HermitCraft 7: 79 | A PINK Return

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It seems like Iskall missed the end of Beef's episode where he swaps back to keep the deed to the tree? Either way, pretty disappointing to see Iskall not put any effort into working on Beef's base.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Reynollo 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
pat civic hello what is pacific except for a giant blue skyscraper in not in a big diaper with a very fashionable palm tree logo the most majestic and dual water slime on the hermitcraft server it's super majestic and i guess the only dual slide waterslide on the hermitcraft server and squeakies fantastically awesome squeakies it's also beautiful palm trees an overcomplicated redstone elevator and spider hello oh thank goodness that was not a creeper the amount of creeper explosions i've had here is crazy where are these guys coming from and and squeakies also more squeakies okay i think it's pretty clear pacific is a lot of things a lot of awesomely random things at this moment in time but what it isn't is a shop and that is what we set out to do so today i think that i will have to hey escal i done bits to pacifi what i hope you look who has done this what has happened what has happened to the spelling is this mambo i feel like i have to send him a message to make sure he's okay this this spelling is this spelling is very it's very non-mambo-ish hey mambo are you okay oh well he's he's he's not even online what am i doing i guess i'll have to send him a message on discord this worries me i wonder what bits he is talking about oh oh i see these were not here before were they nope i don't think they were here before also this this is the reason we can't have nice things in minecraft come on bro the most uncomfortable house ever anyway as i was saying pacific is a lot of things but it's nowhere near being a shop and today there are they are they are everywhere today i would like to get some good progress in i think it's time that we add the interior designs and the floors to this place also i can't believe that mumbo's added all of these redstone components just floating me there that was he must have had a temporary floor that he then took away it's it's very it's a very strange order of building but then again he is a very strange man our moustache friend i think my second objective of today should also be to make sure that we don't have that we don't have random mobs walking around inside here because as i said earlier quite a few times creepers have been blowing oh goodbye dude creepers has been blowing up as i've been working here now i have been thinking a lot about what to do for the interior and we do have one big problem and i mean it's big problem and that is that we have windows absolutely everywhere i'm not entirely sure even to this point what to do about the windows but i think i think the very first thing we should do is add add at least one floor so that we can get so that we can start getting a feeling of how this place is going to look and i guess now that we have these things whatever whatever they are they're kind of marking out the floor so did mambo did mambo only plan for three floors guess that does make sense this is going to be a highly a highly technical redstone build after all if i put a block here will i ruin things nope no i think we i think we're good now the idea i have for the floors is not it's not the most convenient idea to be honest i want to use sand yep sand i want to have a sandy beach feel inside pacific which means that i'm gonna have to put down a layer of blocks first so that i can put the sand on top of which is good because i guess that means that i'm not just making the floor i'm also making the ceiling big big brain big brain time now luckily i have already done a ceiling in pacific and i gotta be honest i absolutely love the cyan ceiling in the lobby it almost feels like we are under water in some sort of aquarium hello and since cyan looks so great in the lobby let's try light blue here yep that makes total sense doesn't it the main problem with light blue is that we don't have we don't have any light blue we have a lot of cyan that i made up but we don't have any light blue concrete in in pacific i think it may be time that we take some of our investment diamonds and do just that invest in resources now how does one get in to the aquarium without breaking mumbles redstone oh this is very fancy it looks like mumbo has actually made made the aquarium functioning well for diamonds not for niskal man i i can't get in well she got him just fine i feel like this is one of those moments just before chaos but i'm gonna have to try and just i mean this should be fine my concrete is quite expensive so i'm guessing we're gonna need quite a bit of our investment diamonds 17 blocks should be enough oh no oh no this was a one way oh no oh no i am i am stuck please don't break anything important i'm still stuck oh no i'm out and so is the fish oh no it's so sad get back in the get back in there please no no oh no this is so sad oh mambo has built a death trap please have stock please have stock please have stock there's light blue and it's stocked two diamonds for a stack luckily i am rich boy right now i love shopping for concrete when i don't have a concrete mega blaster of doom hopefully this is enough to cover the first floor i'm i'm guessing it is and also i hope that i'm building this on the right level so the sand would come on this layer here which means that this would be how we walk around and interact with these chests i have no idea what mambo has planned i don't even understand what these chests do at the moment so hopefully hopefully this is correct there are a serious amount of blocks for every layer of pacific i feel like i've done this calculation before but i can't remember it i just counted it it's 1225 blocks per layer that's 19 that's a little bit more than 19 stacks just for just for one layer of blocks this place is is quite large but it does it does specifically look pacific though and done i i'm a big fan of this color i'm not gonna lie it kind of looks like the ocean sand time and i'm out of sand didn't think about that investment nope nope nope sleep sleep time well this is this is awkward i don't want to sleep underneath there as i said investment time sand sand sand ah that's not gonna be enough is it i guess this is our life now although collecting sand is so satisfying and here we have the rare sand version of a pesky bird i feel like it's mocking me having to collect all the sand it's almost like it's almost like the sandman himself grien is watching me wondering why i'm not buying anything at the barge it's because there's no stock at the barge man no stock i was gonna say two shulker boxes of sand later and then i broke my diamond shovel and i don't have another one with efficiency and this is this is seriously painful in in comparison to an efficiency four or five diamond shovel guess what time it is down time this is looking well to be honest it actually looks a little bit like a desert at the moment i think it has potential i've never seen a skyscraper shop with a beach floor [Music] this is not good hmm i like this this is like the ocean at the edge of the beach the only problem though if i'd do this everywhere there wouldn't be a lot of space left with this thing in the middle for actually for an actual shop birch walkways throughout the entire shop that would be really cool i would definitely have some things that need separation for example the elevator we can't just have we can't just have the redstone hanging out in the middle of nowhere and talking about hanging redstone i'm not entirely sure what to do with this massive centerpiece the mambo is built because i also don't fully know what it is so i did a thing and i'm not gonna lie it is weird hello i am son i really like this i posted a picture a little while ago hello seriously the amount of mobs that i have been killing inside while building this is just ridiculous as i was saying i posted a picture a little while ago on my community tab here on youtube with an idea of creating this whole beach feel inside a skyscraper and this was sort of the background i had but i figure this i mean it looks super weird doesn't it but it also it also kind of this is such a trap this place it also sort of kind of looks cool maybe it will look better with cyan yes yes yes yes definitely better with cyan this is by far the weirdest and most impractical most impractical interior design i have ever created for any shops inside minecraft but i like it it's very unique with a bit of cleanup and fixing around this we can we can actually create something cool although i still don't know what to do with this thing in the middle well hello there mr time lapse it's it's been a while in fact my last hermitcraft episode was over a month ago which is very very very weird very very weird to have such a long break in a hermitcraft season and for that i am sorry but i do want to say uh for those of you who don't know i have been playing vault hunters over at twitch almost every day and i have really really enjoyed it and i felt i needed a break from hermitcraft i've been on the server almost every day for the past year and i i really wanted to focus fully hearted on on wall hunters me and my team has been working on that on that project for over nine months and it was really really important to me to give it my everything and i couldn't find time to do both so for the break i am sorry but i'd like to say that i i i'm back and we got we got a lot of stuff to do on the server at the moment a lot of stuff if this was the weirdest idea i've ever had for an interior photoshop before i made it i can i can definitely confirm this is just very very weird i think that this thing in the middle is supposedly your payment station again i'm not entirely sure but if it is i wonder what mambo has thought in terms of where we would actually sell stuff i guess the old saying when in doubt signs hello mambo i need help with floor plan we are now beach also help with plan please also what is this seriously i i still don't know fully what this is oh and maybe the most important sign of them all please do not take down this palm tree also please don't take down this palm tree let it live i am palm tree not resources hello my name is herbert because clearly you you wouldn't you wouldn't harm or cut down at katana herbert would you i would like to do one more thing here just to get a little bit of a better feel for how a floor could look if this is the design we go with and that is to get to get the ceiling in for the next layer and you know what would be absolutely crazy and maybe a very very bad idea pink what about a pink a pink ceiling that is of course if there is stock for pink oh oh the dive this the experiment has as has ended all of the diamonds are gone i can't imagine pink being a big seller to be honest nothing wrong with the color it's just a little bit difficult to implement at times yes yes yes yes i'm gonna buy the entire chest two diamonds each yep this is gonna be very very very weird and very different and very colorful but i gotta say i i this is like this is a good color this is a good color pink concrete is definitely under underestimated pink goes very well with the blue the cotton candy mix it may still be a very very bad idea though but i'm gonna see it through it's so very very pink it's so pink and i'm not saying that that's a bad thing i'm actually i'm actually pleasantly surprised that that looks pretty that looks pretty cool that looks pretty cool these are not houses mr skellington get down this has actually given me a little bit of an idea we could in theory build staircases up and have the shopping being on this second layer and sort of have sort of have cool catwalks going above the beach area that may be how we do it because yeah one floor one floor there has to be one of these per floors which means that we actually get two rows of windows per level of pacific but science i'm not gonna do anything take any more decisions until i've had a proper meeting with bamboo i wonder what he thinks about this i mean it does in one in one way this looks very very cursed but in another way i really like it it's so very so very different and pink it's also very very pink now we're gonna leave pacific for today because there has been something very very important that has happened on the server apparently there has been a meeting a meeting behind the omega trees new owner vintage beef and stick skull yep and this this fine gentleman this is stick skull hello i heard you had a meeting with beef skull hello did you have a meeting with beef skull i think it's quite clear that this man does not talk can you do anything of value very impressive stick skull i guess you want me to have this and this this this i believe i know what it is my deed my deed vintage beef has traded back the omega tree for his mansion for tommy boy and for three foxholes three whole folks three foxes i always forget what he calls it the triple fox yeah the triple fox now i've gotta be honest i really enjoyed swapping my bass and by the looks of things vintage beef or beef skull has been extremely busy look at this he has turned what used to be a very very bad basic library into something absolutely fantastic i do feel a little bit bad i was planning on doing quite a few things over at three fox hole but unfortunately due to my absence i i never got around to it and i will have to somehow repay beef in another way bernie i'm home you can wipe your tears is it just me or does he look really scared all of a sudden hello benny have you missed me that sounded like you said not really rude it feels really good to have my tree back and while beef has done quite a few things and quite a few improvements inside the canopy is still untouched and i don't blame him i really don't blame him but that means that i have got a lot of work to do and i'm gonna do it i am going to finish it before episode 100 because if you remember if i don't i'll have to leave the server and i don't want to leave the server and also i really want to get this done i am really excited to get going again there is a lot of leaves to be placed and there is a lot of wood to be placed luckily i have been farming up and i think i have over 20 boxes of oak and bernie supplies of leaves should be enough for the entire canopy so i think in the next few episodes i will be single-handedly see i say single-handedly there will definitely be some be some pacific things as well and i have to meet up with my mustache friend but i will spend a lot of time a lot of time up in the leaves but with that said that's gonna do it for today i have a lot of prep work and scaffolding and stuff like that to do i really do hope you have enjoyed the episode it feels really good to be back on the hermitcraft server and i will be uploading episodes a little bit more frequently over the next few months but as i said i really hope that you enjoyed it if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new because of subscribing and i will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 540,899
Rating: 4.9512362 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, minecraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall, big base minecraft, minecraft big base, hermitcraft server, big minecraft base, omega tree, hermitcraft episode, episode hermitcraft, iskalls base hermitcraft, pacific hermitcraft, iskall return, where is iskall, iskall hermitcraft server
Id: 2JQ22ZaCTbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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