Hermitcraft 7 | Ep 085: BEHOLD THE ICE FORTRESS!

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Thats an amazing build well done impulse<3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skoldpadda1337 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The sheer amount of dedication and hard work put into this beautiful build is magnificent, especially with a back ache,so If anyone is reading this has not seen this episode, please see it and like the video and if u don’t watch impulse then please do!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LightComesOpen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved the time lapse and then all the info on how it was made. Especially the spreadsheet!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BavarianCreaminati πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] what's going on everyone my name is impulse and welcome back to hermitcraft oh my goodness this took me a long time to build how amazing was that opening time lapse that was probably the biggest build i've ever done in a time lapse maybe ever oh so much work went behind this and it looks fantastic does it not i love the detail we are not done by the way but those of you wondering what is this thing this is i'm gonna call it the ice fortress and why i caught the ice fortress is because this is my ice farm i finally finished i've been chipping away at this massive ice farm all season long and it is finally done and once i got it done i thought you know what we need walls around it this thing needs to be protected and now we have them because we did it we did it so i'm gonna do something right now i don't usually do i'm gonna ask you guys for some help here because at least 20 hours so far has been put into this and got what like 45 seconds of content in that time lapse typical youtuber problems but you guys could help me out right now by hitting that like button you really could it is free it's not gonna cost you anything but just a little clicky of the mouse if you hit that like button it's letting youtube know y'all think this video is good enough for youtube to give out to other people to see if they like it too so that would be amazing if you guys could do that i would truly truly appreciate it because like i said i've put in a ton of work into this and we're gonna do a little bit more work it's not done need some details but i thought it also might be cool if you know since we just went through a 45 second here's how this thing got built what if we rewind a little bit what if we backtrack how exactly did i manage to get the enormous amount of materials to even build this thing so let's take a look right now starting off with the list of sheer materials needed to construct this so here we go this is the number of materials that went into this build as you can see i actually had to break it down by how many shulker box were needed for some of these materials and of course how did i know how many materials i was going to need well it's because i built this whole thing in creative first now i didn't actually record myself building in creative and going over my kind of design flow or anything like that so we're going to have to reenact the whole thing and um yep that's perfect so looking at the list it was obvious to me that blackstone acquisition was going to be the hardest thing to come by so i did the only thing i can think to do i went to the nether and i tore down an entire bastion just kidding no i didn't i actually just asked tango if it was cool if i could use his pigman bartering farm and get it from there with the blackstone now covered i noticed the next thing on my list was light blue concrete and i needed 5274 blocks of it so this time i was gonna have to get my hands dirty and actually do some work next on the list is 4356 packed ice not regular ice packed ice that means a lot of ice farming for me luckily i just finished my enormous ice farm next up 3240 snow blocks so you know what that means do you want to build a snowman oh yeah and lots of harvesting and lots of crafting so i'm gonna take a break and go meet up with the zuma because he wants to show me my new penthouse suite in his building well impulse if you just look over your shoulder here the view is not blocked is it not at all man and i see a beautiful building has emerged very well i want someone to live in it i know you did offer me like the top floor right do you just want it anyway of course i mean i'm not going to say no to free real estate well it's it's yours then by the way you got to take that helmet off oh oh yeah i love it um so v-dubs he dyed my hair pink it may have seeped into my brain a little bit because uh yeah i'm kind of digging i love that kind of digging the pink i don't know if you noticed my base is still pink by the way yeah i think i think it's good i like it you're embracing it yeah exactly oh so you want to show me you want to show me this this top floor i don't even know how to get up there you have to go to the bottom floor to get there okay you know that's generally how moving through buildings works are you are you selling stuff already is this yeah yeah it's all up all the different bricks and clay all that stuff is all for sale very nice and just just oh whoa um went through his skull man are you okay yeah oh there it is so this narrow cramped staircase if we just go up here and we we just ignore that door's nothing okay on that one either okay you just go all the way to the top my friend and look at this oh okay drag kelp blocks got it luxury lounge this is the impeccable view of the local cuisine oh is this part is this part mine too yeah this is it right here this is the entrance so you've got this big lounge area and then you've got like a bedroom over here i guess you could say oh okay okay a little bit of a problem it doesn't really like have the best of use of your base right yeah i can just see the top of it yeah you might want to make a modification there i'm not sure it looks like it's got like a part that we can go out like what happens if i open this up a little bit oh can we go out here oh dang it's all right oh i just broke your building or my this mine [Laughter] oh this oh there we go yeah there it is now you got the view spectacular oh man i'm gonna need a lounge chair well this is cool yeah yeah yeah oh i like it man and the building looks spectacular thanks yeah i just i've been so inspired by everything going on and if you just put your mind to it and spend a little bit of time in creative it don't take too long to figure stuff out you know oh man i'll tell you i've been uh i've been working on a big project lately i know exactly what you mean building can be fun and tedious and sometimes frustrating but mostly fun well thanks for the space man i'm gonna i'm definitely gonna put some stuff in here and make it look good yeah it's i've done it in a way where it's just open for decoration right all i've done is put in some floors and ceilings and it's good to go perfect man i truly appreciate it thank you awesome i am so looking forward to decorating that penthouse but i can't stay long because we still have 1500 sea lanterns that we need for this build so here we are at the guardian farm crafting away some sea lanterns the last thing on our shopping list today is some smooth quartz we need some slabs some stairs and regular blocks of course i have plenty of that because i've used so much quartz this season we're good to go so now we've got everything together let's take it to the build site and of course after that we went to town on the build in the time lapse you saw at the beginning of this video and these are the leftovers look we actually did over craft a little bit even though we had the uh the numbers there but always better to be safe than sorry so there you go we got some stuff left but anyway this is all actually here because i was hoping we could use this for water sources in here but then i just remembered like so i think this is where one of the water for sources should go down and if we break an ice block let me use a fortune pick maybe that would be faster if there's nothing under it yeah yeah yeah that's a problem right the water doesn't actually flow so what could we do here to make this easier i don't really want to have to get a bunch of buckets of water and come over here and do it that way so i wonder if we can kind of cheat the system a little bit maybe if we do this put some scaffolding in to get higher and we put a snow block underneath now that should turn to water and then if we get our shovel and get rid of that there we go that might be the way to go oh and i probably should have put some blocks underneath because i think i may have just flooded hopefully it didn't flood the redstone here where did it go okay all right we're good we're good um so i'm going to go around because there's a lot of water sources to be put in it's actually part of the design and i didn't do that during the time lapse so i'm going to do that now also there's probably a ton of spots where i i kind of made a mistake in fact just as i said that i can already see one right away this was so intricate of a build that uh it you know was bound to happen obviously i'm gonna i'm gonna miss some blocks here and there so i'll be keeping my eye out for them as i'm going through and putting in all these water sources but um yeah let's see if we can at least get get this wall done with the water sources that's gonna be a bit of a tedious task there we go that is looking much better gives it a little bit of animation makes it a little bit softer to see this water kind of flowing through and eventually i got smarter about it and realized a lot of the places i was placing the ice down had sea lanterns nearby like in these cases so yeah i would just place the ice block and just give it some time and it would melt and i think we may still be waiting on a few to melt but it looks like all these ones are done but maybe down at that end where i ended up still might be needing a little bit more time and also look at this i added a fountain in over here this is kind of cool kind of looks like the water is coming up through this part right here and then up and over so i think i want to go around and add those to the corners and then i was also thinking this part right here looks like it should be hanging some sort of chandelier something should be hanging in here by the way this is kind of the entrance so we go through the corners there's no center entrance they're all corner entrances eventually we will need to make this mob proof so i need to figure that out how we can make sure that mobs don't get in here because that's the whole point we don't want mobs on the inside of this guy and also speaking of the inside i want to make the inside also look good so we had some water flowing on the outside and i think if we add some water on the inside we can also make some really cool effects here i mean just look at this this is begging for a bit of a waterfall so and it also is begging for an extra snow block right there that i obviously missed uh so yeah let's take care of the inside now and also i think i'm gonna work on some chandelier decoration for these corners and just like that now the insides also look good we've got the water flowing there that waterfall fixed a lot of missing blocks as well which is awesome and that wall is good to go of course that means i do need to do the other three walls that kind of sounds like a job for a live stream to go around and fill in the rest of the water so we'll save that but also i wanted to show you over here i have been working on a little bit of a i guess you could call it a chandelier but we just got this deal kind of hanging from the ceiling right here and at the bottom a little bit of light poking through and the waterfall over here as well which looks good so let me know what you guys think of that little design there it's not much it's just kind of a little bit hanging from there and i do need to figure out how we're going to transition into here because uh oh i should probably mention this you might be wondering why did we go with this design of just four walls and not actually have a structure over top of this and that's pretty simple because we can't put any blocks over top of this ice or else it won't form right ice needs our water basically needs a access to the skies full skylight can't even put glass above it or string or anything or else ice won't form out of water blocks so that is why in this biome we have to have completely open sky access for this farm to work and instead we're just going to do this fortress of these walls around it and hopefully eventually keep some mobs out but the goal after this is to have a bit of a basement as well because you might have seen we have some storage underneath here and it's not great at the moment i don't even have oh i got rid of my axe but there is some storage back here actually let's just do this we'll work our way back in here i set up this as the storage for the ice right now and i think it'd be kind of cool to have a basement underneath the ice farm we need to get i probably took all the ice out of here just about um we need to get a snowman in here i want to also have a snow farm because yeah having a snowman in the base to get snow blocks wasn't really going to work out in fact it was quite funny every time a pig man would spawn in my portal they would go after the snowman and the snowman would start throwing snowballs at it so it was pretty funny but anyway lots of work to do around here like i said i think i'll probably do a lot of this on live streams putting in more water sources and kind of making sure all the blocks are in the right places looks like we missed some water sources in there as well so yeah just there's a lot to do but i do want to get started on trying to figure out how what we're going to do about this basement so let me see where exactly can we go to come down to a basement like there's no reason for us to go on top of here but we do want to come in and then be able to get into the farm via this door and i think i will switch out a lot of whatever's showing in the end with the the birch here i think i'll switch it out to some of the blackstone so that we're not actually in the end seeing a lot of the burst it should all get covered up but yeah we need to figure out i think i'll staircase down or something and then come into here and then let's dig out a bit of a basement that we can use for storage all right so here's kind of what i'm thinking we could come under the farm like this and if we clean it out we can actually see the pathways of the farm which is pretty cool so if somebody was in there and you were underneath you could see them kind of scooting along the farm collecting ice and now we can open this up so this storage that was now facing the outside we'll turn it around to the inside and it can be right here down these steps so let me do that real quick that is much better now we can just come down the steps and our storage is all just right here i even added a few extra chests so that we can store even more ice because we're going to be collecting a ton of ice from this gigantic ice farm oh that's fabulous so much to do here though we got to dig all this out i want to get the snowman going i want to make it like a really cool snowman farm a snow block farm anyway so but we're not going to do that today because oh we've spent just so much time here today yeah yeah this was a ginormous build ginormous build and um to be honest i actually have been struggling to get this episode done i i actually hurt my back during the recording of this i strained my back a little bit and it's been tough for me to sit down for long periods of time so aside from it being just a long big project that we needed to put a lot of time into i haven't really had the time to sit down and finish this episode up because i can only work in like small small little stints without my back hurting so anyway i do want to finish this episode up just by going back to the shopping district uh checking out a quaiway town seeing what's going on over there because it's been at least a week since i have been over there and i have a feeling things have changed a little bit so let's let's go see what kind of shenanigans are going on in a kiwi town it finally happened look at this we actually sold some beacons oh my gosh it i can't remember how long it's been since we've last sold some beacons and b-tubs he has no clue still that he's got all these diamonds in here i know i said i was gonna tell i'll tell him right now there we go and i let him know i was like have you been to lamps plus lately and he thought maybe i was doing renovations but i said no you need to check out your cut of the profits because they are adding up here and then uh he brings up a good point we really should be doing some renovations in here because we still only sell beacons and and rods which is it's it's it's kind of it's kind of lame we need to we need to do more look at all the things we planned on doing oh yeah yeah we got to put in some work i'm going gonna get i'm a doctor we'll see if we can get something going soon but in the meanwhile he's got 12 diamond blocks just sitting here waiting for him okay diamond beacon somebody's flexing well looks like a zoom has been through to purchase some more emeralds so i'll have to refill that but at least we are not completely sold out yep definitely some shenanigans what is that noise what this clock is dedicated to v-dubs and you can actually hear it do you hear that clock oh that's great that looks great what is this what what is happening here they're holding it's a scar and a v dubs and it looks like it looks like an hourglass and sand is dropping and and they're holding out a a plate is there anything like on top of these no wait please sir can i have some more oh oh more diamonds more flexing happening here what is happening i leave these guys alone for one week and now there's craziness going on oh oh what these are probably uh exclusive previews maybe i won't look at it well you'll have to look at uh b dubs and scars video for whatever they're up to over there i don't want to spoil anything okay oh my god [Laughter] we got some busy bees around here that is for sure oh my goodness oh i do need to point out one thing i did see it looks like green has built there it is barge headquarters and if i'm not mistaken i believe it's a little bit taller than the 90 block limit that we had put on azuma's i mean you can tell right there azuma's is way down there and this one's in here now the reasoning we put the limit on the zoom was wasn't just so that we could see the base but it is kind of nice when you're looking at city skylines to be able to have the things on the outside a little bit shorter than the things on the inside so if we take a look like we can see this skyline here if i can stand still in the beacon with the let's just get out of the water there we go now you can see like his building right here is smaller so therefore you can see the buildings behind it and as it gets towards the center they get a little bit taller that is kind of actually nice to see that skyline so even though we declared ourselves the building officer of vertical enforcement i mean i don't think we need to enforce anything here because it's actually towards the inside of the city we really need to just keep our eye on the x the x-force the the excerpts x hi this is future impulse i finally figured out what word i was looking for it's outskirts the outside of the island will say so anyway like i said we'll leave that building alone we won't mess with it we should start thinking about what we want to do with this penthouse area zoom had a good point if we want to be able to see you know the surrounding areas my base in particular from here we may have to raise this floor up but then the windows are kind of in the way um so i had this idea of maybe we could do something out here with this balcony that could be neat and also again we want to make sure it looks good so lots to consider here for sure it's it's really not a huge space but we could do a little bit with this and with this coin into this room as well this is kind of cool because you can see the cafe from here uh which is cool and i wonder if what's on the other side of this actually let's just take a little like a little poke there it doesn't look like much so if we wanted to i wonder if we could is this area just like nothing let's take a look there's there's really nothing in here it's in between buildings hmm that could be a thing who knows what is oh what is that my ears what was that oh my goodness that was loud what is that coming from that sounded like it was right here what was that hi did you hear that it was so sort of rain it says it's scar's fault very loud i wonder what he's doing inside here oh green's always up to something anyway i know this episode may be a little short and we kind of just mumbled around the last part of it but please please hit that like button because we put in so much work into just the first 45 seconds of there's that noise again oh my goodness i gotta get out of here oh please hit that like button guys it really would help out a lot let youtube know this video is worth a watch and i really did enjoy making it even though my back was in some pain during the recording uh anyway hopefully it gets better soon and we'll be back at it but again if you did like it hit that like button and if you're not subscribed make sure you do that before you go and with that said i'll see you again next time have a good one everyone [Music] you
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 485,958
Rating: 4.9847708 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, minecraft server, no swearing, family friendly, let's play, let's play minecraft, impulse, impulseSV, minecraft lets play, hermitcraft, minecraft, yt:quality=high, impulse hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, minecraft 1.15.2, minecraft 1.15 let's play, raid farm, guardian farm, lets play, minecraft survival, impulse base, gaming, season 7, minecraft base, ice farm
Id: -vcBnyhJG54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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