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I have a problem well I've actually got two problems today first of all leaves I don't think I quite realized when I undertook the task of building this ginormous or mega tree of doom just how many leaves I'm going to need in order to finish this project I'm not joking when I say that the leaves do you see around here is three plus this schalke box is full of old leaves I mean that that's ridiculous that's a lot of leaves to collect luckily for me so far I've only collected like ten stacks manually the rest the rest of traded with mumbo which it has been of great help that's problem number one the problem number two as you can probably hear I have a very noisy keyboard today the noisiness is one thing of this keyboard the other thing is that that it's it's a very uncomfortable keyboard it's an old keyboard that I found in my wardrobe and the reason I'm using it is because a couple of months ago my Logitech keyboard that I've been using for the past two years finally gave in and I've ordered a new one what the liberty terms are very very long at the moment so yeah this is what I'm stuck with at the moment but back to the leaf problem I actually saw a really funny suggestion for how to get around collecting the trees down in my comment fields and I think it was quite a few people that actually suggested this but the suggestion was to grow an oak sapling underneath like this and this is the first time I try this and then if there I suppose chop down the log in the middle now are these leaves going to de-spawn or because they're hitting that wood over there they probably stuck there that is a pretty I mean that looks ridiculous but that is a pretty clever way of doing it actually you know what this may actually be a viable way to deal with this so then I grow another oak tree there it looks hilarious for some reason it looks hilarious considering I'm building mega-tree and I'm just growing these tied me toiletries anyway I grow another one over here chop that down and then continue to shape it it's almost like I can forming a sculpture doing it this way and then I don't have to collect these always I also get double leaves when I do this this is very very smart and look at that I can't even tell that this here is leaves grown from an oak tree that's amazing thank you for teaching me the ways of leaf edge excuse me I seem to seem to have I seem to have a new friend in my tree hello you're giving me anxiety dude you're so close to the ledge I bet you wish you had any lighter now you go nope nope did he survive X whip did he survive that drop he did what in the work did they not take fall damage these dudes impressive this jungle doesn't stop to surprise me also lots that survived mega drops and then over here I spotted something this the cow I swear I have not put this cow in this cat hello I have no idea how how he's got there you look a bit lost sir not to mention Alan Alan also doesn't stop to surprise me how's there how's the view Alan today each woody now we're actually going to take a break from the tree and the leaves for now because I I've heard a rumour Rumour you say yep I've heard a rumor that there are some very rich Hermits and those Hermits are probably willing to spend their diamonds and this this this is great for me because I need a lot of diamonds as you all know I mean we are still we're still ridiculously far off I think someone did the math on when we were to reach the dad that was that was pretty impressive by the way when we were to reach the goal of 10,000 diamonds if I continue with the pace I have at the moment that is by episode 15 having this much diamonds it would take me five hundred and seventy something episodes to reach to reach that what where's my sign then someone is taking down my sign I can't believe that who would do such a thing profit get 10,000 diamonds excuse me are you the sign thief you idiot I'm genuinely confused as to what happened to my side but I I guess I guess I'll have to leave that a mystery for now because like I said rumor has it that some Hermits have a lot of diamonds and they're willing to spend them so I think it is time that we revisit the shopping district and do something with that plot that I invested in few episodes back now there she is the puddle applause now the idea for this shop is not your standard shop I want to try and create something that's fun for the other Hermits while being beneficial for them and most importantly making me lots and lots of diamonds first things first though I do want to change up the landscape around this just a little bit I want to create the illusion that this here my plot is an actual Island so I need to remove already I need to remove this coast and connect it all up with this ocean this guy just comes walking up here and stops here with that is that a gift is that is that your is that a present for me he looks he looks a bit dead it looks a bit that well I'll take the gift Kenny nice so with the coast all cleared out I want to create an island within my plot now luckily luckily this plot is actually quite big I mean it's 33 by 32 or something like that I can't even remember but I spent a lot of diamonds on this boat I need a lot more sand for this to look good HMS ggg-good game grand I can't believe this he is completely sold out well I guess we're mining sand what are you doing in the desert there's no grass to eat here oh my this is a good one oh that is just goodbye goodbye skeleton um I'm sorry hello oh wow okay ninja skeleton eh well hopefully this will be enough I'm a bit embarrassed to say this but this this little shape has taken me about an hour to create I have really struggled with this one and it is looking super plain it's literally just just like a just like a pancake cake of a pancake of sand that being said it is a start and we now have a little bit of land to work on wow that is a lot of bats just randomly popping out the most paint must be a big cave underneath there but it's so weird now there are bats here as well what's going on I'm a pro watcher for the next step of this project I need to gather up 64 Shulkin boxes and I need to color them I need to color them in various different nice-looking colors luckily I did do that n bus so I think I have I think I have 64 schalke boxes fair yes yes I do as far as the ice goes I do have these three double bushes that I can multiply I do have a bunch of lap I and I can make light blue and we do have the popcorn machine nice well this is probably going to take a while so here's a picture of a cow okay that was a little bit weird but all the shelter boxes are done so next I'm going to grab randomly 32 of these so that is a full inventory and then some no that's not some weird carpet that is 32 shelcha boxes right so next up I'm going to fill these 32 schalke boxes with random stuff and some with valuables speaking about valuables I'm going to collect up a few different things but one of the things that I'm going to be putting in some of these shelter boxes is gold so I've handed over I've just head over to my gold form and I've realized I haven't actually been here for a while and I know that there are at least five Hermits that have access to a golden ticket so oh my goodness yes it's working it's totally working people have been farming gold for me while getting XP themselves this this is brilliant what's not as brilliant though is that my crafting table seems to be home down here and my elder chest well I got a new crafting table installed and I crafted up all of the gold look at this I am I'm really really going rich at the moment anyway I've also collected up a bunch of other valuables that I want to use for this project the idea is that all of these shelter boxes will be getting some items in them for example two stacks of stone or a fully enchanted Elijah another good one five shulkie boxes inside the Shanker box the point is that I want to make it completely random some of them will have really good stuff in them and some of them will have less good things in them all in all though I'm gonna be quite generous what's gonna be inside these 32 boxes in general so for example I am putting a total of four Electress and chanted and an enchanted randomly in these boxes one of them is going to contain a pair of super socks as well look at these boots they're great two of them will also contain a full diamond block and finally one of them will be a super box and this is this is quite super right oh yeah that's right I haven't actually told you how much of charging for these boxes nor how you obtain them we'll get to that in a minute actually we should also put Kenny in one of them nice so now that these thirty-two shelter boxes have valuables in them and I still have thirty-two shelter boxes that doesn't have anything in them I think it's time I explain what this shop is gonna be and how it's gonna work because it is it is going to be a shot now the idea is that this is my treasure island and again I understand that at the moment it's it's just a sand pancake but hopefully I'll be able to turn this into something that looks like a treasure island you see the idea that I have is that these schalke boxes that we have colored in these different colors are actually going to be representing treasure gems and so I want to build up I guess like a like a pile of treasure gems and then the hermit's come in and they're not allowed to open them there then they then pay a price and then they mined them and that's how that's how they get a box and either it's empty in which case they've just got themself rusalka box or or they get one of these that has items in them and as far as pricing I'm thinking one diamond block one diamond block by sea one gem so worst case scenario you've bought soul key box in a cool color for mined diamonds best-case scenario you get you get the mega jackpot books and you get a lot richer considering an Alijah at the moment costs 25 diamonds that they like to shop unenchanted and I've got two enchanted and two unenchanted in these boxes here I think it's a pretty good price I think that most of the boxes that has stuff in them are worth nine diamonds with the shell key box included now there are two very important things that I need to consider the first one is is that the gem pile that we're gonna construct needs to be somewhat random it needs to be somewhat random of shulkie boxes that are empty versus schalke box that have stuff in them so I have mined out some of the shell key boxes here and then I've filled up my inventory with there with some of the empty ones and with that I think I have got a good random assortment of Schottky boxes I mean gems we are not selling shulkie box here we're selling gems now the second thing is and this is a little bit more tricky is that we don't want the hermit's to be able to open the short key boxes because obviously if you then accidentally open a schalke box you may know that you don't want it or you may know that you want it so I have a bit of an idea and this this is a weird one and it's probably gonna take quite a bit of time to do this but if I build a gem pile from top to bottom I could place the shell key boxes upside down and if I place them if I place them upside down well you're not gonna be able to open them because you have to then grab them from the top I guess or you would like that's the natural way of grabbing them I suppose I guess you could you could grab one in the middle and then grab the next one but yeah I think that's the best I can do and then I'll have to also mention it in some rules or something like that to the other arm it's however as I say this is probably gonna take a little bit of time to place the whole look it's so strange already I didn't reach all the way down so I'm just gonna improvise we're gonna have a stone layer at the bottom of this thing you know what I'm actually quite happy with that considering that I placed this the top to the bottom that does look it does look like a gem pile I think right anyway now it is time to turn this from a sand oh wow that is that is so strange they don't render in do they anyway it's time to turn this from a sand pancake into something that looks a little bit more like a treasure island oh and I also thought that it would be really really cool if I have another sort of treasure pile here and this is where this is where the hermit's plays the payment the one diamond block because if I sell all of these I'm gonna have I'm gonna have 64 diamond blocks here placed on the top of this I grant that is not the most complicated build ever this is really starting to come together I'm really really liking this and it's definitely no longer just a sand pancake which is which is fantastic anyway next up I need to add some form of instruction now when it comes to instructions for something like this I've learned my lesson I learnt the cleanser from last season science is definitely the way to go so I'm thinking oh my goodness this this is confusing me there there there I'm thinking we'll have a wall all the way in the back here that looks oh that actually adds a little bit of color to there to the whole thing we'll have a wall and then we'll have a bunch of signs it's Cal's Treasure Island pay 1 diamond block to mine a gem schalke box these things some gems have treasures and some don'ts important do not open a gem before mining it I mean it that's like super Omega duper importance I hope I hope permits I hope the Hermits understand that even though even though you can't open them by default but say that I would mind this one I guess this one could be open so we have that owner note hopefully everybody understands you get to keep the gem and its contents good luck and then what I've done is that I've added some examples of what you can get as a treasure so example of treasures to be found jackpot diamonds a lighter super gear stone redstone wood and rarities to be honest I forgot some of the sampler put it in the boxes but like I said I think I think overall if you do get something in them most of them are gonna be more valuable than the diamonds you pay which is really really important we'll put on an ender chest right here so that people can access their rich ADIZ and speaking about richer teas there's one more thing that I want to do to this that I think that I think can bring in even more customers call it marketing I am going to have to borrow from myself from my vault I'm not gonna spend these diamonds like I said it's just it's just marketing 14 is that gonna be enough let's make let's make seven more all volte looks very empty once again hopefully very soon though hopefully very soon you get you get to be joined by 64 plus these marketing diamond blocks of diamonds that would be that'd be the dream so the idea is if I create a little bit of a diamond pile here I'm hoping that people will sort of catch this as they fly around I mean I I know that I certainly would if there's a pile of shiny diamonds just chillin let's see let's see how this looks oh yes that looks really really cooler than these red grid as you get closer yeah you know what that that is actually looking really good now most of the gems here are actually solid and I cannot wait to transfer those into those that would be that would be absolutely amazing and you know what I think I think this thing this little island has really come together it's a little bit little be playing on the back alright let's talk as the folks of the back but it's really come together these markers for the plot needs to be taken down though there we go and some of the dirt here on the back looked a little bit unnatural so changing that up for sand is probably a good idea as well and there we have it it's called Treasure Island so let's let the Hermit know that we're open its cows Treasure Island now open sea exhibits already go it Oh what's this well and you'll have to do you'll have to find out I guess I should tell him an island in the shopping district you can't miss it I don't know if it's just me but I have a feeling Corrales may really like this place oh I assumed I was hoping that it was a treasure hunt I mean in a sense I guess you can guess we could call it basically call a treasure hunt in a sense you're hunting for good treasure gems now since we're in the shopping district I do wanna have a quick look at the standings of the head game now granted I haven't really been submitting heads I did a few PvP heads and I was proud of those but I haven't really don't really kept track stirred 2372 points probably the world second place 2290 score and Grune team be all people are teaming up that's a ridiculous amount look at me I'm I'm while I'm beating you Jimmy to you Joe I'm beating you I'm not last okay that's that's important it would have been nice but I think I think I'm probably officially officially defeated be honest I really do hope that the hermit's enjoy the Treasure Island and I've learned something today and that is that this keyboard is not just super noisy it's also a bit unresponsive the amount of times during this episode where I have like double clicked or fall down like a ledge when I've been shifting because the shift key doesn't work and it's been it's it's been a little bit of a nightmare to be honest I really do hope that my new keyboard comes tomorrow because I miss my old one that sounds really weird what I mean is I've ordered a new keyboard of the same make as my own keyboard so when I get my new keyboard it's kind of like having my old keyboard back sort of sort of thing I guess anyway I really do hope that you enjoyed today's episode ooh wait a minute what is this how did I miss this before free samples please accept these free samples cursive impose emerald oh oh thank you thank you very much a totem of undying that's actually super useful because when I was building this I kept wondering what would happen if I would fall down yeah I would have died I would have I would have died this this white feather falling forward well now but now I know anyway I really do hope they've enjoyed today's episode if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new considered subscribe it subscribe wow I can you know what I can't talk and I can't move properly consider subscribing is what I meant to say I am going to continue to add some leaves to this and maybe next episode we will come back and I'll have some more done maybe not who knows we'll see I definitely need to form some more wood though yeah that's what I need to do still haven't heard back and rent on that delivery oh man I've completely messed up doubt or now I haven't died anyway I guess I'll see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 1,927,079
Rating: 4.9761739 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, iskall85, diamonds minecraft, minecraft diamonds, iskall shop, shops in minecraft, minecraft shop ideas, minecraft treasure island, treasure island in minecraft, treasure island minecraft, iskall treasure island, iskall island, pirate island minecraft, tropics island minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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