Hermitcraft 7 | Ep 071: EASY PEASY SLIME FARM!

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[Music] and the pumpkin farm is now done look at him go look at him go lots of pumpkins lots of melons going down into the tube here and yeah we we got to do something up there about that though they're all going to to nowhere at the moment but there it is we've got all four walls now loaded with farms and super productive ones at that and before i move on here i want to show you we made a little bit of a redstone change oops i don't have my hoe to fix that now my bad can i fit in here we made a little bit of a redstone change to this farm because yeah a few people that were a little smarter than me noticed that uh i didn't really need as cool as those target blocks were and what they were doing with redirecting the redstone turns out there was a much simpler solution that was going to save us a little bit of redstone and some hay as well and that was simply to put a solid block behind the observer and then the redstone dust like this you can see it's going to just power that and then into the piston so yeah much simpler design thanks to those that commented and uh well done you saved me a lot of redstone and a lot of uh hay making basically so there we go all built up of course we're gonna cap this off and make it look nice but today we gotta get rid of this look at this this is just ugly ugly ugly and of course we want to make use of this slime chunk here and see what we can do about that so that's my goal for today is to kind of make the rest of this i guess basement area is that what we can call it a basement i think we can it's the basement of the base get out first try every time okay okay maybe maybe i'm not getting any better at this and i should probably come up with a better way to get through here uh-oh i noticed this as i was bringing up some supplies from down below as i finished that farm it's hard to tell what this says but it says free glass that is exactly what that says and um we got left a little bit of this free glass can wait where did it say congratulations on your free glass and then we've got some other just regular light gray so jokes on whoever delivered this because i'm actually using this glass quite a bit in here so this is actually a great gift although i'm a little confused because i could have sworn that i unsubscribed from shady e's free glass service i'm pretty sure i did i i could have sworn is that what it's called shady ease shady ees something like that whatever it was ethos service and i could have sworn i unsubscribed from that and yet here we are with glass again i don't know why but i'll take it thank you so much for the free glass etho i appreciate it my friend there we go all cleaned up and you may recall that i switched to the dark gui from vanilla tweaks because of this glass so if i didn't have this dark gui you wouldn't even see this in there it would appear as though this chest was completely empty and look at how they did this they renamed these into different names you can see it's got like a 62 a 60 a 61 so that they don't stack but that is okay because once we place them down the they're fine we'll place them down and they become glass you know like regular glass but yeah we have quite a few in here as well so i'll just stash this in here with the other glass and oh oh it looks to me as though yeah they came in and they went ahead and just put it in here for me well thank you for at least putting it away where it goes we're gonna put it to good use of course so yeah like i said jokes on them i'm actually gonna use that class but anyway it's been a while since i went over to the shopping district to take a look and see how the shops have been doing especially the mini barge right because uh ever since we made the deal with with green to kind of be partners or just kind of be sublet into the barge itself we've got this mini barge which i'm assuming will eventually uh grow into something much bigger but we have barge cone partners present impulse buys as you remember and i want to see how it's doing are people noticing a sweet we are making some diamonds still so just because we don't have the big guardian shop anymore and it's just this little barge it looks like it's still doing just fine as far as making diamonds which is awesome and i want to make sure oh somebody's really into the prismarine huh that's the entire stock bought out oh that's not good it's never good to completely sell out of stock because um we may be losing out on some diamonds if somebody's really in need so let's see what else we need to bring in just a few of these other blocks so let me go grab that and i think we better restock this just to make sure we're not losing out on any diamonds here all right we are back at the barge now with the supplies we need i got a bunch of prismarine a bunch of dark uh dark prismarine and of course the sea lanterns all this stuff is good stuff but we need to make sure that we stock this one up first because i'm actually surprised because usually the regular prismarine it's not the hottest seller on the barge it's usually the sea lanterns or the dark prismarines so for the regular prismarine to be sold out i'm a little bit shocked because yeah i mean uh it's usually these are these are good ones too so anyway all right we'll see i don't know who's buying them all but uh we'll wait wait wait wait what wait wait wait hey god i did i just put is this like a it's like a magical wait what is happening what why are the blocks is this a glitch do we have like a minecraft wait wait huh oh wait wait hey are you what are you doing are you buying them right now in front of me i was so confused you buying as i put them in what oh my goodness oh man let me jump in and see what's up with cub he's literally buying me out as i jump in here hello come hey how's it going hi um i was i just noticed i just noticed this was out of stock and i came back to restock and for a second there i thought i had a magical barrel because every time i put some in it turned into diamonds and i was very excited for a second until i turned around and noticed are are you literally buying them as i put them in yeah man i need i need a bunch of prismarine i'm making a fancy floor out of prismarine really i was just sneaking back here you know just just as you're putting them in i was just buying them up well i appreciate the diamonds man so okay okay i did bring like extra stock with me um i was gonna just stash it like under the barge or something but how much do you need because i wouldn't mind kind of doing like a bulk deal if you need a lot okay yep uh yeah i need let's see this is one shulker box i think uh i need like uh probably two more shulker boxes if you have okay all right i'm gonna put your big brain math question uh quiz here uh so it's it's one diamond for two stacks how about what if we go one diamond for three stacks all right and i give you you said three shulker boxes yeah yep okay i actually have that on me so how much would that be in diamonds this is a good test right here of your math skills let's see uh let's see so it's gonna be 27 diamonds right 27 diamonds is that right it's one diamond per three stacks so it's nine per shulker box nine for sure i think that's right three look at the big brains on cub fan that's good job man i was about to bust out a calculator and stuff so i mean if you can afford that here you go there's three full shulker boxes oh nice nice nice oh yeah that's perfect that's exactly what i need and there's more if you need it i'll give you the same deal three diamonds per uh or one diamond per three stacks if you need any more just let me know but yeah that's a good deal these are easy for me to make man they're only four shards to to make them per block you know so yeah yeah it's a lot better that you needed those ones instead of the ones you're standing on if you know what i mean yeah yeah these are pretty expensive here yeah exactly yeah exactly so all right man yeah let me know if you need any more pleasure doing business with you i'm gonna i'm gonna restock this for other people though now looks like i just scored 40 diamonds off you so i'm definitely not going to complain about that yeah yeah definitely definitely all right well hey when you're done building whatever you're building i want a tour okay i want to see what what you're using on this prismarine for sound good for sure for sure yeah no problem man all right man let me know soon all right talk today okay all stocked up for real this time and that was just so strange i swear that is the first time i've ever had somebody purchasing goods as i was restocking like ever in the history of hermitcraft for me and my shop so that was i mean it really took me by surprise i couldn't believe my eyes chris marine was just turning into diamonds right in front of me how funny so yeah i told cobb i was serious i really want to see what he's putting all this prismarine to i don't know if we're going to get a chance to see that today it just depends on when he gets done but it is time it is time the stocks the stock in the shops are good to go but this floor is not so good to go so it is time i think let's start with the slime farm it should be fairly simple but i do want to make it at least somewhat productive so we're going to add some multiple layers there and try to make it look good of course so let's get to it welcome to how to build a slime farm with your host impulse step one dig a giant hole step two create some spawning platforms all the way down to bedrock step three item collection system step four set up the bait and step five profit and there you go that is how to build a slime farm and it was super simple as you can see it is done that didn't take long at all and it actually looks pretty good with this lime green concrete so of course i'm standing right here over top of it so we're not going to get a lot of spawns plus i think we got a few people online loading up the mobs but let's go down and take a look and see how much slime we've gathered so far of course i want to link everything up so that drops all end up in the same place kind of sorted and put away nice and neat in my base but the only way to get into the slime farm right now at least to see where the drops are is down through a little secret passage i did right here so we kind of go down the back side of it the outside walls of the base work our way down and this is kind of what's below the base on the outside walls we do have a ravine cutting through which i've done an okay job lighting up so i think we're okay i haven't really seen too many moms back here but if we travel all the way down this scaffolding we have our system here picking up all the loot and it's just continuing to go and go and go we could of course do a shut off switch and for now i just have everything pointing into this chest okay there's some junk in here oh yeah we had an iron golem escape and fall onto the magma blocks but oh my gosh we've got almost a double chest all ready of slime balls how crazy is that oh this is hard to uh to clean up i'm just gonna leave it it's going to fill up soon anyway like i said i want to travel all these items up to my storage room we're going to do that eventually but not today because i want to get back to the main part of the basement there i mentioned i wanted to add some more farms and things to that and i want to make it look better now that i've been kind of analyzing what it's going to take to do that i need to start off by digging the entire space out and that could take some time so i'm not sure if we're going to get to another farm today or not but next up we gonna do some digging [Music] well sometimes my ambitions get the best of me and as you can see we've only made it down about 10 layers so far and just looking at the coordinates here it looks like we've got about 15 more layers before we hit bedrock as i was digging i realized this area is rather large i think it's about 100 by 100 area and so that is a lot of blocks to be digging out this is taking quite some time to do you might have noticed in the time lapse i finally got smart and started replacing the torches as i dug because it became one heck of a mob farm in here which is interesting because that means we could potentially incorporate a mob farm in this space as well if we wanted aside from the new slime farm that we've put in but it did also get me thinking that we forgot to actually check off our new farms that we've added so far on our phineas board or our our farm board for the season so i think i'm gonna pause the dig for right now because if i continue to try to get all the way down to bedrock this episode it's probably gonna be a few more days so let's just go ahead and move on and i'll probably have to tackle the rest of that dig in between episodes or just chip away at it so okay here's the thing i need to kind of figure out where on the board so three down a five over for the slime farm and those two are up at the top just past the cactus there so let's go around back and see if i can figure out which switches to flip okay three down five over should be that one if we skip the cactus it should be these two so did we get that right okay slime's lit up there we go melon and pumpkin and now we can step back three more lights on the board and pretty soon i think we're gonna get a few more as well so yeah i'm already looking at the board and i'm thinking okay of all the farms i plan on putting down in this space yeah we're definitely gonna be turning on some more lights which is awesome so great progress today we got the slime farm in it is producing i do need to kind of link it up to that storage there which should be fairly simple but you can see i think we got some people online and slimes are coming in i have no idea what all those numbers are on the tab screen whatever it is that zuma's winning big time those are some pretty large numbers though have no clue what they represent maybe you guys know maybe another herman's mentioned what they are in their videos so far but let me know if you guys happen to know what that tab number is because i have no clue and i asked around on the server and nobody else seemed to know either so anyway uh before we end the episode i think we've got some time left today even after all that work we have some time left because i know i mentioned i've been feeling bad about not doing the good dude of the day and you guys came through gave me some comments you left me some advice on what we could do for a good duty of the day and i think there's one that i'd like to do today it has something to do with this mansion right here uh you guys probably know who whose mansion this is this is green's mansion of course and you can see he's used a lot of the dark prismarine most of which he's bought from me and i've made a lot of diamonds from green because of that so we all know the back of this needs work and i think scar is having to do it because because of the whole turf iv thing so i think i'm gonna go ahead and just supply the dark prismarine for this place so that any dark prismarine needed around the backside will be taken care of and scar won't have to worry about it and green won't have to worry about it and i'll just help out that's my good deed of the day i'm trying to figure out what this is what is this what is this rail line coming out of here hopefully this isn't some sort of exclusive preview oh and we have friends now so i'm just gonna uh i'm gonna go now and uh thanks etho for sleeping we'll see you later i'm gonna go collect some dark prismarine and leave it at the doorstep so we're back at the base and i'm starting to put some shulker boxes together to have a bunch of dark prismarine and i found out i only have one in a bit that i can do i was really hoping to leave four shulker boxes but it looks like yeah that's about all why are these empty in here anyway i'm gonna fill them up with dark prismarine however i also noticed i don't have any more black dye in order to make the dark prismarine so that leads to a new problem because i'm pretty sure tango had warned me one day a few weeks ago that the wither at my wither rose farm it got loose somehow i have no idea it's been in there all season long and now somehow it is escaped and he said it fell into the void which means we're gonna have to make a new one which is okay we have plenty of skulls but ah the fact that he got out that can't bode well i mean did something change it's not like we updated the server or anything like that what do i need i need soul sand so i'm gonna grab some soul sand and we're gonna go out there and i guess try to put them back in the wither rose farm i really hope this goes smoothly well it's definitely a lot quieter here at the weather rose farm than it usually is there's usually a weather right there so tygo is right he is gone but just kind of assessing the damage around here i it looks like everything's fine so i don't know exactly what happened to this guy i did want to make sure that our chicken is still in there okay good our chicken is definitely still there which is uh needed because we need to focus the withers attention on that chicken which is what this mechanism is there for and um it looks like okay it looks like the wall okay a couple things missing it looks like the wall is missing from underneath it there needs to be a brick wall here or at least a strong wall that it's supposed to stand on that's gone and so are these bricks around it that the endermen land on for him to blow up and then some hoppers going into there so okay so there's a little bit of damage i need to clean up luckily i brought my ender chest and i can get everything back i may have to use some different blocks i'm not sure if i brought any of these with me but uh we'll make do here okay i got the hoppers back in place going to the sorting system and these guys should be pretty easy kills for the wither if they land right there now i only had these nether bricks to use in fact i don't even know if i need to worry about it i can probably ah maybe i shouldn't maybe i should at least put a little ring around that so the ender pearls don't get out but yeah other than that i think i'm gonna just use these for now and see what happens and then next up we have the terrifying task of actually spawning our wither and of course i also didn't bring any scaffolding blocks with me for some reason so we're just gonna have to come on out here and do it this way now i need to is it gonna make any issue if i put water right there is it going to flood any redstone let's find out oh there's some carpet down there that it's going to cause a problem with we can put that back other than that we should be good to go okay because i want to put that in as we spawn the weather just to minimize the destruction that's going to take place as he spawns here so one two three four we need one two three and i just heard a whole bunch of carpet break at once that was some lag there i think okay let's go ahead and spawn him i'm always nervous in spawning in a wither but i think with the feet there uh i do need to come over here a little bit to give him that arm there and then we will go boom boom boom and if all goes wrong here we're out of here so all right as soon as he explodes we can take that water back and if he gets out we're gonna fly away okay oh and we do need to go get him to focus on the chicken that is that part here that's very important otherwise he will cause some problems so i think will that do it or is he okay so he's already shot off some skulls over there breaking some redstone that can't be good but i think this is all right we are powering the trap door which is in front of the chicken he's now got his sights set on it and i think that's good that's all we needed to do except we got a little bit of a mess to clean up now all right that is much better this should be working again and we should expect some wither roses oh we actually do have some left in here that is good news but i'm gonna need more than that if i'm gonna make four shulker boxes worth of dark prismarine let's grab this now so we can go to our afk spot up above way up above this farm and we'll see if we can get some enderman spawning and we'll check to make sure this farm is fully functioning once again i've brought my newly acquired wither roses over to my guardian farm storage and i started making some dark prismarine and i just found out somehow i don't know how but i'm completely out of these guys the prismarine shards those are my last two every single chest is empty and no shards are coming up and that usually means somebody's in the nether could be etho i guess and uh yeah these are the guys that we use to transport over to xb's place for now if they make their way up they're gonna just fall down to their death which this guy's gonna demonstrate in three two one oh he's a survivor look at him go but he can't stay there forever kenny even though this villager has somehow managed to and there he goes bye-bye [Music] ouch yeah usually the drops you'll see them kind of going around and around but if somebody's in a nether that means they're basically just going through the portals and despawning in the nether so ah that means i won't be able to fill four shulker boxes worth of dark prismarine we're gonna have to maybe dial back the amount that we're gonna give out today i think i will at least be able to give out two maybe two and uh half i guess we'll just give out what we have i suppose but let's get it together and let's head back to green's mansion oh this is one steep staircase i'm gonna be out of breath by the time i reach the top here but i suppose we should just leave this i mean it feels a little wrong to go in his base doesn't it just doesn't feel right if i okay we're not gonna let ourselves in that just feels wrong let's go ahead and just leave the boxes out here i did decide just to bring two because i figured i might need to keep some of that other stock for the mini barge there so let's go ahead and we're just gonna thank him i guess for just being a good customer to guardian goodies impulses guardian goodies which i don't know if it's called that anymore but let's go ahead and just leave a sign for him all right this should do this is a gift of appreciation for being an awesome customer at impulse's guardian goodies again not sure we can call it that anymore but oh well and we got a couple shulker boxes full of hello there are mobs all over this place as i was trying to put the signs down look at that they just kept attacking me and we'll just leave their loot in there to despawn i'm kind of glad we didn't actually go in there i don't think it was very safe but i think that's gonna do it for us today hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you did hit that like button and if you're not subscribed make sure you do that before you go and with that said i'll see you again next time have a good one everyone [Music] [Music] you
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 654,048
Rating: 4.9804735 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, minecraft server, no swearing, family friendly, let's play, let's play minecraft, impulse, impulseSV, minecraft lets play, hermitcraft, minecraft, yt:quality=high, impulse hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, minecraft 1.15.2, minecraft 1.15 let's play, raid farm, guardian farm, lets play, minecraft survival, impulse base, gaming, kelp farm, melon farm, slime farm, pumpkin farm, slimeball farm
Id: JJA33Iw7hVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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