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Edit: I am bad with using reddit, nvm... removed it cuz I couldnt get spoiler warning to work. So for own sake, edited this.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/QuakeNLD 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
BOM pom pom pom ladies and gentlemen welcome back I'm Corrales and this is episode 15 in hermitcraft season seven so Justin back like this like that relax and enjoy and if you guys do enjoy us make sure you give this video a like and if you do so spank you very very very much so ladies and gentlemen previous episode we brought back pina colada we also built a few vehicles here and there some scaffolding and just had a great time also there's a giveaway on goin from this plate so if you guys want to participate it's not close to yet and check out the previous episode I'm gonna try to link that in the description as well so a yeah but ladies and gentlemen okay I just woke up okay look at the mice look at the master just walk up so my voice might be like across you sound like a morning voice yes because there's my morning voice but look into my eyes again I'm proud of okay because I am the most disorganized person ever and I've made for today's episode a to-do list so we have s following area expansion road cars detailing yes that is something I really need to do cuz this looks like a big mess it's like I kinda wanna make a road as I said in previous episode of just going over here some whereabouts and into the mountain there yes that might actually happen so we will see how far we can get with that also some extra vehicles for like the staff or for the workers you might be but but but we're already well what kind of like trapped down there yeah that's right and we're gonna visit you and avoid and give gravel for new business so for those who don't know me and she's from avoid we are starting our concreted business all right and I've been having my kids the digging grab before the past two days to no I'm just kidding they would do it but the button no this cannot cannot cannot cruel so they've been digging I mean I mean I've been digging gravel so I have about how much is this 12 to is that mister 12 this is 14 sugar boxes filled with gravel and yes we're gonna give him that and hopefully we can see his beautiful new machine and concrete machine in in in action also check out a new game in town yes he's Scout message and he said like girls I made a game come check it out so that is something to do in the end we're gonna go over to xB and get some little skulls in his brand-new Witter we're Escala skeleton news forum thingy thingy and then i'm gonna try this is like my second attempt ever in my history of playing minecraft gonna attempt to kill the whitter for lamps cuz he drops like beautiful lamps or star which makes a beautiful lamp so there is something new you gonna do but I'm thinking where do we start maybe with maybe wood X be the only downside would xB is that he's playing on a different server in a galaxy far far away million miles away from home floating through the galaxy xB it could be perfect hello kiddies and also one thing which we need to do is sign up for that for the thingy X please get running it so we can build a beautiful home here and maybe Don a beautiful home but let's see here which way was the way to San Jose I believe we come over here I think it is this way don't quote me cuz I don't know but ER let's go this way Oh donkey no solace to do list to do list don't get distracted don't get distracted don't get distracted you that is a lot of ground I will need to tell my kids but no I would never never not an inator no no they would just die and I wouldn't lose all my beautiful stuff I love your face and I once your face on a pole in my babies boom boom like I mean come on you guys see dad boom notice a face just like that obviously not many spawns which is a little bit's and let's do one more flower and yeah I think this is our a farm which is like a based on a pot a sign which tango made tango from more than a mistress serve as well in XP did modified a little bit and build over here and it does work I think I've got about so far with this phase over here a finger gets when you want faces so I mean not terrible not terrible at all and I spent maybe an hour over here please somebody to love anybody yeah I think I think some peeps are in the knitter and that's why why why we have really bad spawn rates cuz literally nothing is spawning and I need my lamps hello no there's nothing nothing okay stop they spawn over there Oh Stevie Nepos Batman we have a little group like I've been having groups of like I don't know 15 at least 15 all don't like that place come on get around everybody oh there we go come on closer hug hug sir hug anything no moving cold cold cold this is jackpot over here over here everybody this way this wait ah this is beautiful let me tell you a story once upon a time there was a waiter who lived in a deep deep forest of the kingdom and he had the most beautiful lamps and those lamps would look so much better in my base that's a lot of those guys come on give head come on please I mean hello hello hey make room big man I'm going man just okay I'm see and yes don't tell me oh yes we've got one header okay up here ongoing move away okay one more and that would be fantastic sir tight the formation please there we go no no no no no no no way oh sorry piggy no that was that was just one hater from all those guys but in orders one more just might be dude lucky guy this might be the forehead guy sir I mean come on how lucky wasn't that the last guy he's Superman those guys Superman everybody's Superman don't be mad look your all's ain't done nothing done nothing wrong let's just throw those away over here in this corner and we've got ourselves a few heads boom xb1 fantastic farm spank you spank you and spank you so much also ladies and gentlemen in between episodes we've got a little goodie box looky looky at my cookie we've got total denying and a little of Emeril's and I believe this is from impulse please accept this free samples courtesy of impulse emerald and Tilton sharp if you enjoy the products please consider stopping by the shop and making a purchase all products are priced very reasonably Thanks impulse will spank you impulse i've actually purchased a few totems in there in that previous episode right but nevertheless i know it is time to get our heads over here we have 22 that's amazing and get some soul sand and we can attempt to do something that has never been done before no it has but not by beam but by me yeah let's go and let's go let's go kill that kill kill the lamb - yeah so XV he told me about the end the end is near he told me about a thing we can do over here okay this this is gonna be there's gonna be the end he told me that you could you could kill the water just down below and how does one do so Bam Bam Bam what if but what if what if what if God was one of us just a slob like one of us like what if what if what if what if he goes back to her for a polo okay yeah this is this is the this is my chance to get sometimes slammed guys okay he matter this is where we can I move away right [Music] he's gonna killing himself right hello you don't like your eyes don't I cross I think you might have the wrong sword for this just ask this is easy this was actually foolproof and we've got his face this is the best day ever ladies and gentlemen let's do that again like our lamps lamps whoo for everybody I'm I was so good at this got him got him again oh look at that so he both drops like that the heads and then he drops another head or blue header I mean look at us he dropped one more of those yeah may I ask you a question die oh he does it you dropped in the star every time I think it does right got him got him oh nice bike Moorhead's whoo this was fun I don't wanna oh maybe that is in different stages oh this is a nice one look at this like it's almost like a Kerala's face but a little bit different dad was one of their most prettiest faces I've ever seen besides my this is the last guy last guy go go go go go don't go boom not in my face oh he's so pretty oh man okay that was just normal Lana we got four of Jill's I like this like look at this this is such a happy winter face so we've got we've got seven stars which means we can make seven lamps ladies and gentlemen I'm so happy do i have upset in I have of CDN this is gonna be fantastic and how you do you do this this and this right Hey ladies and gentlemen boom we've got a okay out of obsidian we need to get more obsidian we have lamps behold in that right Keely this is amazing you can break them right I hope so because otherwise we just wasted lamp have a good profit lamp Oh ain't that pretty kitty we got ceiling lamps you know what there's one more hermit which does appreciate lamps as much as I do dear bubbles I bring lamp flush yours key amazing so let's get the lamp in and I believe you need like what two and a half stacks of blocks for the bigger beacon there we go I'm happy you know I'm gonna give him a uh uh uh with her face as well yes cuz cousin why not in by the way he's done so much he has shown this oh this is not another spoiler like just look at this place like this is this is home this is Rakosi my pleasin ain't cozy his place is like just gives you like the warm feeling like this is so so so nice even like flowers hanging oh man bubbles one of these for the toilets because obviously we're gonna be building a little lamb sir base underneath man just look at this this is so nice like I'm gonna go I'm gonna come for a door let's notice actually a basement entrance ooh it's a little bit a little bit makeshift for the moment and what is this I baked you a cake but you weren't home fo oh you know what I just noticed I was putting this guy here for just for a moment and I just noticed that my music disc is gone kitty to cater who'd do such a thing but uh we're gonna find out we're definitely for now we do have security cameras all over the place let's to-do list let's get rid of this we've done a big I'm so proud so what is next their expansion shush whammy and more check out the new game in town let's maybe do some some of roads we're gonna be using this might be a huge contrast however I was thinking just a black concrete powder as as a road texture because it does look at asphalt but maybe it's too fresh I did try the gray one but it was just like a bit like I don't know - blueish from my liking Barra I think at the end of the day having having this as a road texture all over the place I think is gonna look nice because it's gonna give you that yeah you too much contrast but a different is gonna bring out some contrast in the whole thing and I've kind of made a whole whole sugar box as well of it so yeah I don't want that to go to waste let's let's do some let's do some some area expansion the road to begin with maybe some cars as some detail work all over the place and then sashimi and then maybe go into town and check out the new game we also need to check the profits on looky-looky at my door key butter ladies and gentlemen enjoy enjoy nice enjoy a nice speaking to my staff memorize in your little time-lapse I guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I guess we can me p.remove this for today's episode so our expansion road cars and detailing has been done God bye-bye so this cannot took some some time to do but I am I think I'm really happy with how it turned out this by the way I love it ok let me just take it a little aerial shot because it's not done ok so don't judge this year but Road is yeah it might be too dark but I do like the contrast quite a bit and people might be like girls what is this because I know people would be complaining like how is that big truck gonna make it all the way around this Bend and leave for dad so this is ok pretend pretend that this is a cone of some time okay and then we move it in a truck and freely just go out and we will have one more entrance to replace somewhere over here and also I did changes a little bit like the iron no it's kind of cool having here that the steel beams but I cannot fault like having a little bit like a prefab constructions like I saw and then one is Dingling in the crane that is not too shabby right I kind of like it we also need to purify this area with some more dirt and whatnot but it is it is becoming your thing and yeah I'm happy I'm a lot those lives by the way love them to bits and also this is something like I've made those in videos like five six years ago don't watch them super cringy videos back in the day but this is a hot rod and this is our Range Rover a or a Land Rover I think is a Range Rover too hot for you love it and we will like we will kinda I cannot kind of build upon this later on we can add more more because more properties and whatnot but what goes with this like I mean it does take so much time like doing all the like the and bits and pieces there's also be a bridge goggles today to this part of of the map or this part of the city to be in the future I guess but I like this hey I'm alive someone else is dead on the list today visit Josh whammy it's fresh read me online yes see so he might even come and get into a collar with him and then only check out the new game in town but you guys will have to let me know what you guys think about this okay please please do because it is becoming I'm not sure what to do with this mountain however because I did a lot this little thing over here right we can have something up on top of this on this but that mountain and also there's there's tons of badass underneath here so we needed to do is jump down over here and can light it up with some torches later on but that mountain what what what do we do with it I I just don't know like can't be here it must seems like because it doesn't have a purpose well that's our purpose this is the mountain where porky poor poor poor he was last seen now and now he's no more but I yeah I think we're gonna remove it there's gonna be a huge undertaking but with a beautiful lamp which requires a day that should be very very fast so ladies and gentlemen let's let's see if SRAM is available where are those boxes over here back there so much detail coming into this place like do you know what I mean right okay my face is so tight from building but I'm having so much fun over here I am I really am so let's put down let me see how many do we have that is that that is dead let's maybe just put down this over here and let's see let's see we can get a hold of Oh shush Remy you know what I like this like it's growing on me first I was afraid I was petrified but now looking at this this darker Road it's gonna be so so so party but you know that Joshua and avoid he just lock it off and I couldn't get hold of him so I guess we just gonna go over to his place to the concrete towers and and leave some of the of the gravel however like he said like girls do not touch the machine and I look at the mass we can tree see my eyes but how am I supposed to operate the machine if I can't touch it I mean I need to touch it a little bit I guess please no no no no no don't get on camera people can be upset and this is by the way this is this is amazing like if you just loads he's got a like thing here like huh it's so nice so I'm just gonna guess poop him down over here sheesh Remmy enjoyed in the machine he put together I believe but it is nice there's no like landing thing the Machine he put together was I believe somewhere that's a portal yes this he's like don't touch it and I'm like why he just makes me want to touch it more when he says like that' and he said this is very complex this is a concrete maker so what you do he said you just stand then where what about you just stand over here like that and you just feed the concrete and then it just goes into to them at the big machine over here and goes baboom with TNT oh okay I'm stuck in the machine no no no no no don't touch it give us don't touch it so yes yeah that goes baboom and then the concrete drops down over here somewhere it gets collected by the water and all and yes it does look a little bit complex I guess but mmm boom so the only thing remaining on the list is check out the new game in town so let's go but first lemme take a selfie but first let's check out the profits here in looky-looky at my bookie so I don't have any diamonds only and a grand total before today's today's check is a I can't even count it's just does this too much there's a lot of diamonds all right we have six we have nine we have three more efficiency yeah people of efficiency right silk itachi Oh somebody's using the vouchers one which sells a lot is mending have we yes we have indeed we have two snacks and ten diamonds and I did a trip that and loyalty as well in between episodes I don't think anybody as I should practice any but just in case they need them they are here forms people love the forest that is free stacks in twelve diamonds black of the see nobody why nobody buys like of the sea even sweeping edges has been a purchased so let's just get those diamonds well which we have over here and that is twelve of those and let's see here no there was a crafting table here before now it's a it's all gone where am I supposed to go Cassie get a crafting table over here can have it in the bags and whatnot listen like this first of all they just throw those away and like this and let's get diamonds diamond beautiful blocks that is 23 blocks that is profit for for for today that is that that that is a lot of diamonds who any freedom 24 so we have almost made on the shop II with almost male of almost made almost made free stacks of diamond blocks and we have new stuff on the wall Shammi has written I brought so many books I became a warm stock was great sales were great stories great cab I look either at the bookie again 100 out of 100 cab we need to get the guty back of the cab I'm working on the next batch but it's just taking so much time and to still kind of grind out the levels and she hasn't won any cap you will be the first on the new batch and let's see so what does it say east girls Treasure Island pay one diamond block to mine Oh Gemma sugar box okey-dokey some gems have treasures and some don't important do not open a gym before money that one cannot make sense right you can you get to keep the gym and its contents so that is pretty much I mean it's not terrible because that means that is one diamond block and you get a sugar box yes that's right a good luck examples of treasure to be found jackpot diamonds a light for us super gear stone rest on wood and rarities yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we'd this is this is a little bit like round but but a little bit different I guess let's let's see here let's maybe go for five boxes is that too much no if I was perfect right let's get like this three four and five perfect and I'm thinking like is there like a like a strategy behind this do we go deep inside and open or do just open from hmm I'm gonna go for coal code let's get this VM perfect I'm gonna get this over here like I saw oh come on I'm gonna go oh no no no no no no no no no no no not like this there we go and I'm gonna get the green over here baboom let's get this green in the back see I'm going for greens cuz cuz you know how it is me and bushes right how many do we have we have four so that is one more remaining should we cannot tweak this up or what do we do what does one do let's go for this one like this ladies and gentlemen we've got five beautiful boxes and now it's the moment of truth like it is it is a little bit addictive I guess and the first boss we have water hard to see I have plenty of those but at this is a sugar box I mean that is a fair deal boom a light rose in the second one not that I need one because I have like ten pair of those but I mean analyze what does costs what is that 25 diamonds in the sharpie he may be given I don't know the third box you know what I miss they're like the music from Iran like you know the lamps bring abouts don't be canonized right but the third box have super super sucks protection and brahim ending that strider after the falling I mean I guess that is the same as I got right protection that's our amending and breaking for the fall I got the tours on mine as well interesting but a super socks this is not terrible so that was the third box the fourth box has drums okay we get a one diamond block bag I'm gonna I'm gonna put this guy over here we're gonna get okay know I'm a little bit confused I can't bear the dose to the remaining right let's get one more in which one do we go for color oh oh my oh my let's let's go for color let's go for green one boom dang it okay that can last night a little bit so dad box we just bought it was totally empty but so far we've got one of the sea wobb wobb wobb super socks and a pair of a light ray and obviously the the diamond block which we just put back in bought a box with and the final boss it's a blue one drums please Stevie Nichols Batman that is actually five sugar boxes for one diamond in a belief day they sell for five diamonds each right that is not bad I mean and we got beautiful sugar boxes as well how many to be precise we've got six man oh don't do it cross okay just one more this is the gonna be the last one okay the back but promise okay this is gonna be the last one boom and which one does one pick let's maybe go for this model got it no regrets drums boom I got a sugar box okay this is gonna be a prep okay this definitely gonna be the last one I like the last one last of the last of the last let's get this guy up over here perfect nice shape go go for it and go for top cross go for the top but now I'm gonna go to the back for the back let's go with this one no regrets no regrets have drums please drums drums drums and what is it inside boom alight Ron I guess I'm bringing amending I'm into enchantments we happy yeah I think we're happy and one more thing which I will do because people win careless you need to sign up for the electro oh I'm alive don't worry and the electric Booga Booga like that and I just put it over here so that means the person who wins was all DOS Klaus I guess a lot of people are in the game not bad not bad and now we are part of the electric Booga Booga and the head games I mean I haven't checked this in ages I think we are so far behind people been doing the bounces and everything look scoring run by the way they kill me they kill I didn't have it on camera because I was on my laptop in the kitchen they killed me they killed me they paid me and kill mine to my face we are in fourth place I'm gonna surprise of you are in fourth place till slime Pharaoh already scab and Indian right 3028 but those guys I am it 5k that is insane how about this spider Cleo seven different no no no no you know what ladies gentlemen I really hope you guys enjoy today's episode we got some progress let's go over to the base a short one more time ah it's becoming it's like it is it's such a weird project okay but it's my weird project then I'm gonna fall of it can you imagine having like buildings over here just build up inside you're looking like I mean in the future in the future it will be nice but legend one thing is so much for watching please do let me know what you guys thought about this episode leave a like and subscribe if you haven't I will see you guys in the next episode of hermes crafts I'm having so so so so much fun one more time from there like this here yeah I like it it's a nice cross see guess in the next episode affair with drafts
Channel: Keralis
Views: 685,895
Rating: 4.9705563 out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft7, hermitcraft VII, keralis, hermitcraft 6, hermit craft, minecraft, minecraft base, family friendly, lets play, let's play, lets play minecraft, minecraft lp, hermit, minecraft house, keralis minecraft, keralis hermitcraft, keralis modern house, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft keralis, hermitcraft S7, season 7, episode 15, part 15, ep 15
Id: 6aA5SjQ95Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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