HermitCraft 7: 35 | NEW MEGA GOLD FARM

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They are called piglins iskall. Hoglins are the pumba looking guys. Ive made the mistake myself though

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/optimisticpsychic 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Does the farm work on bedrock?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EcicoMan5000 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
I have discovered a new addiction and it's called soul speed3 and soul soil or soul sand this is an absolute blast anyway I have been extremely busy since the last episode and I think in fact it's time for me to head over to my chair and tell you guys all about it hello yes as I said I've been very busy and what I mean by very busy is I've been playing I'm playing a lot of Minecraft I am absolutely in love with this 1.16 nether update Mojang has done such an amazing job I've befriended the new hog Lin's dad hello oh hello friends friends friends forever it's a bit of grass on the gold but I also have one BFF I made them a fancy new home it's like a prison really they are all they were very very small very small apartments featuring a built-in automatic trading unit right so gold up here press the buttons start trading hello you're upside down sir I am getting very rich on well a little bit of everything to be honest a little bit of everything there's quartz there's leather there's so much useful stuff though I did some more mining I think I've got a new addiction this is just so satisfying they call this mining and found some more ancient debris ooh that's a triple excuse me lava I will be needing that debris well enough to make two more nether I think it's yep what they're seriously expensive okay anyway I gave one of them away a suppressant it's called man [Laughter] hello I come with I come with a gift this is my gift for you stress one stop the trilogy and the other one well the other one the other one I have and right here in my inventory and I've been thinking a lot about what I should do with it I think I think maybe I should upgrade my sword Excalibur I think that maybe the good move or might Rousey's I don't wear a helmet very often because of reasons hello hello I'm chuffed to bits over this one though hello yep helmet would be a bad idea so I think I think we should do this sword I mean how much what's the damage tip 10 attack damage versus that that's not that's wrong where did I put my smithing table there useful now smithing table I can never learn how to craft these okay that's simple right so let's see this has 10 attack damage versus 11 so you do actually get a better sword and it looks mega cool it looks me I'm gonna do it I'm yep that looks hello that looks mega cool I love I love that color Excalibur to to dot oh it's way too expensive to start this episode off though we are going to head back to our I was gonna say gorgeous nether but to be fair to be fair our our hub area so far is looking pretty doll we got a plan don't you worry but the reason we are back here is because the hog Ling's are seriously mega nee you know what I'd actually argue Omega Omega powerful creatures that are added to Minecraft I mean just look at all of the stuff that they're given they're giving us lots of soul sand and gravel look at this lots and lots of gravel I no longer have to go and mine I mean purchase at the Barch gravel it's fantastic it's absolutely great they also give you aren't they give you leather which is one of those resources that is always a little bit tricky to get in courts you can get unlimited courts with this and all I gotta do now that I've built this machine is put gold in this hopper press the button and that starts the trading cycle until the gold runs out the only problem is even though even though I had a really cool gold farm before the update and hoarded as much gold as I could I'm running out very very quickly it may look like I have a lot of gold here but at the rates I want to trade with him them and when I set this up in a more permanent permanent way we're gonna run out really really quickly so I I I have no choice I need a new gold farm and that's gonna be the project for today I want to build a new shiny mega Omega gold farm after first thing first though I need some resources to build this farm and quite a lot of it because as I said it's it's gonna be an Omega farm it's gonna be absolutely massive now mainly what I'm gonna need is magma blocks and as it has it you can actually get the magma blocks through the hopings themselves which is kind of funny because magma blocks is going to be the main component of this of this gold form that I'm going to build which is which is not ironic it's it's the opposite I these guys may be secret geniuses from what I've heard they really dislike pigmen and I need these to form Pigman to get gold to give to these guys so are you a genius I doubt it anyway even though they give me magma blocks I need an absolute ton of magma blocks in fact I got five empty shell key boxes that I'm gonna try and fill up and I I don't even know at this point in time if that is going to be enough luckily bankrupt locks are usually fairly simple to mine all I gotta do is find a big vein and because you can inst align this it usually goes pretty quick it is a dangerous thing though it's a very dangerous thing because because of that this usually love are nearby or underneath even though there is a lot of this and like an instant magnet this is probably gonna take luckily I was so close of dying twice turns out that a gold helmet is these days very very important when being in the nether thank you for your services helmets in other news I managed to get myself three full boxes of magma blocks and a little bit more than half and I think I was originally gonna get five but I think this may actually be enough next up I need turtle eggs and I don't think I don't think I don't know if I've ever bred the turtles I think I may have done it once on a stream a long time ago but I don't think I've done it in any extent luckily I only need ten or so eggs so as long as we can find some turtles it shouldn't be too bad I haven't heard of any turtle slayer this season I have flown to distant lands and I have yet to find a single turtle this is not looking good if I were a turtle I would totally live on this island here this is like this is like the brilliant the most perfect perfect turtle land ever far away from from any hermit that could hurt you far away from any a skull that needs some third legs but I guess the hermit turtles are just stupid no you're not a turtle but but would you give me that trident oh really turbidity well I've never seen that before put it safely away that is that is so funny that was mega like lucky Oh what have we here hello will you yes I think I think this is gonna work they did some stuff but not no eggs I was doing it again okay I I heard I heard egg sounds can you guys can you guys move away are there eggs underneath there there are eggs yes okay silk touch pickaxe did I get one yes I did nice well that's actually a lot easier than I thought right I need to do that one more time excuse me sir I'm just I'm just here for for some eggs I think nine turtle eggs should be enough if not I know I know where to look although it's it's actually three thousand blocks away from the hermit land turtles are playing it safe home sweet home right with their turtle eggs safely secured and brought all the way home to the Omega tree it's time to continue without with our list we need two stacks of grindstones that's that's just enough for one as I saying two stacks of grindstones two stacks of glazed terracotta and I'm gonna go with yellow I'll cook that up when I get back a full shulkie box of glass I promise I won't take more diamonds from my pile I've just realized that this sounds like a cooking show I think this is the last of the bigger bigger components that I need though oh of course yes you want to buy sole speed three-book are those Diamond leggings yes yes how much you offer for sole speed 3/16 the Jeep again follow me he's so annoying troubles keeping up I've made it all the way I still can't see him though we better zoom in there Darius theory is that that took a long time I hope I have a soul speed three-book now otherwise this would be quite embarrassing well I do have two souls me too and gave me six Flint so here you go here you go Sol's be to Ikea Brooks I wonder if Mambo is gonna get as addicted to soul speed as I am anyway I think it's I think I think we're almost ready we're almost ready to start building this gold farm the only thing that I need to do first is I need to get on top of the nether and well these get these guys are great have I said that these guys are great they just have all the things I need and need obsidian to build a portal I need some and opposed to get through and I've already found a spot which should be just one bedrock layer right so if I climb all the way up all the way up to here can I then throw I throw this under pearl - I'm gonna I'm gonna heal up here we go no but that that didn't work maybe I need to put a ladder here as well please work yes yes success well turns out I'm not first pop here right let's try and make a portal here and see if we can link it back to the overworld go through we should end up in my industrial district yep hopefully this will work 128 so that should be the same as in the nether fingers crossed yes yes it worked it worked I've got access to the roof once again well with all of this prep work I think I think I'm ready to start creating my new my brand-new shiny or make a gold form of doom I have built quite a few gold forms in my days of playing Minecraft is one of those forms that I feel is it's a good thing to have even before 1/16 but now I'm 116 it's it's insanely important to have but I've always built the donut 1:1 form of a donut form where basically you know you stand in the middle pigmy get angry they run at you basically like the one I had before the update I decided this time to do something brand new that takes advantage of some of the new features in 1/16 and this form here is designed by Neville Dempsey my good friend amber Dempsey who's Superman when it comes to farms and that sort of stuff I'll link our description to his tutorial down below in in the description a link to his historian below the description anyway the only thing I will say get a pair of frost Walker boots I didn't have one pair and and I gotta say the first the first like hour of placing down these magma blocks were really annoying but once you have frost Walker it's it's it's a lot a lot simpler anyway the way it works is that pigment spawns on the magma blocks and the only pigment and chickens can spawn on the magma blocks because in 1/16 mobs to take damage from the block for example of wither also a magma block can spawn on top of it and so we're taking advantage of that and using magma blocks for for the spawn so pigment don't take damage at all so they they just they just run in and they they die basically this form also requires a very very comprehensive and advanced pickup system of doom because of the fact that well it's it's it's quite fast now this form is a little bit different than a normal pigment form instead of the player angering the pigment they get angry at her legs and fall down a drop shoot in the middle and although the rest of the terminus will sped up this footage here this is not sped up this is normal speed and yep this form is ridiculously ridiculously quick about eight times faster than my old gold farm and that's good because because Hoagland's we we need a lot of gold now that we can actually use it in a in a much more much more official way but look at all of these pigments they are walking into the middle attracted by the little the little turtle eggs that that they can never get to you guys are so dumb they fall down all the way in the drop shoot and at the bottom they die but there's more this farm I should I should probably lower hopefully lower the volume here a little bit this form also has a mode for player XP kills so if I press this button here and stand here honey blocks are extended underneath and well now can stand here and kill pigment this is so satisfying now the only drawback from the one I had before the update is that I can't afk to get XP but I mean still still it's it's it's just so ridiculously quick now the reason it stops and isn't like consistent here is because I need to do a bunch of spawn proofing I need to do a bunch of spawn proofing underneath the nether in order to remove all possible spawns elsewhere so that all spawns are located up here but because it is a do farm it also has the whole afk ability which is this little area that I built up here and because I'm now very far away from the nether ceiling well now we're getting the full effect of all the spawns so once I spawn proved underneath the nether a little bit this is the rate if you can if you can see we have to zoom we have to zoom in using using this it's very hard to see but you can see the speed of it if I would spawn proof underneath which I'm gonna do in fact I'm planning at this moment in time I'm planning to do a stream tonight the night where this video releases I'm going to stream live stream spawn proofing everything and testing it out and seeing the rates fully blown when I stand down there using eluting sword to kill them so if you want to be part of that I don't know exactly what time I'll start just go to my twitch channel twitch.tv slash it's grade five make sure you follow the channel and that way you will get notified right anyway I am dying to see how much oh my goodness you gotta be kidding me I've got this amount of gold nuggets I haven't even been afk for an hour maybe thirty five minutes that is that is ridiculous I gotta do it I gotta change all of these into into ingots I can see just about how much gold we've actually got I definitely want to add on to this in the future make like a proper shulker quick crafter of doom because look at the amount of gold this is crazy this is absolutely mad right in the short amount of time I have a fk'd I don't even think it's been an hour I'm not kidding although there may be some gold from when I was building it as well but in that short amount of time I have got three full stacks of looks mega songs now once I get the whole thing form proof that I'm able to kill them using my looting sword I'm gonna get even more gold even more than this I mean that's that's just ridiculous and check out how insanely cool this redstone pickup system of Dube is working it's putting the items in a staircase pushing them down slowly and then being shot over and I don't filter that is just there's just the coolest thing ever again mnemba Dempsey is an absolute legend and if you aren't already following him I recommend checking out his channel down below in the description I mean this forum is so fast that I'm using four filters for just gold nuggets and I don't even think that's enough I think I saw a gold nugget get shot out all the way over here I'm so happy right now I am I'm back in gold and this farm is just it's what is it the mumbles say I like that word but bang bonkers it's bonkers the farm is mega bonkers and it looks really cool as well honestly this form this form looks as mad as it is goodbye goodbye one-eared man go jump yep you can totally get totally get the turtle eggs not hello I have got some new fresh gold for you all now this little setup here is just a prototype of what I want to do and at the moment it's already it's already back filling it's already back filling with stuff but what I could potentially do down the line is I could automatically feed gold to these guys so the gold comes in from the gold farm they could automatically go to the go to the hog Ling's they could they could inspect it to see if it's is it is it real is it valid and if it is they'll give us all of the junk I mean good good stuff there's a there's a lot there's a lot of good stuff that comes with it as well I didn't think about this earlier but nether quartz I mean you could trade it with villagers in block form but you could never get the actual court stuff before which means that you can now craft renewable observers and comparators which is just absolutely great for my redstone shop plants oh and I just realized another thing speaking about redstone shop glowstone I no longer have to make a twitch form I could get my glowstone income from here to make redstone lamps these did I did I say that these guys are great potentially even geniuses you be great sir I like as I just look at you with those empty white eyes anyway with all of that said that is going to do for today so I really do hope that you have enjoyed the video I've had a lot of fun in today's episode it's been it's been a bit of a grind but I've had a lot of fun anyway if you did enjoy it do hit the like button down below and if you brand new because it was grabbing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 1,763,604
Rating: 4.9660397 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, minecraft iskall85, iskall85 base, minecraft nether, nether update minecraft 1.16, minecraft 1.16, hermitcraft nether update, gold farm 1.16, minecraft gold farm 1.16, minecraft gold farm, best gold farm minecraft 1.16, best gold farm minecraft, iskall gold farm, best gold farm bedrock
Id: 3fkbUrdmmh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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