Hermitcraft 7: Episode 25 - DIAMOND MINER

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so about mumbo for mayor t-shirt Is there an option to deliver it to Russia?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gr1zel 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
mumbo ferment t-shirts are now available if you want to support the Mambo from a cause then there's a link down the description you can grab one for yourselves I personally absolutely love them I think they're really really cool so please do check them out anyway on with the episode diamonds in Minecraft people care about them a lot it doesn't matter that I've got an enormous base it doesn't matter that I've got an industrial district with huge automatic farms it doesn't matter that I've got a villager trading Hall automatic iron farms and all that area all done and dusted people in the comments judge me for the number of diamonds that I have now did I sell my most nations--and mic my clothes and my hair for diamonds yes I did yes I did I was struggling at the time okay but currently you know I have I have nearly three stacks of diamonds I thought that was okay but people people still blast me down in the comment section for being a poor hermit so we're gonna change that at the start this episode somebody fetch me my jukebox and my chart record [Music] well as always that was fun that little mining session got ourselves nearly nine stacks of diamonds we also got tons of tons of redstone we got coal a little bit of lapis as well and boatloads of cobblestone which I know isn't that useful because I now have a cobblestone farm but hey it's handy to have lying around so thank goodness I am now no longer the poor Hermits on the hermit graph server but just because I think this frame of reference is entertaining building up the outline of this that's not including the resource gathering of it that's not including any other white stuff just a gray part building it up and getting it structurally correct took longer than that entire mining session so that should give you a rough idea of how colossal this project is and I start referring to my projects and how long in diamonds it would take to actually construct them like this base project so far has probably taken around about 150 stacks of time ins to actually build and now let's add a bunch more stacks to that building process that was an incredibly smooth segue wasn't it we're gonna be working on the base today I want to try my best to get I mean I you know I just want to get some things on there's so many projects that needs to be done with this base it's kind of difficult to know what to do next because obviously we need to build up all the terraforming and essentially build up the hill so it meets with the bottom of this thing that's quite important we need to actually do the inside of this thing we need to fill up all the towers we actually need to make this a structure we need to build on top of the arches because you haven't got any of those yet there's still there's a lot left to do and I'm panicking goodness me that was unexpected a creeper just drop down through the middle of my base and just jettisoned me out um okay if I lost anything god I'm having a bad time I've probably died about eight or nine times in this episode so far only about three minutes in I I see so correctness was online during pretty much all of my mining session yesterday and that obviously I've come in this morning and instantly time clearly he's uh yeah he's decided he needs to protect me anyway first things first I'm just gonna start chucking in the blocks okay I've been agonizing for round about the pass hour-and-a-half over what I'm going to do with this area here and I've decided I'm just gonna start placing the blocks we're gonna see how everything looks and I'm going to start making this bottom area look a little bit more solid now I will say I really really like the cyan terracotta here that's a new block that we haven't really used in the rest of the build but I think it fits in quite nicely with this area it's a tiny bit darker it's a nice smooth kind of texture and I think when that gets built up to full height it will look really really cool I would say we need almost like a punch that's how I scoured refer to it as like a contrast color I haven't really thought of what would be a good one yet I mean it's it's difficult building is difficult my brains are not wired for it I'm not sure on this now I'm not sure on this I feel like there's just two different build styles that's very uniform and then this is very messy I don't think that works another one and a half hours of agonizing later I have a plan I have a plan I have a plan I know I'm going to do I think I think it should look good I think it's going to look cool I mean how could it not look cool I'm going to extend the archery backwards it's going to have it's just gonna look good I think I'm willing that into existence but if I keep telling the universe that it's going to look good then the universe will make it look good now that we're decently rich it has got me thinking I wonder if I should invest in some extra plots of land you know obviously I've got my little bit store which we can we can switch around and we can add a different store in there at some point when I think of something else to sell but I kind of really like the idea of building up some form of absolutely enormous ridiculous store just something absolutely massive something needlessly gigantic that is over the top are we running through ideas in my head over the next couple days as to what we can do with that but I just want to say I can't believe I never thought to do this now the idea that you would have this enormous structure and then the archway would only be one block deep of course that's gonna look strange as soon as I've added some beef into this it looks like a million times better so I'm going to extend it back a little bit further now I think I'm just gonna create like a great hallway in the center right let's spin around that looks cool that looks cool so I've put kind of almost bit of a bevel or an indent on this thing oh that looks so Mecca I mean I wasn't really planning I mean I wonder if we make all of them like the three tiers of this thing almost a little bit like this where you can see through I mean I don't know I I honestly don't know I'm really flying by the seat of my pants here because I'm just building this free and as I go and coming up with the ideas as I go but I like this a lot I always feel like I should extend it a little bit further what I want to do is I want to create almost a central octagon so another octagon in the middle right here which is going to be the central section and this is also going to run all the way up to the top I would have thought so we're going to get a massive sense of scale in the center here so I want to make sure that I don't make that too small because we don't want it to be like a pipe I'd quite like it to be like a big grand hall type thing but I also I don't want to make it I don't want to make it too big so it feels totally empty in here either way as I'm sure you can tell I'm pretty excited I'm pretty excited about this one alright so each and every single one of these has now been constructed we now have ourselves four solid looking archways running into the center here which is fantastic I actually haven't looked at this thing from the outside just yet I imagine not much has changed but it does look cool now from whatever angle you're kind of looking at it from now as I was building this I did think I should probably do some ruining to the inside of these at some point soon a little bit how I did a little bit like how I did the outside of this thing I guess I've built it flat and then eventually I am going to ruin it but I'm going to put that to the back of my mind for the time being because now I want to work on this central hallway and oh gosh I'm really trying my best to think about how I'm gonna do this I mean I really like the idea of almost going up like a cone almost that is one that were require a lot of testing because I want to make sure I nail that so I decided to concentrate my time instead into the flooring part and this took so much longer than I to admit we were we were if we're going to go back to the diamond scale probably around about six tanks of diamonds just because there's nothing there but I went through so many different things and I tried out so many different styles none of them worked for the concept is is I'm gonna have a walkway over the top of a life filled Center so that's going to be Ward said there's going to be things sprouting out there's going to be things hanging from the ceiling it's gonna look beautiful when I do it all right and there's all gonna cascade into like a void hole in the center this gun's branch off into the world of various areas my base is gonna look awesome okay it really is but currently my brain is frazzled my brain when it comes to building is like a prune okay it's just it's just a crumpled piece of paper and if I keep building it's going to fire up my head and into the bin which isn't good so I'm gonna do something else and that's something else is have a chat with grumble I'm sure that will make me feel better oh and it looks like Green has supplied grumble with a little bear budget so I guess I should probably do the same i mean i'll pile up let's say seven diamond blocks on this side right here is that enough budget I mean that seems like it would be a good amount of budget that's amazing I think is quite clear who the driver behind this campaign is you have to remember I didn't ask to be mayor okay I didn't ask to be a part of this I would say my donation it's plenty good enough anyway let sources do a question okay we'll find out what we actually need to do next because I feel like you know we still don't really have a plan I've provided it with budget so so what do we do next all right so let's let's do this boot load the brain flood the Merrill reservoir and poof all right he's going on sir and he's so temperamental why is he angry about this one I've already answered that when did he answer that is that what great waiter is what great a stand he doesn't want to repeat it for me that's so ridiculous I paid you a diamond dude you can you can answer the same question as many times you like you getting paid every single time you have to answer could you on again I mean surely surely you can't take issue with that [Music] all right he's calculating he's calculating he's gone on sir and he's still angry I mean it's no surprise hey I see is no surprise fine Green lead up I paid a diamond for that answer I paid a diamond for him to tell me that I just need to find green top ah building grand what may have been a mistake this could have been a mistake oh for goodness sake I just joined I saw him he was there and now he's left again I have what's I can't disappoint grand BOTS like this I don't know what we'll do he has made a return and he is wearing a rather fancy t-shirts I want to ask if if Grumbach is responsible for this because I really want one of those that looks so good that looks so cool oh wow it's the full nine yards all right I I guess I need to get myself one of those then why do I kind of look like a superhero am I the only one who's seeing this I mean obviously you know I've got my I've got my fresh new t-shirt and looking good mumbo for mayor and all that fully tucked into the pants of course because the high pans have to stake why do I look like a superhero though I got full-blown superhero well if you wanna look like a superhero then you can also grab a mumbo from a t-shirt we are now sending them up with a link to it down in the description it's not a requirement to tuck them in quite so high into your trousers you can leave them totally untucked however if you do get a mumbo from a t-shirt please okay just for everyone find find your you're laughing just imagining this find your most old Manny pair of jeans that you own okay and just pull them right up high talk the t-shirt in and then send it to me on Twitter and Instagram because I will appreciate that massively absolutely massively and if you have a belt with a gold belt buckle then that is an extra step that I will hugely appreciate as I say Mambo from their t-shirts now available down in the description there's a link right there just give it a click and grab yourself some seriously now that I've said that though I cannot wait to see the pictures of people rocking this outfit I mean really I cannot wait that's gonna make my year it is now the next day and I cannot stop thinking about this space I cannot stop thinking about what I'm going to do in the middle here it's been stressing me out I want to get it done I have eight hours until I want to release this video so I'm going to work solidly on this thing for the next eight hours and we'll see what we can get now the reason I'm saying that is because there's a chance we'll get nothing there's a chance there it will just all look totally ugly and horrible but you'll know that I spent eight hours making that ugly horrible mess so hopefully you'll feel sorry for me down in the comment section first things first can level with you I'm not a big fan of these jungle wood walkways right here so I think I'm going to remove these and that will give us a slightly clean slate to work from that's much nicer I feel now an idea that I had last night is that potentially we could have another serve archways in the center here that almost acts as a centerpiece and then it's like archways between archways and things yeah I mean we can definitely give that a go now I feel like we should try our best to play off these ratios again so I've built up the outline of the archways to be in line with the size of these things that seems to kind of make sense to me and maybe that's something that we could continue forward in the future right the way up to the top where do we actually line up there that seems like it would line up with this which is quite interesting I'm sure there's a mathematical reason as to what that is I've finally done something that I'm feeling good about so I decided before I built up the center that I should probably build up the outside and this is nice now obviously it will require some ruining and I'm going to add some detail into it maybe even like a slightly inset bit potentially but I'm liking the look especially now that it's full height again let's build up the other three and we've just two of them in place this is looking totally wild already I'm loving this now everything is all built and constructed it looks pretty cool from up above but most importantly it also looks pretty cool from the center as well so it really gives us an idea of how tall this thing can go I'm thinking we actually leave this quite open and as mentioned earlier we kind of continued this hollowness going right the way up to the top although I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to do that I guess we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it for now I've been doing a lot of thinking about this central section and I actually think it could be quite interesting now that this is constructed and we always have this kind of diagonal square shape in the center here I think it might be interesting to actually build up our central piece diagonally as well then we can connect things up using archways I want all of you to just ignore the fact that I fell down into my base there this might just be the most sarcastic sign I've ever seen in Minecraft who did this who actually placed these my mind is going towards green but I don't know I really don't know anyway I've just built up the first central column and I actually went for something a little bit different than what I was kind of expecting and I'm curious now to see if it looks good I mean I tried my best to match it to this and it doesn't look like I have done that dude I mean why does that not look like that they're the same curve but it totally doesn't look like that's the same curve I'm also our okay so there'd be another one here that would go up and that would also match up with that curve ah I don't know if I like or dislike it I mean I think maybe I might try one that's just solid smooth stone maybe that's the problem that they don't match up maybe that will sell it a tiny bit more yeah I think this is a lot better the only thing that I will say is that cobblestone up at the top is horrible I think that might be the thing that's messing me up so smooth stone all the way across and then also build up the other half I desperately need some more proof this base I don't think there's been a clip I've recorded in like the past a couple hours that hasn't been ended with a mob approaching me all right this is cool yep yep yep yep yep I like this alright so we need to get each one of these in place and then I think we'll end up with actually a really solid looking area and most importantly we can actually start hanging things from this and start getting some decorations in vertically the shapes that we're ending up with up here are starting to look really really cool if I look straight down on this thing it's like a strange alien geometric look at this look at this as I'm sure you could tell from that clip I hadn't actually looked down I was kind of looking at it from standing on it and I was like this does look quite cool but soon as you fly up it looks even more crazy anyway this thing is now all built and constructed so we now have all of our archways in place we can get a feel for what this space is like I'm really really liking it I'm also weirdly liking this view probably the most that's not the view that I should be like in the most but everything looks nuts when you look at it from up here this looks super super cool and also it just gives me the feeling of how nuts this tower is going to look once it's actually all built upwards and we have the spire on the top I mean this is just it is mega this is absolutely mega if I thought my bases in the past were mega this just completely knocks them out the park so over the next couple days I'm going to put a lot of work into planning out what I'm going to be building on this floor level here I'm picturing bamboo leaves and everything like that cascading downwards and also once it again taking some inspiration from etho with the glazed terracotta hanging from the ceiling I just think that's such a cool idea so I'm going to play around with that and I just I really think that this central section could end up looking special and then I guess this place in the middle here really lends itself to basically what I've done with the IB BB which is just a drop through into the main area of my base so that's where all of the storage systems and all of the admins stuff is going to be going all the bits up at the top here are purely just for decoration and for sheer coolness and I definitely think that this base is winning in the sheer coolness Department so exciting times ahead I hope you've enjoyed this hermit craft episode it's been a lot of fun to record and I'll catch you in the next one see ya and now time for a little bit of shameless much promotion obviously if you don't want to support the member from hair campaign you can grab yourself some mumbo from their t-shirts down in the description it is worth pointing out that they are on Green Store but the profits are shared equally between the pair of us and I think they're really cool I just think they're cool and plenty of people have been saying it on Twitter and in the comments so you might as well say it on your chest as well
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,129,634
Rating: 4.9662695 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft, Hermitctaft minecraft, Minecraft SMP, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft season 7, Minecraft survival Multiplayer, Hermitcraft Survival, HC7, HC 7, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 25 - DIAMOND MINER, Mumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft 7, Minecraft diamond miner, diamond miner, huge progress, Mumbo mega base, Grian and Mumbo, MUMBO FOR MAYOR, GRUMBOT
Id: c02yTsPkonw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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