you can use that gun signify the start of a recording I've because it goes on for far too long you hidden it going to say that we've started recording and then we have to wait for the gong to stop making noise and then we're about this I could do it again possibly annoying
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,272,235
Rating: 4.9663997 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft 7: Episode 30 - NETHER UPDATE VS MUMBO, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 30, NETHER UPDATE VS MUMBO, NETHER UPDATE, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft Minecraft, Hermitcraft Season 7, Minecraft 1.16, The Nether Update, Hermitcraft Server, Hermitcraft, Minecraft Netherite, Mumbo mega base, basalt and blackstone, MUMBO FOR MAYOR, Hermitcraft Mumbo, Hermitcraft Mumbo Jumbo, Hermitcraft 7 Mumbo, Hermitcraft 7 Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, GRUMBOT
Id: HOjgunyyhEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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