Hermitcraft 7: Episode 13 - Goodbye BUMBO BAGGINS

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R.I.P. Bumbo Baggins. Who is gonning to protecc the Hobbits now?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mraladinsir 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
a week off season seven here we are on top of our mega base with our plan down area underneath I'm really happy that we took the time in the previous episode to get some things worked out for the actual central section of the base because the rollers review it's kind of it's stressing me out a little bit I gotta say I'm also incredibly impressed with my neighbor I mean look at look look at this this is nuts this is totally totally nuts oh right this must my goodness I'm looking around though and I can't see any hermit challenges burn sticks which is a bit disappointing because I I wanted to thrust a challenge upon his scowl you know I'll come up with a new way of doing things I feel like he'll appreciate it but he's not opened himself up to a challenge so I might just have to make a bit of a gesture I know that he likes bamboo in fact I know that he cherishes that 12 bamboo that I gave to him so I guess if I give him a little bit more bamboo then maybe he'll be happy I feel like I can't give it to him in a conventional way because then he won't really take too much notice so I'm going to have to do something dramatic here and the chest goes down and let's fill up this schalke box with all of my stuff apart from the bamboo I think you can see where this is going is he down there I I really really do have down there otherwise this I can just watch his feet moving he's picking up my XP he seems confused I'm such a I put the chocobos in the end chest I didn't put it well this is a little bit embarrassing isn't it having to ask him to pick up my stuff and bring it over to me why am I so useless one day I will I will be less useless oh here he is the man himself this is this is a little bit embarrassing I don't expect him to not point this out right well after that let's head over there quickly dude if you're gonna do if you're gonna do an epic super plummet of doom like that which by the way totally epic that was hilarious that's great great actually I'm prepared for me to do more of those because your tree is like the perfect space for it this is gonna be my new recreation I think so there's smoke the smoke stacks I can just now throw in the fire somewhere no because that that triggers something else we'll get onto that okay so definitely don't do that next time you do it remember to set your spawn well yeah I mean yeah I mean I think just I forgot I had left my shocker box I was gonna put I thought I was gonna be professionals like what would a scale do if he was gonna jump for the log what are you doing man what I was saying is is that I was thinking right how would s cow jump off of something if he was to jump over dude so what I was saying is if this cow was to jump off of his tree okay what would he do and I thought he's smart he would put his stuff into an and ender chest in a shocker box right and then it would be in his ender chest when he when he respawns all's good I put myself in the Shocker box but then forgot the critical stage of putting in my under chest then one two three well thank you thank you ever so much for gathering them and thank you for coming to the how much challenges area I've caught with a new way of doing how much challenges it's super exciting and I think we're gonna like it okay it's a new way if there's like new ways every time we're here but it's like this is an extra-special new way right okay this is this is fantastic I'm honestly surprised at my alright we just put one challenge in the dropper okay I've already put I've already put your challenge in the dropper so just write write me one right of course of course you have you've already okay and then I should just write you one challenge and the other one challenge whatever you want you can you can do absolutely anything and the spot and then and then and then yeah we're how much challenges you know some of the challenges have been bad in the past we all know that okay power how ridiculous is that I'm those better ones in the dropper so I thought why not cut out all the clutter and just give each other one solid awesome challenge okay I got it it's it'll yeah so then get good dude I said cut out the clutter you put one piece of clutter into the drop get to be fair you set that aside already I have to think okay what did you do what did you do improve the Hermit challenges err yeah have you did it what you've done here you've given me a task this is why you've changed in it we've just one challenge because you thought you've literally woke up this [Laughter] continue sorry normally I just fly off into the distance is now a bit awkward of my return but please you've literally woke up this morning yeah you've had a fly about maybe was flying to the monstrosity or something and then you were like actually this needs improvement they said that that's ten that's what you've done isn't it I thought this was the perfect challenge for you you know I thought you'd appreciate it in fact I'm a little bit offended right that you would turn around and accuse me of such a thing right well I think you're safe to say that that went well but now I've been tasked with getting good er getting good er I mean I'm I mean I mean I'm in my diamond gear so that I can't get better there I'm successfully using an enderchest with shocker boxes that's pretty good you know Galia I've got fully enchanted tools I want to see how I don't I don't know what he means well that mean said now I look around um I mean maybe maybe some of this stuff could be improved I mean look at this we've got a storage system that is just is literally just a jumble all of the chests are overflowing this is that's not good and then my furnace is there they're not brilliant and yeah I mean maybe maybe we could start doing some slightly better infrastructure here what if I was to build up like a base between bases so it's not my starter base it's kind of the middle base between me building up the mega base because now that I think about it this tower I mean we're gonna get these finished soon but the tower itself he's also going to take a long time it's gonna be a long time before I have an actual base I don't know how long I can stay in the hobbit hole just overflowing all of the tiny little chests in there so first things first I need to clear out this little hill to make way for the build I think in the previous clip I referred to this thing as being a little hill well three three chests worth of that later we've managed to make a whole head down to the bottom level here so that's time to make a beacon so we can clear out this stone too right that's all done I've covered all of it with grass as well so everything's looking pretty there's now a wandering trader on my beacon which I hate just out of interest what is he actually trading is scalp Python XP crafted that confused me then I forgot that we've got the mini blocks that's an amazing deal it's like an infinite quartz deal anyway my plan for this area is pretty simple as you can see that pillar behind me that is that's the central point of this entire area so that is the central point at the base so we're going to be working around that and I think I'm going to build this up in four quadrants so we're gonna have a quadrant here quadrant here got in here quadrant here that's all going to be doing slightly different things the big quadrant is going to be this one which I think is going to be my large bulk storage silo area and I can promise you is taking me about two hours to formulate that plan I've been paralyzed with fear because I don't want to do anything I don't want I don't want to mess up this place I love it too much but imperfect action is better than perfect inaction I think that's how that saying goes whatever it is we need to duel or dig in so I've created three of the four quadrants now I'm doing the back one which is also the big one so that's gonna go right the way over to the surface oh I wish I was live-streaming then everyone would have been sharing pickaxe in the chat I need I need you guys I need you thankfully I do have a few enchanted books lying around and I do have a few pickaxes lying around so I you can do some combining to get my beastly pickaxe back I think there's a chance that these guys have lost their focuses yeah because they're definitely not refreshing their trades and that's definitely gonna be an issue so I think I'm gonna have to kill all of these guys that are wandering around and then do some replacing this is both awful and also mildly satisfying because as I've said many times illa Jers might just be the most frustrating things in Minecraft and there we go that seems to work this guy has replenished his trades which means I can get myself a bunch of emeralds and it seems like the other guy has as well who did this my eyes aren't that big are they gigantic eyeballs aside we should probably start work on actually the inner workings of this place so these two can be general storage as I said that one's going to be storage silos and I think this one is going to be reserved for the smelter maybe you're super smelter that actually would be very handy I know I kind of have a super smelter in my base but it's it's really not fast we need a proper one I've been toying around with a few ideas of what I want this place to look like and I think because this is a base in between bases I think I'm going to keep elements of the hobbit hole but also I'm going to start bringing in elements of the future base in the form of the storage silos and some more high tech things and I am I'm quite liking this vibe I yeah I'm a I'm a fan of this now that both sides are built it has got me thinking what am I going to do in these end pieces I was thinking at least one of them has to be an enchanting table so we can have the books everything like that I think that will look cool but on the other side what do we do on the other side what do we need to make space for maybe a bed yeah I could have a little bedroom up there that's actually that's a cool idea and one that I've carried out and I think it looks quite nice I've also got a few bedside chests around here this is the only chests all right everything just so frustrating when things like that happen that was the only chance that I'd forgotten about a slab above okay every single other chest in here can be opened and is actually usable but this one this one I couldn't anyway I've got a slam up there now so that my bed and then over here we have the enchanting table setup so those are the two kind of main essentials I do need an anvil and a grindstone over here though moving on from that section I've started work on this area now obviously this big space out the back here is where my storage silos are going to be going which are actually pretty massive now that I look at this these are gonna be some pretty big pretty big storage silo areas but this space here is going to allow me to get in and out of this place easily obviously I can still drop in through this top section here I think I'm just going to leave that open but I wouldn't mind also having some water elevators just in case I die and I don't have my Elektra on me which with the way that I've been playing lately is a high possibility nice this looks great and it functions well as well so I run inside jump in the soul sand hop on my base and then I drop into this one that will take me through the magma elevator and then I drop out and try my best not to open up that trap door it's a really simple process now this area here this is what I'm getting excited about this is the thing that I now want to work on so first things first I should probably work out where the storage silos are actually going to go how many of them I'm going to have and what the storage silos are actually going to have in them so I guess if we were to space these out like that that is perfect so that is a storage silo in fact I have some chests here so this would be a storage silo this would be a storage solid this will be a storage silo same thing on the other side so that's six dirt sand gravel concrete stone cobblestone and then what do we have on the back wall kind of didn't think that through I might actually make it so the whole room is a little bit slimmer yeah yes so then I only have such a big back wall this is a lot better is a lot more useful I've already got the space cleared out for the Redstone which is incredibly helpful and most importantly it now gives us seven areas in which we have to fill in all of which are accounted for so we're gonna go right the way up to the top I'm also adding systems in here where it's going to take the items from this chest so this is going to be the input chest is then going to transport them upwards through an item elevator and then drop them back down into the storage silo and it's going to fill them from the top down and then all of the redstone lamps will gradually begin to turn on said it before when I was there again I think storage silos might be some of my favorite redstone contraptions in the world I just there's something about them that I absolutely love and they were actually invented by tango Tech a member of the hammock craft server way back in early 2013 this is starting to look impressive this is starting to look impressive and this room right here has more chests in it than my entire hobbit hole which I would say is a positive I'd say that's hugely positive I'm liking this area already I must admit I was counting on being able to buy redstone lamps I was definitely counting on that I've just been into the big comparator and there definitely is no sign of them and I don't think there's any other redstone base stores anywhere around here this could be a problem I tell you what though this this is not a problem this is this is awesome so this is B double O's TNT store I'm so impressed by that he has built that somewhere out just in the wilderness and then obviously got a map that has taken it and goodness me that is perfect actually makes me want to buy TNT even though I have no need for TNT right now for the first time in a hermitcraft history I'm actually having to manually gather resources as opposed to buying them at a store oh cool okay this looks nuts this looks so cool I'm trying to work out how I'm actually going to do the item elevators in between these things so if I have if I have for example a hopper here and then blocks here I guess that then gives you a pretty good chamber to actually run the items up I'm very glad that that seems to have somewhat worked out so now it's time for the annual redstone of the silos which for anyone who's built one before will know it's it's actually quite a simple process they look fancy but they aren't actually that complicated to build all we have to do is loop redstone signals round like this from the hopper into the redstone lamp and that's pretty much it that that's all there is to it six more storage silos later this is perfect this is perfect this is perfect right next up I need to work out how I'm going to do the item elevators to get these items up to the top into the storage silos which as I mentioned earlier on should hopefully be easy but you know it is redstone so it's never particularly simple now I didn't have an idea where you throw the items into a hole and then they get taken up into the storage silo but unfortunately I think that could lead to issues with if I throw in a lot of items they could sit at the top of the hoppers there and despawn so we need some way of limiting the flow and the best way to do that I think is by using an automatic dropper system but anyway the item elevator is going to be going around about here so we need to send the items across and up I've just popped over to the ice shop but to pick up some bits for item transportation and I only have to take my shoes off before I go into the store and it looks like they've actually got observers checking to see if you have your shoes off this all seems to be working quite nicely I've just done a quick test it's made its way into the system so now I'm just making my way through and once again repeating it for all the other of the storage silos except unfortunately the system doesn't actually work because some items have just dropped into a gap between hoppers so that's not that's not good that is it's not ideal it's an ideal I don't know what we're gonna do because you don't really have very much space either this makes a little bit more sense so instead of dropping the items straight outwards I dropped them across it into that sidewall so now there's no opportunity of them flowing into those hoppers that is a nice simple solution I was panicking after quite a bit of hard work this thing is now all completed we have got everything in place the storage silos are now fully functional so let's make this room look as cool as the other arrows of my base because right now I can't help but notice we're missing something important with that being said do I like that do I actually quite like the fact that it doesn't have a roof the only issue that I saw with that was that it could be a little bit dangerous you know creeper walks in and just falls down and blows up my bulk storage that would be an issue so I've added in this glass top and I'm a fan I'm a big fan I like this I'm really really liking this base area that we've created but that me and said it was pretty dark in here so I've just went around placing in a bunch of these jack-o'-lanterns with the pressure placed on top of them to kind of hide them and I think that's definitely improving bits the one thing that I definitely do need to work on is this opening here because this doesn't look particularly good does it so I mean I guess I could just replicate I could just do another level of this sort of thing with the stairs and then a little bit of stone and cobbles let's see how that looks that is a lot better that is a lot better this this little base right here has come together really quite nicely and if we drop down everything is looking good I've cleaned up some things you can see some evidence with me cleaning up some things and I've also filled in this error right here which is soon to be our super smelter now I like the idea of this because you can't actually see the super smelter so in theory we're just going to put the items into here we'll put extra charcoal or coal into this central chest and then this is where all of our items will flow out to so you won't actually see any of it happening we just have to trust that all of it is properly working so with the base being all completed unfortunately unfortunately the time has come the time has come to say goodbye to bumper Baggins and you know what I'm actually quite sad I'm gonna miss this little guy with his scruffy hair and his little waistcoat type thing I mean it's gonna be strange going back to the old mumbo but it's something that has to be done and I think there's only one person on the hermitcraft server who can officiate this and that of course is my other Hobbit friend gree and so let's send him a message all right hopefully he responds to that okay that's good okay so he's in his base that means he's going to receive it means it's gonna receive a message the message is it's gonna be me I'm gonna I'm gonna deliver myself I'm gonna deliver myself to gray and explain exactly what's happening here his reactions gonna be I think this might be the first time the actual human has been delivered using the delivery system this is the stupidest it's so loud he seems he seems miffed a message huh yeah I mean yeah I mean it's it's an important message it's an important message that I felt like yeah there was only really one way that I could request it or send it and I thought you know a piece of paper wouldn't quite do I have I have something to tell you dude what you I'm moving out my hobbit hole okay I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep on top of your messages don't don't get me wrong okay we're gonna keep those flow in okay you're moving out bobbing away I'm moving 50 50 blocks away sand okay okay but this outfit has to go dude IIIi don't think I can be a hobbit anymore you know you're you're gonna be yeah I hate to break it to you like I've I'm also moving out as well what moving I'm moving to my mansion and I gave up being a hobbit a long time ago so I've been the only hobby yeah I was understand a hobby because I thought you're a bit of it well this is awful okay well that dude quickly okay bonemeal me and stop me from being a hobbit please unhoppy tur is the unholy turbo meal how does this work right-click me yeah all right you ready yep three two one you're back okay how's it work I was cutting I've picked it up again I wonder what happens if I do it again note that in the corner and never speak of it again well it's been fun I'm I was gonna do like a sad speech about how you're now the only solo Hobbit but now I found out that I was the last of it and I was just kind of hanging on to that thing how embarrassing I sent myself back thank you very much right well that was nowhere near as sad as I expected it to be I actually can't believe that he wouldn't even tell his best hoppity friend that he had just left the group I've been unbelievable absolutely unbelievable anyway this has been a fun episode of homemade crafts we are back to regular Mambo now and you know what here's a lot more handsome let's put it that way I'm happy with this place I'm happy with the progress that we made in today's episode thank you have so much for watching I'll catch you in the next one see ya oh and I just want to say I was doing some flying around near green space and I saw the new hermit challenges area what what this scale has come to town a scale has gone crazy with it looks amazing I'm actually in shock I can't believe you how much he's improved it so I'm so glad that to him
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,187,985
Rating: 4.9707966 out of 5
Keywords: Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft 7, Minecraft Hermitcraft, Minecraft Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft server, Minecraft Hermitcraft server, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 13 - Goodbye BUMBO BAGGINS, Goodbye BUMBO BAGGINS, BUMBO BAGGINS, Hermitcraft Season 7, minecraft hobbit hole, new base area, storage systems, storage silos, super smelters, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 13
Id: FsO3z-ZI6cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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