Hermitcraft 7: Episode 17 - GRIAN'S NEW LOOK

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20:55 Grian didn’t take pesky bird

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Nicholas-Koay 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft today behind me I have myself a brand new pesky bird this one is actually for a brand new delivery to Rennes dog who is requested a bunch of gunpowder which I have been collecting up and now it's time to take it over to him I've loaded up all of these shock boxes and we are ready to go and speaking of pesky Birds has iskele gone and bought the original one or is he procrastinating no there is there's the original pesky bird and and it doesn't look like he's paid for this yet I know he's gonna buy it because look how many leaves he's gonna need this is literally a deal he cannot turn down so let's uh let's encourage him with a bit more diorite on this if he doesn't if he doesn't hurry up this whole thing will end up completely covered yeah let's go if you don't hurry up you're gonna be buying a lot more diorite or pesky bird poop as it now should be known right so let's go and take the other pesky bird over to Rend dog whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa you you back off you get away from that pesky bird oh I don't know if ocelots go for birds but I know that cats go for chickens and stuff you yeah you walk away looks like I got everything time to take you over now edge I don't know where wrens Base actually is but we should drop it off oh hello we should drop it off where his tree farm is he's so cute how they follow Paris one of the cutest things I swear and this I believe is part of Ren's stuff that says I've been here several times because I've had to steal his doors actually while we're here we might as well pick a couple up yeah delivery delivery indoors and he's got his whole like western themed town here as well see he hasn't even bothered replacing the doors I took care well his bed is here this looks like a really good place for the pesky bird drop all right you stay there little one and now let's go and make this thing I'm pretty sure this is his tree farm by the looks of things and I'm guessing this is also where he needs all the tnt like he's just got to I think he's got to fuel this machine and that's what all this is for so we're gonna give him the deal of the century pesky bird they're actually quite quick to build now that I know what I'm doing with it all okay this is okay this is just about finished I made it maybe a little bit wonky but that's not a big deal because these things are always temporary so we just need to get the pesky bird up there there we go come on no no up here are you stupid bird sure you'll you'll stand on top of the lantern the smallest thing you wouldn't land on the nice platform that I made for you yay no easy come on come on oh yeah right let's push you push you into the middle no ask you bad no no okay this one's being a lot more trouble than the other there we go there we go that's the ticket boom yes success pesky bird is currently carrying the delivery now with every pesky bird delivery there is always always a catch with Eskow we're forcing him to buy diorite which is his absolute most hated block in the whole of Minecraft and it's gonna actually hurt his soul to purchase it with wren I think we should do something a little more subtle and something that will benefit us later on so what we're gonna drop in here is a Ren Ren O's green a favor this is an IOU from Ren to me that he's going to buy himself as part of the deal so we'll hide it in the middle of the chest right at the bottom of the pile and we'll surround it with all the other chests and fill these up with gunpowder that way he won't even know that he's bought and his own IOU right let's take all of these upstairs and start cashing them in okay everything is set up all of these have gunpowder in them and of course we've got the ticket in here as well pesky bird is all set up just time to leave Wren some signs and of course work out how much we're gonna charge for all this okay so there there is officially three hundred and fifty stacks three hundred and fifty stacks of gunpowder now it actually takes five stacks to make one sack so I think that's about fair to ask for seventy diamonds that is a phenomenal deal that means he's getting five stacks of gunpowder for just one diamond absolutely insane in fact there are we two insane now for context one stack of gunpowder costs one diamond in the shopping district so he's getting over four stacks for one diamond really really good deal hello Ren the pesky bird is here to give you an offer you can't refuse today PB is offering the entire barge minus the PB for just seventy diamonds I never really gave instructions on how to pay for this there we go leave the diamonds in my base with a note to accept all right but is pesky bird offer number two between this and its cows sale we could be making some serious diamonds but honestly this is every single piece of gunpowder that mine and scars machine has produced and don't worry I will be sharing the profits of this Persky bird delivery with scar okay now that we're done here why don't we head over to the shopping district where's wrens portal at here and why don't we spend some diamonds because I think these are going to give us a pretty good profit why don't we go and spend something here we are it's girls treasure island I really want to give this a go I would really like to get the jackpot according to these guys impulse and tango it's still up for grabs so I don't you have that many diamonds but I feel like we could yeah we could do maybe three blocks of this all right so here we go one two three and without looking inside let's go one two three check it out let's go for this one first uh you know I've got my money back free free shoka box this one sand yeah okay ah dad's duds were just spinning the wheel we're just taking it to buy all of these up go on tango what did you get Oh still under there okay right my turn roll the dice all right I'm gonna go for take a look blaze rods oh man got some duds in here oh well actually I need I needed these shocker boxes so not too bad but no I'm I'm out I'm out I'm out that was diamonds gone if the if the jackpot really is still in there people have got a pretty good chance I can reclaim some of this money by putting the gravel and sand that I just won back into the shop there we go we may need to take our investment money back because I just wasted it all on the Treasure Island and I heard there is a new shop on the block by mumbo-jumbo I took a look his video and it turns out he's selling him bits of him including his famous moustache so let's have a look I've completely run out of diamonds and desperate times lead to desperate measures so I've built this store by mumbos bits oh my goodness by mumbos moustache buy my suit by my hair well there's only one thing we're interested in and that's by myself it's gone the stache is God and the seat okay the seats still here and the hair still here oh my goodness scar why are you blue what is wrong with you yeah I could say I can see that yeah I can see that oops sorry to meet shout okay I have an idea I can't get the mustache cuz some was already bought it but what I am going to do is buy his hair I will buy his hair and I have I have a one mumbo hair token and I have a plan I know exactly what to do with this so we'll pop that in there that is 16 diamonds well spent times a message Mambo and let him know this should be absolutely magnificent we've spread a lot of diamonds today on the island and then we just bought a piece of mumbo what could be better now that I've got this the mumbo hair token I have the best idea mumbo is not quite online yet so we'll just wait for him but as soon as he is we are going to we're gonna really cash this thing in let's go and check if it's cow has decided to buy the biscuit all well well well look who decided to pay up well I guess we'll be back when he's done with that then at speak of the devil and he shall come mumbo-jumbo has just logged on I've got my hair token ready to cash this in let's go and see if we can find the moustached man himself and give him a little haircut his new base is here oh wow he's doing some work on it where is he hello hello hello look all my messages oh he's right there I would like to cash this in boom yes sorry he's still got his moustache on but what's this okay I mean I'm gonna give him a call dude so you pull my hair alright yeah my outfit is already looking nothing as you can see what is going on there cuz some really long trousers yeah so so it scale is scale notice that I was wearing my purple belt quite high up my chest alright so he would and then some old man jeans basically so I'm now weirdly buff it's a strange look for me honestly I did say like it's kind of a little bit flattering I think you know I think it's gonna stick around but I can't help but notice that your mustache is still on your face has yes it's been sold because that's what I went for and I didn't like your Darth Vader no I was like no but it's still in your face yeah yeah so I think Tango's purchased it and I think he's working on the on the redesign right as we speak which is yeah better I'm kind of I'm kind of scared for that one I'm kind of scared to see what direction that goes in I could end up being like a jumbled mess of a human being but at least I made one and a half stacks of diamonds that's all the matters yeah easy okay so I'm gonna send you the skin for your headphone transplant all right and yeah this is gonna be good you ready all right I'll go I'll go down here right and I'll do a reveal I'll pop up through the through the ladders how does that sound that's great okay my hair is now on oh I forgot that you get my moustache involved no by a mustache but I really really wanted your moustache if you press press f5 really quick oh no what have you done hang on have you taken and put on your face and I have a patch of your hair [Laughter] from the back of your head I just I've literally just like got you've got a bald spot I've just cut out I've just cut out a patch of your hair and put on my face couldn't get your mustache so this is the next best thing that oh man so you shaved off a patch of the back of my head and you think you've gluestick do you predict under your face is the next best thing oh my goodness well this is not no this is not what I look a mess I should have cut out some eyes on the back oh my goodness I mean you know that can we maybe you can add some expressions maybe this can be like my normal face and then angry face a bald spot now I got a cheap I got a cheap knockoff version of your mustache well I mean it forever suits you dude I mean via the the connection of the ice to mustache that you always have going on whenever your reckon go chop some trees I can see you holding that axe you're you're set and ready honestly no idea I I don't I didn't think that far ahead so no rules keeping this be a macho man forever I've got to spend the rest of the season like this and I have to look at you like that as well goodness me I cannot believe we caught mumbos well not exactly mustache but it basically is right but now that I'm in possession of the manliest redstone mustache that there is I think I really need while I still own it to get redstone done like as soon as possible I've got two issues one I don't know how long I can keep this mustache for and to the chest monster situation is growing out of hand if you remember to start the season I made this to keep everything organized and it worked for about two days now I need a system an item sorter where I can just dump the choker boxes and not have to look at it again and it just sauces I need a proper item sorter because this is skinning really out of hand and it's only gonna grow and grow and grow this leads me to one conclusion I have the mustache and I have the chest monster it's time to do some redstone but I need the space for the redstone so what we're gonna do is go and do a super long grinding time-lapse getting rid of all of these blocks I don't know how long this is gonna take but I'm guessing very many hours and I'm gonna run this at the same time since I'm in the area and I will be able to collect plenty of sugarcane at the same time because of enginee this has got to go no no I'm talking to the audience away with you so let's start this time-lapse clear out the area and lay out where this items which is going to be let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it turns out you can't move mountains in just one day but we have pushed it back quite a lot I would say we're about 50% of the way and by looking at how high this goes I reckon we could fit quite a lot in here what I didn't count on is the terrain that is actually encroaching on this space so this is actually gonna be an odd shape because I imagine that that will also be over there but that's something that we can deal with in time but as you can see things are going pretty well we'll continue working on this throughout the episodes to come and hopefully start building more of a structure the general plan is in here to have a large sort of Grand Hall here and then have my item sorter all up in the middle here because I I think it's the the thing that I'm going to use the absolute most in this season and I just want it to have it as close as possible easy to access so I literally just come in I fly fly through the entrance straight in and I'm in the Great Hall and then I've got got myself all the items that I need now if Scout did send me a little message saying that the pesky bird delivery deal has been accepted Oh pesky bird is holding on to all those diamonds oh there's a little sign there I can't I can't read I carried it the tip is not for the bird poop it's for the mussels it's because you're strong bird strong independent bird come on then pesky bird your job here is done you've collected the diamonds we must take these and put them no all right I'll see you down there pesky bird take them to the vault I don't have a vault it's just going in my ender chest right I got six blocks of diamonds for that that is 54 wait didn't I ask for wait shouldn't there be 7 blocks of diamonds did I miss one there we go 7 blocks a diamond so I got a 3 diamond tip not bad at all that is basically a stack of diamonds and who is that boom that is that is a decent amount of diamonds there ok so another thing is I got a few messages saying can I stock dirt on the barge because they would buy a lot of it now obviously because I've been to raining a lot well I say to raying I have been completely removing the world I have a lot of spare blocks in this chest monster that is getting really really bad so I'm gonna take all of these over to the barge and add them in for sale my base is just gonna be covered in pesky birds by the end of the season alright let's go and deliver this to the barge and hopefully get even more diamonds you know we're we're pretty prosperous this I figured another mustache we're being pretty prosperous this season so far last season I was pretty poor most of the time oh oh yeah the button what's going on with the button is someone I think someone's camping it X's is waiting I think oh it's on blue it's got a long way to go before it's orange so yeah I mean good luck with that and there's also a giant tree things are getting things are getting a bit weird here we are gonna have to upgrade this again soon sales are sanded down sales are gravel are down and we made some sales on the nametag that's awesome alright let's let's pop these here shall we so Koster is actually gonna be a bit of an odd one I didn't want to do one diamond for one and a half stacks because that's a very inefficient way of storing it so I've done two diamonds for three stacks that's one and a half diamonds and dirt will be one block one diamond for three stacks I have to be really careful not to sell all of my dirt because it actually is very very useful for training and stuff there we go the barge is starting to get more and more full when all of these platforms are filled up we're gonna upgrade the barge once more now since we're here it's time we talked about a little idea that I've had and it's to do with this I've been saying a very long time that something needs to be done about this there's very large very tempting pile of diamonds now I personally feel I forgot about the mustache again I personally feel that these diamonds need someone to be in charge of them and we are going to do something about that in the next episode yes I'm afraid we have run out of time for today's episode but new and exciting things will be coming your way in the next episode of hermit craft so I will see you then thank you very much for watching and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,269,955
Rating: 4.9702148 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, grian, mincraft, minecraft, minecraft mansion, grian mansion, hermitcraft, episode 17, season 7, grian hermitcraft
Id: Ql8NmrDCj6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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