Hermitcraft 7: Episode 20 - THE ITEM SORTER

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/_that_boi_yeet 📅︎︎ May 10 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/_that_boi_yeet 📅︎︎ May 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
how we're not quite there yet once I get this one right here I've got something quite special planned anyway hello and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft I have had a big brain moment like really big brain moment so as you guys know from last episode I've put in the floor here and I was planning on putting my huge item sorter in here and having this is my main room but then what happens to the enormous rooms which are far more interesting in shape in the actual mansion well this is where the big brain moment came in I think what we do is we have lots of different farms up here and then we actually have this looking like more like a factory on the inside and they all funnel all the items they flow in drape into the giant item sorter so whenever I'm here I have like a control panel in the middle and then from there I can decide what goes on what turns off you know for lag reasons and then this doesn't get wasted at all I know I was planning on having a few mob farms in here anyway but I'm thinking this becomes the mega factory industrial mansion style but before we actually start making any kind of machine or farm we've got to finally finally get this thing made now there's a hole right there and it's really hard to see and one of my favorite things that to do at the moment is to try and fly in it's so difficult to see it so maybe some of you don't really know what an item sorter is but it's basically the Redstone answer to this mess here I put the item in and it just filters into the correct chest and then you end up with something to look a bit like that where it's all items sorted for you NASA for that you need a lot of chests which explains this giant system of trees but more importantly you need a lot of aiya now last episode I did tell you that I left my camera count over here in mumbos industrial area now hopefully he's not here yet he's not here but I did do Mambo and in enormous favor I left my camera count here for literally two days as long as I possibly could to generate iron and then I crafted it all up for him look at all this this is all for Mambo obviously because it's his machine but I took a small amount for my own endeavors and I was thinking I could use a little room here just to just so I can I can entertain myself so I wonder if Mambo will notice if we claim one of these real quick there's a pretty simple change we take the eyes and we put them up this way and then of course add the hair in there we go it's it's pretty much in the same style as all of these iron golem heads or villager heads I'm not sure what they are but look I wonder how long it will be before he actually notices that the giant green head that has snuck into the walls of his industrial area to be fair if unless you were looking you probably wouldn't notice so I'm thinking I make just a little room in here maybe actually inside inside this head just so I can I can store my stuff in here if I need to there we go this will do for now it's just a nice little storage room that I can I can come to if I need to and just block it off whenever I'm not using it I bet Mambo will go the entire season without seeing this anyway so we've got our iron we have got our chess or you know most of the wood for the chests and now I believe we can start making this thing I do have to think slightly about how I'm going to design this so obviously it's usually a big square cuz that's how you know minecraft works a circle won't really work in this case but I do want like a control panel area so this is the center as I've marked out and I need like a clear space like this either as a corridor to a place at the back or the control panel can be actually just there but I want this space because it's a I need that gap between all of the chests so I'm gonna get my redstone items sorta tutorial up from someone on the Internet and I will star the time-lapse to make this thing and we will be rid finally of our chest monster let's go [Music] on a scale of one to ten how proud of me are you I have created my very first item sorter and I've already realized I've made a grave mistake this item sorter isn't even big enough to hold half the items in Minecraft so I'm going to have to be very selective about which blocks make it into the system and which don't I've only done a few of the filters so I've done you know the redstone block and you know these ones here so I can't actually show you how this works now you're gonna be extra proud of me and I'm gonna say the same thing that every redstone person ever says you ready it's actually quite simple no really it is it looks really complicated on the outside of it you know like look at all this redstone all scary well actually it's just the same pattern even if you don't fully understand how it works it's just the same pattern repeated over and over and over again all the way around the system as you can see because it's just the same thing over and over again and then once you've got that repeated pattern that blocks all of the hoppers you then create a water stream over the top and that pushes the items so actually the items thought a bit is fairly simple what I won't say is simple is this thing I followed a tutorial for this one and I have no idea how it works I'll be honest with you if we go down into here this is a shocker box loader and what it does is it takes the shocker box they all fall into this item hopper what it's done it then gets released in here and the empty stroke box ends up back up there I have actually adapted this design to my own needs but yeah this bit this bit was not so simple so let's do a little demonstration shall we I've got here empty schalke box we'll take out the items from the filters that I've already done all right this is where the magic happens we put it in it falls down it will filter through the items and release them into the water dream up they go and as you can see they're hitting the correct filter and going straight into the right place how amazing I mean it's gonna take a while but I basically once all the filters are set up I take each schalke box and I just want them in here and then they will make their way around and as you can see that one was done and the empty schalke box comes back this is the miracle of automatic item sorting and now that's done you can see they're all in the right place I'm 10 out of 10 proud of me for this one but that's only half of the puzzle so we've got our items we have to get 41 of each item in order to create the filters but I think that is definitely a job for off-camera agreein because that's it's gonna be dull gathering all these different things what won't be dull is actually decorating this room we can't leave it like this at all this is not good what I'm gonna do is add a few pillars in here I quite like how this is shaping the room but it definitely needs more so we're gonna hop straight back into another time-lapse and we're gonna decorate this just a little bit not the full thing but make this look a bit more epic already let's go [Music] this is looking slightly better obviously I'm still not finished look at the state of this ceiling well there is no state of the ceiling is just one big stone slab and this obviously still some more work to be done on these bits as well but I think for for the time being I'm absolutely sick of this room however I am very very happy with how this has all come out and it's given me some more inspiration for how to make this better now I did actually I know I said I wasn't going to but I did actually spend a long time setting up some filters of just the items that I have in my possession and use fairly frequently and that has left very few spaces left there's a gap for some stuff so I've blocked these off for the time being and what I'm going to do essentially is actually start loading up just these few schalke boxes and I'm just gonna see what happens make sure that it works and we'll we'll see what we'll see how this goes in the end everything that's not being filtered is ending up back here in the trash department and then when this is all full I'll be able to get a good idea of what I need to create a filter for and what I use quite a lot of but yeah let's just watch this go for a second [Music] [Music] okay seriously we're about half an hour later and it's still going it's empty for Schalke boxes though which is pretty good but it's it's still going so we're gonna let let it just let it right we'll check the junk box you can see it's filtered quite a lot of it so what I need to find that is white dye might be one like grade I might be one torch's might be one but all the others are just one anyway I think that is more than enough of that room for today I did notice while I was flying around there's a little box up there with a sign on it thanks pesky bird Rd is that face oh no no he's Wren duck I'm like I might turn in my head sideways like is that a is that a weird XD face no nope this whoa look at that seventy diamonds didn't kill my pesky bird any joke okay so who or when you were about you're this close this close to incurring my wrath that does beg the question where is the pesky bird and what is that I got another box dear hermit thank you for being a valued customer of my lucky lucky at my bookie I love your face and to show your appreciate our appreciation here is a little goodie box as a token of our gratitude thank you yes want to buy a book I'll be honest I don't I don't think I've had I don't think I've had many books I wrote I kind of got my own books this season but you know if you wanna whoa that is some custom goodies there look doc prismarine he knows he knows Thank You corrales maybe I will go and lucky lucky at the bookie get some get some cool stuff here he's easy yeah he's got an VLEs he's got sixty two sacks vanHoose that's pretty good that's pretty good you know we're doing pretty good on the diamond front 25 diamond blocks not bad - now that we've made some decent progress in that room I actually want to head over to the shopping district because there's something I should have actually done a while ago and that is open up the Town Hall the mayor race has actually begun but v-dubs told me that he wanted to do some interior work so I thought I'd come over here and check it out the Town Hall is officially open the diamond throne is there for the taking Wow b-dubs has done a really nice job Wow okay that mushroom block has a sealing block is fantastic I like the little details good job b-dubs this is looking really good really really good now we definitely need something a bit nicer for this but once we have the names of who's going to be running then then we can fix this all up and he's like let's have a closer look upstairs because this is looking pretty cool and when when the mayor's elected they can look over the shopping district everything that the light touches is yours so this is all looking pretty good but I want to take this one step further just putting posters everywhere isn't going to win the race for Mambo we need a proper headquarters I'm pretty sure Mambo now knows that he's running for mayor but I still haven't spoken to him about it he's really weird so Mambo knows that I'm like campaigning for him but he hasn't actually said anything which is actually really hilarious so what I'm thinking is we make a headquarters a campaigning headquarters of some kind not in the shopping district itself because this is for shops but maybe we can make our own little island somewhere out to sea oh my goodness all right well maybe not too close to anyone's base but there we go that's kind of raised off the ground a bit so I could make a little custom Island here and on the top mambo HQ m4m FM mumble former headquarters fortunately for me not a single soul in buying dirt so I can just commandeer my own dirt from the shop maybe it's too expensive one diamond for three stacks maybe it could be one diamond for four stacks and yeah I'll use I'll just use this I'll just use this to make it I have no idea of what to build here so what we'll start with is just making this island and then we'll think about the build after that we'll probably just start with a dirt house I think that's that is very symbolic we'll start with the dirt house and then we'll do it like let's let's make this thing really quick [Music] now that I've actually got the island all the way to the surface it was a lot it was a lot of taller that I thought it would be and we've actually got the the smallest island I've ever seen to build something proper on so this is not gonna be easy we're gonna start small we're just straight I'm gonna start really small I can't decide whether this amazing Town Hall draws the eye or does the giant weird plant monster with eyes do that it's a pretty close competition anyway let's make this humble shack okay this is the saddest island this is the saddest minecraft island I've ever seen it is it is pitiful but this is where we're gonna start until we can figure out exactly what kind of headquarters we want to make so for now it will be as simple as mumbo for mer this is terrible this is really terrible and I'm not even ashamed to admit it it is it is really terrible but you know you've got to start somewhere and until I get a good idea for a nice tall building and of course get the resources for it this is where we start mumbo for mer here we go you know from a distance this looks so funny I mean it's just the most pathetic wooden shack you've ever seen oh my goodness now speaking of mumbo jumbo he actually let me know and so did a bunch of you guys in the comments about the door situation so as you guys know I have to steal all the doors forever for this entire season now some people have been actually really really smart I don't see any door on this base I don't I don't know how to tackle this there's not a single thing in here that would count as a door that I can take but some people have made something a little bit more impressive this is tangos toon towers base and I've got to say let's just take a minute to appreciate this because oh my goodness doesn't this look special this is a nice style it's different it stands out and we got to respect the concrete because I mean that's a lot of materials but here's what I was informed of tangos door is of course a big fancy redstone door still a door though isn't it still a door don't grumble at me over there it's it's a door and since this is broken now normally I wouldn't touch anything quite as complicated as this I mean this is insane but you know people have let me know that this has got to be rebuilt anyway and so this is probably the only opportunity where it will be absolutely okay for me to take this door so I'm gonna seize the opportunity I'm gonna do tango a favor by clearing this out because this has got to be remade I assume by mum though oh and scar just died to a Gollum you know that's really funny because he he literally said to me Oh discord two seconds ago I'm experimenting with villagers oh honey blocks ivory I honestly I haven't played with these at all they make the most disgusting noises yeah can I can you fly out of these nope oh yes you can now if I went straight up that would mean that this would break Michael that's awesome oh my goodness how deep does this thing go this wasn't this isn't what I signed up for this is really complicated oh my goodness a lot of serious red stoning went into this I have been I have been assured don't worry I have been assured that this is beyond repair and it needs completely gutting so I there's nothing here that can be salvaged at all if you know anything about honey slime block machines then you know that this is beyond repair I'm doing them a favor so I reckon I can leave all the furnaces because they wouldn't move anyway so it's only really like the stuff here that's the actual door so I'll leave that for them now I feel terrible about this I feel really terrible because you know this is a lot of resources that I'm taking away so what I'm actually gonna do just to make this a he's my conscience a little bit what I'm gonna do is leave a chest and I'm gonna leave roughly the right amount of diamonds to buy all the materials you would need to fix up this door so observers honey blocks line block sticky piston and white concrete I think that should be enough to replace all the materials because you know the rules of this door thing aren't really established but if I'm gonna steal the door I've got to actually steal the door I can't just dismantle it and leave it in a pile but there's there's another problem that's just occurred to me I got to remake this door at some point to store it that's not gonna go well oh my goodness he's got he's got he's got a hermit and Herald button man mer oh my goodness turns out mumbos actually getting some coverage in the old newspaper here newspaper uncovers secret campaign oh that's not so secret anymore oh this is just saying that there's a secret campaign for him to be him to be mayor well surprise already out there wow that looks so cool that's so cool I'm sorry I am so sorry for having to take that and I hope that it is successful on the second time round but I'm gonna take this door back to the base you've probably been wondering where I've been storing all my doors well I've got a box called more doors and that is exactly where this lot is going for now so when the time comes that we make the door dungeon this will be tangos door and I'll have to try and remake it but I am afraid that is all we have time for today I'm gonna actually start loading up some more schalke boxes into the machine because as we've noticed it's gonna take several hours for it all to get processed so all there is left to say is thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode and all the crazy long hours of work that went into it and I'll see you in the next episode good boy
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,468,442
Rating: 4.9668102 out of 5
Keywords: grian, minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, item sorter, gaming videos, gaming, video games, grian minecraft
Id: A6hTHXUoneg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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