HermitCraft 7: 10 | I GOT GOLD, LOL

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Cake day, today lad?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Weird_Blobb 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
minecraft is definitely a game with a lot of different things that are super satisfying but there are very few things in my opinion there are as satisfying speed mining I mean look at this just melting the blocks I am I am super super addicted as you can see I've done a bunch of of this stuff seriously I mean it I have done a bunch since the last episode and it's just it's just so very addictive whoo diamonds and it's a big one I could seriously do this all day here are all of the resources that I've gained so I'm up to 39 diamond doors I gotta say though I feel like I feel like with this giant area and the whole area below I should have I would have thought that I would have found more than 39 but still still still that's that's over a stack of diamonds for sure with fortune 3 another really good byproduct of speed mining is the amount of stone you get from this this early in the season I mean this is just this is just ridiculous just with that 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 15 12 of you brilliant you can go here protective barrier goodbye so with that out of the way it's time to get started with today's episode but first I do you want to get all of these resources back to the base excuse me do you mind this is my mind no creepers and stinking rotting zombies allowed oh this feels really good this little diamond pile that I had here in the last episode was a little bit embarrassing I'm gonna hide this oh I still have 12 left maybe we may be overflowing with diamonds at the moment I have no idea how I missed this I walked straight past this chest enjoy your 12 bamboo Mambo I knew it I said in the last episode that he would pay me in bamboo didn't I that is oh oh well hello that's that's not bamboo maybe our moustache friend is a gentleman after all Thank You mumbo I was totally not expecting him to actually pay me indictments I wouldn't kill the reader for free but don't tell him that okay don't tell him that we'll take the three diamonds will add authorities now speaking about richer teas we have as you know make a goal this season I make a goal of getting 10,000 diamonds to be honest with you at the moment it feels so far away it feels almost completely unreachable but I think that I have come up with a little bit of a genius plan that is going to help us to reach that goal and I want to get started on that today but before before reveal the genius plan I do want to take a moment and show you what I've been up to in between episodes at this point in time I don't think there's any denying it that this is indeed an Omega tree and as such things are also gonna take quite a long time I have spent probably around six hours and I'm not joking probably around six hours in trying out some textures and texturing this route yep only one of them and despite it taking a long time it's not actually that many blocks that has changed when I look at this I mean from a distance because this tree is so big it's barely visible unless I zoom yeah that's what I'm gonna have to start doing unless I zoom now that I look at this I'm not actually sure it may be because I've spent a little bit too much time here today but I'm not actually sure if I like this route more than I like this route like I think this looks really good I really like the way that the shadows are being cast from the open old log ends and this this kind of looks it looks a little bit sporty to be honest it looks a little bit all over the place pesky bed anyway we are not going to be working on the tree today as I said I've come up with somewhat of a genius plan in order to eventually get to the 10,000 diamonds the idea is gold you see minecraft 1.16 is coming out and if I've understood it correctly goal is going to be used for bartering with the new mobs in the nether I can't remember what the code are they called Hoagland's I think they call Hoagland that's name by the way I haven't checked this out myself yet but basically if you give them gold they give you random stuff back it's almost like villager trading and the thing is goal is going to become really really valuable so what I want to do today is create a mega gold farm now the good thing is that we have a bunch of stone that we can use as building material for this gold farm and for the first time ever I'm remembering to use scaffolding in terms of resources this form is actually quite cheap but I do think we are gonna need quite a bit of iron for hoppers and starch so come to take down another letter this is where I'm happy this is more happy that I left this up otherwise I would have just used these blocks okay I'm sure I am so bad with saving resources in Minecraft I thought this is why we need mega farms and and big things for everything I suppose I genuinely cannot believe how much iron is in each letter I mean look at this I've got three stacks and then sob I'm not even done with the letter I'm like halfway to how good is mumbles arm farm I wonder this is crane this is crazy [Laughter] with two books of stone and these resources here I honestly think that we have enough as I said this is not a very expensive bill I may may want a little bit more food though pumpkin pie hello sir I have come for the carrots the golden ones thank you I also just realized that I have 39 levels so you may wonder why I've got so much armor pieces around and that is that is again because of the villagers another thing that I've been doing in between episodes is that I've been talking with this guy here Johan the Viking these cells and chant the diamond gears what I've been doing is I've been buying these and then I've been disenchanting them as I've said before villagers are super annoying but really powerful anyway before we head out to build this farm I want to make sure that I use up some of these levels that's a really terrible in chantho let's do let's do that oh that's better and just like that another pair of super boots we shall store them safely it's so close to making two of these pairs but I'm out of XP which was the whole point of this thing to be fair sold these he's gonna sit in there for a later day and speaking about XP I just realized that this mega gold from that we're gonna make it's gonna topple down that's an XP farm which is great that's great news because I have totally with all my armor being mending and tools be mending and that sort of stuff I've totally outgrown this double grinder I'm really really tired of killing spiders at this point in time anyway with all of this I think that we are ready we're gonna head to the nether I'm gonna start constructing this farm that's a really good thing that we are already on top of the nether because that is where we're going to be constructing this forum however this thing exists and this is I think primarily it looks quite funny it looks like a little house top there I think it's primarily a ghast farm or something like that but it does spawn some be Pigman so we don't want to be close to that thing because that's gonna take up our spawn so I think although it's very very hard to navigate in the nether if I just do this group so don't lose track now I'm heading straight this way yeah I think I'm gonna just go over a little bit this way and then anywhere anywhere here should be fine to be honest I'm far away from that thing this thing is gonna be pretty massive though I think we can all agree that the landscape on top of the nether is it's very very variant isn't it it's very different I mean we got red mushroom patches we have brown mushroom patches we got emptiness and nothing I'm just kidding this is going to be the place for our farm so the very first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a pillar all the way up to wine level 245 or so or does this go all the way up I've never I don't think I've ever used this as it's supposed to be this is news to me land no oh well I guess we're climbing I gotta say the view from up here is not really that impressive not really that impressive really just look quite awful but anyway that being said we are at why level 247 I think we're all set to get started building this gold farm now know what a few of you are thinking why is he building a mega gold forum on top of the nether in another that will be deleted reset fully when minecraft 116 comes out this is a good question this is a good question and I thought about this a lot but basically the answer is simple I want a lot of gold and I want it now I'm investing in the future and I want to be stockpiling massive amounts of gold's for when one sixteen comes out and this is all things considered it's a bit of a grinding farm it took me probably five hours to to make it or to put this together that you see in this time-lapse here but at the end of the day it's it's just stone which by the way I needed three shell cabacas of stone at the end of the day anyway it's a quite simple design I can I can rebuild it if I need to once one sixteen comes out this specific design that I'm using is from a youtuber called random sea games and I will put this video down below in the description in case you want to check out his tutorial he does a good job at explaining different things and stuff like but anyway six hours five hours I can't remember something like that totally worth it we're gonna get all the gold in the world you know one of the problems when you build like a mega farm in Minecraft is that most of them most let me can't really test out until they are entirely done I'm getting close now there there are still a few more things that I need to do but I am so very excited to test this out I mean there are there are definitely a lot of pigment around so it should it should all be good but there are a few more things that I need to do the first thing is the killing chamber which is going to go right down there and have a hopper down there with a rail on top of that and then we're gonna have a minecart hopper minecart with a hopper on top of that rail and I think I think that is correct and the way we're gonna kill the Pigman is by using entity cramming so what we got to do next is just stack on top of this rail if I can although I've lost count of how many cards are there I think that's 23 that's 24 hopefully I got that correctly I mean there can only be 25 entities in one block before they start scramming and if if it would be one minecart too little they're just gonna start dying after the second Pigman goes in which is also fine do not want to be the guinea pig for this right so let's just call that good the next thing we are gonna do is we're gonna put iron golems on these glass blocks here and hopefully I can do this like this yes okay he shouldn't in theory be able to leave that glass box dude do you have to stand all the way out of the edge no you want to get to the Pigman but oh wow for a very very tricky thing and that is that I have to get Pigman to stand okay no are you too smart you are too smart sir I have to get pigment to stand on that glass book there that glass book there and ten more glass looks all the way around and then I have to name them so they don't these bones I got my Lenny Lenny take nametags here yeah this is gonna be frustrating isn't it I wonder if I can do this with a minecart maybe hello the big question is can I break this without hitting the pigment and without him falling down whoo yes I hope she did it I actually did it I can't believe it okay maybe that's the way to go because he shouldn't in theory move so Lenny number one I'm not gonna lie this is the scariest thing ever because if I miss and hit him all of these guys are just gonna come after me but there we go that is Lenny number two number three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 and last one 12 yes that was easier than I thought to be honest that's actually quite that's quite painless so with that all done we should actually be good to test this farm I am really really excited to see if this works I I really hope it does okay that's looking good so I would be standing down here and the pigments they shouldn't be able to get to me they should be chasing me around and doing exactly that yes and then they die oh my goodness oh my goodness it is working it is terrifying [Laughter] getting any XP that's a problem why is that minecart so loud oh the XP seems to be getting stuck well that's not great that is not great look at all that XP yes oh that is such a good feeling I'm double repairing my tools I am really happy that the forum is working a little bit worried about this though there's way too many items up there I think what I should do is probably fly away and let all of these guys despawn and then come back and work on that collector system on my way back look at this thing this is looking pretty bigger the Lenny's are still aired and that may be a probably hello oh they're still angry they're still angry you gotta be kidding me uh I've built a monster how do I get Pigman to stop being angry zombie Clea says die yeah I've flown a thousand blocks away we're gonna try to fly back and hopefully I don't have to I don't have to die no more talk to them I really don't want to talk to them that sounds scary hello I'm friendly I come in peace okay well that's weird for goodness sake this is disaster this is this I just would have finished the collector system and why they are they are mad they are so mad that they're jumping all the way down hello oh dear this little clump okay so in the conclusion the farm is working it's just a little bit too good too good look at all these XP words to do I don't know what to do I suppose there's only really one thing I can do at this point in time I'm gonna have to let them kill me aren't I yeah can we be friends if you all get to kill me guess they didn't want to talk are we all good now there's no one here well that's well that's good I said oh do you know no hello no what a perfect line as well no way they are still mad Lennie's are too powerful they have to good memory I have created a monster on the hermit crab server the good thing is that it's only a monster well I'm here or anyone else that's angered them but still okay I got a new plan if you can't beat them join them time for operation blend in my goodness that is right let's try this out then let's fly back up there oh I didn't have much faith in this one to be fair okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna run down and I gotta build walls at least two high on every side and they have to be out of glass okay so far so good huh okay fly way far away come back okay last one yes yes okay now in theory they shouldn't be able to get to me and they shouldn't be able to go and die and so I should be able to there are there are a lot of shoots in this I just realized but I should be able to try to fix this collection system wait a minute I think the cost you may actually have worked I don't think they're angry at me anymore hello hello did you get my did you get my to get my card hey this may be this may be very dumb but are we good we good just hanging with my Bros which one am I which one am I so another world friends we have to try and fix the two problems that we have with his form the first problem being that the XP was not picked up by the player when standing in this slot here which caused a lot of lag I think what I want to try and do is fit like a trap door there and I'm so glad I realized this this is a full block gap which means the baby Pigman would be able to jump out so I'm gonna be something like that maybe even close that I need this to be line of sight here so that does always see me I think but that that may do the trick that may do the trick and then we'll put another oh no I can't put a slab here now that may not hold the minecarts in place then they may spit out everywhere who send double items yes yes you will okay so I positioned a minecart over to hoppers instead of just one and hopefully I have no idea but hopefully I can fit more mine cards on top of that that are gonna be killing the zombie Pigman so these I'm gonna go here that looks like it's actually working considering how tough it was for them to forget about me this is actually really scary but I've taken down all the walls and I think I'm ready to try this again let's try it out okay I missed that's embarrassing there we go here we go again here we go again as we go down here we stand here they immediately push to my card away okay that's not great that's not great I should have taken away that rail yes okay are they all sitting in them they're all sitting in the minecart they're all sitting in the white cards okay well one thing seems to be working a lot better and that's XP XP is definitely reaching as they are still not reaching us they can't kill me here but that that there is a problem instead starting our chapter is better okay so that is working now the only problem is of course that I'm assuming we are getting better item distribution actually wait a minute I think all of my cards went into this blocked not a single my card did the killing chamber at the moment that is hilarious okay so I think it's fair to say that the farm could definitely still use some improvements with this killing chamber but it's a lot better now the XP is reaching me they do eventually cram not from the mine course perform themselves but this also gives me an opportunity to killing kill them with looting which gives me a lot more gold I mean look at this I'm already up to 18 blocks home sweet home when you've spent the last 11 hours in the nether if he's really good to just to just see the overworld again even though the farm is a little bit of a monster it is definitely working I stayed for another like five minutes and now we have 38 blocks of gold and I am just going to stock these as much as possible I want to get as much gold as possible before 116 you know what the best part is is that I'm not going to tell anyone I'm not gonna tell anyone it's gonna be my little secret that I'm holding gold we probably need to build some sort of vault or something like that once this chest gets full where the plan is to get as much gold as I possibly can now speaking about the future I have got another thing that I wanted to get done today and that involves a lot of diamonds I think I think I'm gonna mine all of these wait this is fortune three right oh my goodness thank goodness for that one and a half stack that's a bit of a disappointment so that is 10 diamond blocks look at how empty our base look without the diamond pile in the middle anyway with our 10 diamond blocks I want to head over to the shopping district this is essentially 1,000 blocks of land in the shopping district and the place is filling up really really quickly so I've had a good look around and this general area here this is actually mushroom island - mushroom island that you can swim in but it is still mushroom island mushroom fields and not only is the puddle it also got this magnificent view over the ocean I really I really really like this place well when I got to the shop with district I had planned by a landmass of 1,000 blocks and in my stupid head I was thinking for a moment that that is equivalent of a hundred by a hundred because a hundred blocks is 10 by 10 so a thousand blocks should be 100 by hundred well that's not how math works is Kal nope luckily luckily I figured it out a hundred five hundred would be ten thousand blocks so this is this is the land this is the amount of land that I'm able to purchase for my temple ox I think this is 31 by 32 which is 996 blocks this diamond pile is quickly becoming mega large take a look at this but it's just that is all solid blocks of diamonds I kind of would love to know how many diamonds that is and now that's paid for at least there maybe one day I will have enough diamonds to buy the entire puddle and and I could become the puddle man the puddle man of doom who puddles around and jumps it oh my goodness what am I saying well it's gone let's go it on here careless careless careless careless Rhian okay excuse me people are already collecting heads oh I should have looked in the back of this thing okay so if you collect the first head of the pillar you can put it in the Goldbach and get ten points and then six points for the second one third point for the third one and then any extra heads is one point okay I see so it looks like Corrales has collected a whole bunch of heads already my goodness that is that is absolutely crazy what he hasn't killed me this skull pillar is completely filled up already I guess that makes us less of an important target at the moment it seems like Corrales must have bought its wondering traitor oh my goodness Corrales is making Corrales is really making a run for it come to think about it that may not be too bad if Corrales wins this because that make him really rich and rich Corrales tend to spend his diamonds on on things yeah I don't I definitely need to make a new version of Ron hello B so the head game has officially started but in addition to that we've also got another server fight video game that it's just be god tag to electric boogaloo please use the full name yep it's apparently super super important welcome to tag to electric boogaloo the aim of the game is to hold the tag for as many in-game hours as possible one hour equals one point on the tab lists also that's why there's a Siro behind my name on the tablets at the moment the first 250 points wins all the diamonds you can get the tag by any means necessary PvP trickery bribery traps or selling you can even afk R aneema rename a diamond block to entered good luck so it's basically like the ordinary tag game but instead of tagging someone you got to figure out who has to tag and get it from them yeah this sounds this sounds like a lot of fun so I'm definitely gonna sign up and also this is an opportunity to win some diamonds which I won't i won't ever pass up on so currently korean cleo beef and me are in the game and with that ladies and gentlemen really do hope that you've enjoyed today's episode if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new cousin subscribing and I will see you dudes in the next episode you
Channel: iskall85
Views: 2,247,155
Rating: 4.9707718 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, iskall85, gold farm minecraft 1.15.2, mega gold farm, mega gold farm hermitcraft, iskall gold farm, tag 2 electric bogaloo, tag game hermitcraft, hermitcraft tag, tag 2 minecraft, gold farm minecraft 2020
Id: p8f4ZXH8Azk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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