HermitCraft 7: 2 | JUNGLE SALES - OK LOL

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/louieblue2 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen we have a little bit of a problem I have been doing some mining in between episodes and I'm starting to feel that the idea to stack my ores in the base until I smelt them wasn't the best the best I mean I can barely I can barely I can barely get around twice the word system of things I should really start smelting this up I'm so lazy with these things in Minecraft it's just it's just weird oh and I'm such an idiot I didn't think about the durability use of the pickaxe doing this now that I've picked the ores up it really doesn't feel like I've done that good to be honest that I mean that's only two stacks and 24 gold now the sad thing is while I've done some mining in between episodes I haven't found a single time and I still just have one diamond to my name I mean I'm so poor that I can't even repair my diamond pickaxe and let's remember that the goal for the season is to get to 10,000 diamonds ah feels very very far away 9999 diamonds away the good news though is that my skeleton grinder is doing really really well I mean just take a look at all of these bones and if I'm right bones should be really valuable early game I think I think I need to make an effort in trying to sell these now the obvious thing to do would be to set up a bone shop in the shopping district and just wait for the other Hermits to discover it but I would probably take a while I've got a better idea and their annoying salesman skull I mean look at this suit already I've annoyed and looking at me and I would just buy anything from it to get rid of me the two of our neighbors are in line at the moment here in the jungle Mambo and stress and I feel like we should go and knock on their door and offer bones at a really reasonable price which I considered to be maybe two diamonds for a stack of bone I mean we are in the early games we shouldn't forget that right so let's see that is where my base in the jungle is going to be which means that I think mumbles base should be be right over this hill navigating in the jungle is really challenging I swear so parrot here somewhere oh hello there I guess it is quite obvious but isn't it true that every annoying salesman ever has a parrot friends no friends yes yes it only took two seeds that's great I've never had a parent well maybe oh oh so annoying the parrot is making creeper advices that scared me so badly oh okay we are gonna make a sale we are gonna become rich today please don't scare my customers away I would have thought mumbles base was right here on this hill but I cannot find it wait a minute that may be it that is looking and it's looking really really cool I wasn't sure if this was mumbles base until I saw a theoretic sugarcane farm you gotta be kidding me he already has one of these is he at home oh yeah there yes yes he spotted me right let's talk on his door mumbo hello um oh hello you're right dude I swear you've just got a new suit and now your yep you're working I I'm geared up I've geared up this is annoying salesgirl and a companion parrots it's me and the parrot and we we have come to make you a fantastic offer today right everyone knows that in the beginning of Minecraft getting bones is extremely valuable yeah because you can grow crops you can do you can do a bunch of things with them tree farms all of these things and I'm here to sell you I have any any amount of stacks of bones that you would want at the at the very very very good rate zero for a man of your caliber of two diamonds per stack and I can see I can see that you're very rich I can see that you're geared out you're you got all everything sorted and so I mean this is a perfect day for you perfect opportunity okay okay come inside Edler I'm gonna be honest okay - diamonds per static seems pretty expensive I've only got 15 diamonds so you there's no way that you're getting 15 diamonds down back in Bayou 8th and 7th we can say aid stacks and you get you get married that's not gonna happen I've got I've got four stacks of redstone blocks but I don't fish - you know my goodness you how are you this is nice but I'm not gonna give that to you I've got you've got two stacks of coal blocks may even there I'm not gonna give any of those to you okay tell you what I am a good salesman you will get one stack for one diamond special price because you are so much look at this look like that would you religion that's how the how the chest would look then you know you're just boring my diamonds I do have I've got a diamond pickaxe with 28 durability but I don't really fancy that could come in handy some stone tools but they do have any dirt I could maybe get rid of some dirt I'm here to sell you balls for diamonds man like I'm getting your prize I've got 24 bamboo you can have 12 okay are you so annoying fine this is this is the worst day ever 12 bamboo deer later dude ha man you'd live in a bamboo hill I could literally just go out and just collect see ya oh hang on hang on before before you leave before you leave just yep see ya later dude worst ever that was clearly a failure I don't know what he was but it almost felt like mumble turned into the annoying buyer and I just wanted to go just wanted to get out of there to be honest we got to make another attempt Oh stress is also online so I'm gonna head over to her base and see if we can have a little bit more luck I'm pretty sure this is it it's just the tiniest I said the tiniest little island I've ever seen and she's cramped she's grabbed everything home to it is anyone home hello yes yes this is the smallest island I have ever seen why do one even stand on this island I see what you I see what you will I am here as a knowing salesman scowl to make you an offer you can't resist I got my suit on I got my annoying parrot on my shoulder and we are we are here to sell you a very valuable starting item which is bones and I have a fantastic price for you today of two diamonds per stack absolutely fantastic is that I yes do I hear yes if you take the offer now you can grow unlimited trees yeah I please he's so annoying is me wait wait a minute wait a minute you have a skeleton grinder you how are they to skeleton spoilers in this place how is that even a thing this is true yeah okay well let me okay because you have a skeleton spawner it's still a grimy process of actually getting the bones so how about two stacks two stacks of bones for one diamond that is clearly a fantastic offer for four stacks four stacks of bones for one diamond eight eight stacks but eight spanks maybe you'll think about it and I'll think about signing eventually you're not gonna sign it are you this is this is just the worst is it the suit is it not annoying enough I think it's fair to say that clearly this is not been as successful as I thought it would be I don't know if it's the suit or if or if it's the parents I'm gonna blame the parrot I was gonna name you salesman of the year but now I'm just I'm just gonna I'm just gonna name you John you know what I'm going to save these 12 bamboos and one day I'm going to turn those twelve ambu's into something that can make me diamonds right it's time to get out of this and knowing suit much better I've just made my way up to this massive savanna petalled that is actually located right next to our little starting place I'm trying to spoke the entrance to my base and I'm failing I can't actually see it it's not that thing there that thing is where I came up when I dug out of the Spooner's but I have another entrance we probably should build some kind of structure marking out our starter base but anyway I have come up here because I want to do a little bit of experimentation the plan is to get at least one honey block in this episode and I didn't check out the 115 snapshots I never test played 115 I know it's been out for a while but I actually don't know much about this snapshot other than the fact that we need wood saplings and we need flowers that's an odd-looking poppy patch right over there I'll take all of these right so if I put down these flowers next to these saplings and I don't think it matters what side or anything like that and then I grow them there is a small chance that that will generate a beehive did I just get to just get two mega Oaks immediately it's gonna be annoying to chop down okay so I didn't get lucky on the first three trees I think the percentage chance is something like five percent so every 20th tree or so that you do this with you should you should get a beehive oh yes look at the dude oh my goodness you are really relevant llama there's another one there are two bees here and then then they go back and forth into their little hive I guess there is can I wonder if I can break that flower if that will make them angry here have another one he's looking directly at me you're not angry are you no I don't think so oh just the coolest thing ever what do you do it don't follow me always followed me because I'm holding a flower I'm an idiot so in order to get the honey out of this beehive I think we need to wait for these things to become yellow and glowy and then we also need a glass bottle oh I got another one yes I got another one oh is this one done yes I think this one look at the dripping honey so I need to make myself some glass bottles to extract the honey from that hive right and then I can I just collect it oh why did you I got the honey but why are you hungry bees oh my goodness they are so angry at me I'm so sorry I thought that was the whole idea that I that I can take the honey out how long are you guys gonna chase me Oh No hello bees I come in peace uh-huh I got flowers I don't think they're angry don't think they're angry any more okay so far so good now this one is ready as well okay so now that everyone's friends again I think what I did wrong is that I need to give them a campfire underneath the hive right so let's try this out again so if we put a campfire underneath there that makes them warm and cozy and happy please do not attack me oh I think that worked I think that actually worked yes be our guest oh that's a clever advancement name I don't know how long it takes for these to fill a funny but this one seems to be fill again where is this one where the bees got really angry at me it's still not refilled I don't know if it's sped up maybe by having the campfire below to make them warm but anyway we got three honey bottles this is scarlet and then coordinates now okay long I mean okay Lal has always worked in the past right how it leads me into the jungle leads me into the jungle maybe he's changed his mind maybe wants to buy bonds after all Oh what is this what is this this hey man how's it going good good a little bit of a weird message not gonna lie but I figured okay lal has worked good in the past so here we are alright again I I have I have a small thing to ask of you if you wouldn't mind just come on over here or first off I would like you to ring this Bell just give it a ring is this safe yeah you know it's fine okay cool okay then then I'd like you to grab this flint and steel here and I'd like you to set fire to to your set of wooden planks okay cool what we do is you might need to do is there's some money to do some jumping around here because you know I'd really like you to also just jump into this this cookie here all right okay are we ready I'm hungry okay three two one congratulations you're in you're in haha woo home a craft challenge is nice [Laughter] I've ever been part of you're part of it though you've okay contract sign that's on fire you've got a cookie in your belly the bell was rung I seen video mate so challenges challenges well it's basically it's it's a thing where you just you challenge other people to do stuff on the hermitcraft server so I thought you know hey you're the first dude you completed the initiation ritual yeah I thought that was obvious as it was happenin you know yep yep sweet sweet no no no no there is something you have to do as as a hermit craft challenge yeah okay you have to grab those pieces of paper that are in those item frames right there there's an anvil up at the top here you have to write some challenges into this anvil or like renamed these pieces of paper into challenges and then you need to place them in the dropper on my side I'm gonna write you some challenges I place them in the dropper on your side and then we hit the buttons we both get to see our challenges to do hermitcraft challenge years okay I should sound good okay yes what does the winner get diamonds nothing not a soul just I'm a craft challenge is initiated you're you're in you're in the crew you are really we are challenge IV a have you checked your mustache lately is everything all right everything right oh good so are your challenges in place have you have you my challenges are in place yes my challenges for you are in place cool all right you've done the challenges for me yes yes okay okay the buns let's see what we get okay ready yeah I got em behind 10,000 blocks are you kidding me are you joking me my ten thousand blocks well I mean this is how much dude I wrote like it's quite simple yeah Thank You challenge do it we'll get a parrot recitation rituals I don't even have a diamond pickaxe and I'm gonna mine ten thousand this day is just getting worse by the minute are you talking me mine ten thousand blocks okay well I said lost lost little piece of the earth the puzzle is you have to throw your challenge into the fire no 10,000 block no chicken chuck it in chuck it in okay accepted the challenge did you accepted it that was awesome I look forward to seeing it gigantic holes see you next episode dudes I'm off you've gone mad you need to visit you need to visit someone akari you did the jungles between you and me now I'm off moustache isn't even black anymore in the world well that was random I I guess I gotta reach out to him to see if he's actually serious and I actually have to dig 10,000 blocks but anyway the honey is ready once again and now we have four honey portals which means if I have understood this correctly that we've got our very first honey block oh goodness yes look at this thing that block placement sound is just this so never I love it I absolutely love it look at this block that is such a gorgeous look and it's a little bit see-through as well I love that I definitely need more of these now obviously the main purpose of these are gonna be in redstone contraptions and I really really want a lot of them this season so we're definitely gonna have to make a proper bee farm because these are quite expensive and I don't really know how long it takes for these to fill either so that's definitely gonna be a project that we have to do sooner rather than later because I want loads of these they are gonna be super useful yep honey locks are definitely great but at this moment in time I was getting a little bit nervous I was getting a little bit nervous that Mambo had in fact lost his mind and actually challenged me to dig out 10,000 blocks by the end of the next episode I had to find out for sure so realizing the Mambo in fact was serious about me digging out 10,000 blocks by the end of next episode that's a lot of blocks by the way I decided that I needed better tools enable to do that I mean I'm still running around with an iron pickaxe so I went on a treasure hunt whoo oh yes nice please don't be taken already I see you know diamonds and then I went mining and needless to say I got quite lucky I've never been this lucky hunting diamonds and finally I did some trading with Doc hello and by the way I built this chair only for this occasion at the end of the day I gotta say it's been a really really good day for making diamonds I mean I mean full-time gear and I'm so shiny it's ridiculous I love this change I got a bunch of time indoors leftover I got a diamond pickaxe although not the best not the best pickaxe but take in my Richard DS test I mean this is just ridiculous I have made 10 full blocks of diamonds that's over a stack now considering that one of our goals this season is to get 10,000 diamonds I think I should Bank this first stack and let's do something like this a chest back there with an iron trapdoor and just a lever there nice and then then I can't access the chest I guess I could put the trapdoor up there the lever is still powering that block space nice so one stack of diamonds is going into the bank for me to not touch but for me to to count towards the goal oh and yeah I I saw I saw the comments of the last video hold on is that better it isn't all about the Diamonds though I mean look at all of the other resources that we have managed to get already this is feeling really good I'm getting getting fairly close to getting a full iron beacon base am I really not really we need two rows of ironing at two-and-a-half rolls of iron ingots I think it is to get one you have to get one beacon base I should probably also smelt this up to be honest with you I do have a super smelter now lastly I do want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of you for for watching Season seven for being part of this my first episode hit over half a million views which is absolutely ridiculous I mean it's definitely a number that I could never count to ever but also this weekend we have been running the Hermit Craft livestream days and we broke some records over at twitch in the viewership so everybody seems really really hyped for season 7 which is great because so am i I'm just over the moon with all the things that I want to do and I think in the next episode not only are we gonna dig out 10,000 blocks but we're also gonna make those 10,000 looks useful I think it's time we create our neck our first form of the season next episode and with that being said I think I'll actually do another livestream tomorrow Monday 2nd of March sometime in the afternoon in the EU I'm not entirely sure exactly about the time but make sure you follow my twitch channel twitch the TV slash SQL is 85 just click the little heart button and you will get a notification anyway that's going to do for today ladies and gentlemen thank you ever so much for watching I really do hope you've enjoyed the second episode of season seven if you did do it the life on down below and if you're brand new cuz it subscribing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 1,704,979
Rating: 4.9780478 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 episode 1, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft iskall mumbo, iskall mumbo, iskall mumbojumbo, hermitcraft challenges, hermit challenges, 10000 diamonds, get diamonds minecraft
Id: NKSO2csVt18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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