Hermitcraft 7: Episode 21 - MILLION Storage Hub

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Name for the storage system: ISS, the Industrial Storage System

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TatoUmana ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 13 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
prepare yourselves for a very strange angle today I'm not actually starting things off on the hammock craft server I'm signing off in a creative mode testing world that I've been in for the past couple days you see I have been hard at work doing all of the designs and things for my base the central tower is now sorts of planned outs I think I have a good idea of what I'm going to do and there has to be very excited because I'm gonna be totally honest I've been stressing a lot recently as I had no idea what I was going to do for the middle of my face i bail out the outside then just didn't know what to do but now now it's all worked out but I'm not gonna show you any of it so enjoy this extreme close-up of a leaf block I just wanted you guys to know that I'm actually working on it I will be getting back to the base work soon for now although the industrial district is all this on my mind I really want to get some serious farms constructed in this place so we built up the Schrute came from in the previous episode but the issue is we kind of built it without there being any infrastructure in place you can see we have a bit of a bootleg storage system down at the bottom there now I'm going to start looking into building up the water streams and start creating some form of chests storage system now in my head this has always been in the floor okay so the water streams run up we've got all of the sorting systems underneath the ground we've got walls of chests and everything is a pretty standard storage system however I've kind of opened myself up to the idea of it being up in the sky and having water elevators that take the items up really nice and quickly and then having like segments of it and it being like a big system up in the central part of the industrial district I gotta say I'm really warming for that idea I think that could look incredibly impressive oh look it looks like I've got my first competitor in the mayoral race Oh Joe Hills is everyone going to get a sign it odd nether portals all around the server just going to be covered in mayoral campaign signs the amounts of sand left in the mining desert is quickly diminishing I imagine that very soon we're gonna have to find a new location to get this stuff and I must admit I do feel partially responsible I apologize because this thing centered on a map it's actually got a 2x2 error in the middle instead of a one by one error in the middle which is a bit of a pain in the backside but I think we can work around it by having quadrants and I actual really like this idea so each quadrant of the industrial district will have its own water stream where the items flow in they'll then go into item elevators which will take them up into the storage system and will keep them separated in their quadrants to hopefully reduce the amount of time that the items spend flowing around which should help the lag situation the big question is how high up should this thing go now put in all of the water streams and things so our items will make it up to these four points here but how high should we actually construct this thing I mean it has to be above all the farms so I'd say decently high that's my extremely accurate and scientific measurement this project is using a lot more sand than I was expecting I've already used a full inventories worth and we've totally run out and I haven't even reached the height over I want the storage system to be I will be the first bit the things that look very very 2012 minecraft right here this looks like something that I I would have built first its build the game all right well that that's the height anyway that's how high up is going to be going obviously we'll have water running up there too now I guess I've got to extend these item elevators a little bit higher and then start funneling the items outwards yeah that seems like a good move oh and just you know as I've been constructing this I've also been working on filling up the chute game farm and we're now almost fully filled but there's this tiny strip left I'm very much looking forward to the 55 stacks per harvest I'm going to be getting from this thing fifty five stacks there's almost double chests and to be fair it's almost fully grown already so that we might be seeing that very very shortly anyway I've got my platform set up so this is where all of our chests are going to be it's starting to no it still looks very 2012 now in case it wasn't clear obviously with this industrial district being a serious serious producer of items we are going to need a serious serious quantity of chests so thankfully my jungle clearing kind of has me covered for the time being although we are 1,000% going to run our wood here because I mean I'm down to this many chests and I've probably used about that much already just doing these few segments here yeah lots of storage a lot of storage [Music] I think this is it I think these are the last few logs unless I discover yes this should do it this should right okay so now we have space for all the items literally all the items in minecraft we could probably fit in this area here now I guess we should add in all the hoppers I'm completely out of wood which means I mean we're gonna need a lot of them so these are six high I think is about ten across yet that looks like 10 so that's 60 such a stack of hoppers per segment and there's eight segments so eight stacks of hoppers 16 stacks of logs goodness me who's this I wanna sleep very curious as to who I'm confused is this a player or is this a mob oh is it a villager it's a wandering trader this turn himself invisible and has what I've never seen that before what I've put wandering villages on blast so much I've put them on blast so much and I've said that they're terrible and then that nobody should like them but but now that I'm seeing this and the fact that they can turn themselves invisible that's pretty cool they've kind of gone up in my books and you saw there he turned back here into not being invisible and it made himself invisible again what a legend this this has a little bit I'm not gonna lie this hurts a tiny bit I really can't wait until we get the industrial district running with with tree farms and things because that it is now time for the first full harvest of this thing all of the sugar cane has grown up so let's do it I love flying machine based farms there's something about them there's just it's just the best isn't it and that is raw rather spectacular right what does what does this go what if I caused lag I think that's why he's asking hmm it seems we have some loss รคj-- unless it wasn't all fully grown I guess I didn't really double-check but that seems to be there seems to be a little bit missing oh yeah there's these hoppers at the end that pick up the items okay I guess we need to funnel those into some form of water stream eventually too because it seems like there's a decent quantity of sugarcane in there which rather embarrassingly I couldn't access apparently I tried my best all right why is this girl surrounded by cats it's kind of cute but also definitely strange yeah anyone know how I miss these now that I've spent 32 diamonds I've spread I have a stack of diamonds I had all the wood that I needed in my in my chests anyone know how I miss those perfect discovery inside and now it's time to start work on the sorting system because I've got all of the hoppers running into the chests in place there's gonna be water based sorting system but I guess the hoppers and things will probably go off over here I don't know if any of this is visible in the video but I'm getting like weird framerate stutters when I'm in this area here it feels like my frames per second his heavily dropped is that to do with the chests the chests effect frame race you know what I blasted this thing earlier on in the episode saying it looked very 2012 now it's time to look cool now it's fun look seriously seriously cool redstone and water streams around the top oh I love industrial things I love big technical redstone contraptions and stuff like that that's what that's what gets me excited in minecraft I wonder how long this guy is going to be chillin here how long's he gonna laughs Franchetti we're making our way around the sorting systems are going in place this thing is looking cooler and cooler by the second and now with this final line of hoppers that one was obviously a mistake I heard this thing oh you've got to be joking me I've run out why does that always happen why am I always just slightly Sharan resources I just don't quite have enough right now all of the sorters are in place so that is all of the Redstone infrastructure done next up we've got to do all the water streams and fix up all that but first hermit challenges it's been a little while but I've had to doing a bit of challenge action so let's do it right here's the plan okay obviously you know the way that we get people over to hermit challenges has changed a lot over its time there's never really been a formal method okay and I think I've come up with a really really really good way to get is scale to come over to the hermit challenges area that goes in there and that should do the trick nice in fact you know what let's do a few more of them just to be sure now a scale isn't only online so I'm not 100% sure where he is but I'm fairly sure at some point he's going to go through his nether portal okay and well he's going to pop out to a little pumpkin on the head because I know for a fact the ischial never has a helmet anywhere so that means he is very very vulnerable to this sort of thing so let's just get that sorted and where else could he potentially go I mean it'd have to be a maniac but you know what I'm gonna cover the base just in case he decides to walk along like this and then eventually drop down we're also goods place one there and then I'm hoping I mean it's all it's all very gray in there I mean he'd definitely notice it if he's coming in this direction but if he's jumping out the portal I don't actually think you'd spot that I really don't so now we wait we wait and see what happens hopefully this doesn't totally fail because that'd be embarrassing yes it's functioned alright okay okay okay I guess I should probably run away from this area and make my way to the hermit challenges space is quick that totally caught me off guard I was just chilling out I was kind of doing my own thing moving resources around I saw a scout look didn't even I totally forgot place down the dispensers and things so what I saw that actually took me a while to register what he was saying well I guess I guess I put this on hello too fast it's actually it's better than your horrible green and red eyeball that is don't lie I get I get it okay because you needed the green belt and you still wanted to be part of the green team but also you wanted to show off that you had a red belt but hush-hush yellow belt oh you wanna press it for you with that mouth to have yellow I can say yes okay thank you I need that it's not I haven't forgotten anything in the upgraded herma challenges okay I just I just thought we'd add some paper and stuff you know okay that's all except except the pumpkin how do you even get to the hermit challenges area I can t remember your trees looking wild by the way where is this stresses base yes yes yes well I've never seen someone have so many challenges burn sticks in my life look this is that she's got nine challenges burn sticks makes and she's got even more over there she's got a total of 13 challenges burn sticks she can't let go she's she's been she's clearly been baking in it she's been like screaming to us that she's open to a challenge clearly right and we've just can't do I guess we'll go over to hermit challenges and then I guess we'll just summon her because we I mean she shouldn't she shouldn't be confused about in the slightest she knows what she's done you know how should we how do we summon our over should we just just both in capitals put stress yes with stress we we are here we are here she does arrive then that would be the best thing ever like if she knows yes we're gonna keep my eyes on the horizon oh she's doing this right okay okay okay on the way she I'm curious as to where she thinks this is I mean surely wait we haven't said anything I know look at this she looked on no she looked on after I said about her me challenges yes actually read that oh my goodness and you said let's meet at the mega base so maybe she might think we're at the mega base stress you are clearly one of the best members of her load permit challenges me and this girl was stood here screaming like it was like we were watching the World Cup and our home team just scored as you flew they want yeah they wonder they wonder Stanley's Cup so all you hockey fans out there yeah I totally knew what the Stanley Cup was and I totally didn't ask you skel about it for the next couple minutes anyway we're here at home it challenges as stress if you're wondering why you're here as we were flying over we saw that you had all the challenges burn sticks burning so we thought you're clearly screaming out for a challenge massive beacons have challenged me basically so okay okay yeah we thought that might be the case yeah the same we're on the same plane so what we think and we so we've got a three-way challenge I'm thinking I challenge I challenge I challenge stress stress challenges is scale is gale challenges me stress is a normal and earnest no no no no so I changed the rules every single time we know this alright and I fans do this today and you you are going to challenge me also I can okay so I can direct a challenge I know that you will get it yeah we're gonna that's passing around yeah triangular challenge you've it's guy you've let me down you've let me down okay also well look just take a look okay you upgraded this place everything got bigger and better bigger and better yes the numbers that they're here oh oh yes Oh God I've got mine ready I'm gonna put it I'm gonna put it here this is for you mumble okay so that wasn't me all right I've got mine and I'm gonna put it into this one all right yeah that makes sense okay so I press the middle one okay so I'm gonna press one this is so complete you do it all at once yeah yeah okay three two one wait so so hang on okay well I mean the thing is is that like currently you know I I just I don't have many friends in the mayoral race in a minute and on the yellow belt I can't possibly be mayor at the minute so yeah I mean I thought I'd add someone to the race so yeah congratulations you have won tonight I I got use a stack of diorite in a gorgeous way well which is horrible which is a horrible directed challenge I must say I'm quite happy though I'm lucky because yeah because you know what you challenged me don't you ask me to do is challenge gladly accept well I mean I guess I guess I mean you know no one with that you've put me off all right I used challenges sorry stress I've got joined the crew I can't be the last person to fly off as a voice that went well that was a lot of fun and now let's get down to business so building up but the water streams that are going to be taken the items into our sorters I've I haven't discovered something useful with honey blogs because everybody already knows this but I thought I'd point it out the cool thing about honey blocks is is that they're slightly smaller than a full block which means that if I throw an item up against the side of that honey block you see it gets picked up by the hopper but also the great thing is is that it doesn't have an inventory so for example if I place a chest on top of this hopper this chest is actually the same size as a honey block okay but the issue is is that the hopper won't actually pick up the item because the chest is an inventory and the hopper is too busy checking the chest to see if there's any items on the inside of it to actually try and pick up items from the floor so the honey block is incredibly useful for this sort of thing I'm sure many of you already knew that but if you didn't there we go and for anyone who just didn't understand why I said I apologize right that's one water stream all done and dusted all good three more to go this place is so industrial and I love it I have to see it you love it I've been doing a lot of pretty building recently it's nice to just step away from that and do something ugly why probably should lit it up though yeah that that would have been wise regardless it is it is now all built everything is done I'm going to fly away from it now because I'm scared I've got to say now that we've got water inside this tube feed actually looks quite good I'm from down at the bottom here this this looks pretty cool as the central hub of the industrial district imagine how cool its gonna look when we have loads of farms around there and this entire space here is fully taken up with industrial farms all of them feeding into this that's cool there's no denying that that's cool and yet it still isn't done there's still something that I really going to need to do and it's a fairly simple thing I need Chuck soul sand and kelp inside these water streams right here so that we actually shoe the items up nice and quickly it's it's not particularly difficult task but it was a bit of a pain in the backside gathering this stuff I managed to get myself very lost in the nether liking incredibly lost in the nether it took me a while to fly my way up with that part of the way it's now time to actually connect up the sugar cane farm to our central hub what should we actually call this thing it feels like this and she deserves a name because it's it's a pretty it's a pretty mega structure in the center there it feels like I need to call it something other than just the storage system I think I've refer to it as the hub the hub maybe isn't bad but you know I'm open to suggestions you guys are way more creative than me boom that's now done so I'm just filling in all of the hoppers preparing for the items they're going to be flowing in and yeah I am so rich I'm actually using efforts for this it's the one item that I had the most of in my ender chest and let's face it it's pretty cool so I have one two three four five six seven hoppers allocated to the sugarcane farm so hopefully that should be enough so I guess now we find out if the whole thing works I'm not gonna waste any time let's do it all right sure canes flying through and it's going straight up to the top fantastic alright so that all seems to be working the transportation of the items upwards is functioning fine so that's great this all looks like it's actually working pretty nicely and it's all funneling into okay yet these are working it says the items are flowing in too fast for the hoppers to handle but it does seem to be okay not sure I mean I think core the items come out of this very fast don't they after a little bit more testing I found yeah I've actually got the perfect number of hoppers 7 hoppers in a line is just enough to keep up with the flow of the sugarcane so in short we absolutely nailed it this thing is working perfectly shoot game farm is working perfectly items storage is spot on this is a really really solid start to the central part of my storage system now I was going to log off for the day but then there's been a very very very unexpected development in my mayoral campaign extremely unexpected I mean my entire mayoral campaign so far has been certainly unexpected but this was definitely one of the more unexpected things that's happened in it you see James Charles one of the biggest content creators in the make hunt community and just one of the biggest content creators on YouTube in general mentioned in his latest video that he enjoys watching my videos and also examine voids videos which was a very welcome surprise but then he tweet I'll remember from there it responds to be realizing this mumbo vermeer so we have we have official endorsement from James Charles himself I mean I know I don't really have a plan or any idea what the mayor even does but I definitely feel like now you know not only do we have the posters but we also have James Charles's support I feel like I could be onto a winner with this one I could be onto a winner with the mayoral race so with that I think it's something I hope that you enjoyed this hammock craft episode it's been a lot of fun and I'll catch you in the next one see ya and now I'm going to do a little bit of shameless self-promotion during this outro I've been I've been posting lots to Instagram recently I'm posting a lot to Instagram TV doing little mini filming projects and things which is always good fun but also I just I don't know I I feel like you should check out my Instagram you know there's no way that I can promote this without it sounding like a promotion so I'm just gonna let it sound like a promotion you should follow me on instagram at official mambo just do it just do it
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,727,186
Rating: 4.9721327 out of 5
Keywords: Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft 7, Minecraft, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft Season 7, Hermitcraft server, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 21, mega minecraft sorting system, minecraft sorting system, Industrial District, Hermit challenges, Iskall, Stressmonster, massive progress, Season 7
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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