Hermits Killing Each Other | Hermitcraft Season 7

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set respawn and then slowly approach it it just says it just says yeah he's got it that one says kill me is he gonna head no yeah there was a slight there was a slight hesitation there was a slight hesitation okay lol again again i need to find new and inventive ways of getting killed by my friends wow there has to be a better way of getting your your head in this game blue suit on hi mumbo i just need you one sec i need a favor kill me he didn't even hesitate he didn't even ask a sing he didn't even ask a single question he just did he just did it and again he didn't even not even for a second he's not like he didn't ask why he didn't he didn't ask anything again zero hesitation he didn't even stutter again more he must be so confused more please i am once again asking for your sword services my hero because of um okay you've put it away brilliant um if you just wait out here just one second i'll let you know when you can come in uh right one second okay feel free enter at your will oh geez f what could be going on here maybe i will open the door [Laughter] important you must continue reading this sign as a distraction i am distracted yes whoa instantaneous wow that was uh that was even more lethal than i expected well done well done is this his base oh he's there so same as last time we set our spawn set up behind you come closer closer closer kill me why is there no hesitation from these people absolutely everyone's been waiting seems to be waiting again more again do it again how many how many heads we need oh he's just he just oh he's just he's not stopping he's just not stopping oh he's just getting inventive now if he would indulge me again i i think that's probably that's probably enough now that that's enough zf thank you for your service wow i feel so much better now everyone on this server is so ready look how majestic he is right he's just over the top of this hill i don't feel like i can go for him while he's on his horse all i gotta do is i wait for night i wait for night he's to go in his bed and it's going to be the e by far the easiest way of doing this oh my goodness he's so close oh my goodness he's so close how far is it until night it must be so close tonight right now is he can he see me he surely he didn't see he didn't see me at all he might know that i'm here but it is almost night time and if it's almost night time that means he's going to be camping his bed i hope he can't see me he's gonna be sleeping there he is he's gonna be sleeping any second now any second so predictable so predictable okay here we go this is gonna be one two let's go to sleep though i wonder if wow what oh no what lambo's bookstore oh there was somebody oh sure enough there was somebody here it's green then i'm no i'm no longer a low death hermit let's put it that way people are going to see my death score and be like that at a summer guy he don't know how to play minecraft oh my goodness oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh that was terrifying okay no thank you no no no let me let me let me in let me in let me in no doc no doc no no everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine don't don't this is okay guys this is gonna be okay he's covered in strength do i have armor on me i don't okay hey hi oh oh what do we have here tag two hey no no oh no no i was the tag guy oh off we go into the wild blue oh this is beautiful look at this what what is this uh hi v dubs hi hi hi thank you so much you like you like carrots i love carrots especially the golden kind it was a piece of candy trail i loved it that was really fun yeah thank you i like the fruit yeah do you want to earn some more golden carrots like we've got a whole box of them in this chest for you you do yeah holy cow whoa whoa whoa whoa oh don't take him out oh okay no no no no yeah no yeah it comes at a price it comes at a price you see this uh fancy here machine yeah yeah i see that yeah yeah we we would like to offer you the deal of the century you see okay we need your head you do your face okay we need it we need it and we will give you a box of carrots if you use the machine okay use the machine use the machine it'll get my face what do you need my face for for magic okay don't worry grab the magical crystal and we'll make you respawn these are the products that we provide here in the jungle respawn magical crystal ooh okay so i hold this in my hand is that what i do if i if i do this i get the carrots i get the golden carrots the carrots you get the carrots just uh right click this here bed okay okay yeah oh right right right right all right all right now you just magic you just you just stand in it right right there right here i stand right here okay oh and then yeah if we move it there oh there we go upsie don't worry the same trouble okay just like this okay this is nerve nerve-wracking oh no no no no it's it's virtually painless it is yeah okay all right are you ready i am so ready hold on hold on i need i can't i can't i can't do this well you know i gotta i don't i don't think my head can be seen anymore there we go oh oh oh oh all right perfect that's pretty still like no other you hold that okay i got it i'm holding on tight i'm holding on very tight here ready yeah yes okay oh oh one more hit oh oh i'm in this feels right dude oh we're here we found it we're in the right spot oh baby hey dude dude dude let's dump their wheat trample trample trample oh great minds think of like i was thinking the exact same thing good luck feeding your stupid cows now dude dude we made it oh my gosh we sure are here what is this emergency meeting emergency meeting oh there's signs what is this what is this what is this my ceiling resistance info board green mother sport it's the whole crew and screenshot we know who yeah yeah yeah take a screenshot yes you are you know who they all are wanted members of hermitcraft we need to make one of the posters yeah oh busted oh man xb i'm ashamed of xb and you're in business with him yes dude dude what is this oh my goodness the mother of all mycelium blocks oh man it stinks it smells what's this over here okay so there's like okay there's that there's nothing and then what's behind here this looks like a door very important yes you want to go yes i want to go in you i'm you want are we good i'm sorry sorry sorry sorry i'm just checking for booby traps oh where's bedrock okay this doesn't look actually like a bunny throne you found it how do you know this is the throne well i don't know it looks like a vault well okay yeah that makes sense oh wait one diamond no no and he went underground what what the heck okay uh [Music] okay how did he get underground here it's just wood [Music] what's going on shulker box here should i break into this world wrestling federation thing here oh what the world yo did i just fall into the back rooms of herma craft here press button to enter the mycelium resistance hq [Music] this is not the right hq this is bravo bravo resistance you
Channel: Random Replays
Views: 359,195
Rating: 4.9262285 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft Season 7, Hermits, Hermits killing, Hermits pvp, decked out best moments, decked out hermitcraft, family friendly, grian best moments, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft best moments, hermitcraft decked out, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft mcc, hermitcraft memes, hermitcraft secrets, hermitcraft war, hermits killing grian, hermits play among us, lets play, minecraft hermitcraft, mumbo jumbo, mycelium resistance, mycelium war, season 7
Id: Xs1k_Lcb7po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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