Shade E-E's Reactions #1 - FREE GLASS!

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[Music] now today is the day we're gonna do the random drawing to figure out who won what lucky hermit won the lifetime subscription of free glass so if you're not familiar with what what's going on here says to celebrate our grand opening we will be holding a limited time one to two weeks that time is up now drawing for a lifetime supply a free glass unlimited glass more than one winner will be chosen from those who enter so I got to be really careful with how I worded this as well i means i have to pick at least two winners from those who entered so who entered we got we got a whole bunch of people here look at all these Hermits and then i remembered we got the steals on the building you guys remember the scales we're kind of balance of these things you might have forgot about them because it's so dark up here but this is the shady E's business model on one side we got money every business needs to make money it's super important but then on the other side we got the ethics of business which is also super important and when those those things are in belts that means we got to treat our customers fairly right let's do this properly we're gonna really do the drawing and we're gonna do it fairly as we should and this is it let's do it alright first up it looks like we got two diamonds chosen false is our first winner congratulations false on your lifetime subscription of free glass and then next up here we have come oh my goodness happy days wow it's nothing but diamond in there I did put the swords in yeah alright then we got XP crafted uh-oh still more diamonds so if we get a sword at any point here that's when we ended we got b-dubs is our fourth winner what is going on oh my goodness impulse as our fifth winner congratulations Oh thankfully we got some swords in there now we got vintage beef oh my goodness my boy beef come on sword sort no example okay that's fine I left the example in there cuz there was a 11 names and I needed to split it evenly you know 16 in each so that's kind of like a dead draw oh man I just had a thought here like I think the fair thing to do at this point might be just to declare everybody the winner because everyone put in the same amount of diamond blocks and there's so many winners at this point if someone gets left out they might feel bad I don't know let's just see maybe if we get one or two more oh my goodness Jevon Wow oh my goodness Wow stress what is going on here okay and that would end it that would leave three people not chosen I feel kind of bad for those three people I think I'm just gonna give it to everybody honestly and now it's all wooden swords okay we got one we got two and sword and who was the last last one chosen here assume I got last hit no Ellis I'm gonna give it to him anyway though so I've just had a bit of an odd idea here why don't we make this first batch of glass we deliver kind of special that is so cool by the way let's see they have some dyes here I'm pretty sure I saw him great I think I want to go for a light gray dye I think that's the color of glass people use most it'll be like an extra value sort of thing right because that's the color people use the most and if they don't like it they can always change it to a different color Yeah right so there's a data pack on the server like you if you don't want that you can change it to another color oh man you know I almost forgot to do this as well there was an awesome suggestion in the comments when we were building shady E's that why don't we add some money into the money side of the scale and we actually made some money at the shop now so that is perfect right be a nice decorative thing we can even add it up here and I think that's gonna look pretty cool right I like it I like it oh no I made the scale shift that can't be good guys that can't be good at all hmm you know I think we still need to deliver the glass though because there's gonna be a mayor on this server soon and I'm gonna I don't want to get into legal trouble with them that's on the outs we still got to deliver on our promises right mm-hmm might be some ways for us to save on money here though because technically we never said how often we deliver the glass or how how much we deliver or even what quality of glass we deliver [Music] oh this is such a bad idea I I mean yeah it's time to deliver the glass guys let's get to this oh we're gonna make so many Hermits happy today oh man ok this is great so I I realized we can save a lot more money if we don't bring our own containers what if we just use everybody else's containers right yeah like everybody's got containers look he dubs container right here B dubs another container right here right so why bother bringing our own containers we can just use theirs so let's start filling up their stuff with the glass and I think we got to make a really lasts though cuz eleven Hermits that's a lot of people to get to so we're gonna spread it out really thin here now oh no it's actually there it is there it's this kind of hard to see because it's glass you know that's what glass does it kind of goes invisible might take a while for the hermit's to find these well what's they do once they tried to shift-click something in here I'm sure they'll figure it out and then that'll that'll make them super happy I'm sure yeah oh that one has to and let's get rid of that we don't want that oh just one slot there I bet she's gonna wanna put something in that slot and then he's gonna find the glass and get super happy that's that's the way this works now for some of these I think maybe he's gonna grow to expect it though so maybe we just want to put a couple pieces in you know just a few just a few little it's a happiness in there ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hermit crab I just had a very interesting thing happened to me I'm just I was preparing some of my tools and I got a bunch of ender pearls from the end farm and I'm trying to double-click these in to the chest and they won't go look at this I'm double-clicking that that that that that that that that that nothing nothing and lo and behold look at this congratulations on your free glass all of this every single spot look at this where did it even go 25 free glass glass panes so I won uh and my doors are gone again by the way Oh Oh got a treat I'll let you guys actually watch me work my magic this episode so anyway well free glass I got free collects I want it I'm so excited but it looks like as you can see from the signs here congratulations you want a lifetime subscription free glass we did it we won guys this is from etho a couple episodes ago we signed up for this competition and there it was by the way i did it i forgot my containers so I used your Oh forgot you use yours okay I my brain broke whoop enjoy PS shady EES has launched a new unsubscription service so I'm gonna take a guess okay so these are okay okay that's good that's okay okay so free glass here okay oh and it's random - oh ouch so I have to hover oh this one's not filled this one's not this one is Oh etho this feels like a service I should not have signed oh we filled these hmm oh no oh no okay okay and by the way our doors are gone again I think Green did something very big on the server that's just a hunch oh forget don't forget to bed sure enough in my food it's all in my food oh if he did every single slot it would be fine but then just one slot oh you got a look and scroll through and look for oh that's not a thing is there one in here there's not okay oh there no that's flint and steel never mind Oh guys this one is in a shape of an lol look at this l-o-l Oh etho please oh it hurts oh it hurts oh boy well I mean we've got a lot of glass so that's good okay I've cleaned up everything I think even over in the fishing shack there are some chests over here I doubt he would have come all the way over here right no he didn't come here notice I'm a pro at checking oh he did oh ouch okay okay so there it is we got almost seven stacks of free glass so that's nice and hopefully I mean light grey glass panes are pretty cool they're also kind of non-existent like if you use them as a window like show you kind of don't even see it really so it's not the greatest but it's still not it was so nice of him to bring that stuff over oh oh got a shriek dang it it's taken some time but I like it you know what I noticed okay let me just get some Rockets over here what is this Congrats you want a lifetime subscription of free glass I forgot my container so you used the yours whoop enjoy more free glass deliveries coming soon pious Shady's launched a new a subscription service wise I'll subscribe woo woo I serve subscribed where do you put them shady shady ok I need I think that's tolling system ok I mean that is the glass I've had right so that is well interesting I'm gonna look for that later on but err unsubscribe from a lifetime subscription you have to be kidding me I found a free glass it is it is pretty much all over the place and it's one glass pane ok so now I get a subscription service I guess we need to check that out shitty I've been leaving it everybody's faces after the delivery it says congrats you won the lifetime subscription of free glass triple exclamation mark cuz beef beef loves exclamation marks I forgot my containers so I used yours enjoy more free glass deliveries coming soon now this is important here PS shady E's launched a new unsubscription service ahaha what is that about well we this is this is very tactical by the way we scare them we get them thinking uh-oh if I don't unsubscribe there's more coming soon right and then we let them know there's a way to get out of this right if it there is such a thing as too too much of a good thing right too much free glass nobody wants that so now they have a way out aha so the first round of free glass deliveries has been successfully delivered over a hundred stacks of glass panes I believe which is insane I actually kind of got like a carpal tunnel thing going on my wrist and the hermit's are discovering their free glass and it's wonderful alright guys so um with that delivery with all the glitters going out I felt I needed to update the shop as well so check this out we got some new services offered here and did a weird thing with the armorstands this is an ID yeah I had for like a fancy closet but I never build the bedrooms in this game like I made this in creative a long time ago and I've never been able to apply it to anything I was like why don't I just put that in shady E's I saw it today I was like yeah that could be a cool thing right it's but my my head on the armorstand have it bouncing back and forth here it's kind of weird kind of cool um okay so unsubscription 'he's not happy with the subscription impossible but just in case unsubscribe by replacing your paper with a diamond boring we've got an example here uh-huh so these are all the people that are currently subscribed and what subscription they have the free glass this is genius guys absolutely genius right we we charge people to subscribe a diamond block and then we charge them to unsubscribe oh we doubled our profits that way it's amazing now here's the thing guys I thought we might get an increased flow of traffic to the store here soon there might be a wave of people unsubscribing right so you got people coming into the doors we got to offer new services right we don't want to just be a one one-shot deal although that might be what we are and if that's the case we'll redesign the store here for something else but yes I I thought imma try at least to get people hooked on a new subscription says after an amazing response for free glass Shady's is proud to offer a new gardening subscription up option to all Hermits let's make everyday birthday guys come on sign up for gardening right so people like before they put a diamond block in to subscribe and you know I figured it might be a little bit tricky yeah people that unsubscribe might not want to get involved on a new wave of subscriptions right so we got a new service here as well it says sign up a friend by placing their name and the subscription on a piece of paper as reward hey three diamonds for helping us out now we have our subscription listings here that are currently available free glass or gardening and oh it looks like a great a couple here yeah so this is great you know might have trouble getting people to subscribe so other people can sign up people right and I think azuma signed cup that up for gardening which is absolutely great cuz Cub fan lives in a desert he desperately needs some gardening help over there so that's cool right side up this is a new one I didn't see that that's great I wonder who did that so people get three diamonds for signing a friend up which is which is pretty cool right and then when they unsubscribe I'll still make a six diamond profit so yeah I think we might have a successful business model here I'm not sure still in trial but like I got a good feeling about this guy's shady shady ain't so sure you know but I guess if the shaders right yeah it is okay so let's let's go inside them let's check out this unsubscribe service not happy with the subscription impossible but just in case a subscriber replacing your paper with a diamond block sign up a friend by placing their name and subscription piece of paper as you already take free diamonds from help for helping you out so whose can I see whose okay so who is ok so there's all at all the people do we have yes we have okay okay you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna subscribe just because hey sheesh Ramy okay so SRAM I still subscribe where sir where's my fingy because this is gonna thing forever just to clear off the thing I have a subscribe Evo idea I am a subscribe also another thing that I have to worry about I saw some signs in here yeah okay let's see what this says Congrats you won the lifetime subscription of free glass I forget I forgot my containers so I use yours woop enjoy more free glass delivery soon PS shady eaves launched a new one subscription service so what exactly does that mean Congrats oh no oh no oh ether you mad lad what are you doing dude oh no no he said oh my god so apparently Ito has filled all of our containers with free glass but it's the light gray stained glass panes which are basically invisible oh no see this is actually light gray stained glass well on the plus side free glass but uh oh no this is this is gonna take a while to clean up okay hold on are these okay he didn't put it in the blast furnace or in the okay alright alright but yeah it looks like pretty much every well man this is gonna be rough oh there's one yeah oh no these don't stack why did they not stack one of them has an XD on the end I got you I got you oh man good thing most of our chests are actually full that's actually an advantage that we have so he can can't feel too many slots if if they're already full so oh man we got to go and check it all these empty slots yep all the empty slots let's check up here there okay that one's gone oh there is one in here oh there's oh there's some empty slots oh what a man okay well well done etho well done shady ease I appreciate the free glass we're gonna put this they put free glass in the free in the glass chest oh what a good what a good dude what a good dude there we go get all that make sure all these are empty oh no all right well I have to go through and clear this stuff out guys will have to go through and clear this stuff out this is this is brilliant though I knew there was a catch when I signed up for Shady ease a few episodes back and yeah I guess we are paying the price here alright so I think we got all of the glass out of the check nope we did not see yep yep that's that might be a problem over the course of time but I think we got most of the glass although will still probably be finding some glass in certain areas for quite some time as my guess now what I would like to do is turn your attention to shady ease don't tell me you've forgotten about this beautiful build right here we also signed up for a subscription for some free glass and I believe we've had a delivery back at the base according to fo however this place has changed what's going on here I can hear water buckets activating that is so clever that is so clever I'm guessing then the height of the armor stand interacts with the water up top and it just changes direction that is brilliant there is however a new subscription service a gardening subscription look at this the subscription system is different you actually get free diamonds for signing up but you have to sign up a friend well you know he's been a good friend to us Cub fan so we're gonna sign him up in here and that means that I get free diamonds now I could sign everyone up right there's no limit to how many people I could sign and I could make a lot of diamonds but I'm just gonna sign up for Cub fan I've also noticed over here if you're not happy with your subscription you can unsubscribe by placing another time and block in here oh that's that's amusing and now I believe I know why I found this in my base congratulations you won the lifetime subscription of free glass I believe I paid for that I forgot my containers so used yours yeah here's my free glass that I was really excited about it's it's simply just filling up the spare spaces in my chests I mean not not all of the spaces this feels very useless I must say oh this is it this is it I've just got tons of glass panes well things ain't all bad I guess because although the recipe isn't there on the side we have universal dying maybe it's cuz I've never done this before we can change the color of the panes at least so they're the semi useful you know I guess thanks efj oh I've got a whole bunch of glass panes now and in my ice chest it literally says ice and this one says love so we got about four stacks of glass panes for a diamond block not the best price but at least I can read eye them right which we put out this way what is this Congrats you won the lifetime subscription of free glass I forgot my containers so I used yours whoop enjoy more free glass deliveries coming soon PS shady EADS launched a new one subscription service forgot my containers so I used yours hmm I mean what I don't I mean like I think wait oh oh what is cuz what oh that's so messed up oh that is so messed up oh this guy Wow that is rude Oh dangit that that freaking guy like I knew like I knew I knew it had to be some kind of trolling thing ah this freaking guy how far did he go oh my goodness okay nothing there oh this wait a minute wait a minute I've got freaking chests everywhere alright no room in there oh oh that's so good it's so out like I expected like you can't you can't not expect something from etho okay it's etho if he doesn't do something kind of trollee it's not easy though right it just you never know where they are is the problem okay I think it got them all out of there Wow this frickin guy oh we're actually gonna need those see II did us a favor right let's grab that - oh this wait and we've got even more dasty oh this freaking guy okay so we've got a bunch of glass panes yep that's what I was afraid of I love it it's it's it's honestly it's pretty good it's pretty good props to eat oh good job my friend Wow okay I don't think we have any okay yeah we don't have any more that way oh this freaking guy unsubscription service so we got a UNH's he's just gonna be dropping off invisible glass panes for the for eternity I don't think there's anything yeah there's nothing here okay I don't know about this guy and what really sucks is you can't put those well I mean I guess now that they're stacked you can put them in there oh that's that's that's a good one that's a good one I appreciate with the things that have happened here today kinda kinda wow this guy it's good it's good props over here trying to get some resources gathered together for the project that we're about to do today and then I noticed that there's some signs over here I'm like wait a second what are these congrats you won the lifetime subscription a free glass I forgot my containers so I used jurors who enjoy more free glass deliveries coming soon PS shady E's launched a new subscription service so use my containers I'm actually kind of confused what containers did he use um I suggested one of my chests over here randomly or something oh no I might have to go through every single chest and can find the free subscription okay well let me just take a few moments here and see if I can find what he's talking about oh this is good this is good guys so our free subscription of glass did you see it it's in there yeah free subscription of glass light Christine glass pane we have 44 years oh my goodness that blends in so well look at that you can't even tell it's there oh that's awesome but it doesn't end there um we have more free glass over here oh oh we got ourselves a wandering traitor I never get wandering treaters were you dude I just heard you and you just out here where you at was it on the okay behind the building or is it on the roof now I don't know we gotta go we gotta go find my here McGinn okay maybe he's on the roof up here or oh yeah yeah right here right here okay what do you got you got just asin's head Zuma's head and Ethos head well that's that's interesting cyan hay bale lime okay yeah you know what I'm gonna go ahead and get all this stuff at what continue on guys all right well I cleaned this guy out and apparently if you take a player head and you please sit on the ground you pick it back up it loses a NBT tag so this one's got two the ones that I bought this one's got one Oh because it doesn't have his knee money anymore and they don't stack yeah I tried right-clicking on them to turn nighttime and ended up placing that well we bought everything this guy has right get in here yeah we bought we cleaned him out really so we have no use for you you die now and we don't need the lavas don't need any llama drama okay awesome so we ended up getting you more creamy trader llama white trader llama and then the trader himself awesome so we can add that to our collection over here I wonder if I'm trying to shift right click in here but couldn't grants on my free glass dang it oh now I'm not I'm regretting everything about getting free glass alright so we don't need that in there Ike yeah all the player heads ah all right so we have this much free glass so far I feel like yeah like every chest is gonna have some so I guess what I gotta do is just go through every chest and then like double click on like these partial stacks and then just see if we get any more oh boy so far I've collected over 9 stacks of congrats on your free glass from my chests yep so if I didn't sure that before if you have a chest full of something and you have a partial stack on you like you can't really see that in there right so if you double click on the stack that will they grab everything that's in the chest and then you know stack with your inventory so like if you have more than a stack so lay these are in here and you double click this nothing happens but if you split this stack and then double click one of those partial stacks it grabs the extra yeah so anyway I was able to go through and collect a whole bunch of stuff and I was thinking he didn't hit this did he he did yep so the furnaces have free glass in it and our shulker over here the one and only shoulder that we have out here yeah we have free glass here as well mm-hmm so I am curious like there was it was mostly contained in the chest I had stuff but I did go through every single chest just to make sure and I think there was at least three chests that didn't have anything in them that did have the glass so I am curious how devious he went with this do you go to like my skillet inform where I got a bunch of chests down there or did he like go over to where my villagers are over here I think we got a chest I haven't checked any of the other chests out maybe I got free glass everywhere I don't know let's see this guy oh he hit everywhere literally hit everywhere um this makes me worried so maybe up here - oh he maybe he did hit this - I mean this is pretty visible from the ground so this would be something I would imagine down down down do we all he did okay yeah yeah yeah oh no oh no hmm guys we gotta get Ethel back we're gonna have to get them back let's be honest here let me know in the comments down below any lake non-harmful pranks that you guys would like to see me try and get etho back with because honestly I haven't really done any like funny pranks in a while so if you guys know of a good one that we could get them back with yet definitely let me know in the comments down below I am very curious to see this probably hasn't been touched I would imagine this is kind of like not visible from the surface so unless he knows about this is really yeah I don't think he got any of these but you never know well back in the shopping district area I wanted to see what this unsubscribed thing was about a shady ease so yeah let's take a look at this what the heck that's actually kind of cool I gotta admit that that's really cool so that's just an armor stand being moved by flowing water dude that's awesome I didn't even know that was a thing you could do I like it so this is not happy with a subscription impossible but just in case unsubscribe by replacing your paper with a diamond block so it was a diamond block to sign up and now it's a diamond block to unsubscribe interesting interesting was this after an amazing response for free glass shady ease is proud to offer a new gardening subscription option to all ornaments let's make every day Earth Day to enter name a block as payment with your name hmm sign up a friend by placing their name and the subscription on a piece of paper as a reward take three diamonds for helping us out current options free glass or gardening why more so the gardening we can sign up a friend for huh ah oh wait cup fan gardening is Uma gardening okay okay um think about this alright so after some thought we're gonna go ahead and sign up X be crafted yeah for for gardening I don't know what the gardening is but yeah we're gonna sign him up and we're gonna take our three diamonds I hope he enjoys his new garden now we came to the shopping district to come over to this place here you see cuz somebody is up to some shenanigans alright not gonna say who it is but somebody is oh that's awesome that's freakin awesome oh that is so cool oh that is so cool I love that okay not happy with not happy with the subscription impossible but just in case unsubscribe by replacing your paper with a diamond block mm-hmm so so some people to people have unsubscribed from the free glass now here's a thought right let me let me let me let me talk at you for just a second here okay okay we're gonna we're gonna get all of it okay now the thing is we don't want the glass nah-ha but etho also doesn't want to make a monthly trip out to our base right rides so I feel like maybe just keeping our subscription because you never know maybe we'll need a ton of gray glass panes right you never know maybe that's the thing we do alright so I think for now I think we're gonna go ahead and keep our subscription because free glass is free right that's fine I see so it says here your signup a friend for her by placing their name and the subscription on a piece of paper as a reward take three diamonds for helping us out current options free glass and gardening oh wait Congrats on your free gosh wait [Music] there's something extra in here Congrats you won the lifetime subscription of free wait what I just saw some free got wait wait wait is this a troll I forgot my container so I used yours whoop enjoy more free glass Larry's coming soon PS Shady's launched a new on subscription service Oh have I clued on to what they've done oh oh no oh no every no oh wait they've just filled up oh no everybody either etho look at this that they're just the light grace a glasses Oh oh dear oh oh dear now I'm well now I'm glad they've only got this many chests oh wait has he has he done as well these aren't them well I can't see it get Ike these are also full so we could put a tea in here yeah take that youth oh yeah okay okay give any concentrated on the way you know what I know that there are Abbott's that biggest storage systems than these thing you know what I'll take this I feel like it could have been much much worse although these are gonna be a pain to clear up that is for sure I mean clearing all these up we got four and a half stack almost there could be a couple little pieces here and there but I just double click in each yes and she'd have got all of them out so should be pretty clear of those thank you ether I mean it's not quite a lifetime supply but but you know what I'll take it come again another color next time I guess they'll not be as much as well I guess it's still the same kind of troll just a little bit more obvious for them yeah yeah some sights Messiaen would be nice listen awesome dark grey ice might smell requests but I don't know he says I'm subscribed so I dunno I feel like somehow this is gonna get way worse before it gets better and I've just realized he's online Thank You troll he's like don't mess with me dude I mean he's messing with everybody he's actually put himself on the the risky list of getting getting some revenge prank or something don't worry false what would why would I not worry I was azuma going after him isn't even late planted something already you can cancel your subscription at a price wait wait wait it's a Zoomer part of this it's like a super price of what Oh know what's the price do wait you know what I guess I better go check where the price is right don't want to cancel it I don't know I don't know I'm not really a mall sign me up again wait wait wait wait let me go let me go clear myself by looking in the English shop because um I'm not sure what's going on here oh my that was ha ha ha ha and summit avid I don't know anyway I'm happy with the subscription impossible but just in case it's a scrap I'm replacing your paper with the diamond block no way ah and this is the enter one okay sign up affirm a place in their name and a subscription apiece paper as a reward take three dummies out for helping me out Oh gardening wait wait wait wait wait wait wait example gardening Oh gardening wait wait as they're all take three diamonds for helping us out you know what you know what if I just get three diamonds for ah we excited a prosumer Zoomer you massive wait where's the paper ons paper in here isn't it ha ha aha take this Izumo take this azuma I'm gonna sign you up for some gardening gardening Simon likes gardening right cool good I will take take that well look at what I have here waiting for me in my base some very good news to start off the episode check this out people remember when we went to Shady ease and we put in some diamonds to see if we could win some free glass a lifetime supply of free glass we'll look at this it looks like we actually won there were so many people entered I cannot believe we were actually one of the winners but I don't quite understand this it says I forgot my containers so I used yours whoop enjoy more free glass deliveries coming soon PS Shady's shade e ease launched a new unsubscription service wait why would I want to unsubscribe if I'm getting free glass and what does he mean I forgot my containers so I used yours did he just like put the glass I don't see any glass hmm where would he have put ok well maybe he noticed I had this right but that was full already is there no and this was all my glass so I don't wait what Congrats on your free glut what what is Oh No when you have these glass panes the light gray it you can't even tell that it's in the inventory are you kidding me is that that just the one okay all right we're good that's oh that's crazy you can't even see it there unless you hover over okay he didn't like what is the deal here no no no no oh this is definitely [ __ ] okay how do we do this how do I fix this oh there we go if they stack you could at least see them oh my gosh no he put it everywhere no tell me okay so it's just like randomly throughout my storage system or oh no oh mental notes never sign up for a business that is named shady ease oh well lesson learned let's get into the intro what's going on everyone my name is simples and welcome back to her Becraft season 7 yeah that was fun that was a fun surprise to start the episode off with oh my gosh though I may be taking you up on that I'm unsubscribed service my friend ah great great great great guys I found over nine stacks of glass that is an evil plan guys evil I tell you so now I want to head over to the shopping district for two reasons first off he said that he had an unsecured in service and I want to pay for right now that way I never have to do this again it wasn't that bad of a prank really but what really like tricked me was the fact that I couldn't see it when I started my stream yesterday I thought that my shift key on my keyboard was broken because I could not shift items into the chest my shift button does not seem to be working [Music] [Music] where's here but not there I'm so confused right now why can't i shift-click items Thank You Rodney MC 2020 and then Thank You shadow for the five gifted subs a piece there is not glass in there what in the world so I can shift into this one [Music] somebody somebody bamboozled me I'm like what is going on ether glass yeah we have been bamboozled hmm Oh Ethel how does this this mean so much war right now like you have no idea man that's uh pretty clever though I'm not gonna lie to you welcome everybody oh I absolutely got got yeah he did it - Corrales - I'm like what in the hell is going on here guys thank you so much for the 11 subs I appreciate that very very much let me give out these coins real fast that's quite funny actually we got to give it to him that's pretty pretty good but now I'm gonna have to fill this base with obsidian just to prove that your boy can't be messed with truck pipe thank you for the 300 bits dude Eagle thank you for gifting a subject Ivor it's my glass winnings oh my god if he is gonna do that over and over again I'm gonna kill him their signs right here congrats you want a lot of time supply of free glass I forget I forgot my container so I used all of yours whoop more for a glass delivery soon oh god what have I done what have I done no I hope he didn't fill up the oh my god he filled up all of these okay you didn't do all of them all right yeah I got got pretty bad so let's check it out and see what we got to do here okay so under subscription service not happy with your subscription impossible but just in case unsubscribe by pays for replacing your paper with a diamond block sign a frienda by placing their name in and in the subscription in the piece of paper as a reward three diamonds for helping us out current option freak glass gardening okay here's the thing so who let me see so XP crafted gardening cuff and gardening example paper alright so there have been three people that have been signed up here now since I can sign a friend up who should we sign up I think I think I know who I want to sign up all right so I'm gonna take a piece of paper here put that right there I'll take my three free diamonds let me get an anvil real fast I think we are going to sign our good friend B double-o up pretty sure it's too lows of the end there we go so be double-o enjoy your free glass now we need a diamond block actually weren't good there I gotta find my paper I Jevon I'm gonna unsubscribe from that nonsense oh my god because guess what I'm logged in this morning nice and bright and early and then I will kiss to my base and I see this thing and I have it ready I saw the first one I was like right let's go read the rest of it I actually had some control what did it read it but I thought I should hit record and actually have a go Congrats you won the lifetime subscription a free glass yeah I forgot my containers so use yours woop enjoy it more free glass deliveries coming soon PS shade EES launched a new unsubscription service well why would okay he use my things but I don't see no no no oh my god he's no no oh man I obviously didn't read the small print no can you believe these oh man a thor's can be well in there I thought I was gonna be loaded and then silly I don't so glass panes e fo are you giving like these blocks that is clever though yes I put them anywhere else on Oh No oh my god e fire okay I can see that this I'm suspicious he's gonna become popular considerate of more free glasses cometh see that my friend is very cheeky cheeky but hilarious I am love it I believe I've collected every single piece of glass and it's this much [Laughter] gold GG etho G G all right well I suppose there's only one thing for it then everybody gotta head to the shopping district Sadie's a favor thanks Kari not happy with a subscription impossible Barton case unsubscribe by replacing your paper with a diamond block I hang on there's another chair sign up her friends by placing their name and the subscription and a piece of paper as a rule take three diamonds for helping us out I can't I can't Eva as much as I would buy three diamonds back out of God knows how many I just did I can't decide anybody up I can't write goodbye time ins you were loved spike at the rate I wore not what it goes into the old storage again this was hilarious I loved it Oh Congrats you won the lifetime subscription of free glass I forgot my containers so I used yours woot enjoy more free glass deliveries coming soon PS Shady's launched a new unsubscription service use my containers did he put it in the chests used my containers what is he talking about where's the glass huh oh my god oh my god Congrats on your freak oh my it's invisible oh you got to be kidding me oh that's annoying [Music] what oh that's gonna be so annoying oh you gotta be kidding me eat oh oh you gotta be kidding me hold on is there oh my gosh how did you guys let this oh my gosh it's everywhere I have 37 free class I mean he didn't lie free oh no oh I don't know what to do now okay I think oh here I'm oh boy I feel like there's gonna be a whole lot of free class hi kitties oh man okay so what's even worse is that it's not on every single block oh this is so bad okay hold on oh he really yeah he did a thing he did a thing did he go all the way back here even oh I like how he named them ah oh this is insane I don't know what to do now do I unsubscribe oh hey oh there's one there you gotta be kidding me that was the only one - this is gonna be really annoying finding these things for weeks to come or was it here I think there was there it is okay was there another one anywhere oh boy okay so the free class subscription service very helpful very very helpful I'm not go ahead and unsubscribe [Music]
Channel: TheOrangeAngle
Views: 354,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theorangeangle, etho, ethoslab, etho hermitcraft, shade e-e's, shade ees, shade e e s, hermitcraft, hermitcraft free glass, free glass, etho free glass, etho pranks, etho hermitcraft prank, bdubs free glass, keralis free glass, cubfan free glass, xisuma free glass, xbcrafted free glass, hypno free glass, false free glass, impulse free glass, ijevin free glass, stressmonster free glass, falsesymmetry free glass, stress free glass, vintagebeef free glass, beef free glass, shadee
Id: VyaZDRoQ3Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 39sec (3399 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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