Hermitcraft 7: Episode 38 - THE MANSION IS DONE!

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Silly_-kitty ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CasualScreeching ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
i'm back did you miss me that's right you know what time it is we're back on the hermitcraft server doing hermitcraft things barely being able to fly and it is time to get some work done i've been absent on the hermitcraft server for quite a while now and to be honest with you not a lot's changed from what i can see in fact the back of the mansion is still not done can you believe it the fairies have not come along and finished the mansion but you know what we're gonna do it we're at least gonna cover up the hole we might not detail it and hello look at this shulkery christmas looking it's like finding a five pound note in your pocket these are very valuable blocks that i definitely need to finish the upside down mansion with and even this isn't too bad so what are we going to do in today's episode besides fix this hole i don't know yet well first we better catch up on everything we've missed uh well i didn't miss that and i certainly didn't miss that you leave minecraft for a couple of days and you forget how to fly ren says are you okay just my dignity well it's not an episode of hermitcraft unless you die to some very very soft landing i don't know why that happens but it definitely does so i've been doing some thinking which is always dangerous no matter what you're thinking about and it's to do with the inside of the base i feel like this is such a wasted opportunity and i keep saying yeah i'm gonna make more farms in here and then i simply don't so i've been thinking well one we actually cover this up and we get rid of the whole the draft that's causing my my electric bills in my mansion to go up and i've learned through many uses that my current portal was a terrible terrible idea we all have terrible ideas sometimes it's okay like a simpsons marathon non-stop or building a giant hole to put a portal in now on its own the portal's not really a problem it's fine it's a little bit encumbersome you know you have to fly up there the issue is when you die and when you're dead and you have no elytra guess what you fall down here and you get stuck in a pit that you designed it's the most embarrassing thing ever we're gonna change this i don't know what we'll do with this little area here hopefully finish it but then we'll move the portal actually inside the mansion once we make some interior see this is why thinking's dangerous it gives you more work but at the moment i feel like i've got about 10 projects and none of them are done so what we're going to do is focus on one thing at a time and the one thing that's nearly done is the upside down mansion in the nether so let's ferry over all of these shulker boxes of materials ready to complete the final part of the mansion here we are in the upside down and it doesn't look like a whole lot has changed except that oh my goodness it looks like someone's arriving and also this who's built this is this another b-dubs house just in a different color mumbo house party volume must be 100 100 volume what just happened i mean i saw this thing maybe it already been activated before i got there well that would mean we have one two three people in the upside down which is amazing and it looks like my rules have been evaporated by probably a ghast okay i fixed it do not afk and all new citizens must be pranked mumbo kind of came in and pranked us so i don't know how did we lose that means that we have two people that need to be pranked one mumbo and two i'm assuming that was scar seeing as that was his drill bit so maybe i should team up with b dubs and we're gonna figure out how we can prank scar as a bit of a introduction to the upside down and then he would then be welcome to put his rule here and then i guess b-dubs is b-dubs welcome to put his rule here as well so let's get this once and for all at least the exterior finished and then we can call the upside down mansion completely done and then we'll figure out the rest of this later on let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go all completed the upside down mansion is done except for that small hole that was aghast i think this has been absolutely magnificent i got it done at tip top speed it took i think a grand total of five or six episodes and building upside down never again not doing it no not if he paid me a million diamonds i'd i'd never do this again this is the the one and only build i'm doing but the interior does need doing check it check it out oh i still haven't got rid of the farm so they're just falling down there so this is what's happening the pig men are falling down and then the pig the piglins are picking up the gold they just they run up and they just take it all so my gold farm is just being eaten by the pigs this is the least efficient farm in the world and while i was actually building the upside down finishing it off the most disastrous thing happened i fell in lava and i didn't have elytra it had nothing on me and i lost loads of stuff but anyway that's why we have netherright gear i might in fact ask b dubs if he can uh do some interior with me i think he's uh he's on oh no he's he right there he's right there doing what is he doing making a mess making a mess let's where did he go i turned around oh maybe i didn't see him but okay that was weird let me just message him and see if he wants to have a quick chat let's let's pop ourselves straight in front of him discord look at his eyes oh yo no no i wasn't ready i took my hands off the keyboard at the wrong time what a great kill that was holy cow i wasn't expecting that um i i wanted to ask if uh what your plan is for the upside down really because i was just uh i've literally just finished the upside down mansion or at least the outside of it and oh yeah wanted to know what your plans were because i was wondering whether you wanted to kind of go help me with mine we've got the inside of here it's a colossal project for an interior wow i reckon i reckon we could like band together have you know bedroom bedrooms and stuff you know real you're inviting me to live in your house with you i mean mainly because i really want the help and i hate doing interiors oh i love doing interiors i would love that the main feature of this mansion is that it's got a it's got it's got a farm that leads to nowhere that's beautiful i would love to help with interior though that'd be amazing yeah it yeah yeah by the way have you noticed that uh we have another visitor out here yeah i did i saw over yonder somewhere that i don't know i don't know why he's done it but he's like over there somewhere and he's drilled through the ceiling scar has arrived and and i don't know if you remember or not but you set up a little bit of a rule of uh pranking is he on now he's not online right now let's go and have a little look see what we can okay see see see what we're what there is to prank because we might have to wait a while right he was on earlier right and he was dying non-stop he just yes he yeah he pranks himself a lot yeah he doesn't need our help he was he was literally just dying why he died to a magma cube i mean like how do you die to a magma cube he managed he pulled it off did you see that look at jelly upside down upside down i mean do you have any instant ideas that pop to mind right away i have an idea but i have i don't know if it will work i i don't know a lot about the nether mechanics but i think i have an idea can we can we do a quick test right now yes yes i'd love to okay okay okay finally my idea involves the respawn anchor it's slightly different to a minecraft bed in the fact that it's just a block i'm wondering because he's literally been dying over and over and over again can we get scar stuck in an infinite death loop oh he's good at those yeah i mean he's he's like stuck in what his minecraft experience is um it's a constant death loop but really i'm not sure how this works so if you right click that the the respawn anchor set yeah yes okay so if i if i kill you oh good my goodness i exploded you respawned there okay test one done i clicked it right sweet all right i'm gonna kill you again you are okay i'm gonna see what happens i feel like i'm getting pranked again no no no no no no no no i'm in it no no this isn't a prank okay right if you respond yes okay okay okay no we can test number three test number three so okay you did spawn on this block here okay so yeah now let's try this again wow okay perfect okay right we can do this listen listen up listen up we use a bit of redstone yeah we get a piston to whenever scar spawns all we need him to do is right click that respawn anchor okay okay once he's just one time what just once once he's done that we can put whatever death method we want underneath him and then every time he spawns in we the the block will retract and he will fall to his death he will respawn the block will retract and he will fall to his death over and over again we just need to be there this block right here that block right there we just need to keep it charged up with glowstone oh my goodness i love this idea the thing that kills me the most in this game is the piglins and the the hoglins you know the giant pigs that thing that attacked me earlier oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we make it wait you want to have him die to those we have a pig pit he respawns and he falls in and then we'll we'll just stay there for a while we'll see how long it takes but you so that would mean we would need to collect a bunch of those yeah or just one no or a lot well i mean we don't want him to get the chance to escape i i reckon we we get a full a full pit oh no oh boy okay all right i've only got one of these by the way so if um if we don't right click it once we set it up otherwise we're we're we're in the infinite pig loop as well yeah we don't want to do that okay that's the worst joke i ever heard [Laughter] so what we do is we tell him or we leave a sign saying magic respawn anchor because we've seen him die so many times yes we are great friends we are great yeah and i mean this is like very easy as a prank we we dig a hole and we fill yeah we fill it with pigs all right and you think not not one pig oh yeah many pigs okay okay oh goodness okay here i go i made it i'm over here i don't know i feel like that was a really cool fly trick that people don't know about uh let's go get some pigs there we go there's one hoglands hogland okay okay you found one guys i forgot the fungus oh they're all cute i need gold what where i need gold only you'll like 20 more of these and we'll be done 20 we pop them in the hole oh no he he too big okay okay he thick yeah he's thick got a bit too much pork belly you know what i mean oh we got it we got to rename them we got to rename them i've got some i got name tags okay oh yeah we can silence them as well i'm ready i'm ready here they are uh no i felt it no i don't i don't have the hearts for this b-dubs this is okay this is way harder than i thought it would be i kind of i kind of underestimated this and this fungus stick does nothing i clearly i clearly got that wrong rename first yeah i'm gonna rename them okay no all right careful you're in it oh okay i'll come on out come on out oh it's hard to count it we've been doing this for like half an hour and we've only got like six there we go pig's claw pig's gloves oh my god okay that's uh that's it that's all of them i'm renaming the big ones there we go i got him i got two okay perfect i'm playing a dangerous game i got half a heart no no no do it do i aggro him no no no no no no no not again you fell in oh no great it's so easy to fall in oh no this is the worst thing that could have possibly happened this is this is the limit of my oh no he's it he's here oh my god the time okay okay okay okay i've done i've done it literally it's just a lever it's done uh what was here anvil yes yes there yeah and then we just cover it up i think that's it right because there was a yeah and then then what we just keep we just wait we're in it for the long game right okay this isn't very homey no no we might we could we could make it homey do you see his i don't think he's at the upside down um left you a respawn anchor at your nether base oh perfect okay so i mean this i didn't really think this through we need we this kind of banks on scar dying and like we could be here several long days yeah yeah but also we could be here several seconds i think maybe we use you see when we're on we're playing is up scar died from fall damage scar died from a panda killer yeah he dies like every every few minutes but he hasn't even come in here to right click the spawn anchor yet yes so we need he said he said thank you thank you g he's on his way so good the plan is simple we wait for him to hit the respawn you know i didn't think this plan through i thought this was flawless and brilliant what i didn't anticipate is the amount of waiting and chance that we have to do because we can't leave the lever we can't no we have to stay right by the lever yes it's come to this this kid has come to this how fast can you break bedrock oh wait hey hey great he's here he's opening chest come on wait we listen we need to listen to that listen up for the dings yeah oh sure enough that was it it does make a noise yes he's in okay we're on the game is on oh sucker okay now we wait possibly the longest time for him to perish in some way shape or form yes or he could walk right off the cliff into the lava out of here the question i want to ask now is like what are the odds that he's actually gonna die in the next i don't know five seconds probably pretty low over under i say within a minute no no way yeah not a chance we're gonna we're pro we'll be here well he's been on he's been to be fair he's been online for a really long time now and he has not died right so yeah this is a pretty big gamble but he was he was oh you are joking oh he died he died okay okay okay okay okay wait for his name wait for it yes tell me when tell me when okay i'm waiting tell me when it's there now just down here go go go go go it's down oh right right right right i will i will i will okay okay i did it wait tell me again tell me when tell me when okay okay okay okay he's down he's down and again wait a minute oh this is working perfectly and again again again again okay okay we've got him now he's done yes yes again oh yes we should again down he goes oh oh look at this look at this smart guy how did he hack no no no none of that down you go [Music] this is magical okay okay okay wait wait wait wait wait just let's let's ask him to come on discord oh oh that hurts so much i'm gonna kill you guys i'm gonna poke those eyes i'm gonna stop it [Music] let me flick the lever a couple of times you can walk oh this is wonderful no well i don't even know what these creatures are what do they have what are their mohawks i'm so sorry this is your initiation into the upside down oh my god it burns it burns again it's it's gotten to the point where tango's got his camera account on so we can see what's going on [Laughter] why are the why are the pigs so mean oh he's back go oh go okay down no no you've got a lever you got a control room dude you don't know how long we've been waiting this prank has been six hours in the making i've died double those hours wait you blocked my door no you can't get me look i'm not gonna fall dang it dad when do you think enough is enough i'm not sure oh scar i'm so sorry don't even don't do it don't do it don't do it green i wait for your for your command don't do it no it's instant it's instant death it's not even funny it's just instant death no scott scott well that was your initiation the the rule have you read the rules of the upside down i did i really did that i'm trying to remember what they were all citizens must be pranked and oh i did read that that was your initiation congratulations do you know what the funniest thing is we were literally we were hiding behind this wall literally like we were hiding behind this wall and you we heard you activate the respawn anchor and we were like so what are the what are the chances he dies within like the first minute it's not gonna we're gonna be waiting here a long time dude you died in like 30 seconds that was faint i stopped recording i flew out and i looked at my phone and i flew into one of those lava streams and and i was trying to get my potion and then i thought i was safe and then i flew away but i clipped a tree the chat is insane no sky you don't know what you've done okay you are officially i i hold on i just like knight you either side you are officially initiated into the upside down and that means the next person to come along we all need to band together and then prank them although i'm not sure how we top this and i'm definitely not spending another six hours on this this was ridiculous no maybe we just get some weapons and slice them up that prank actually took so long that it was about 2 a.m before i actually got to bed i was obviously working with bdubs who was on the other side of the planet to me so time zones fun it was a bit messy once we got there it was a bit messy but we actually made it through and it worked it could have been cleaner admittedly it could have been cleaner but it worked to a certain degree so now that the exterior of the upside down mansion's done and bdubs is actually interested on doing the interior with me i think it's safe to say we can actually get started on this bit of the inside it's been such a long time since i've done interior whoa what oh my goodness these guys are just storage i might have just found something here i i can let these guys fall because if i hold on has this guy got loads of golden golden little trinkets on him he has he's just holding stacks of gold they've been the the piglins have been picking up the gold and i knew that and i thought they just vanished but they didn't they literally stand down here collecting if i don't even need any chests or hoppers or anything the piglins can just pick it up for me that is amazing unintentional very inefficient gold farm we're gonna move this but that that is an accidental farm right there so my plan is to get this nicely mob proofed because i mean look at this there's just things spawning everywhere it's affecting my rates it's not good and it's not clean for what we want to do here in the interior i've just thought of something i've just thought of something really really fun so we have to make obviously a tunnel all the way back to spawn we've got one but you have to fly through it so i'm thinking a punishment for breaking the rules could be tunnel duty you've got to you've got to help make the tunnel back so it would involve placing a lot of glass glass this isn't glass compressed ice so that we can make a faster way using boats and not using up all of our fireworks whenever we do this so i think we could we could i think we could easily introduce tunnel duty into this thing seeing as it took about an hour to make this tunnel in the first place this is not a fun punishment and then tunnel duty couldn't also include further down the line making this look a bit prettier decorating the sides and such speaking of which we need to head back to the shopping district oh the tunnel has been someone's drilled right through the tunnel oh no scar he must have not seen this at all hey scott you're on tunnel duty already let's check two out of three sold and a hole in scar's face over there not bad not bad at all i can't actually remember which order i put this in so what was left ah the naf barge box that's what was left unfortunate unfortunate the naf barge box is going to go back into the system at the end of the episode i'm gonna make three more boxes well two more boxes and we'll put them in again and we'll see if people like them even more we want to make it worth it but it looks like i've got some stocking up to do at some point adding to our quite substantial diamond pile now we are going to fill this up but the real reason that we're here oh i forgot about the mycelium resistance it's gone we need we need we need what you can't stop the mycelium resistance it must it has to start small that's i'm making up my own rules for this but the mycelium resistance has to start small i don't really know what's going on here here's another spot but we could do this what is mycelium what what is it it's like purple and it has particles on it and stuff it kind of is it a fungus of some kind fungal resistance we shall reclaim this land okay we've got two spots you can't stop the resistance the anyway the real reason that we're in the shopping district right now is because i wanted to try out iskall's treasure island game there's a there's a lot of new stuff that he sort of told everyone about so i want to take a look and i want a piece of the pie last time this game was sold out before i could really get a good go at it so we're gonna we're gonna play again i obviously need to read up on this thing so if you're not aware he has dug a lot of treasure in a distant island and you have the opportunity to dig it up purchase a treasure spoon to the left for 32 whoa that's a lot of money and head out to the island to try your luck you may only dig using the treasure spoon you may only break blocks that the spoon is meant to break and no cheese all treasure is very valuable wow wow wow looks like people have been buying a lot of spoons okay so it's diamonds how many diamonds have we got we're gonna roll the dice i might need to take some funds out of the barge for this okay we're buying six spoons that should be enough to make sure we at least get one prize they're all different durabilities this i got a shortchanged on this one so okay some are better than others i wasn't expecting that i was expecting like wooden shovels and then over here you can buy a clue or two the chances are people have already dug around these places we'll buy two clues and let's see what we got don't let the stone don't let stone scare you off and where the dunes don't end 850 minus 1700 that's a long way away aha this looks like the one okay now how have people done this they've just dug straight down by the looks of things so don't let stone scare you off let's start here so we'll go straight down i hope he hasn't put lava in this okay i don't i don't think i've done this very sensibly have i okay we might need to reassess how we play this game i've just wasted 62 diamonds doing rubbish okay so we go down let's go down oh we can go pretty deep here oh come on this isn't good this is not good uh let's try here no so we can go one two and then down i've got a system now but it's um it's not gone well folk it's not gone well at all one two let's go here go straight down no just one would be nice one one would do one one chest would do no i have rolled the dice and i have lost i okay so i wasted loads digging badly over here and there's probably already been someone gone okay i feel like we can't leave it like that i feel rotten i feel rotten i feel i i wasn't expecting to hit nothing no i don't think we can leave it like that we're gonna try again it's a good job that the barge has been so successful so i can waste all my money on iskall's game right we're going for another another five spoons right round two round two don't let stone scare you off so let's try this one here really nothing okay let's try this side i've used three shovels already this is unbelievable iska what have you done i haven't let stone scare me off and yet and yet i'm finding absolutely nothing these points of interest are duds no [Music] oh that wasn't my fault we are in trouble we can good good oh come on i'll tell i'll tell this scale that there's uh there's been a couple of hiccups okay we're going big we're going big we're spending all our profits being an idiot this is what it's all about this is what this is what the barge has been about the whole time being a fool buying gold shovels i'll tell you what if this isn't worth it i'm gonna be so annoyed iskall you better have a good prize here right two four six eight one all right we got our shovels we're going back i just know that there's gonna be a lot of you that are seriously angry that i've spent the barge profits on this game but it might be worth it it literally it might be worth it i'm not sure but we're gonna try because i have checked and the rewards for this game are massive i still feel obliged to try the big rock what about by the bed anything by the bed oh this has gone very deep this is like surpris surprisingly low down there's got to be something now do i keep going cause this this is really deep down i don't know if the game is meant to do this i'm literally so deep now that i i don't know if the game is meant to be this deep i am forced to conclude that this is a dead end dud and my goodness was a major dud iskell has kindly delivered some more golden shovels because uh the machine ran out so i didn't actually get what i paid for but we're back can you go through can you go through here get can you just crawl in spaces as well i'm guessing iskall's kind of done his best to hide them if the jackpots are that good is that one yes oh no oh no that's one free dig okay these aren't as omega as i thought they were oh no that's one dig that's rough that's very how do i get out of here as well oh no i'm definitely not gonna get my money back and i'm stuck in here forever i think i've wasted a lot of a lot of diamonds a lot of diamonds down the drain this is not very good why don't we continue this one straight down oh yo ah again gold blocks i thought we were gonna get diamonds galore here okay so we got two i thought these things were full of netherite and diamonds and goodies for everyone okay we actually do have some more spoons we got one shovel left and i think i think we're gonna have to face the fact that we've we have either been very unlucky or iskal has created the biggest money maker ever because 32 diamonds oh man i didn't even make my money back on that single dig there's just there's far too many options and not nearly enough barrels by the looks of things what i want to know is what where the dunes don't end means where the dunes don't end well sand dunes are like you know big wavy piles of sand and they all seem to end one way or another unless it means straight down from here which it doesn't i think we're about to lose um okay the bad news is i i don't have any good news but the bad news is we lost a lot of money we lost a lot of diamonds i'm never playing this game again it is um not good not good i worked systematically i tried the points of interest and we won a lot of gold which is free soon because i'm making a gold farm oh this is not good well i think that's probably where we're going to have to and unfortunately end this episode leaving me feeling a little bit scratching my head wondering what i'm gonna do i think next episode i've got to go make my money back somehow i don't even know how oh i feel so i feel devastated absolutely devastated that must have been the most unlucky run ever so iskall took probably nine stacks of diamonds from me and i got 32 diamonds and a whole lot of gold from two barrels not good there was one of my clues that i just don't understand and then i followed this clue and it didn't get me anywhere bad luck um we're probably gonna have to come up with our own money-making scheme for the next episode but thank you very much for watching and i shall see you in the next episode please help me out how do we make diamonds very quickly i devastated i worked so hard on the barge money and then i just i just wasted it all i'm embarrassed i'm so embarrassed this is what happens in hermit craft you work hard oh man no okay okay i'm just gonna go and cry
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,381,384
Rating: 4.9586034 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 38, minecraft video, gaming video, minecraft hermitcraft
Id: p1FGZOdy2Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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