Hermitcraft 7: Episode 19 - THE DIAMOND THRONE

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The other hermits should advertise their campaign just as much as Mumbo and Grian- Cub would make a great mayor as well!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ILikeMaxisMatchCC ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Good bot

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/are-very-nice ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Rule #4: Please do not post new videos from Grianโ€™s channels

the post was made 6 hours ago at the time I am writing this, and Grianโ€™s video was posted 6 hours ago. Bruh. Who would make a bot do something like that? Also who would upvote something like that?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/silverbowartemis ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you know the jungles getting pretty insane we got ferry factory big custom trees even bigger tree we got tower we got spanner works over there and of course the giant mansion and a whole lot more work that needs to be done to it now today I would love to get this room settled into place because it's it's gonna be the main room of my base I will spend most of my time here and it's gonna have all of my items in and I really need to get going on this I keep putting it off now it's time to prepare I am going to go and gather a bunch of stuff let's go [Music] [Music] okay so we got a bunch of the Terra Cotta together and a bit of sandstone and we also have over here about a million chests I have no idea how many chests I need but this I don't think will even scratch the surface because you need hoppers and you need normal chests but something really really weird happened during this whole thing I was there cutting the trees maybe he saw a big gap in the time lapse where nothing happened hmm well I went over to scars face and I didn't say and I started recording and he was basically floating around I don't know what was going on he was just hopping and jumping and flying with no items whatsoever I tried killing him and he just flew back in it was so strange eventually it got sorted out though and I helped him and I cured scars villages now to get going on this I need to get some dye in order to make all of these terracotta cyan terracotta so let's say use the wizard fruit because I think it's my favorite way to travel and go to the shopping district zip all right and there's a special order double chests of both gravel and sand will pay for delivery let me know price oh boy have we not got enough of that here we've got one I mean I'll just take this 2x be this bit and gravel okay probably not enough gravel yeah we could we could do a little delivery and what we really came here for was welcome to color complete I think it's concrete and dyes so that's cool that was amazing that was absolutely amazing I thought I was dying okay so I need blue dye let's go one two three there we go four diamonds and then does it does this turn off when I leave oh my goodness okay I think we got what we need and now we can just quickly zip back to the base all right here we go so we can turn all this into scienter Akata and we can get started on bringing up the walls of this room I don't know what's gonna happen with this but we'll figure that out later on for now let's just start the time lapse and get this thing underway [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this room has been completely transformed admittedly it's a giant cube with absolutely no detailing or light but finally we have a proper space to work with now I have replicated this thing over to the left and that does present somes design challenges it might be an idea to have like a cave sort of sprawling out of this because it isn't meant to be underground after all I could just sort of continue this shape all the way down and it could be like a natural pillar not entirely sure the other option is to box it in and pretend like it doesn't exist but now this thing is really starting to get in the way so I'll leave this to collect one last time and then gotta say goodbye to this so this is where the item sort is going to be now I really wanted to start it today and maybe I will be able to a bit later on but I can't start it until I have the materials for it and it turns out you need a lot of hoppers and a lot of chests and a lot of knowledge I've know I've no idea I just saw that guy sneaking in the background I have no idea how to make an item sorter so I'm gonna have to do a bit of research as well and also in the time-lapse you may have noticed that Skaar helped me out with some more terrain I mean I did this stuff on the outside but he did like this this little bit here in the middle looking pretty cool and so it finally matches on the exterior check it out it's really starting to get symmetrical so what I'm gonna do is head over to mumbos iron farm he said I could use it when I needed to because yeah iron farms can be a bit laggy on the server so we're kind of sharing so what I'm gonna do is go over to his own farm oh my goodness I forgot about these things they're terrifying and and beautiful so I'm gonna leave my camera account here so that this can like load up loads of iron and then this will be what I use to make my item sorter so while this is loaded and slowly trickling in the iron I've heard from beaters and Skye and we are about to meet up to build the Town Hall which is very exciting so we're gonna zip over to the shopping district right now to go meet up with them that was quite an entrance there all right so guys we are we are here to hopefully build up the town hall you guys got my my letter my signs I did yeah yeah I got that but I'm also missing some things too okay so the Town Hall what we're gonna do is I've got a bunch of resources with me loads of bricks I got leather grass blocks hopefully what we need and what we need is a building big enough to put all of this in all of this diamond Daisy oh no careful all right then yeah we we can do that we should do that it's a diamond heist over here I think we need to be scared of it because we're gonna be moving this anyway we got to take all this down and move it over oh my have you ever tasted diamonds like just went up there and just give it a little lick no no no dude it's tasty just give it up give it a try no this is one of those wizard things hey you know you know don't don't believe me but I'm just gonna enjoy the taste of diamonds over here yeah you can lick that and then we'll build it do you want any of these sugar boxes for supplies should we choose a spot I was thinking behind the redstone shop cause it's like the only place that's got enough space yeah it's getting a little crowded here a bit disorganized a piggy quite frank and this might be your best spot that's kind of why we need someone from there and I'll tell you how I tell you what I guess I'm going to show you fellas oh wow what better man to organize the shopping district that's a really that's really nice shuttle this is the man that serves you you know wait a second is that as back head hair it's not actually the mustache is it's the mr. bargains - this is the one from the back of his head we're building the Town Hall and then hopefully we can get everyone to support Mambo really yes Sun is setting we have to my service to the community don't here we go hey you won't meet some dorms okay all right yeah let's start to build in the morning [Music] okay I'm out I'm out of punch range I'm not a puncher enjoy go go all right have a great night's sleep we're good Mahalo thank you hi can't be things really precarious perfect yes it's a wonderful morning it's time to build [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coming out six six hours later in one 600k that's a lot yeah yes look what we made together mmm I like it it's beautiful I really like I think we've we've left let's go have a look inside we've kind of left the interior up for imagination shall we say yeah yeah better we got this nice got this nice elevation it like kind of looks over the show oh wow look at that look at that view you're getting that's a beauty you get a good view of the shopping district but the highlight here is the diamond throne the seat of power this is forget mer this is what we're really after on the server right yes not the title we're after that we're after that the seat the diamond throne ah scar oh this is nice like you looked nice up there he blends in oh yeah I feel at home up here I like it I like it all you look at home up there don't get it don't get any ideas there we go that's right oh right for sure one one piece of facial hair that's gonna end up on that throne this is good I like this I like it we're all little delirious am i right yeah it's been a crazy long night but I really like how the the light comes down and hits just hits the diamonds everything else is dark thank goodness that this is on a mushroom island because otherwise there'd be there'd be mobs everywhere yeah yeah we've been investing the shopping district it'd be bad I think we should probably leave some I'll put some signs here later on explaining you know that you got to vote for a mambo later on the line you know I have a have a popularity chart or something so people can can cast their vote let's kind of get down oh I feel attractive you look really nice I don't know I feel like this is its kind of cozy night it is get give it a taste give it a look give it a little look I'm not licking it you sicko should we tell him gran we were building this in for two hours straight he was over there licking the diner disgusting it's been 24 hours since we built this and I've got to say upon coming back I think this is a superb build I was so tired by the time we actually finished that I barely remember what we did and some additions have been made since I was gone so I guess be dubs and scar added a few things like a like a really nice garden here a couple more trees at the front and overall this is going to serve its purpose it kind of it kind of dominates the shopping district which is really really cool and it was awesome to do a build project like this with three people all at the same time I don't think I've ever done that quite on this scale five hours it took and of course the diamond throne I always wanted to do this okay look I need to I need to get rut just the right angle for this and then get my camera count safe you think you have diamonds pathetic this is like if someone if someone was here and he's like mer can I have some diamonds no no you can't have diamonds see this is why I shouldn't occupy the diamond throne I am I'm probably not meant to be in charge of this insane amount of diamonds however someone who would be ideal is mumbo jumbo leo so I'm gonna take this map we're gonna make a bunch of copies and we are gonna stop campaigning by putting a bunch of them around the shopping district but first people that come across the diamond throwing might be a little bit confused so I'm gonna quickly add a few signs I know the B dubs is gonna come back here and do some interior work to this so I'm just gonna do a bunch of temporary signs in case anyone is interested I've written down some information the diamond throne has been placed in the shopping district someone must take the seat and make decisions about the place who will that be we decide a date will be announced later so that we can cast our vote for who we want to be mayor anyone can run but only one can occupy the throne vote number for mayor just casually put that in it kind of stands a little bit but you know we need to get we need to get as many votes for Mambo as possible and I was actually thinking we could we could put some we could put some campaign promises next to you next to the vote now this is one of the the most visited portals I haven't actually managed to link that one up properly but hopefully someone someone who knows portals better than me can help me out with that so mumbo for mayor the suit that serves you lots of propaganda going on so I've actually got quite a lot of these posters to put around so probably one in the mall more popular spots I could put one here oh yeah I need to totally need to send that I'll do that after this he promises free facial hair for all supporters babe who doesn't want a free mustache who doesn't want a free mustache mumbo for now these little extra added things are just great he is a face you could trust he's online right now look at look at that face and another good point is we could use the Hermit Herald over there to promote the campaign don't really know how it works maybe I'll get in touch with with Clio because look you can advertise here pretty cheap and you can even get a happy son so that might be a good idea and also while we're here vote for Mambo vote for Mambo vote for Mambo and vote for Mambo and another sign the man definitely with a plan he has no plan of the sorts yeah I wonder what Monday's gonna think when he sees this let's just put a couple of posters on people's portals cuz they're more likely to see them there oh maybe even one by the button will save some will save the rest for later shall we kind of kind of put a lot of posters around oh wait this is this is mumbos portal he's gonna like this he's gonna find out so I might as well go all in he's definitely running for mayor look at that hair all right I'm gonna save these I need to make that quick delivery over to xB and then I think that's more than enough for today it's been it's been a very busy and heavy episode man I did not expect to get quite this much done we have we have made some significant progress gathering and building the interior of the base and even a little bit of terrain and we went and got the mayor for Mambo why do I keep saying that Mambo for mayor we got that campaign rolling with the Town Hall right so let's go and do this delivery took me ages to find it in the the mess that is my base but I found it right let's go and deliver this how much we gonna charge oh he's there hopefully wonder what that noise was all right this must be his his area so I see three things we gonna do first thing is Mambo from there the second thing I gotta take these doors and then the third thing is I need to make this delivery this is so funny he has no idea that I'm even here there we go the cost is 59 diamonds clean please return the Shockers because there's 27 27 and so 27 plus 27 and then a couple of diamonds on for delivery so job done xB I know you're down there delivery done okay and I think that is it for today's episode my goodness has it been busy all I've got to say is thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode and I shall see you in the next one good
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,482,811
Rating: 4.9703264 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft, my craft, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft, episode 19, season 7, minecraft videos, gaming, gaming videos, minecraft google play, diamond, diamonds, minecraft diamonds
Id: wl0rZjxgP6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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