Hermitcraft 7: Episode 8 - MY SHOP IS WEIRD

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the homograft server's got a bit wild I'm I'm standing in an area that is filled with the severed heads all of members of the server the head games have begun and and well I kind of feel a bit bad because I'm on the noncombatant site right but I kind of want to be a part of this can I join late I think I'm going to join late I mean I'm a tiny bit terrified because it only started very recently and already this mayhem has ensued now apparently the only thing that I have to do is write my name on this side of the wall and that that means that I can now be killed for my head apparently though my head has already done the rounds on the server so that's good I never thought I'd say this but I am thankful I'm very thankful for wandering traders right now because that's the only way that people could have got my head right where should I put my diamonds then I want to buy I want to buy 400 blocks in the shopping district because I can't with an idea for a shop that you think is going to be quite cool so maybe we put them out the back here is that good enough have I broken any rules please tell me I haven't broken any rules having taken a look around I've concluded that this spot right here in this kind of zone is is perfect so we need to build up a 20 by 20 square or some form of divisible or 400 blocks and then we'll be sorted property or bumbo big bucks Baggins not Baggins begins begins that was the weirdest clip I think I've ever recorded in my life now we are going to be going back over to the shopping district at some point later on in the episode to work on my shop idea but I have been I've been non-stop thinking about what I'm going to do with my base alright it's been it's been on my mind a lot so I feel like we should try our best to make it a little bit more progress on this thing I've got a lot of jungle clearing to do because I mean if we look if we look at this thing it's quite a big space so we need to clear out all of the area around it we need to drop down this ox are gone right here so that it's actually on the floor level so we can start working out how that's going to function and then I kind of want to start doing some block pallet tests which is definitely going to be interesting I want to feel so bad and I have to give my Hobbit hilltop a shave maybe maybe I leave that okay because I can't imagine this without all of that bamboo we're barely even halfway done and this is how much wood I've managed to get that is nuts this is a big space another hour has passed and this this is what we still have I don't understand I filled three chests with wood blocks isn't it is the jungle just re grubbing as I'm taking it out I think the big issue is is that there's just so many leaf blocks around so I'm just I'm just gonna do some bushwhacking for a while you know I think it was in the previous episode that I said that doing this was one of the most satisfying things in Minecraft it I was definitely wrong I've been doing it for the past four hours and it's it's well and truly got old and the jungles still here and I've used a stack of iron blocks just on jeers alone that's crazy anyway these two trees are the final two trees that are left in my jungle so this is it these should be the final leaf blocks Diane she have in this area and if we fly out I have to say it does look quite impressive but now that we fly around it's made me realize actually I have done yeah I've done quite a lot there that's a lot I don't know how I thought that was only gonna take like an hour that that's what I had in my head okay anyway let's get away from the base building stuff for the time being and start working a different project I've received a message from green just saying tagged to electric boogaloo tag to electric boogaloo I mean I mean I saw his thumbnail the other day it seems like tag has started again but water earth is electric boogaloo does this mean there's going to be dance move so I've heard dance moves involved I kind of hope that there's dance moves involved also as you can quite clearly see I can't find any space to put my logs in these because my storage system is filled with logs and leaves I've just bought some fire white rockets from the shopping district I don't for notice I think I'm liable the wrong fire see how this looks I mean it's not even impressive looking anyway having put up with that for right about 4000 blocks I am now over here in the gravel biome I'm picking this up so I she start making myself some concrete because we're going to need it for the store that I want to build there's the thing it looks like people have already been to this gravel biome because this is some of the only gravel left I mean there's a few spots over there but for the most part it looks pretty cleared out oh for goodness sake that's not what I wanted to see now that I've flown all the way that's always depressing no I'm honestly not 100% certain what colors I'm going to use for this so I'm going to grab a handful and I guess we'll try out different ones I'm just I'm actually removing all the flowers out from in front of my base which you know could probably do is from clearing up at some point as much as I love that bouncy castle I think it might be time for it to go it has been a while since I've had to do this it's been a while and it's more satisfying I remember actually I've gotten used to having to do the TNT stuff and things like that and thinking be wrong that is pretty cool this view is also very me now I am struggling just a tiny pond how much you're going to build like the main shell of this thing so the idea is is that there's going to be a structure I guess made out of stone bricks and stone or the smooth stone that we have in the middle here we'll have the main structure and then our concrete is going through wrapping around and we're gonna have a lot more colors than this I think yeah I think that's a wise move and trust me I will explain my ID if the store in a second I'm sure all of you are a little bit confused but now the actual structure is all completed and I would say looks pretty cool I always like the feeling of the texture in the builds I always like that look of like the notch enos and the different textures and then the gap between them and stuff like that I personally like it and I just you know hear me I like symmetrical nurse I like I like repeating patterns this is very much a me build but as you can see we've got some arrows on the front here so I've got two interesting things to explain him out this shop because this shop is very different from a lot of the other shops that are on the server so first things first this shop isn't going to be sticking around this is essentially a pop-up shop to make the most out of the diamonds that I've spent on this plot I am going to tear down this shop once I feel like has run its course and that's what I'm gonna do with my shops so I could have all the shop ok and then when I feel like you know the shops kind of done its thing I'm gonna tear that shop down and build another shop it's place so you've got very limited availability here the next thing that I want to explain is the arrows okay now the reason I've got the arrows on this shop is because it represents how you actually pay you see the deal in this shop is amazing all right because I'm essentially going to be giving away the items in here there is going to be one set of items available in this shop and the first person who comes to the shop will be able to get those items for free however however it comes with the stipulation that they then have to pass a good deed on to another player so say for example green walks into this shop and he decides he wants to take the chocolate box okay and this sugar box it's filled to the brim with really good stuff much much better than the stuff that's currently in my sugar box what you would then do is take the sugar box away remove all of the items from the shoulder box but then refill the sugar box with a bunch of good stuff to give to someone else so for example here you give a bunch of terraforming supplies to scarce Kyle would then take those items out of the shoulder box and refill the sugar box with a bunch of good stuff himself so you could perhaps give redstone supplies to s cow is scale then take the redstone supplies fill up the show blocks with slime and give them to tango and you get the idea this shoulder box should be passed around the server with a bunch of different good deeds I really hope that makes sense hopefully it makes sense I feel like it makes sense and I think it could be quite interesting because I've never really done anything like this before cool that's enough rambling let's actually get back to work on building it and I have for all of the arrows in place now wrapping around the building and they do look cool it's an interesting concept for a build but there's something not quite right so I'm trying out adding in some stained glass between each one of the arrows just so it kind of breaks up a little bit because this isn't it just isn't quite right it feels like there needs to be something between the pair of them if you get what I mean this is really tricky build I'm really really struggling here I've spent a long time on this that has made a pretty huge difference though this is definitely an interesting looking store okay so it's not gonna win any like Beauty Awards I have to beat the press and when you see builds like that and you're like geez that just looks fantastic this is definitely a very different kind of story it is unique though it is unique okay and and it says exactly what the store does so I would say that we have been successful yeah yeah are you know what I'm gonna say that we've been successful alright we I can often beat myself up okay you know what I'm like I never refer to myself as a builder I'm definitely not a builder okay and I would say we have taken a unique and interesting concept and actually managed to bring it into reality and that is something to be proud of cool okay we still have to do the inside but I think I'm gonna go to bed so good night and after AFK overnight we got very little iron because of this guy this guy right here now this is actually happened before and I have to say I tried to troubleshoot this because sometime this morning I eventually ended up calling our best gal because he knows a lot more about mechanics than me essentially he laughed at me there's a solid block in this system right here this block right here how could I not notice that so the iron golem just spawns there and chills there and then shuts down the entire iron farm I worry about myself sometimes I really do especially because I opened up the call by saying that iron golems can't spawn in water so I don't understand why he's in there when my literal spawning platforms are covered in water the whole farm relies on just I give up and now tangos in my base that's a good thing I like tango a lot Mambo how are you yeah not too bad not too bad I'm curious as to how you got in I just kind of came came up through here and just saw you [ __ ] a hobbit hole one of the hobbit holes yeah so hey I have a task for you or a request I should say if you're okay with it yeah yeah well it depends what it is but yeah yes give me your head so yeah I'm doing a little thing with Zenith okay we're doing a kind of blind II build off and we need some permits to donate some buildable blocks and/or items or nonsense so if I could get you to put 20 unique buildable items in that shelter 20 you know 20 unique yes do they have to be are we talking so say for example if I put like a chest in here and then when you say unique items so I can't just put like 26 iron blocks with that go down as a unique item or you just knitting 120 individual items that are all different yes well I suppose I've kind of got the ball rolling here I guess yeah chess and iron block they're perfectly bad now this is perfect [Laughter] they're indistinguishable they really really are they really really are in fact actually while we're on the topic of why not those are worth points right there yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah no I'm actually giving you points for that for the head grant chili I made my way through the list and eventually managed to get myself 20 blocks in the Shocker box as far as block pallets go this is probably the worst I need to build the 2-headed minecart thing I'm okay anything else having trouble yeah this is yeah that's a problem um what else what can be the final thing make it count yep okay some granite it's probably my least favorite that's fine all right yeah of the blocks so there we go that is amazed that is beautiful that's that's an amazing magical combination alright so step 2 now is right I need you to write a thing that can be built in minecraft like kind of a silly thing to build in Minecraft right I need you to put your name at the end of it as well so you know card - mumbo that's a predictable I can understand car understand why you do that I have actually I've come up with an idea because I feel like this might be the first time one of these has ever been built in Minecraft so blended I'm honestly not 100% certain how you spell it though so let me know great so yeah we're gonna put all these papers we're getting different papers from all the rooms we're gonna put them into your dispenser to press a button and a random one will come out so if we pick yours I'll I'll bring the results back in the screen I feel sorry for you I've put it I've put it in there okay are you allowed to look [Music] yeah I think I think yeah that's gonna be interesting especially with the broad palette that I provide yeah I know her greens heads going was interesting I really can't wait to see the end result of that build-off that sounds hilarious anyway we are now back over at the shopping district continuing work on our store and I have to say I've I've done a little bit of work on the details I've removed all of the iron blocks from the bottom and I've kind of given this thing a proper base I've cleaned up I've just cleaned up a tiny bit and it has made it probably four times better like when I left last night I was like I think the stores okay but it's I'm not so sure on it whereas now I actually think I think this thing looks really really cool and I we also have an interior for this thing and I've got to say I've been panicking about lighting this thing up properly and I've been panicking about the area around it as well thinking that there's gonna be mobs attacking all the time I've just remembered I'm in a mushroom biome nothing spawns in here and that's really interesting because it means that you can start playing with light and dark in your build so I'm not necessarily saying that I've done it with this build at all but we can actually start having some moody moody dark builds in this area that's gonna be that's gonna be pretty sweet anyway this is what I've currently got I quite like the idea of the water going around the outside it's fairly open plan simply because there's not really going to be too much in here I think these might be some of the first squid that I've actually seen in hermit craft season seven wow that guy actually have squid changed the squid no look this guy is off I have never run into issues with squid escaping is this a recent addition to the game am I going crazy here anyway the reason that I'm out of here squid hunting is because I need to make a book and quilts he died he was chilled that's squid any of this hilarious but of course the reason I need a book and quill is so I can write out how this store is used because this what this does a bit of a weird one isn't it and I've made a very very slight change so the way that the store works that I think actually makes it a lot better and I can promise you I've rewritten this book about 15 times I'm struggling so much with the wording it says welcome to the pastor on store the contents of this barrel are free to take woo-wee fish knows the least energetic woo apologize everyone with one condition you must refill the barrel with items you think other players will find useful so as an example the bowel is filled with enchanted books and tools you then take those items and refill the barrel with redstone supplies the next person takes the redstone supplies and fills it with sugar boxes and so on this store operates in good faith meaning you should always try to replace the existing items with items of equivalent value feel free to get creative basically don't fill it with that happy trading mumbo so instead of having to pass on the shogi box to specific players what I thought would be better is if this barrel actually stays within the store and you refill the barrel with things that you find useful then people can pop into the store see what's in the barrel if it tickles their fancy they can take the items and fill it with something else that the other players the hermit craft server might find useful I like this idea is essentially like a centralized trading post it seems it seems cool to me let's see how well it goes hopefully we don't get a barrel full of dirt oh and I feel like it's worth mentioning I'm not actually going to make any diamonds all of this I'm not going to earn anything from this shop I just think is an interesting concept to play around with on the hermit craft server anyway as you can see my barrel currently reads work-in-progress that's because I actually need to fill it up with items and I need to work out what would be good as the first barrel right this is what I've got so far we've got iron blocks I'm gonna have two stacks of sea lanterns don't worry I'm not gonna cheap out on them like that we've also got all of the supplies to make eight stacks of concrete mending books silk touch books with emerald spear good things put in there I mean I thought I'd just kind of mix and match with all sorts of different things I mean these emeralds are going to pay for diamond armor for the time being but I think anything left over could be good it's just this is the first shocker box it has to be good what we think of what we think in this looks nice I feel like we need a few more emeralds maybe maybe 32 on each side so then it's a full stack in total then we have four more slots and after deliberating for quite some time I think I now have the finalized barrel so this this is what it looks like it looks impressive doesn't it when you open up that barrel there's like alright ok so I think I think you know we've got firework rockets in here now and we've got some nether calls we've got diamonds too I mean this is this is a box and a half so this is incredibly useful to pick up and obviously the thing that the next person swaps in is also gonna be really interesting to see I'm genuinely curious what someone puts into this barrel now I thought before I head back to my base I will just quickly see how these letters fit on top of the build and to my luck they actually they're framed perfectly within the structure so let's see how they actually look on they're obviously not sure is it because they need to drop all the way down I mean this ah I don't know that's I was really expecting that to look a lot better yeah that was the problem now they go all the way down to the bottom it looks and she looks like a solid fit she looks really cool that looks really cool for some reason he reminds me of wreck-it Ralph I don't know why it just has a wreck-it Ralph vibe I can't stop flying up into the sky and looking at it I I can't help myself nice this is transformed into a unique little shop and as I say can't wait for people to start using it and you know earlier on in the episode I said that thing about pop-up shops I honestly don't know if I could remove this anymore we might have to rethink that idea I like the idea I like the idea a lot but then I also really like this store a lot and I would feel bad removing it and I also just like the concept of the store as well I'm interested to see where it goes hmm anyway there's something that I want to do quickly as you all know scar is a customer of Karuma enterprises and he seems very happy with his koo kumba vault in fact he transformed it recently yeah it's now become a cocoon der because grain keeps stealing his doors I wonder how that's happened anyway I'm bringing a new product to the market soon which is called the kaboom huh and I personally think he will be interested in it so I thought I'd leave a message for him hopefully he gets back to me soon anyway coming back to my wasteland and it definitely is a wasteland first off how did I think this was only goods take about 40 minutes to clear what planet was i living on but most importantly yeah it's looking fairly loggy at this point in time so I should probably do something about that will that make an entertaining time-lapse I feel like that could actually make an entertaining time-lapse yeah let's do it let's do it let's do a third-person time-lapse you can watch all of the stumps quickly get removed from my landscape essentially ended up being a relatively quick job it only took about half an hour to get all of the stumps removed and it's added another 5 stacks of Lok's I have so many logs now but I actually can't fit them in my storage system I'm overflowing with wood is ridiculous anyway popping back onto the server now or not as the case may be you can see right here authentication service has gone down so now I logged out the server just Ifill doing that time lapse and from there nope can't play online III can't play online my skin is not being fetched so this is not this is not the end that I was expecting for this homograft episode but it's been a fun one I hope you enjoyed it and I'll catch you in the next video see ya and actually on the topic of skins and things sometimes I think about how how my entire youtube channel has been based around that skin that I found by chance if you look at the start of my youtube channel I didn't have this skin that I use i just i literally searched moustached businessman and that's how I got my minecraft skin how strange is that
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,593,613
Rating: 4.9731197 out of 5
Keywords: Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Minecraft, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Hermitcraft Season 7, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft Season 7, Hermitcraft Seaon 7, Hermitcraft, HERMITCRAFT SHOP, Hermitcraft shopping district, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 8, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 8 - MY NEW... SHOP!?, Mumbo Hermitcraft Episode 8, Mumbo Season 7 Episode 8, MY NEW... SHOP!?, Hermitcraft Shop, Mumbo HC
Id: MdpZuof64iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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