Battling For Land! :: Hermitcraft #53

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hurry crab thank you guys so much for the wonderful reception on last episode last episode we made this beauty this house and we kind of it was a little bit different because i went through a little bit of the process of building like the thought process of building this one uh and you guys seem to really like that that makes me happy i'm i'm really glad so it turned out great and even i saw on the hermitcraft subreddit there was some beautiful beautiful fan art of this which that's awe that makes me feel so great because if it inspires you to do actual art uh with well i mean this is an art form right but art with pen and paper or in you know a different way that's really cool somebody else did some art of snips over at aqua town which we got some business to talk about that went down over there and they removed snips and they put a tim hortons who did that who come forth that's over on the subreddit as well pretty hilarious but i have something before we talk dive in and talk about because uh uh scar and i kind of did something uh earlier and we'll visit that in a little bit but there's something cool that i want to do first this is gonna be kind of fun remember how like a couple episodes ago two episodes ago i put this whole i put villagers all over the place they're all gone they're they all vanished um i just you know my whole life in this game i've always wanted free-range free roam villagers and they've all they all abandoned me they're all gone this was a bustling city there were people up in the bedroom there's people all over town in different places now as far as i can tell the only guy left is this sweet fisherman here and this chicken thanks for staying in the city so this guy and it looks like wait has anybody traded with him no wait has he been traded with he has been traded with oh do do that's not gonna work why did i trade with him to get emeralds i guess so he's a fisherman apprentice that's what that little copper dongle means um well i was gonna use him because we're going to i'll find somebody else maybe we'll see we'll check the ravine but when i first got this land aslan's a little far away from the town uh aqua town or acute i'm so sorry or um as we lovingly call it now or uh the shopping district and stuff the reason why i loved this place though was because it has this river and it's a really consistent river that goes all the way through the land but believe it or not here's what's most exciting it opens up and it dries up a little bit here but you can still see the land is carved out for a river it goes by joe's place and it goes out into the ocean and the ocean leads us right to the shopping district right this way there's where the old mansion was i mean guys cub has been doing some amazing stuff here uh joe joe and a bunch of the other hermits did some really cool stuff here there's a lot of stuff going on that you guys should check out but i want to continue this river i want to at least get some ouchie i want to get some water going through here so we can take a boat i could take boat transport all the way from my area all the way over to the shopping district but i would like to transport a villager over there because i'm thinking we we made a little bit of a food hut thing last episode yo we made a food hut thing and uh it it turned into uh or i put a pillager in there but i want to put a villager in and just see what happens um did anybody fall down here it doesn't look like it so it does look like i'm gonna need to get a new villager and get him over here and uh some and and then transport him get him in a boat and transport him but in the meantime i'm gonna start clearing out that river and putting water over there not super decorative because that's kind of on joe's land but at least turn what was a river into a river and then we'll get a villager well the villager production has been slow not many villagers to speak of but i did manage to get one so see you later big guy have a good trip off to infinity there you go and hopefully we'll see him on the other side so we'll go through the castle here and let's go through this little opening [Music] and we have to stall just slightly just a little stall and i think we'll be able to get this we'll be able to get him in the boat before the nighttime cometh we're gonna go right here we're gonna make a boat real quick uh oh okay fast we gotta make a boat fast did that okay watch out fast this is a speed run boat speed run boom bang pow i got one and i'm gonna even have time to get my crafting benches and nighttime cometh and here we go and i've got i'm i'm ready i'm here with a boat are you here yet he's taking a long time oh boy gotta shriek you know what sometimes i go so fast my fly technique is so fast that they get unloaded chump in unloaded chunk he might just be loaded in here somewhere so we'll just hang out here a little bit and then we'll kind of cruise peruse on this way slowly at the speed of a mine cart and then fly fast so we can beat him okay that's that was the tactic perfect any second now what in the world is going on here where didn't we there's a flawless system i made this perfect flawless system is anybody here he is here oh hey hi okay he just needs to look at something come hey stupid come look at this there you go off you go he's gonna act like a mason for a second and then whoop up you go okay come come on yes okay all right where'd you go they're so fast where did he go aha i heard you aha ah and you claim this job now is this you still yes it is get outside get out get outside that's not your real job you don't want to do that for a life okay all right just get in this boat get yes aha okay so i'll have to do agree in and knock the doors off for a second and then in we go and put the doors back unlike green i'm bouncing i bounce i bounce crazy ah and boom and boom doors back on and here we go this is it so if we just take this river right here all the way we can take this all the way to aqua town how fantastic is this so i carved out some of that dry area that we saw before and we're just gonna go on a little journey with this guy and he thinks he's a fisherman right now but sure enough he's not i didn't make this perfect it's a little tight quarters in through here but it's going to work fantastic this is honestly a wonderful way for for transporting i mean there's no real villagers in the uh spawn city are there it's only pillagers over there do we get a villager in there let's see what happens it'll be fantastic okay and this is now we're through joe's area a little bit of bouncing back and forth and some of the blocks that i left behind by accident and boom we've done it we're transporting now far away from our place out into the ocean and we're here we're sailing far far away from our city and it's actually really not a far trip at all all the memories there's the old goat head and the half mansion of course we sold the other half of our mansion to corrales and then impulse flipped it there's one of doc's mad scientist buildings there of course and then aha a beautiful tropical island and now we start to see false's buildings when you see when you start seeing false's future future buildings wow this is massive you know you're getting close i like paths okay i'm gonna admit it i'm a big path fan there's a zombie stuck in there i love just taking a long long path whether it's walking or boating or going in a cart or on a horse i love horsing wow false there's another one of false's all out buildings and if you've been watching you've seen that in the background from time to time from aqua town any second now you will see toontown toon towers render in there there's part of it and then aqua town right here there she blows oh my goodness what a fun journey i like journeys and you know we never really get to see the city from this angle so this is kind of nice i really love this but here we are so you'll see a couple of new things here this is something that scar and i worked on a little while ago and we'll talk ab who play pikes in me ouch we'll talk about that in just a second but now i think i'm gonna do my old classic tunnel strat he's lost his job perfectly i'm gonna do my classic tunneling strat and i'm gonna tunnel him to here oh boy can i do this okay actually this is probably oh this is okay this is probably the best time to do this um okay break that come up here come up here come up here oh i broke grass okay he's gonna want this bed go up there yes he did okay good good good good good good we're gonna bed lure we're gonna do some bed luring because it's almost nighttime so this is perfect all right bed lure aha okay and again i shall bed lure you this way no this way right here stupid hey get out of that corner it's dark it's dark and he's trying to get inside okay block that off okay now he doesn't see it okay bed lure this way bed he's trying to get a job okay this is actually working out nicely wrong way no no a bell is ringing okay i gotta sleep okay that didn't work okay now we gotta find him i have no idea where he went but actually this is perfect aha don't take that job no no no no no okay this is actually perfect okay okay all right semi-trapped no he went up into ren's house don't go up there okay ouch you go come on this way okay good good good good good good good okay stupid okay can't go this way anymore oh you go in every door okay just keep blocking him keep blocking him he's nervous he's nervous about scar and up he goes he went back in there no block this door no okay actually good stupid go go they're harder to control i only have one stone left he went and now i'll use my patented bed luring aha okay actually all right right this way am i good sir right this way see this bed come to this bed get away from your workstation you can't you can't look at that anymore you can't look at that that's not your job anymore and you can't look at these either okay get out of there okay making good progress here making good progress i can't get this flower away further away we're just cramming out here yep i need to back up please back up please i'm pushing as hard as i can so he won't okay and bang aha now what up you go oh you're panicked now okay this is great this is great okay yes go up in the food cart aha he lost his job okay and now he wants to be a chef right go be a chef go up in there you want that you want that chef job yes you can do it please please scar stop this is it get up get up here please okay i'm gonna break this it's gonna be more trouble he did it he's a chef okay yes i did it oh i did it he's in i hate my inventory so bad right now hold on aha i think that's it i think i've done it did i lose paintings i'm sure i lost paintings yes but that's fine paintings can be replaced uh villagers are forever so now scar is just watching no no no oh close one oh okay okay there's a lot of stone i'm gonna have to clean up okay we did it though we did it all right that was difficult now for the major test hi scar okay now for the major test we're going to knock this out and see what happens he looks like a wonderful they look like an arguing married couple that's what i'm going for let's see what happens do they do anything yeah look at him he's just peaceful it's perfect oh yeah look at these two oh it's not exactly what i was thinking but it does it does look good and now we've got a villager in town which is awesome so i think i did mix up these trapdoors and i broke some stuff but hey who wants some rabbits too it's right here for you if you want to get it and then you're funny seeing these two guys here i love it okay so all of that all of that to bring you guys here that's just one little thing i wanted to do it was pretty fun i'm glad we did it i did wait i did have another trapdoor i don't know anymore but we're gonna put this door back down that's one thing these here scar and i met up because scar had an invitation for an idea for us to sell off the rest of the land here so scar would you like to he left i was gonna ask him if he wanted to segue us in but anyway oh it's night time the bells are going off that's a clock he made i hope it doesn't bother you the noises but anyway here's a little bit of what scar and i did earlier today you made this so you might be wondering what this is it is a little weird tank finger was absolutely weirded out by the whole thing sure so we have all this land right in my last episode i kind of spruced up this and cleaned it up and i thought instead of just doing this weird back and forth let's make it a little bit more easy for the hermits to understand so when they want a piece of land they know how to get it but we add a little spice to it and we create the land games and land games is where we kind of draft off the land each one of us takes a plot you take a plot i take a plot and then we try to sell that off and in the end once the last sand drops to the hourglass winner takes all of the diamonds winner takes off yes yes it cut out for just a second but the last sand drops and then winner take all winner that's it it's over yes winner take off winner takes all so if i get more diamonds than you i get your diamonds or if of course you get more diamonds tonight you get my diamonds winner take all i saw good sticks with really good barbecue sauce there's very good steaks here i'm i'm 100 in i you know i i'm doing well i'm doing well i'm doing financially i'm doing fantastically i've got tons of diamond blocks i've got more money than i could spend but i could always use more so do you want to set up the draft yes yes so we're going to we're going to have different that it works out great because like when suzuma comes in he says i want some land and then i'm fighting yelling and you're you know stealing from me and i'm yeah i don't remember that it's a big back and forth you know and it's it's not a great customer experience this will streamline things yeah i just had to crouch down to get on your level yes um i think it'll be really good for um you think you're so funny you know i got plantar fasciitis from because people like you bullied me and i had to wear lifts in my shoes for three years and now it hurts when i walk i'm tearing let's plot out the land and figure out how to do the draft okay that's fantastic i think we've got a wonderful layout here with the land it looks fantastic i i can't hear you can you speak up down there a little i say i say i think we've got a wonderful layout what did you just say i said if you could you could speak up a little bit big fella yeah on this little dirt block yeah shall we proceed with the draft yes we should weird that a dirt block is there that's strange all right so put one orange block in there one oh you put one orange i put one light blue blue okay okay okay so i'm light blue you're orange okay so i guess when i push the button whatever one pops out gets this plot for their uh portfolio of land to sell you are a redstone genius this is faint i am oh got him oh next plot well you should mark this right you should mark this so you don't forget that this is yours here put it on that put it on that that very mysterious you can't get it over little guy there you go i'm a basketball pro now good throw okay you know what that this is your redstone contraption this could potentially be rigged what what if we do something else for the button you lost the button that's a good you have in mind because i lost the button i don't i don't know where how can we do how can we proceed it's impossible the button's gone for this land right here what if we did a 10 paces bow and arrow shot shoot at each other and whoever dies first loses whoever dies last wins okay kick out boy so yeah that's right yes back to back 10 paces turn and shoot type thing okay um this is hilarious i'm so down i'm so down so all right this is your thing explain it so we've got our bows now yes and yes what's next well our as you can see our health is knocked down a little bit so that we're gonna be one shot because we need to die to know that it's who hit first and then we'll stand back to back on this block okay and we will we will count out ten paces out loud yes out loud and then on ten it's not it's not one two three four six seven eight nine ten go on ten turn and shoot another thing 10 paces is 10 paces it doesn't have to be big steps you know you could just go one two three four right like that oh i thought it was blocks oh okay so it's just a little like step yeah you can well you can do little or big it's strange whatever we feel like all right i'll do big strides okay yeah okay and one one two two don't say it after me because then okay okay let's say it at the same time on three okay all right one two three three three four four five five six six seven eight nine ten yes nice you you smashed me in the face that was such a good shot yes that was a that was a really good shot scar they call that the drag scope i did a drag scope huh 360 not scope because i didn't and i failed oh oh well gg put your put your marker down now this one what's the feat of strength for this one a feat of strength right yeah do you have any ideas i do we're gonna eat tridents dude aqua town now has a hot tub look at this this is amazing we look so stupid we do so this is um off of the design of cubs golf course so we have our trident and we have our ender pearls and what we're going to do is we're going to take our trident and we're going to launch ourselves out of the hot tub an aqua hot tub and then we are going to launch our ender pearl at the same time and it is going to propel us super duper far now there is one issue yes and i i want you to have all the advantages in the world you're probably gonna need to sleep so you're not distracted i'll be fine i'll be fine you can't i'm gonna get you i get the plot if i sleep no no no yes sleep plot game okay okay fine it's on sleep totally on here we go come on come on come on no hold on if i yes no one can beat you it's mine okay well we move on to the next plot then yes oh okay blue block there yes yes wow okay that was easy okay so this one's for then this plot then and whoever's the farthest wins yes okay i'm a little nervous me too all right wanna do it all at once yes you can count us down i counted the last one two three oh i'm feeling i'm feeling good we're going to seoul through this you're farther than me right now i think that's a bad sign for me come fly with me b-dubs oh wait you're gone hello you still haven't landed what are you we are halfway across oh i see you underwater yeah i have no idea where you blew it way past me oh my gosh hello there hi oh oh wow dude that was so much fun i'm gonna do it again okay well now we need another feat uh oh i might oh another one i can come up with something who's the little guy now scar looks like the little guy had to make himself a step stool i can never win okay okay hold on i'm gonna do a super zoom hold on okay super zoom yes there we go now i can see you a little bit better hello up there hello hello down there so for this plot i was thinking we just tried ended out of that water now climb up to this high height jump down and whoever makes it in the water wins wins the plot and this is a really good plot may i add like yes it's like a central like located plot like this one is going to sell for some top tier diamonds yes yes it's going to be a good one so and this is going to be really hard okay so i'm going to jump okay okay you're rooting for me okay i kind of am actually i i kind of am th this is gonna be really fun okay three two stand back a little bit because i got my inventory full okay three two one go all right i'm waiting oh i don't even see it i see it [Laughter] was that i feel like you hit the rim i did i hit the rim does that count that doesn't count you're supposed to survive and land in the water it's really high up here be tough it's high yeah that's really hot you're almost touching the sun oh wow okay um and no no tips or anything you want to give a guy um no i'm not giving any tips okay all right here we go one two three okay okay oh too far too high too low oh i got the rim oh so you hit the rim as well yeah i hit the rim oh and in three two one your carrots look bigger than you oh that was really close it was a good splat i'm going to give that a i'm going to give that a 10 out of 10 spot i'm feeling gu this is really hard this is really hard yeah should we make the pool bigger what should we do maybe you know what let's make it just a little bit bigger okay scar yeah it's almost night time okay so i'm gonna leave in you okay i'm gonna do this fast too wide now okay here we go and yes yes looking good looking good really hard all right just like sleep okay i'm feeling good about this one b dubs you are wide i think i have a strategy you do strategy [Laughter] what is it about us hitting the rim like yeah yeah it's hard let's let's go two more okay this way two more yeah all right let's do it we have a wide hot tub down here now it's a wide hot tub here we go uh oh i may have oh overcompensated i went too far out oh the quad wide hot tubs was not enough i'm nervous now because i feel like i feel like there's a big opening for you on this one you did it oh hey oh that was good you know what i i should be mad because i don't get the land it's a very good piece of land but i'm just glad somebody finally landed it that was an impressive feat i would have been happy if you got it too because we we've been at this for a very long time moving on to the next plot it is my turn now to come up with something yes and i want to do a little bit of uh bare-knuckle fisticuffs each other you want to just fight yes you want to fight me why is why why you you sound so intimidating i've been through many uhcs i've played uh what this uh what's uh i played other things where i fight people well i had two older brothers oh okay i did not that that does toughen you up quite a bit yeah i mostly just hit him with a stick when they came near me but i i think i've got some good fighting skills so let's let's make a little a little a little circle area okay uh i have i have a surprise for you i'll be okay okay all right i finished the arena you're so shy you oiled for this oh i oiled my i as you can see i have a bit of a farmer's tan yeah my chest is a little lighter than my head yeah slightly yeah are you impressed by my my inflatable i mean my really big muscles aha i know i could tell it's inflatable you can hear the air leaking out of it yes never never hey you might want to right click on this because you know what you're gonna need it are you ready i'm ready yes all right ding ding ding ding ding okay johnson weaving okay okay all right it's okay to get out of the circle this is this is no holds barred yeah yeah the circle is in that rule that we're gonna fall out yes yes i'm not losing any hearts fyi hey um yeah i definitely for sure haven't lost any hearts yeah right not even a single heart actually i've gained hearts oh really yeah yeah i bet multiple gains really actually gaining right now in strength i've never fought anybody with my hands before and i'm doing faint i'm pro at it please no no no not like this yeah oh i sweat i swear my muscles are deflating oh don't look at me i'm hideous don't follow me i'm hideous scar i have half a heart i have a heart dude i was on half a heart oh wait now yeah you yeah i know and then you were at zero scar i i'm thinking i mean that was that was fun and everything but i'm thinking maybe it'd be a good idea to go back to your original idea of just doing the dispenser because i'm getting kind of kind of getting worn out a little bit i'm i'm a little tuckered out myself i okay i i i i lost my shirt you killed me i'm dead now by the way i don't know [Music] yeah yeah so it's okay if we just go back to your plan just leave it to chance i found the button you found it oh fantastic oh good workout we'll go back to old reliable here oh brilliant oh oh it was blue all along you saw didn't you man go ahead no it's rigged i say stop never mind mine again okay i'm actually you are you're winning too much yeah all right that's one big one one big one this is a it's a ring job it's not looking good for me it's you push it you push it yes okay okay it's a big one it's a big one you got like 20 in a row but uh i did but we should even amount a little bit no that's fine that's fine i got this big boy this is fine how about you get two or three of my plots and you become my little helper for one episode for two or three how many three four three i get three okay i'll do it sold so maybe my greed has gotten the best of me maybe i don't know i think i think this is going to be a good idea we're we're sitting right now in aquatown we've made 58 diamond blocks worth of diamonds that's a lot that's the that's so much but we are putting it all on the line for this thing that's the so hey a little risky but you know what if you don't if you're not it's risky i shouldn't have done that well we'll see we'll see maybe i mean if we win it all then hey great but we got we ended up after we made that promise to scar which maybe i'll regret doing that too two potential regrets we got most of the land we got uh seven or eight and he got seven i think there's 15 total so we just got ended up with one more lot than him so now it's time it's time to start thinking how how are we going to do this i can't just sit back laissez faire relaxed thinking to myself hum pump pump i'll just wait in my office and wait with walkers and by the way let's go get squawkers and wait for somebody to come and buy it no no no no no we have to entice people and get people hi squawkies hi squawkers come on my shoulder please this is gonna be the best day and you're almost here and fantastic so we gotta do something we have to figure out a plan now number one visual i mean people have been stopping by aqua town like crazy look at this beautiful building this we sold this to false and sure enough look at this beauty she's installed it's looking fantastic i'm excited to see what she comes up with for this place oh hi squawkers again hello um so we want to really stand out and we want people to see our place number one so i've got some ideas for that some things that will really draw the eye let me get what do we have a plethora of number one gunpowder and that i think will be used a little bit later but as well as we also have tons of wool and my color for this thing is kind of has been kind of light blue throughout i think we'll throw some green in there for that aqua and i think we're gonna need more wool but that should get us started for a while aha more fantastic okay as much as we can get is gonna be good okay that's good that's a good start so i will put a little something together to see what you guys think to see if okay is this gonna draw the eye and bang that seems like that really catches the eye doesn't it that feels nice it's a lot of colors and you know the so i i talked to the the family uh the hermitcraft family about banners do banners cause lag yes but only slightly not much and these are temporary you know where we're there there's there's so much stuff not only in this area but in the shopping district there's so many things so we're really trying to be gentle with all the things we add just in case but i think this is a nice visual this is really going to catch the eye let's do oh i just realized something let's do a flyover okay and then now and now you see so hey maybe it's a like a flicker sign effect like you don't notice it initially until you're close and then boop it all pops in i think that's what helps with the lag as well when you're a little far away it all vanishes look at this curly hair i don't have curly hair like this yeah so it all goes away here that's good it's a compromise it's a good compromise and you get it nice and tight and nice and close and then boom light blue and lime green and white and then scar of course going with the orange i think that's gonna sell so that's step one now you know there are other things you can do to incentivize people and oh i've got a great idea for incentivizing as i was putting all these banners up millions and millions which by the way uh we're gonna have to uh i'm making actual money on wool believe it or not ah oh fence not hurt i'm making money on wool selling bbb what was this this was lime green i got a restock lime green and lime green again i got a restock and i'm selling i sell i sell i make diamonds here unbelievable okay i'll restock unbelievable but that's actually uh a wool i need so i'm gonna have to do some uh afk and at the sheep farm to get some more wool in here to do all these banners if this is the direction we're gonna go which i think it is but additionally what we're going to do we're going to incentivize people to buy these things by let's find somewhat center let's go like here feel center-ish and here feels center-ish right about here okay we're gonna put a little bit of a glass cube and this is all to make people think oh what could be in there each spot is going to have a mystery box inside oh yes what that's not glass a mystery box inside and this mystery box could have something great it could have something average we're definitely we're definitely 100 going to have gunpowder for like at least two of them because um i have an overflow situation happening with gunpowder actually check this out check this smart move bang and then just i'm fast that's not all of it though is it where did it what aha sure it's full it looked like it wasn't full for a second gunpowder will be one of the things that we give away because you know gunpowder is very valuable for tnt for rockets and stuff like that so one of them will be filled with gunpowder another one you know probably filled with gunpowder and then maybe another one filled with gunpowder but then one maybe one will have a full suit of netherrite armor that we buy from threads or you know uh a free building voucher from me or something we'll put i this is why this is this is where i'm gonna leave this to you guys to help me what do you guys think because you guys are very insightful what do you guys think would be a great gift for somebody on the server what would people love and it's a mystery they can't look inside until they buy it and once they buy it boom pop open the surprise egg and bang you can see that i have children and i've learned from the youtube videos that they watch opening thousands and thousands of surprise eggs over and over and over but i think that's a fantastic idea let me know though what you guys think would be great to fill these with now scarves set up these beautiful statues please sir can i have some more that's hilarious he set up these beautiful statues and he requested that i put my diamonds up here any diamonds we make we will put them up on display here so that you can see how much we have and we're not going to fluff it up but as i'm doing this i want to uh bring something to your guy's attention you know whenever i do a merch release or something like that i let you guys know because often uh i'll do some merch and then somebody will be sad because it's gone and they're like oh i missed it uh this time i'm not doing a merch release but it's gonna cover my eyes and my face that's hilarious okay let's thicken this out a little more um my wife actually has uh created some clothing which is really really cool i really like it uh oh that's all of it oh i thought i had much more than that okay let's okay okay we might need to fluff it a little bit uh but uh she's doing it to raise money to give to a a wonderful charity which uh i think is awesome and you know when you word this stuff you sometimes sometimes say all the proceeds go to this and this we're trying to do this uh ourselves like we're handling the shipping and distributing stuff ourselves or um and so it's hard to say all proceeds go when you don't know what expenses are gonna be but we're raising the money to give to to a charity um and uh but my wife talks more about that so i'll put a link in the description for that if you guys are interested and it's um kind of in honor and in the name of our late daughter ivy um which i'm i'm just really proud of my wife for what she's done and and um i thought i'd just let you guys know if you're interested in something like that and want to help support that would be awesome uh it's really cool it's really cool uh there's a hoodie a sweatshirt a t-shirt and i've been wearing them a lot actually i love them um but yeah check that out in the link in the description below if you are interested but anyway that looks good that's a good pile i love how scar set it up to where it covers the face and all that stuff that's pretty cool um but uh that's gonna do it i think we've got everything set up here i just need to farm a bunch of wool what a fantastic journey this is gonna be it's nerve-wracking because we might lose everything i sure hope not but ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching this episode of hermitcraft i'm looking forward to seeing your responses in the comments below for what we should put in these things the bell's ringing that means it's night time we gotta go to street i love you guys to death and we'll see you in the next [Music] episode [Music] foreign
Channel: BdoubleO100
Views: 399,085
Rating: 4.984601 out of 5
Keywords: hermit craft, hermitcraft, bdoubleo, bdouble0, bdubs minecraft, bdubs hermitcraft, hermitcraft 7, hermit craft 7, bdoubleo100 hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft season 7, gaming, minecraft
Id: 4W5c2Ha7GaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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