Hermitcraft 7: Episode 18 - WE NEED LEADERSHIP!

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Team Name: The B-G's

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Messiah87 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] that's right after several hours of waiting I have acquired the orange belt look at that time to add it to the collection now only one more left the red one this episode is going to be insane I have got some crazy crazy plans and I've even done one of those crazy plans before the episode has even started I have mined out all of that area and here is the time-lapse to prove it ultra fast speed check it out when we go in here this is the size of the hall that's going to be here now I haven't removed this and they're not gonna remove this thing until the very last second I have been stockpiling some sugarcane but not nearly enough for an entire season I can tell you that much but check it out you get a real sense of size now the item sorter will hopefully go in here I may be able to shave a couple of layers off here but overall I am fed up of mining so fed up of mining but that's not actually going to be the POW now that's not actually going to be the focus of today's episode the base has been worked on I have done an awful lot of mining and I mean just to prove how many materials are all of those chests are full full of materials from that excavation but we're going to take this and we're gonna do something extra special at the end of last episode I said we need to do something about this and I've been saying it for a while and it's about time we did the thing we need someone on the server who is in charge of this diamond pile and I don't think it should be me I'm going to campaign for someone to become the mayor of the shopping district what can they do well they can do things with the Diamonds I guess they can pay for roads to be built they can help laying out they can change the rules on the pricing and all sorts of things but it can't just be anyone it's it's not it's not just gonna be me I'm I'm the mayor no we need to have a proper election so who do who on this server is the right man for the job well look at that mumbo-jumbo isn't that isn't that the face of a man that you would vote for I have got a fantastic idea now we are going to campaign for mumbo jumbo to become the mayor of the shopping district I mean the best part of this is mumbo hasn't hasn't got a clue he'll find out only when it's too late in fact it would be absolutely hilarious if you didn't find out until the very last second so the first thing we're gonna do to kick off our campaign for mumbo jumbo is a promotional poster now fortunately there is a space that has already been allocated for custom maps people have been making them for a while now and we are going to take some not even half of the resources that we got from here to make this map so we're gonna take shoka box after schalke box full of stone and we're gonna get cracking on this I think I've got everything I need now we just need to head over to that area this might be the portal yes this looks like it so as you can see this is not a small task in fact the number of blocks required to make something like this will probably astound you so we're gonna take this plot right here fortunately curb has already marked out the exact size for it so that is really really good now you can see how many shocker boxes that I've brought with me that the actual physical numbers that have to be placed may really surprise you I have to place 16,000 blocks 16,000 that's how big this space is and then on top of that I then need to decorate it to get exactly what I need so I think it's not exaggerating to say this is going to be awful for me this is not going to be fun but we are going to time-lapse it and hopefully this will come out exactly how I hope it will the campaign begins vote [Music] [Applause] [Music] my goodness look at this that is a lot bigger than it looks there's a lot of placing so here's the thing I think I've saved some time doing this and I'll tell you why curb has made his newspaper out of snow blocks here so he had to go and grind all of these bits of snow I didn't have to do that because I already had all this stone so I've used the stone but now I need to cover it in snow and I think the fastest way to do this is with these guys boom and I can even remove the pumpkin you sir are going to help me cover this whole thing in snow now to stop them going on to Cubs map I'm gonna make a quick barrier that goes all the way across cuz I see you you're about to go I saw it so they're going to just slide around and create more snow hopefully they don't jump in the ocean but obviously one snowman isn't gonna cut it so I'm gonna make a bunch of these guys and then set them all loose but I think this will be a lot more fun to watch as another short time lapse so let's go [Music] [Music] it is all complete and it's time for the big reveal Derner mambo for mayor that looks absolutely fantastic but I've got to admit it took far longer and potentially took part of my soul with it to make it I think this was eight hours of work for this eight hours for one bit of paper the colors look a little bit different from the map to what's in sort of reality this looks quite a lot brighter but I think overall it looks pretty good I've added a nice border and a mustache underneath and you'll notice that the mustache is actually gone from my face I basically head-butted face planted this this poster like so and I've put mumbos well it wasn't even his mustache the back of mumbos hair onto the poster and I'm gonna use this to promote Mambo for mayor of the shopping district I find myself just keep I keep looking at this and I just like I'm just really happy because actually building text like this on the floor is surprisingly difficult it doesn't matter how good you are a building but writing text in pixels that's tough so this is now done and we can actually start the promotion so let's head over to the shopping district but I think I may have got a little bit ahead of myself because even if we did start a campaign there's just there's just a pile of diamonds like I really feel that I've probably gone and done step 2 before step 1 so maybe we should backtrack a little bit here and actually make a building a building that's like an official thing it doesn't belong to anyone I don't mind making it myself but it doesn't belong to anyone but the shopping district itself meaning the land that it will be on doesn't have to be paid for but it would be like the official place of the mayor so I'm thinking what we need is a really cool town house or something like that like the not the mayor's house but you know like his office or something is that yeah a town house and I have a vague idea on what to build and there's actually quite a nice spot here now that I think about it there's one there as well but I'd rather not have to make this entirely by myself because I have a feeling it's gonna be quite a big build the idea I have in mind so I'm thinking I enlist the help of two builders on the server and the first two names that sort of jump out at me are of course good times with Skaar my neighbor and actually potentially beat ups he makes some really good stuff so he's kind of known for his building stuff as well so I might drop them a quick sign at their bases just asking if they're down to give me a hand with this thing maybe we'll keep this secret for now until the Town Hall is built because the Town Hall can then explain a little bit more about why this is needed and while we're here we might as well do the rounds oh my goodness lots of diamonds the barge is doing surprisingly well doesn't look it doesn't look like my new stock is selling much though we are we have sold some nametags and we have sold some golden carats you know we're not doing too bad on the diamond front at the moment I have no idea if Ren has accepted his pesky bird delivery yet I haven't seen anything so anyway let's go over to be Dobbs's and scars house and start with beat ups I have no idea where b-dubs is portal is aha this looks mighty suspect oh my goodness b-dubs look at this lovely little village that he's making yeah this is definitely the right choice b-dubs has a really really nice style look at those houses he's even made diorite a feasible block yeah I really like this I like this a lot but where do I put the signs to ask him for help this little visit to be tubbses place has made me realize how out of touch I am with anything that's not in the jungle and unfortunately for b-dubs I'm sorry bro so we'll take your door and it was it wasn't me I didn't really know how to phrase this I've written this out hi I'm planning on making a town hall for the shopping district to promote the need for a new mayor hashtag organize the shopping district I need some builder help would you be interested g-p-s someone stole your doors not sure who so hopefully b-dubs will get in touch with me and say that he is interested and in the meantime i'm gonna steal the rest of his doors one two three okay I think we're done here and I think we've definitely made the right decision oh my goodness look at these farms ah this they're purely aesthetic but just look at that absolutely amazing all right let's go before I get insanely jealous of these builds and now we pay a little visit to our friend good times with scar and this is what happens when you spend two days making a custom map somewhere else on hermitcraft you come back and there are giant trees everywhere this is gonna make this makes the jungle trees look small this entire jungle with this and s cows trees this is gonna put everything right out of scale they look amazing anyway where should we put these signs probably in Larry as he goes in here all right let's make the same sort of situation okay so I've more or less written the same message asking for help in hashtag organized the shopping district and PSU need a new door looks like ska is also in need of a giant item sorter I feel like we're having a little competition on who can have the best chest monster check it out he's got I mean his chest monsters far more organized than mine check it out so mine's just out of render distance but when it comes in yeah look at that what a mess this is which kind of leads me on to my next project I want to put this to the side for now and till we have the townhall done it just makes more sense to me if we actually have a building showing how serious I am about this before I start promoting someone to be mayor so let's have a look at what this looks like on an item frame you know what that looks even better on there than it does in my hand that looks absolutely fantastic you can read it from quite a nice distance as well I'm proper happy with this and actually speaking of mumbo I noticed this but I've disabled this thing but I actually noticed that there was this thanks we play now I assume that he's gone for the win he did he did he went for the win we let him win I'm glad I'm glad that he enjoyed it so Gigi mumbo you took the win well so thank you for the diamond now even though scar and b-dubs haven't actually given their go ahead I would be surprised if they said no but I mean they're totally within their rights but I imagine that those two are up for anything like that and I bet secretly they wants an organization for the shopping district so what I'm gonna do is actually trade a bunch with my villages and I'm going to get these lots and lots of bricks because I want to make the shopping district a Town Hall mainly out of like bricks granite and some sandstone and bricks are annoying to collect so I'm gonna trade them with these guys oh they're actually sang colonel hold on hold on let me fix that there we go hello okay so I'm gonna trade up a little bit with these guys got together quite a lot of bricks and granite this isn't gonna be nearly enough I'm gonna need several okay this is why I this is why I turn it off because it does actually it does actually get pretty piercing you know what I mean with them doing like her huh huh you know it kind of like you can tune it out but when they're shouting hello hello you can't you can't tune it out if I turn them right down you can still kind of hear them but it's not quite as bad so well I prepare for the shopping district build I think we'll pop this where no no one should really be coming in here so we'll pop this here for now and we're gonna have to make loads of copies of this to be able to post it all over the the server but of course we're going to wait for that building to be completely finished I also decided to do a little bit of tidying up here I got rid of this crane because it's no longer an accidental iron farm and there's no need for it so clean that up a little bit and I've also noticed my villagers have vanished again I don't know what I assume that a mob keeps just walking in here and slaughtering them so I need to rethink this and ask Skaar to kindly send me oh he's there wonder if you seen my messages look at him sneaky and a lot of you might have also assumed that I've stopped collecting people's doors this isn't the case this is not the case at all I am collecting people's doors still I'm just not hunting for them all the time I can't spend all day every day going to each person's house and stealing their door but when I'm there when I'm around when I get the opportunity I add to the collection and I'm actually getting to the point where I have quite a lot of people I mean most of these are belonging to scar but I have quite a few people's doors now so I'm thinking as part of this obviously we can have our item sorter in here we need the introduction of a door dungeon of some kind now that's obviously not gonna happen for quite a while one we don't have nearly enough doors but two there's not really anywhere to put a door dungeon in yet because there's no there's no build oh hey mr. G I want to hear more about this project oh it looks like we got someone who's in I'm still just trading away getting up these bricks heading over now oh hi hi he scared me or should I say he scarred me okay I'm gonna call him you genuinely startles me I was I'm on my way and I just turn around a boom you're in the doorway oh I was watching you do your trading I didn't want to didn't want it really yeah wait when when did you did you when you said can I hear more about this was were you watching me trading yeah I want to hear all about your trading no you left me signs in my snail yes I did I did because I had this idea to have improper leader of the shopping district sure which we actually head over to the shopping district so I can pitch you the idea yes hi scar I I didn't make it to the top I felt when I sent me in the shopping district this isn't quite what I meant so what are we here for you're talking about some townhall business something about my door so I'm feeling like the shopping district as beautiful and chaotic as it is is a little bit of a mess like we got we got some cobblestone walkways and then sometimes we have no walkways and it's just it's disorder it's chaos and there's a bee on a leash there is a bee on a leash like hmm is the chaos so I was looking at this diamond pile and I was thinking like no one's in charge of this and it would make so much sense if there was a proper mayor and obviously we need to have some sort of like election we all elect the leader but there needs to be more than just a diamond pile so I'm thinking a big Town Hall and we kind of put the diamonds in there and then we elect a leader what do you think oh that sounds really good now quick question about the mayor would the mayor be upset because I don't pay for my land on time for my shops because I still haven't paid for my land I guess it depends depends who the mayor is you know if tango was the mayor he might say no I'm very upset but if Mambo was the mayor he'd probably be lenient he'd probably be okay with it you know what I mean I mean you probably wouldn't even notice he's really exactly so what I would rather not have to build this huge building by myself so I've asked you and actually I I sent the same message to B dubs and B man yeah I was wondering maybe we could do like a collab on it and get all three of us to make it together kind of share the burden so we got G men we got B man and s man that doesn't sound right now I need a new name viewers help me out but this does sound really interesting yeah any idea where you want to put it this place is absolute chaos yeah like it's kind of it's amazing builds but in a horrible organized fashion it really drives me crazy if beat ups is in we can work that out with him shall we yeah that would be good oh I'm excited about this this will be fun be in touch when I hear back from beat up alright goodbye but for now I am afraid that is all we have time for it has been a very busy few days we made the poster for mumbo we mined out probably about 20,000 blocks make waiting probably more I mean I this took this took over a day on its own but these are the sorts of jobs that have to be done before you can do the others so I'm pretty happy with our progress we got an orange concrete we made a mare for mumbo sign and we've asked our friends to help with the Town Hall it's nice to take a little break from building sometimes especially when you've got such a monster project like this but don't worry we'll be back at it very very soon so thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed today's episode and I shall see you in the next episode which could be extremely exciting thank you very much for watching and I shall see you in the next episode good
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,067,690
Rating: 4.9710979 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, grian, mincraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft grian, episode 18, season 7, hermitcraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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