Hermitcraft 7: Episode 19 - The EMERALD GENERATOR

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Can somebody tell me why mumbo needs this amount of emeralds? (I know that you can trade with another villagers, but I don't get it why he couldn't just leave it as it had been)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Martaxaxaxa 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Im so glad that he is using iron. I wonder why more hermits dont use the iron trade everytime i use my personal iron traders

Edit: mumbos mayoral freakout was great.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/optimisticpsychic 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
what on earth is all this I thought I'd quickly pop onto the server to check up on how the buttons doing and I mean the Green Team no they're not satisfied with just having a gigantic Clubhouse it is absolutely beautiful they've also got a waiting room they have a waiting room next to the button now sandy because obviously I'm not a member of the gray team anymore because I'm a yellow belt which technically makes me better than green but still I'm not actually allowed in there but it looks like they have green button training station so yeah I guess they've got like a mock-up of a button there that you have to press the button when it's green you have a redstone action going on I mean this is honestly us higher belts need to step up our game alright because it's it's thought it'll look pretty good to be a green belt I'm almost tempted to de-rank myself hit the button while is green get myself a green belt it's her but anyway to start things off today I want to make a bit of a drastic change to this area in that I want to convert this place into an emerald factory all of these villagers these ones are going to be going and I'm going to replace all of them with these guys because this iron farm is chuffing out tons of iron and I want to be throwing it out villages to get loads up on loads of emeralds things have gone south I don't know I don't even really know where I at what has happened what has happened what actually has happened here this is a sticky situation you know what having spent an hour already trying to do this I'm making literally zero progress this design is pants this this villager trading hall that I created is is pants I designed it and it's pants I need to admit that we need to do something different and just to clarify it was good for what I wanted it for but for what I want to do with it now it's pants terrible and so we're going to make a bulk trading hall three hours later are you ready for the big reveal of my new villager system boom yeah I went through a handful of designs none of them worked so I should probably build on up in a testing world first I broke my own golden rule and yeah I've definitely suffered for it but in the end I've got myself a pretty sweet-looking system so here we are in my redstone testing world and here we have a villager who has currently gots the iron trade so clearly he is a good one to have but that's a little bit expensive so I'm going to send him through this system right here where the zombie will actually attack the villager he will then be converted into a zombie villager end up back in the minecart and go down to the bottom here that little wards a stream system you see I actually got from puffy fish HQ I'll put a link to his tutorial down in the description because it's super smart next we have a dispenser this filled up with these potions of weakness we hit that button it gets fired out and then it goes straight into our zombie villager and then all we have to do is cure him up and he will turn back into a villager but all of the trades should be considerably cheaper hmm when he turned back into a villager he actually he managed to fall through the floor his traits are pretty good though more development is needed to be honest I think just having a block underneath the block that the minecart is on seems to work because if I power this minecart right now he kind of pops out and he's straight off alright this looks like the system that we're going to be using and I've wasted absolutely no time I've constructed it on the Hermit graph server so here it is in all of its glory looking rather lovely in the central section here the only thing that we need to do now is actually get our zombie in place he's going to be going in this tiny little spot right here and we also need to get him a sharpness 5 so I feel so lucky then it has been a bit manic as you can see but I've managed to find a zombie who can pick up I am literally just as somebody slept from the bed oh but he's fallen in the water no he can't swim I try my best to remove the water so he can surely live and doesn't turn into a drowned move on the way Pig move I feel like a fight you're losing Bertolli come on dude you can make it yes I actually managed to do it oh my goodness me I'm really hoping this works because otherwise I'm going to have to kill a lot of villagers yes yes yes after a little bit and by that I mean a lot more finagling and this thing is now all connected up to this system so hopefully if I hit this button here we should see a villager it gets removed then pops up over there that's not good after a ton more finagling we have finally managed to transport a villager into this location so if I decide I like his trades then I power that this guy does not have the sword that he needs to have but it still worked we did okay fine that is one sharp stick you have there mister that was that was impressive with all that infrastructure in place I'm not going to go afk overnight gather up a whole ton of iron so when I come back tomorrow we can get a bunch of emeralds one sleep later that is not bad nine double chests of iron ingots that's going to convert into a whole bunch of emeralds sorry old trading hall you served me well sort of you kind of served me well but it's time for you to go looking back it didn't really serve me that well but it's really so I've been looking into a few different villager trading Hall designs and this one by captain Wu tax seems to be the most interesting I'll put a link to it down in the description his scowl has also constructed it on the hermit craft server and it essentially uses double carpets to stop the villagers from pathfinding so we can have all of these guys next one another they're not going to steal each other's workstations this thing is 100% reliable now captain Wu taxes design normally has a pillager at the end so the villager gets scared runs to the workstation and goes straight into the system but because my design is so long I think it's about 24 blocks long the pillagers Ranger is only 15 so that's not actually going to work from my design so I've been testing out out with just general pathfinding and placing in a villager and seeing how long he takes to get there and it doesn't actually seem to be that slow you can see this guy's wandering across and then he ends up in his little spot which I mean that that's not a long period of time given that every single villager that comes into this system has to be converted into a zombie which takes around about seven or eight minutes I think so they've got plenty of time to decide whether or not they're actually going to walk into their villager trading station what is this what is what what I seem to be being campaigned to be mayor what me me is there a different Mambo on the server who wants to be mayor that's definitely my moustache there that's definitely referring to me it's something what happened how you met they're everywhere but I haven't even a I don't have any of the credentials to be a mayor I don't even know what mayor would do what does it me do who's responsible for this this is the most confused I've ever been I didn't even know how McGruff needed a mayor well but then what's happening what's happening what I can't be the mayor of hermit craft I don't even oh oh gosh I'm panicking just gonna I'm gonna buy my wall and I'm gonna be out of here okay because I'm I'm scared I mean I wouldn't mind big do I want to be mad I don't even know what genuinely don't know what they would do oh my goodness is anyone else campaigning to be there or am I the only am I currently the only candidate am I going to be there by default by accident well on this plane accident someone else is running me for but what is happening this is all very very odd very odd indeed anyway back over at my village area I'm just about getting done with this side of the villager trading hall so that is I mean that is look how many booths there how many villages we're gonna have in here and all of them with super cheap iron trades we are gonna be getting all the emeralds but we are going to be overflowing with emeralds now we just need all the trapdoors that are going to keep the villages in place so they actually slot into their little areas that should be good and then the fence gates and that is everything done and look look at the difference I mean I must admit as always constructing this thing I was thinking it's probably not going to look as good but now it looks a million times cooler and also just so much more futuristic I mean if I fly up here look how look how serious business that side looks that's like it's not messing around this looks like it's from the sixteenth century this side looks like it's come from the 21st now I'm just trying to work out my minecart situation let's see where we land here so we go up like this and we get popped out perfectly in the right location okay so the villager will pop out walk across like that and they will all end up in their booth this is this is very good news this is all going really nicely my inventory has just been so full of junk throughout this entire process the problem is all of its actually useful stuff all of it stuff that I need for this project but it's just it's it's impossible to deal with and I realize as I did that clip where I said I needed everything I had three dirt in my inventory I mean that's that's not the best advert you know there is some crafting recipes that no matter how long I've played minecraft I forget how to do them and fermented spider eyes a 100% one of those things how long have they been in the game I still don't know of course they require mushrooms and you would not believe the distances I've had to travel to find these gigantic mushrooms here there must be an easier way to get large amounts finally after going on very many expeditions we are now ready to actually cure up this dude who's been sat here for probably the past 15 hours so that shoot the potion of weakness and that should do the trick I just thought he's gonna pop out that minecart isn't he he's gonna pop out that minecart he's gonna walk off and he's gonna do something glass block has been installed right now we now we wait I guess well I guess one thing that we can do is upgrade this guy's stick so I'm going to chuck him this sharpness 4 diamond sword that I got from end busting now I've got to be very careful because I imagine if he hits me with that that's bad news we have a villager we have a villager he's chill now facing minecart look he's looking a little bit down in the dumps if I hit this button right here he's been picked up by the minecart he travels across he's been assigned a workstation already where is it that one or has he pathfinder debt ah see this could be an issue because he might actually lock onto one hmm we might have to do a little bit of testing there no seems like this is his workstation he seems pretty happy with it so let's actually trade up a few bits of coal and I really really hope that this guy has an iron trade ah I'm sorry dude and because I can't actually kill him by by killing with my sword of my axe that will affect my villagers score I've come up with this horrible way that he has to die now I mean that is just it feels wrong it feels wrong Oh anyway I guess now I should probably try my best to fill up this thing so let's do a quick time-lapse and said quick time-lapse actually ended up taking two hours and at the end of the two hours I ended up with maybe seven I think eight potential villagers in there I mean I kind of didn't really expect that to happen I genuinely thought I'll just be able to fill this thing up so easily but you have to remember you know these villagers some of them they don't have the iron trade so I have to kill those off and then of course there's like the 10-minute waiting time of curing up the villager from being a zombie so if you do get an iron trade you then have to stand around and wait it's it's not the fastest it's not the fastest of processes but we do now have a handful of iron trader villagers so that means with eight eight times twelve times two we can get a decent amount of emeralds per day I'm not gonna do the math in my head we can get a decent amount of emeralds per day from our iron farm and I guess as the season goes along we can gradually fill it up I've got to say one thing though this design is working wonderfully apart from when I accidentally send zombies through into the system and then freaked out because obviously they start attacking my villagers apart from that okay it's it seems to be working fantastic and all of these are rockin cheap trades in fact why am I just right-clicking on them I should probably actually try getting myself some emeralds I mean look how easy this is can you imagine what is going to be like when we have to sighs of these 48 villagers all offering up these trades at the cheap prices I'm going to rolling in emeralds oh well that explains a lot I was wondering why I wasn't getting any new villagers coming up my village operator I've been trying to troubleshoot this problem I kid you not oh that how could I have not noticed that the villagers there are humans we do in the breeding have gone missing that's an obvious flaw thankfully I do still have two villagers cooped up in this area here so all this talk lost I can fix it but I'll do that a little bit later on first I want to quickly head over to the industrial district this area is looking suitably disgusting thanks all work in the previous episode of hermit craft and I've been thinking a lot about why I'm actually going to do with this area and I thought I would actually start templating out some things getting some notes down of what farms I want to build and actually start working out where things are officially going to go we're talking blocks on the floor here blocks on the floor you say blocks on the floor you say that sounds important no I did why did that I don't I don't know I have been playing a lot of Minecraft today and I've been steadily going crazy thanks to all the villager bits now I'll level with you this took a lot longer than I can say I've made so many mistakes but I've worked out the central point of this area here you can see there's some stone bricks over there so they point towards the middle so I guess we'll connect those two things up and then build up like a central section so we know exactly where the middle is that was an incredibly long-winded way of saying I found the middle of the square and I'm gonna build something in the middle of this square and it's just going to be another square I mean that that's also this is where my storage system is going to be going that's going to be dropping down into the ground now we need to start mapping out where each one of the farms are going to go what farms do I actually want in the industrial district I think I have this situ all fully mapped out okay so here we have water streams not really a farm realize now yeah these aren't farms but this is where all of the items are Ganci flowing in so we're going to have items flowing from this side and items flying in from this side all going into the central storage system which you can see signpost it there and then over here these are all the big strip farms okay so we've got bamboo and then we have got sugarcane and then this one here is ma pumpkin now what do I mean by strip farms all of these are ones that are long so they're going to be right or all the way across the full length of the industrial district and they're going to be making use of flying machines to actually work next up I have got this area here which I've got mainly mapped out so we've got a cactus farm in this big space here so that is from that corner into that corner I have got a bone meal base flower farm so things like sunflowers red roses and all that sort of thing that will go in that area absolutely tiny this is a regular flower and seed farm here once again that one's pretty small this area here is for the netherwart farm which is actually a manual farm so I guess I'll gradually have to make my way through that thing this gigantic zone right here is the TNT blast zone so this is for automatic concrete makers the wood farm and also the cobblestone generator you can see that goes right the way over to that edge and actually also I've got a kelp area here as well so this is going to be for the dried kelp so that's all good and then in this space this is the villagers own so obviously we have the Emerald factory over by the iron farm we're also going to have another emerald factory in the industrial district which is going to be converting the melons and pumpkins and things like that into emeralds - all that's left now is this big gap here and I honestly don't know what to do with it I suppose I could make a honey farm I don't actually know how those work entirely so I'd have to look into how to do that but I'd like you to be vertical you see all of the farms that I'm laying out here they're all going to be pretty tall even the ones on that side they're going to be multi-layered and I kind of want to make just like a gigantic almost like a cube or farms and the reason that I'm thinking about this so much doing so much planning is because I want it to be perfect I don't want to have anything messed up or think of anything like down the lion pin I wish I had done that differently no I want everything to be perfectly in place I want to have space for everything and I want everything to be interconnected Oh also I feel like I should mention there is going to be a gigantic mob farm somewhere up in the sky above this thing as well that's going to be dropping items through - right I think that's enough of the industrial district that let's head back over to the villager area and actually sort out their situation I mean I don't even know what happened here well they were they struck by lightning that doesn't even make any sense I don't understand I guess I'll just transport them back over by boats I mean that tends to be a pretty good way to go I've just hopped in the boat that hasn't worked cool what a fantastic addition to the game two things in one boat really was like um do you remember the days before this I don't like the fact that boats get stuck so easily though that's that's one problem this poor poor village is just gradually getting dismantled over time I mean I'm removing the last two members right now this whole village has been completely ruined our villager has been moved into position and now I'm just in the process of pushing him up to where he needs to go this is always a tiny bit precarious and we did have some fatalities last time but we literally can't afford a fatality this time so I'm really not all of this goes the plan if it doesn't we're I'm probably gonna cry a bit all right well he did something stupid didn't he did something stupid he's just gone straight off the edge and that's a real problem I don't know how to get him to stay in there surely he can't go anywhere stupid now oh thank goodness for that for no reason I mean he went in totally the wrong direction somehow ended up in there and just got loaded with potatoes he's been hoarding up those potatoes when he in to give them to somebody for what looks like months and he just offloaded as soon as that guy landed former villagers let thank goodness you arrived I've heard my pockets for months they've been wearing me down I did it I managed to get them in place they haven't done anything stupid I'm now feeling I'm now feeling a lot more positive we've got ourselves a village breeder we've got the Emerald Factory we are set and ready to be incredibly wealthy Hermits anyway I really do hope that you enjoyed this homograft episode I'll catch you in the next one see ya I cannot wait to get my moustache back at some point I wonder when that will be I wonder how long I'm gonna stay like this because I always forget I press f5 and then I'm briefly horrified by what appears on my screen but it's it's like a visceral reaction I'm oh whoa what the earth has happened there and then I remember it's a mess cheers tango
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,906,002
Rating: 4.9712901 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft 7: Episode 19 - The EMERALD GENERATOR, Hermitcraft 7, EMERALD GENERATOR, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 19, Hermitcraft Season 7, Hermitcraft server, Hermitcraft Minecraft, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Minecraft, Mumbo Minecraft, mumbo jumbo minecraft, mumbo hermitcraft, Mumbo jumbo hermitcraft, mumbo hermitcraft 7, industrial iron farm, iron farm, villager trading hall, Industrial District, Minecraft Automatic Farms, Automatic Farms, Mumbo makes
Id: MRUrxEtZItk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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