Hermitcraft 7: No Bamboozle (Episode 99)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to villager trapped in a one wide water column that goes to the roof but there's no way in from the top and it's curiosity how i even got their craft today we are doing stuff and things with llamas no but also well maybe a little bit with mamas who knows but um yeah we're basically going to be working on the pyramid today so as we talked about last time today we're going to begin construction of the parkour here on the third floor of the pyramid that's right unironically not joking we are actually going to be constructing a parkour here on hermitcraft and it's going to be absolutely amazing i hope you guys are ready for it so i got a lot of questions last time asking basically why parkour now that could have been because last time we talked only about parkour but it also could have been that someone was telepathically reading my mind and knew that i was going to build a parkour and they were just curious you know why parkour either way the reason for the parkour is simple we want the pyramid to be a destination for hermits to join and do fun things in throughout the season and parkour is something that we can do together and would be quite fun we already have you know the tarjay area down here which is one sort of destination that hermits can visit to have a good time and yeah play some fun games but this parkour will be a second one and two is better than one so that is why we are constructing the parkour here now let's talk about the actual construction of this so effectively where we're standing here uh is going to be kind of the start of all the parkours we're gonna make because there's gonna be there's not just gonna be one parkour guys there's not just gonna be one it's gonna be multiple parkour it's gonna be awesome so basically um you're gonna enter you're going to enter from here effectively unless you fly to the top in which case like you don't even need stairs right so but assuming that someone can't fly let's say they're going to come up here they're going to walk in here and at this point we want them to be presented basically with a couple of options right so we wanted to be presented with a couple of options like you can do a parkour here you can do a parkour here you can do a parkour above you so basically like just imagine all parkour here right that's sort of what we're going for so the first step in this is we need to basically remove this and this entire thing here so we'll take all this stuff out and we're going to actually connect up where the staircases come up over there to this section here which actually is kind of a big moment because believe it or not this will be the first time that you can go all the way from the ground floor to pyramid down in the storage room all the way up to the top floor without either using the trident there or flying so this would be the first time you can actually walk up there so you can you know start down there you go through the stairs come out here come through here you'll walk over the bridge that will be here you go up one of these bubble columns here and that takes you up to the very top floor with the smelter and everything so kind of a big moment here at the pyramid but um yeah we'll take this down and then we're going to also if i just get this going here take this stuff out there we go beautiful all right so we're going to basically uh draw this over here like so there we go so this will come out this way like this that'll be one side built up here build up the other side over here if i can even reach which i can't so this will come out like this and like this and like that there we go make sure we got some lighting here for now there we are all right and then what we need to do is we need to basically go along the outside and we need to make a transition between these dried kelp blocks and what will be the side of the parkour up here so we're gonna need even more smooth sandstone stairs which hopefully i have right down here got a little bit of them very good that should work got some more smooth sandstone there and apparently what is the cream of the crop 2 box very good so we'll head on up here and the way i think we're going to do this is we're going to just connect up with this here like so just like this and then probably have this come up like this as well and so we'll draw this out all the way around the outside of this whole ring and then you know over here as well so over here we're going to need to do the same same deal so stairs down like this over to here stairs on the upper part like so and just continue this all the way around so that's the plan for right now let's go ahead and get to it it's kind of embarrassing i said that this was actually the first like little bridge that will connect up the top floors the pyramid to the bottom floors but turns out there's like eight other bridges right here for instance that connect up to this outer portion so my bad my bad on that one but we got this little bridge built up here now we also put down a bunch of acacia logs which are gonna serve hopefully is like a nice neutral color uh for the start of this parkour this also connects up here now so we added a little bit of this action and we put down the stairs all the way around the outside of the build so you can see if i get down here now it forms a nice little lip up there which looks kind of nice you can barely see that but yeah nice little lip up there so that's great and yeah like i said it goes all the way around the entirety of the third floor man i'm really running into things today but yeah now we're ready to actually start to build the parkour so uh obviously since these two parkour share wall we're gonna need to build some type of like divider between them right now i'm thinking probably andesite to go with the uh with the grayness of the acacia wood but it could also we could also turn this into like a like a stripped birch maybe to go with the sandstone so either andesite or sandstone down the center here and then i think the first parkour we're gonna make and like figure out the design scheme for is probably gonna be this outer one so for this one i want to go with like a modern type theme to this one so probably something like quartz and some bright colors will be nice so let me get to work on this first parkour this outer ring of parkours i'll probably just make the first the first uh like segment here uh and i'll sort of show you how i imagine the thing working all right guys so we got ourselves a first level of the parkour done looks like this by the way there's a scar over there in the cage uh yeah he went afk for a minute so i put him in a cage we'll just we'll just put whoop did i mean to place that there there we go put it back in there so as i was saying this is the first parkour level so obviously it's pretty much trivially easy to do so don't really expect any hermits to fall on this one if they do i think they should just put down the game for a few days and reconsider their life uh because man that would be pretty rough if they can't get this get past this first level but uh if they can't for whatever reason or if they fall or something you know they fall off here all they have to do is simply jump on this trap door and they jump back up so that's how you get back up onto uh the previous checkpoint to basically yeah allow yourself to yeah try to jump again and that's pretty useful because sometimes you might have a harder jump like this is a much harder jump than the previous one this is what's called a neo here so if we just do like that that's how you do the neo pretty easy um but it's a lot harder than it looks um so yeah some of the herbs might come over here and not make it at that point you know just hop back up and try it again no big deal now if you get really frustrated you can obviously hit this button here and that allows you to just move on to the next level or you got the rage quit door like if you're really really frustrated you can just rage quit and this will take you on a pathway back to the uh the front of the parkour so those are some of the options you got there really like the design i like the blue on blue aesthetic we got some blue in the uh sea lanterns we got some blue in the andesite in this wall as well so yeah looking pretty sweet looking pretty sweet uh this wall i think will be very nice as well andesite polished endocyte and granite walls for separating the two walls uh as i think it's going to work with this quartz modern parkour type feel as well as the other parkour which i think we're gonna make a jungle parkour so right now i'm planning this parkour gonna be like a jungle wood jungle log and leaf based parkour type thing uh maybe with some glowstone thrown in there as well for good measure for lighting and stuff uh so i think we go ahead and make the template for this side as well so that we have the template for both uh the right side and the left side and so yeah let's go ahead and do it i think we got do we have jungle wood uh we have some jungle logs we might need some more though may have to go buy some more so put my lytra back on and uh yeah let's go ahead and make this second part of the parkour okay guys so we got the jungle concept for the parkour now done so it's looking like this you can see yeah quite a lot of jungle would use jungle logs jungle planks jungle stairs jungle fences uh strip jungle logs down here jungle leaves we got some uh lime wool and lime carpets we got some glossed underneath here and then we got some uh green terracotta some dark green terracotta right here uh which is gonna be what makes up the the jumps and stuff uh so this section is supposed to be sort of like a medium section uh so this one like if you try and run just normally this jump here you can actually make it i think i probably could have made that if i shifted but the easier way to do it is to get momentum so you shift all the way to the back of this block and then you basically sprint jump forward and i missed that time so let's try it one more back here sprint jump forward and there we go made it and then we just sprint jump off like that so that's how you do that one um yeah this is supposed to be like medium jumps so you might not get it the first time so again we have the jungle buttons here in case you get stuck on one spot and also with this one uh with this sort of inner ring of jumps it's going to be kind of cool because you can actually like if you get to a spot like a spot where you get like caught or whatever you can always just take this pathway out right because this is actually going to be open to the air on this side so then you can come back at a later time and continue to work on that jump if you're if you're stuck on one so i think that's kind of cool how we're going to have like this inner part of this parkour sort of line up with our our hallways here which will be pretty neat i think which will be pretty neat um so yeah that is the concept for this parkour here also i gotta make sure my hunger is up here there we go so yeah i'm really digging the way both these are looking so now uh i think what i'll do is i'll probably i'll probably build up all the sections first like before putting in some of the jumps um just because that would make it easier because like once you get the pattern down with this it's just basically you just keep making them uh all the way around and the same with the other one back here keep just making this pattern except all the way around the outside portion so um yeah let's go ahead and get to that i'll probably do this on a stream so if you guys have seen the stream you'll probably know everything i've shown already but yeah if not check out twitch.tv135 for future streams and let's go ahead and yeah extend this parkour a little bit [Music] me [Music] me [Music] ladies and gents welcome back you can see here we've now have a bunch of the parkour started so yeah we are about i would say about a quarter of the way around the third floor so still a long way to go i think we got let's see one two three four five six seven and we're working on the eighth jump right now for the larger jungle section you can sort of see what i meant by these hallways will sort of lead right into where jumps will be so that will be like literally a jump like right here that people have to complete so that'll be really cool we have jump boost on now though so it makes it super easy trivial even to uh to cross this but i've actually now run out of jungle wood so i have just 29 jungle wood left so we have to go and get some more by chopping down some trees in the jungle or maybe purchasing more from one of the log shops on the server we've also been working on the modern one which you saw in the time lapse a little bit and yeah this one's coming along nicely we got probably about a dozen jumps or so with this one just because there's more jumps because it's a smaller uh footprint for the uh the jump area itself so that's looking good as well and yeah looking to continue this down here into the village so we'll have to move some stuff around here maybe move these guys out to this section or maybe behind this somehow not really sure what i'm gonna do with these guys i have to figure that out but uh yeah progress is still continuing here on the parkour so let's keep at it and let's go get some more resources before we continue [Music] ladies and gentlemen we have a situation here the bandit llama has become somehow trapped inside the parkour i might just leave him there i might just leave him there but as you saw during the time lapse we got the main divider wall completed i was actually kind of surprised we didn't run out of endocyte and granite but yeah we got this whole thing done we also put some sea lanterns in there to light it up a little bit obviously still a lot of work to do on the outside here with the quartz but this huge wall is now completed and we also got a big portion of the jungle parkour done so you can see starting to come together nicely and i really like that like the jungle parkour like if you look at the uh design here it almost looks like uh two people like holding up the jungle logs on their shoulders right if this is like the head right here got a hand here hand here and then these are the feet down here so yeah kind of a cool design i think um we got a lot of this done and yeah still some to go believe it or not so yeah things are starting to come together but still quite a ways to go before we can actually start putting these jumps in here and i also got to figure out what i'm gonna do with these small gaps between some of these places but uh yeah that's gonna have to come at a later time because for now guys i'm actually out of time for today if you enjoyed today's episode please do leave a like be sure to subscribe and as always thanks so much for watching this has been co goodbye [Music] [Music] do you
Channel: cubfan135
Views: 112,728
Rating: 4.9700704 out of 5
Id: RZXpsdUtwbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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