Hermitcraft VII 994 Stat Poker With Friends!

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So interesting to see progress in random stats you don't normally think about a year into the season.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SuperGoose12 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen we gather underneath the llama today to play stat poker oh yeah yeah who here bring your diamonds to give me uh what no no i'm gonna take has anyone actually played this before nope yes a couple times yeah ah so uh i guess you're the one with the upper hand here yeah some experience no i think so cool so we can't i can't come up with any comebacks i was going to say like i'm going to buzz you but it just didn't work your hair looks pretty buzzed what happened there yeah that's true it's a pixel error it's a it's a photoshop error it looks like you got like you shot yourself with the flaming arrow one time too many or something i need to go to snips okay i need to go to sleeves get fixed up are we ready to do this i'm certainly ready we've had a little discussion of how this works beforehand so it's pretty it's pretty similar to like texas hold them yes we did scott yeah we did trying to try to you know set up your audience for failure as if you came i was a little late okay all right so we've all brought two stacks of diamonds right yeah that's like that's like the table price we've all got a corner where we can put our bets and we're gonna start off with an ante of four and then over there we've got a button that's going to bring up a stat so no one is now allowed to look at their stats until they're calling it up to see actually no this doesn't make any sense i think you should be able to look at your stats because we're bluffing each other right i think so yeah yeah because otherwise you might remember a couple of things when you go and look up each stat okay we're changing the rules now you're hereby allowed to look at your stats to see what number you have when it's pulled out and then it's a game of bluff that sounds good okay okay we're all on board all right then i'm gonna go i'm gonna go first i'm gonna press the button we're gonna get a statistic which is games quit and i'm going to put my auntie in at 4 which means scar will lead the betting now what's cool about this is that your statistics are in alphabetical order wow that is a interesting number okay i put foreign wait where's oh i'm sorry games quit names quit at least now it's in alphabetical order before it was not oh it was chaos everyone's put in four which means i have the opportunity to raise uh i'm gonna raise i'm gonna raise a couple of diamonds i think you know i think i've got a good number i'm not sure if i've got a great number getting started i see i see milking i need that's right yeah okay i matched you [Music] i am gonna i'm gonna fold this one actually oh we got our first fold i i think i might do the same to be honest i think i'm going to fold as well well scar has met me so it's between me and scott okay mine was like 3900 or something oh 3 56 so close the place who cleared the table i got a double pokemon right i got it thank you dang i should have put more diamonds in we got a bunch of quitters here that's what we got false mine was only twelve hundred so i okay scar well you will be the next anti because we're playing clockwise and you get to draw the stat auntie is that what it's called jason just boom ten diamonds we're going hard oh okay oh you don't know what it is yet i mean you're supposed to put in four oh and then and then six would be your raise when it comes back round to you all right fine hit the uh can we hit the button here have we got it i can't reach cub can you get it for me see i don't i don't think any of you have built like villager farms no trading no definitely not i'm gonna actually i'm gonna i'm gonna fold on this one again oh folding at the ante no diamonds in false unfolding yeah in a way i haven't done any trading well i will i will put in i'll put in five diamonds so skye your opportunity matt he's matched me uh those go in the middle do we do another round of betting though or is that it because we're matched um i'm gonna put five more in i will match you for another five this is where i find out you secretly been doing tons of trading right no i just have a taste for danger okay right we're matched for 20 diamonds i got 3 911 traits wait how many 3 911. oh i have 244 whoa whoa whoa 204 oh he has been trading a lot oh man let me let me just slide these diamonds into my pocket ooh i might need to split these into both of them 100 82 000 i was like that's not going to cut it that's not going to cut it i didn't want it but yeah and there was 136 actually it was just 244 000. so much that's my experience like i i don't think i've even ridden a horse oh do you know what there was there is that okay there is that one in the uh shop impeachment in this one all right i'm gonna i'm gonna go in for 10 more diamonds whoa oh you know i can't i can't match that so i'm folding cup doesn't cub doesn't even have to reveal his number these are cubs diamonds i'll take it i had three kilometers oh that was more than me i had one 1.14 dang i had 46. oh there he is wow okay yeah horses wow that's sad i don't know if this huh where is this in this so i think you have to go mobs and then look for hate oh this is alphabetical order now oh that's i have nothing in there so horses never killed me and i've never killed a horse uh that that that should tell you that i'm folding car's bedding four i'm gonna bet okay i see mine uh yo i'm gonna raise two oh i'm gonna see the two and then i'm gonna raise another eight big round of betting here there is you know i'm i'm folding again oh i'm going hard i'm going in you need another six yeah what you need another six diamonds hold on i take back those two diamonds unfold oh cheeky well cub wins again and and he doesn't have to reveal oh i'm really curious cub i'll give you a diamond to reveal it okay if you give me a diamond i'll reveal it okay hold on hold on let me grab one okay i want to know all right it was five oh gotta think back to the head games who was involved in that i was writing it down so i remembered um all right four diamonds i'm gonna put down four and i'm also gonna raise five dang i'm gonna fold i i yeah i i i think cub has a lot i i think going to add five as well well i will also fold as uh i had hardly any 21 like wow you had 45. i mean i thought i'd have like a couple hundred but not anything crazy but there you go yeah we're in the crossbow games which resulted in many deaths so cubby are you gonna raise again or is that it that's it that's it that's it okay reveal your numbers okay i had 127. oh 108. all right i'll take it i'll take it right we've played our first 10 minutes and usually there's this rule that the ante increases with time so now the ante is going to be eight that's the buy-in okay and scott it's your turn to buy in and to pick a stat oh man i'm starting to actually lose diamonds here i mean i'm dead even at the moment but like i think covers the one down seven actually what are we getting horses skeleton but wait dead skeleton horses i guess you've killed okay oh i mixed it up with skeleton and i'm like what i'm i'm in for eight i'm in freight yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna fold as well so scarf you wanna raise it's yours i'm gonna fall he lives in a desert biome i mean i would like to point out that you are literally even you're already in you're already in like now's not a good time to fold [Laughter] wait but i'm leaving my diamonds i still fall they're there they're there yeah you can literally just do nothing and not lose anything else oh okay so you're good you're good you're a good sport what are your numbers i had zero no i had three or something that means you win you win you just won oh i'm so good at this let me take my diamonds i just thought it would be funny to go in with zero just for the heck of it so yeah yeah playing a game of bluff oh blackstone has anybody done afk fishing this season [Music] i'm gonna fold yeah i'm not buying really yeah i i've got a number but it's not as much as i thought it would be um i'm gonna i'm gonna buy in i'm not sure what i this will win or not but yeah all right that's it you're both matched are we can i not up the ante uh i think it was who who gets it it's just two yeah you can up you can up fall since you've bought but first no if you want to i'm gonna put four more then okay uh i'm gonna also bet four more yeah i'll call is it tuned by just clicking the note block or it's the stat called it's the statistic called no blocks tuned so just tapping a note block what did you have you can look it up and see what it is oh i did yeah [Music] [Laughter] interactions with beacon hmm oh man let's check that one out every time i open up the menu i never click on statistics first just wanna look i'm unfolding oh okay i am i'm not gonna raise then and does that mean we have another round of betting uh score i think score bet first so he can raise if he wants boom one diamond oh okay did you know i'll call that just because why not okay i'll tell you mine first uh 182 i think it was okay 75. oh good 88 for me oh dang okay i could have milked it on that one i didn't know though i didn't know uh okay if impulse was here yeah oh yeah i'll be backing out suma do you have a raid farm this season i can't remember yeah i do okay that's good i'm folding i don't even think i've been part of a raid this season so that's why i've got nothing well i'm gonna i'm gonna raise you by term of diamond scar [Music] should i tell you how many evokers i killed how about we how about we uh we guess and if we're going to hunters i'm going to say 1100 evokers it's gone 389 false wow i was going to say 250 but okay i i've killed none oh wow seriously me too literally nil wow dang it oh he does well that's gonna be a close one i feel like uh i'm gonna i'm not going in okay sorry i'm gonna raise five okay i'm gonna raise five two okay what do you got folks what do you got 91. got 408. 408. why do you guys have so many more like hundreds more here's what here's what i'm thinking right i i've still got a fair few diamonds in my hand i think everyone has should we up the ante again 16. let's let's say this it's 16 in but everyone else has to put eight so we have like a half anti so every round you gotta you gotta start to dispense with some of these diamonds okay we've got to make it intense now right so a thoughts i think you're the the main buy-in and then everyone else puts eight you put 16. i mean now now we're really i was gonna say okay really going for it this might be my last chance if i if i don't get it right okay oh that's a really interesting one yeah this will be a good one so it's more of a common one [Laughter] okay that's fascinating that's fascinating i am i am do you know what i'm going to go in i'm going to go in on this one uh there you go for the first round of betting i will match the 16. i'm thinking i'm thinking give me one second uh i think i'm going in i think i'm going what's the what's what's the number how much do we have to go up to 16. okay 16 alright moving up to 16 here okay then second round of betting oh no if false if you want to raise isn't it that's it do we raise so if i don't raise does someone else raise i don't know if you don't raise it you know i'm not going to raise them okay so we're playing for a lean stack of diamonds here i want to see what everybody has all right i'll go first 248 000 kilometers no wait 248 000. 240 248 kilometers sorry i'll goof that up i think let me double check if it's in the thousands blimey dude 148 000. [Music] i'm i'm buffing my stats over here 255 kilometers to the crouch oh my god on the way i'm at 205 kilometers oh it's down to false mine's 217. oh scar takes the stack nice oh i actually made a profit we're pretty close i think i'm out for the rest i'm i'm done i've lost so many diamonds how many do you have left oh whoops i still have a stack left but like with getting rid of six i guess if you want to leave the table hey what happened to my 16 i just put in there i think i i think i grabbed them there you go there you are either i know i just put some in if you want to bow out i think i think you're more than welcome to um i'll keep it i'll keep going foxes killed it's good when you built a farm already you know oh my gosh especially when it's a murderous farm we're getting mob heads you know yep yep i'm just gonna slide out of here you go you got to put in your right no i slid out out of the game out of this round you gotta put in your right you can't just pass up on your eight diamonds trying to slide out of there and then it's only it's only eight more to stay in you see all right all right he's out copy you out or you're in uh i'm also out yeah oh dang okay well then you know what they say a b r never reveals its statistics classic saying okay i'm not actually gonna look at my statistics who has made a bad farm it's a risky move i'm gonna call and raise 10 ten ten let's uh let's do that that's 26. and and then i'll raise another 16. oh dang whoa hmm big moves big moves we thought he was the bee turns out he's the bat man scar are you still in are you out now i'm i'm out i'm out i'm gonna call i'm gonna call the 16. oh dang okay then okay then here it is four pack the biggest one hundred diamonds do you want me to go first [Music] i can go i got okay one hundred and [Music] two okay i'm feeling confident i haven't looked yet so uh 207 i knew it i knew it i was the back killer this season dang where do you find all these bats i just keep flying into my sword we are oh betting on creepers kills oh my i'm going to bow out on this one i've just i've just got this feeling in my stomach that i'm going to raise it by 10. this girl's gotta be the creeper yeah you're always encountering creepers like you're like a briefer i will i will call since there's only two diamonds for me for 44 785 creepers i got 1237 creepers oh scott oh that must have hurt your pocket oh no whoops i actually hit him hold up hold on hold on how many was that what was that that was 44 diamonds 44. did you snatch them off the table distance walked underwater wow wow that isn't just specific i raised a bird diamond you need to put in eight you're trying to fool us there we go remember you can always you can always step back from the table you know hold on to the last of your diamonds i got plenty of diamonds okay we'll take them do you see my pedestal over in aquatown all right i'm gonna call and raise by 20. 20 okay you can take my diamonds skull it's up to you 21. oh oh oh okay uh yeah i'll call that extra one added there we go okay how many we are looking at here oh look at that 90 diamonds cub i'm at 136.99 220 kilometers i had i had 248 oh i should have gone in you never know you never know hold on yeah should we should we go 24 and 12 now let's let's keep these these stakes raising you said 24 to buy in yeah for the start of it there we go oh we're putting some serious diamonds on this table yeah no kidding oh girls killed shoot okay uh i'm gonna i'm gonna fold this one actually me too which means scar just automatically takes 48 diamonds just like that i mean that was these how many did you guys have i had 15. i had 13. oh i had 752. yeah i knew it i don't know where those came from i think it's assumer yeah yeah i'm actually i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna have some fun i'm gonna raise it by another 24. oh geez uh i'm gonna call i'm gonna pull out oh um man i feel like kusuma has some type of farm where he's been doing something like [Music] he was too subtle like hey you know i'm just gonna raise it a little bit like it was way too subtle like you were like holding back your excitement well the bee never reveals the statistics remember that that's killed yeah that's a stray hmm [Music] yeah what is that what is this drink again that's the skeleton variant yeah the cold cold skeletons oh in the in the um in the snow area that's the one 25 reason one all right i'm gonna i don't know i don't know if i should do this i'm gonna i'm gonna have to do it i have to do it i'll call if you hadn't a cool cub i think i would have put one more diamond in to see scar because i think he's got none i think scar has no strays [Laughter] i really do but i think you will have some so therefore why throw away a diamond i am folding and therefore uh you you're both even let me double check how much i had so for 74 diamonds okay scar did you have zero are we are we doing our numbers now yeah yeah 29. oh wow i had eight i had eight oh about out of the right side i was bringing it back right now at the last second i remembered i i in my time lapses i always go after the snow because it's cool to see the snow disappear when you get dirt and those stupid things are always there yep oh yeah i'm gonna make a proposal right i'm i'm up on diamonds but i'm thinking i want to make one big splash and bow out so how about for the next round i'll put in 60 diamonds that you don't have to match okay just 24 and i won't even see the statistic first so this is my chance to make it big otherwise i'm bowing out even how does that sound right all right i'm uh i'm also going to go all in i got 28 left so i might as well just put it put all of them in there oh okay wait how many skulls oh well how many do i need to put in you put 20 all in like all your diamonds yeah you just got a couple in so all you got to do is put in 28. i got no idea what's going on shall we just see what happens uh yeah i'm gonna press i'm coming out of this evening pressing it so it's between you actually sorry cub you're still in this snow golems what on earth does that mean should we say killed yeah i would assume that yeah okay then statistics snow golems killed i've just realized this is very good for me okay i got my number okay i got my number oh i'm just gonna say it straight away are you are you yeah six hundred and twelve whoo man that's the last one i literally a couple of episodes ago killed tons of them scott yeah i can't compete with that cub ah five oh man i get to bow out with a tidy profit of over a hundred diamonds that's nice nice i gotta cut me out how many how many did you make from this game then a stack and a half all right so i kind of came out the winner there yeah wanted me to make sure and tell you guys there's tips here uh for the owner oh tip no no no no we we're gonna we should tip uh canadian things bacon ham or we should do ham honey for for a syrup and snowballs i should take more i just made like a a pretty large amount of diamonds so there we go perfect spread it around a little well that was that was a pleasure it was a pleasure taking all your diamonds all right
Channel: xisumavoid
Views: 261,744
Rating: 4.9415975 out of 5
Keywords: stat poker, etho stat poker, hermitcraft stat poker, minecraft stat poker, xisuma stat poker, hermitcraft 1.16, hermitcraft 1.17, hermitcraft new episode, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft s7, hermitcraft 7, season 7, season seven, xisuma, xisumavoid, latest hermitcraft episode, newest hermitcraft episode, hermitcraft false, hermitcraft cub, hermitcraft scar, hermitcraft mini games, hermitcraft poker, etho poker
Id: 2zCCr_Qnd5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.