HermitCraft 7: 1 | MY PERFECT START

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Very rare. I've experienced it only once before

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/TheTalkingSandvich 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I certainly didn't expect to see Iskall on this subreddit.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/JuiceIsTasty 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is some next level shit

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Jigksah 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is such a surreal feeling this is seriously such a surreal feeling ladies and gentlemen welcome to hermitcraft season seven I cannot believe that her me craft has been around for seven seasons and I've been part of three three seasons now that's that's pretty ridiculous this is my fourth season on the Herbie craft server I am I am so I'm so so excited for this season I've been on the server for about 30 minutes and as you can see I've already got an assortment of items one of which is a little bit questionable I'm down to half aha I accidentally got the first kill of the server I am so sorry Corrales so the server opened up late last night I was only able to be around for about 20 minutes because it was getting it was getting very very late but in that time me and some other Hermits made our way out to the place that we are gonna call home this season which is going to be this beautiful jungle biome I absolutely love this place what is what is that what is that that's a new animal [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] that I had discovered from you animal [Laughter] anyway this season of hermit craft we have found what I think is one of the best seeds that I have ever seen in Minecraft it started in a tiny Sand Island but right next to it is a massive mushroom island which we are going to take and turn into this season's shopping district and communal district which means no mobs wants now surrounding this mushroom island is a massive ocean and surrounding that is a variety of biomes where most of the other Hermits are gonna be settling down now in the southwest is a massive jungle that I am going to be living in together with a few other Hermits and this is it this is the little area that I have absolutely fallen in love with in this jungle this yeah this general area here with this lake so we've got the ocean right there and right on the north side of the jungle and the mushroom island is gonna be right over there oh I forgot how ridiculously slowly moving water without that spider I need to get myself some gear pronto right this is it we're gonna put our bed down here and since room 115 I think that's just right clicking it during daytime actually does set my spawn I'm not entirely sure though this is a bit unfortunate but I've only got one Apple left to eat and I am starving as it is I desperately desperately need to get some food I guess one problem with being in a jungle is that there aren't really any cows or sheep or anything like that around because most of the floor is leaves which can't spawn passive or hostile mobs what am I gonna eat I might be imagining this but I think you can eat kelp on I nearly died gathering it right can I eat this nope it doesn't look like it or do I need to cook it before I can eat it yep that is the trick Oh to think give me half a bar of hunger is it's that is this my life right now when you played in one world for so long as we did in season six you kind of forget the start of Minecraft specifically with food I haven't worried about food for over a year this is just so weird kelp really doesn't look that appetizing either does it it's it's pretty gross but is all we got at the moment so we're gonna have to make view now that my urgent hunger issues is somewhat taken care of I mean I gotta be honest I think this kelp stuff it's probably probably gonna be one of the worst food items you can eat that can't think of any other that is just this probably melon slices maybe as bad it's it's really really terrible anyway with that taken care of I want to share my plan I want to share my plans for my base this season as you may have already figured out this season I'm going to have some very close neighbors in this jungle I think the closest one is mumble who is gonna live right over there I think at those trees so we're gonna be able to see his base from ours and he's gonna be able to see ours from his but my plan for my base this season is going to be to build a massive mega giant tree yeah I'm gonna live in a tree I'm gonna live in a giant tree and and I'm envisioning this tree to be probably probably I don't want to exaggerate probably five times as tall as these jungle trees and very very wide I kind of want to fill up this entire pool of water and then go go for the skies it's it's gonna be absolutely mega and it's gonna require a lot of resources I speak about resources look at this mumbo just made his very first diamonds of the season I'm well jealous now obviously this mega tree is gonna be a mega project that spans across the season but I wouldn't get started as soon as possible and in order to get there I can't be running around with stone tools and no resources what this is literally everything I own it doesn't even fill up one single chest I am I'm so poor it's a four episode one I want to try and get a really good start it's time to make a list get resources get a villager build a starter base get diamond tools get enchanted gear right I think that is a pretty good plan for this first episode I'm pretty sure I saw a cave right over here is it this thing yes okay and that that looks like it leads down I'm personally a much bigger fan of caving than I am of strip mining early days of Minecraft so this this is gonna be exciting I have no arm or anything like that so I may very well die doing this this is incredible I've never seen one of these holes go this deep I mean my level 36 and it keeps going down this is a perfect start this is really silly I found gold and red stone before I found any irons I can't actually minded but I found like the best cave system right of the start there we go the first iron yes actually no I did mind some iron yesterday when I was heading out to the jungle and then I made these shears I should I should have made an iron pickaxes that I think I even had some ore in my chest at the base one small step in Minecraft but one giant step for me right now there's our first iron pickaxe is is it is this our very first vid stone vein of the of the server and this looks like a place to find diamonds maybe Oh even better you and you that is a really great start oh look at this I'm so happy I mined these gold blocks this is oh is it an eight no no maybe not an eight but let's see one two set a five three four five I will take it there are Nicholas Amano mobs over here I should probably make myself some armor if they do a lot of damage zombies are fine what I've been dealing with quite a few skeletons and I've got myself a bowl I wonder if there's a spawner over there right that's at least a chest plate oh my goodness more diamonds one two three four Oh was that it I mean I'll still take it I am in a bit of a pickle I'll look at a light I've just thrown out of the last piece of kelp that we cooked up and I've come across this area there are so many mobs here there is so many boats here and I really want to explore this mineshaft but maybe I need food I need food luckily one of the zombies has dropped one carrot and I'm so happy right now that I didn't eat this because I think with the bones I got from the skeletons with a goal that I found I should be able to get myself at least a little bit of food to either get out of here or explore the mine shafts I mean exploring the mineshaft it's probably gonna be a bad idea but it's a mine shaft and it's day one I mean the stuff that we could find in there could be really really good that cooked me 34 carrots and then I mean I do have a lot of gold right that's all of the gold cooked up I feel like it absolute genius right now this is giving us a total of 30 : carrots and we still have some more carrots left oh that is so much better that is so much better I genuinely think that these thirty golden carrots are gonna last longer than the two stacks of kelp but I had found so now the question is should I try and tackle this or should I bail is this does look really really scary and this is a lot less bumps than what was here before I cooked up all the carrots oh I could speak about scary what oh and of course I gotta be a skeleton there as well there are so many creepers down there it looks like there's almost if I didn't know better it looks like it's a creeper spawner can I just kill this skeleton guy no oh for goodness sake it's that actually that was good that was great I think that creeper just killed quite a few of them I look at that what there's more of them more of them there's even more overall and that's a dungeon but there's even more over there is that there aren't creepers boners right it's not some new white weird 1/15 thing that's just the beard actually though this if I can survive looks like a pretty good place if I can just clear it because that's a dungeon over there and then this is a case platformer ladies and gentlemen I think we have just made a mega find that's the case for a spoiler and that that's definitely a spinning skeleton even though it just looks like there are creeper spawning in there and I don't really know how to tackle this because I don't have any arrows and we'd risk having a creeper blow that spawner up if we're not careful and that wouldn't be worth it a skeleton spawner on day one is just one of the best things you can you can find in my opinion because that will give you bones and bone meal and XP which yeah it's gonna be very useful so I haven't lit like a probe I I dug you all the way up to the surface and I'm gonna go back down hope with that the creepers have despawn all right here we go everything is these borned and boom yeah that wasn't that wasn't that hard was it and look at that that is a skeleton spawner I can't believe it I can't believe it and look at this chest two diamonds unbelievable this is clearly a really good day so these two dungeons comes out right on the edge of the jungle and I almost feel like changing my plan for my starter base and putting that here instead of inside the jungle because it's just gonna be such an advantage to have to have an XP grinder in the base anyway I think my resource collecting is completed and this is what I ended up getting now I will say this I did die at one point stupid creepers now the good news is that I managed to get my diamonds back and actually I managed to get most of my stuff back I lost a bit of redstone and I lost a bit of iron but all things considered I think I think we got a pretty good starting point in resources we've got a bunch of iron so that we can make pistons and that sort of stuff and we got some more gold to make more golden carrots because yeah I'm running very very low on food once again as far as our starter base goes I mean there's no denying it is there bleep we have found the mega jackpot of starter base locations and we just have to embrace it it's very close to the jungle anyway and don't worry we're still gonna do we're still gonna do the mega tree that that's gonna be that's gonna be the plan for this season but just to start things off I think it would be really good to make use make use of this guy I mean bones this early we could we could we can be looking at making diamonds if we look at the baked environments right so the first thing we should do is clear out these two spoilers so that we can actually utilize them and the way these works is that you got to go four blocks out on all of the sides and then clear away all those blocks in a in a perimeter of three blocks up and three blocks down I'm gonna go like five blocks down though because you gotta bring the mobs away from the spawner for this pointer to be able to spawn new mobs in if you don't do that spawn will just spawn I think like three groups or nine skeletons and then stop I gotta say I do not remember creepers being his strong but that again I suppose I haven't played Minecraft in the beginning for a very long time I thought it was safe in my base and I was doing stuff in my in my only chest with all my storage right next to my bed and then a creeper just blew me up killed me killed my bed and blew up my chest I'm really really scared that I may have lost every single item and the Sun is of course setting because why not tell me that my items has not despond oh there it is pick it up oh my goodness okay okay okay okay I'm so confused that wasn't all of my items and I have no idea where with the wrist is I'm missing another diamond pickaxe my sword and my armor and for some weird reason a lot of the redstone I'm very confused how is that even possible I gotta be honest I miss my mushroom island a lot I really have to save this place up it really sucks that I lost all my levels again also aren't you supposed to have seven levels when you pick your stuff up there was no XP on the ground something feels really weird these creeper deaths but anyway moving on I have installed the water and the channels and all of that stuff for the skeleton spawner so all of the skeletons should be funneled down to that little place there and now I'm doing the poisonous spiders or the cave spiders and these are a little bit different and I always find it a little bit tricky to make these work because they can climb walls there's they're tiny and all that sort of stuff so what we're gonna do I've dug out another wall here so this is actually ten wide so nine by nine but this wall is ten and that gives us this two wide thing so if I put water in that corner and in this corner that should push all the case pirates into the middle and then I've done a little bit of a staircase thing here that should mean that they can't really climb but so since cave spiders are half a block tall they should in theory climb up on these slabs where they're getting pushed to and then if we just make sure that the space is less than half a block that should mean that we should be able to kill them that right this is always really scary specifically when you're dealing with cave spiders and skeletons I must be the two worst mobs to get spawning on you so here we go skeletons are coming in here I can definitely hit them they do jump here though because they think they can get back up I think this is actually okay wow this is this is a lot of spiders big moment here first hoppers of the season we're gonna be crafting a lot of these we just put the hoppers underneath these slabs here and then we kill these guys off oh no oh no we're in trouble farm is too good there we go that's that hope for in place there that was effort I also think that because I have this chapter here the skeleton can't actually shoot me no matter how much he tries he is not gonna be able to see me if I remove this trapdoor though then he sees me so that chapter there it's actually very very important and this this is very well we got next big finder ladies and gentleman we have hit level 30 for the first time in season 7 this is great this is great a little bit messy but great I am so ridiculously happy that we've done this because look at them I got just a few minutes here I mean we could totally we could totally turn this into diamonds I'm sure bones early game it's gotta be like the most important thing you can have and also considering it that I'm gonna build a mega tree for our base this season I'm gonna need a wood farm and I'm gonna want the wood from early and a wood farm it's gonna be requiring bone meal so this is just win-win-win well anyway now that this is done I think it's time we actually start getting an organized started base because yes you can tell like naughty not even this pathway is straight back up to there to the second layer and then from here I think there's another there's another way I go to get up yeah over there this is just this is just way too messy but I do think that I want the starter base all the way down here so I don't have to run down to kill mobs I just haven't quite figured out how I want to do that yet so for our starter base I kind of want to embrace the fact that we are in an abandoned mineshaft I think it would be really really cool if we could make this place look like look like we are the miner of this abandoned mineshaft so I'm gonna start by having this thing here and then up here it's going to be my bedroom there's gonna be where I sleep and kind of like a little balcony I did this also in season 6 in my mind outpost but because I was never really there I never really got to use it if we have some fences going around like that that is actually looking it's actually looking pretty cool I wonder if I want to strip these logs I do really like this stripped out logs maybe I mean that bad that is looking it's looking pretty good but also it now looks very much the same color all of it and I don't have any other wood type at the moment the building is going great but one of the things that I really do want in my starter base is an enchantment station which requires bookshelves which requires leather so I am preparing a little makeshift pit and I made them this way for years and years there's got to be the best ways to store animals right because they cannot get out here but as a player for some reason you can actually jump up to that carpet right now to the task of finding cows oh we are lucky we are lucky there's a cow right here this is right around the mountain and there's another one of the best additions to my graph turns out that getting 45 leather is actually a quite grinding process I'm not gonna lie but there we go there are is our 15 bookshelves and this is how the base is looking so far we got our sleeping area up there and I'm installed a little bit of a storage area right over there and then this corner here is going to be our enchanting area and I think I need to take this these two out maybe that's still of 15 oh this is so silly can I put it there it's that kind of reach yes yes we got 30 enchants oh that is wonderful however my diamond pickaxe is almost dead so I'm wondering because we have an XP farm I may just want to I may just want to enchant an iron pickaxe to be honest yeah I've just got one diamond left I mean that is super silly I think we're gonna have to do this with iron pickaxes I wanna get yes Oh pickaxe okay well fortune three is gonna be really good for finding more diamonds to be fair and alluding to sword I mean it's iron but that is gonna help me collect more stuff and there we have it Deb Strider 3 I'm seriously considering this enchantment as being one of the better and Chapman's to have early game because it is so frustrating to move your hunting water without it have they changed the way enchantments glow I feel like they glow a lot more I think they look really really cool in this version of Minecraft or am I just I might just imagine in that I feel like I'm super shiny I like it so now that we got some and champagnes going and yeah I did also enchant that time and pickaxe that I had and I feel like this was a waste I feel like this was a waste but rather we got all of this going I want to build another portal and I think we're gonna place it all the way over this way and hopefully hopefully we can't hear this constantly because that is one of the most annoying things ever but there we go I guess I guess I should take the coordinates and and visit the nether for the first time this season and there we have it and ghast guess what I've got about yeah I'm brand new cobalt yes I was with 10 arrows first quartz of the season so let's see if this links back up to our base hopefully does because for some reason I decided to go to the nether with only six obsidian oh no oh no oh no this is someone else's place city and hello obsidian world who lives here his skull was here to be fair this nether portal does not need these four corners but if I get ya three more obsidian I can make my own portal this is a little bit weird isn't it hopefully this portal here should take us back to our base yes yes yes yes he's currently working on the ceiling of our abandoned mineshaft and I gotta say I'm really really liking this liking this so we got an Enchantix station nether portal XP grinder storage system and a bed and this is a really a little bedroom isn't it we're missing one very important thing though can we guess it yep you are correct a die right incinerator super important another not as important thing I would like to have is some form of super smelter I think that in the beginning of Minecraft you get so many worse and stuff like that and I'm always really really lazy when it comes to smelting it up in normal furnaces now I don't have a ton of resources it's the problem and I need powered rails how many can I get and get twelve I may have to go and mine some more gold to be honest we made just about have enough resources these hoppers here I want to be feeding the fuel and these are going to be getting the item that we are smelting then hoppers underneath are going to send it all the way over to here and then we'll have some sort of collection chests there there's gonna be a for furnace array I mean eventually we'll make a 64 one again like I had last season because that was just I was just the best but it's a good start smoking lie this is the mystical be reliant or any fancy automatic timers or anything like that it's gonna have to be manually controlled by levers but that being said I think that this may actually be actually be all we need let's try it out so if we put cobblestone in here for example and then we put fuel in here run the fuel cart and we run that cart and we should be smelting things four times as quickly what was I thinking here right let's try that again so now all of the furnaces should begin authors there's died right in the system told you this thing was important yeah this looks like it's working this is actually working these super budgets but this up someone and what about storing the wars that we still need to smelt in block form like that maybe oh yes I like that I like that a lot now this place now this place really looks like really looks like a mine doesn't it and it's great silk touch yes and literally only sell touch in fact let's combine it and get a really really really good silkie number one now Noah said earlier in the episode that I really wanted to get a villager in our starter base as well but I gotta be honest I feel like we have got a lot of things done already today and I don't think it's necessary at the moment because we have got that amazing XP grinder which has given us some pretty good enchantments to be honest so with that I'm actually quite happy with this starter base I mean we've got a super smelter we got all of the different things that we will need to get started now I want to talk to you about the goals that I have for this season I mean judging from last season it's probably gonna be a long one it's probably gonna be a pretty long time in this world of Minecraft I think this wall right here will be a great goals list so for our base mega tree house of doom and seriously let me know what you think about that idea for a base I am super super excited about it and I'm also super worried because I want the base that is super functional but I also want it to look really good and fit into the jungle be part of a mega business Imperium did it last season or super successful get to 10,000 diamonds yeah yeah yeah but that's gonna be that's gonna be a challenge that's gonna be a mega challenge now obviously we're gonna do a lot of other things this season as well and we may very well add to our goals list as we go along but I think this is a good start I'm really really excited for this season I mean we got we got the nether update coming out later this season but also this is the very first time I'm playing minecraft 115 and we got bees and that sort of stuff and I've never ever checked out honey blocks which is something I want to do as soon as possible because they are gonna be really really powerful for us and also would we need to build a wood farm really really early because if I've done my math correctly for the mega tree for the mega tree house of doom I'm gonna need around a hundred and fifty thousand logs yeah a hundred and fifty history's could be huge from with that ladies and gentleman season seven has started and I started off with a bang I am so I'm so excited for this it's gonna be so much fun and I feel like we've got a really good start I'm really really happy with our starter base and all of the different things that we got specifically specifically the fact that we have got a source of bones I mean that is really really useful but anyway if you enjoyed today's episode do you hit the like button down below and if you're brand new consider subscribing and if you're on tomorrow's Saturday 29th of February there will be a hermit craft livestream day that I will be participating in I'll probably go exploring and see if we can get some more resources and that sort of stuff and chat with you guys so do tuned into that I'll leave more information about that down below in the description of this video but anyway I said that as I said I really hope they enjoy this video and I mean we're off of season seven has officially started thank you guys so much for being part of it you
Channel: iskall85
Views: 2,531,600
Rating: 4.9740696 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 episode 1, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft 7, iskall episode 1, hermitcraft 7 iskall episode 1, hermitcraft 7 seed, hermitcraft 7 ip, starter base minecraft, minecraft starter base 2020, minecraft starter base hermitcraft
Id: eZgzJQfPfj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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