Hermitcraft 7: Episode 16 - Grand DIAMOND Plans!

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Uh, Mumbo? Where's your suit at, buddy?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/OpabiniaRegalis320 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why did You sell your clothes too

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/xyz_gaming_201 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/plun1331 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dude sold his body to get out of poverty

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/NoobSharkey 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

He will sell his life next

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AndreVHR 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

only notification gang knows that it was first called 'how to be RICH quickly'

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/XDYassineDX 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
I've just looked into the server to see this oh my goodness look at this he's got he's got his green belt that he's wearing on his face and obviously because I'm just a pathetic purple belt I'm now being blasted I think doc is also chillin over by the button he's trying his best to get an awesome belt I think he's actually been waiting here for ages and then his scale came along and just hit the button while doc was waiting which I don't think he was particularly happy about these are some tweets that I saw this morning all in all it seems like the button is doing exactly what I expected it to do which is yeah cause the caused issues between Hermits this is hilarious I am so tempted right now though to hit the button I mean doc is camping out the button but there's nothing stopping me just pressing it again a blue belt I could I could upgrade I don't know I mean can I do I want to do that I think you could potentially ruin his day though and I do quite like doc I don't think I'm gonna ruin his day leave a go to the shopping district and I turned around as I was going through the portal and I saw it resetting I thought doctor prescriptive it looks like greens the wonders rested so now Green is a green rank and doc still doesn't have a rank he's been here for hours oh dear I'm gonna leave before things heat up because I feel like fights could break out anyway the reason that I'm going to the shopping district is I need a bunch of stuff because we're about to go end busting again to be doing a live stream with their scale which should be pretty interesting obviously it would have happened in the past for you I have no clue how it went maybe it was terrible right now I'm absolutely terrified because the last live stream was a lot bigger than I expected it to be so kind of want to be prepared before I go life just sat in his chair staring I've just walked over to the end of a farm and well I walked near this and my whole inventory is full of ender pearls I don't even have a couple stacks but it almost feels bad leaving all of these just lying there I am as prepped as one can be look at me turtle of undying boom firework rockets full stack golden carrots golden apples I've got ender pearls I've also got a full shocker box of firework rockets I've got a full shocker box of ender pearls I've got all my handy stuff just ready to go in my ender chest I also have five empty shocker boxes for all the things that I'm going to pick up in the end because I plan on getting a lot of gear today I mean I am rocking and rolling my purple belt is pathetic let's meet up with this gal and do the livestream we did and it was massively successful I mean check out all of this gear that I managed again look at that look all the elite rest' I've got pickaxes swords look at the number of schalke shells I mean that is that is actually pretty bonkers isn't it let's be honest III think Grimm might have let me win just a tiny bit on this one maybe maybe a little bit so I might send them a diamond in the minecart as well this place is gradually becoming unbearable if it goes appreciate your buddy anyway to start things off today I want to do a tiny tiny tiny bit of work on the base area a little bit more experimentation just seeing how certain things look so I had this idea earlier on about how I could potentially do the outer octagon because obviously you know I don't I don't just want to leave it as like a single stone brick line so we need to do something a tiny bit more substantial and this seemed interesting this this definitely seemed interesting so let's see how an she looks from above now that I've got all of the blocks in place that she looks alright then it that actually looks okay that looks wild oh that looks space-age again that looks super futuristic that looks better than I was expecting to be quite frankly honest I am incredibly lucky that I didn't just fall out of the sky there that was that was close thank goodness I have about 17 replacements you know what I am so glad that they decided to add in these gravel mountains because I mean that they're horrendously ugly don't get me wrong I would never build anything here I would never build anything within like a 300 block radius of one of these biomes but they are incredibly useful it's so much better than going down to the bottom of the ocean and actually in a similar vein I'm so glad that I've got one of these too I mean this makes life so much easier it also defens me it's definitely loud but it makes it easier so with that tiny resource gathering mission I now should have enough sighing concrete to make my way all the way around this entire structure we are around about halfway done progress is coming along quite nicely this area is a bit of a pain in the backside because obviously I'm having to make my way through cliffs and things like that but we are getting there and I must admit I cannot wait to actually terraform this thing I think that might be the next major project that we work on with this base because obviously you know some of these things are actually floating in the air and some of these things are slightly buried inside hillsides so we need to smooth these out we need to build up dirt on the outside basically turn this into a big landscape structure which in case you weren't aware is another absolutely mega mega mega project that's huge these are the final few blocks going in place now and there it is I've got five final work rockets left so let's make this count I'm going to fly as high as I possibly can and then I'm just going to look straight down that's kind of my goal here ready nice that looks seriously cool that looks seriously cool I can't go back up again but I'm a fan so I think with that addition it's time to actually remove the accent from this single one here this was the one that we kind of tested out on and at the time I did quite like it but now that all of them are constructed I personally think it looks better without there being any form of accent lovely stuff really really lovely stuff okay I've been thinking a lot about the tower there's going in the central section here been really trying to wrap my brain on it and take inspiration from this guy you know I'm formulating some plans right now and hopefully we should be starting that soon ish can you tell from the tone of my voice I don't really know when soonish actually is you know what doing that work on the bass has actually got me really in the mood for working on my bass so I think I'm going to do a few hours of terraforming I think I'm going to do a lot of clearing hopefully we should be able to get these two Hills out the way in that stretch of time and then maybe start work on some constructing but that could be bold terraforming takes forever especially for someone like me yes definitely bold definitely bold but I have I have during this time that was taken out all of the areas surrounding my base and is left a completely empty octagon and that has has mass brought up a whole bunch of questions that I've been asking in recent episodes but now I'm having to think about a lot more you see when I was asking them in recent episodes it kind of seemed like a distant thing you know days it's way off in the future I'll think about that when it comes to it now we've actually finished up the towers hits and this is the next this is kind of the next stage so obviously I do like the idea of creating like an infinity void making use of layers of glass but that would be a lot of glass I don't know I mean that would be a lot of glass the other alternative is that we create a giant hole going rather way down to bedrock that would be a lot of mining but it could look really impressive but I I mean that desk ought to be others there's got to be other things so I think what I'll do is I'll ask you is there anything else that you think I could fill in this space surrounding my base I mean if we just hop out and quickly take a look at it now that it's all fully cleared I think all of those options could actually result in something really really cool I mean some is even just filling it in with like dark concrete something like dark grey would look cool I I don't think it's quite as dramatic as as what I really want from this but what I'm saying is is that this build is cool enough that even something simple could actually end up with an interesting results nice nice I want to be totally honest she plans to do any work on my base today I just started doing the outline and then I've become obsessed now I feel like I kind of have to do this inside oats gonna as well in a similar style to the way that I did the outside one just to see how it looks I'm kind of curious I also wasn't entirely sure where I was going to place it so I think I'm going to experiment with placing it here which is a little bit different to actually where I place this one and we'll see how it kind of runs after spending all that time terraforming I'm now having to do more terraforming and cutting into landscapes to actually make way for this thicker thicker area here I kinda didn't think that through when they changed the way that TNT worked in Minecraft allowing us to make explosion based farms really easily that was a good update that was a seriously good update building these things takes a deceptively long time however these should be the final blocks so you know what I'm gonna do right you know I'm just gonna fly off and I'm going to take a look at this thing from above that's predictable let's see how it is looking that has made a big old difference isn't it that has made a big difference my base looks a little bit more official now it looks a little bit less haphazard and a tiny bit like there's actually things happening that's a big deal I'm chuffed to bits of that I really am I'm super chuffed to bits it feels like pieces are coming together this guy right here it sent me a message this morning saying that the button was dead okay and obviously this this had me freaking out I couldn't understand it because you know everyone's been playing the button there's been people camp in the button I couldn't understand how this thing would have died that it just didn't seem possible and I login all of the redstone lamps are on and I'm thinking to myself okay well this is that's strange I mean it seems it seems perfectly fine Exuma okay Exuma thoughts that the redstone lamps gradually switched on instead of switched off so he walked past the button and saw all of the redstone lamp switched on and he thought that meant that his health bar was empty when in reality was at full health so he said to be message say that is dead and the game is over I'm freaking out cuz I can't believe this is flopped within three days of me building it it's fine he had been freshly but it had been freshly pressed it was as alive as it possibly can be that has made my morning that has absolutely made my morning except was turning room my mornings I've just realized Exuma has a green belt I still have a purple belt he has a green belt he does not even understand how the game works we'll have to work on getting ourselves a fresh belt at some point soon I'm going to try my best to camp the button in some way and make it make it so that I'm less of an embarrassment to the server why does this feel strange I haven't been to this little base in a while but I know me and I know that I wouldn't use regular wood with jungle wood and I feel like I definitely wouldn't have put these trap doors next to regular wood I am I going crazy or has someone changed up my base that would be an effort and I don't understand why they would do that other than to make me feel like I'm going crazy and now I definitely do feel like I'm going crazy yeah the fact that there's still some jungle wood present I think there's some weirdness afoot I'm actually gonna go back and look at my video yes what who why what's happened seriously someone does like a Herman challenges behind my back or something like that this is this is the most surreal thing that's ever happened to me on the hammock craft server I don't know what to say after doing a little bit more research I've discovered it is cow it's gal was the one that swapped out all my blocks so to gain back I'm going to swap out all of his oak logs thawed for spruce logs and I'm going to swap out and I swap out all the blocks I'm I'm I'm I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do that I'm just I'm gonna go back to my base I mean I'm sure I can just get used to the new oak logs she looked quite nice coming back over to my ender chest I accidentally opened up my blue shocker box and I noticed that we are we are not doing well on the diamond front in the slightest and the only shop that I currently have on the hermit craft server is a shop that literally doesn't make any diamonds that is the point of it the point of it is that it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't make any any diamonds which I'm just realized this really stupid idea for white I think that was a good idea and what makes it even worse is that I don't even oh I don't even have anything to sell I mean I've really got nothing to sell this is a this is an issue however if I get creative maybe I might be able to do something firstly I think it's time for this shop to go I did say in the episode that I built it that it was an experiment and it was kind of a pop-up shop that I wasn't sure was going to be sticking around on the server now the experiment has finished and it's time for it to be removed I also literally can't afford another plot so it has to go be honest with me all right how irresponsible would it be to spend a diamond block over it is Scouts place he's just restocked all of the sugar boxes I mean I mean I've only got two left but they're so brightly colored the pass it on store how did I miss those blocks how how could I've missed those that's like half the roof okay I'll be the first to admit that that was a slight exaggeration but still how could I miss that even the bat can see it and and bats are basically blind aren't they honestly as I started that sentence I realized I really don't know much about bats my my bat knowledge ended when I was around about eight years old that's when I think that's the last time I received a bat related fact that was a really roundabout way of saying my stores now gone okay everything everything is gone now it is time to start work on the new store which I think should generate generates from diamonds I mean honestly I'm not sure this is the first store of its type and I don't know if morally if morally it's it's right or if I mean I think you know you'll just have to wait and see I mean put it this way okay I think I think there's there's a slight chance of embarrassment on my part here a fairly high chance of iseman and that's fine you know that that's absolutely fine I'm happy I'm happy to be embarrassed as long as it makes me some diamonds if it doesn't make me any diamonds then I'm going to be very upset part one has been constructed so we have now got a fully grasp platform right here I think I'm going you know I might take a little bit of inspiration as to what is going on over there because that is actually pretty gorgeous inspiration has been taken and I'm I'm enjoying the process so things are coming together quite nicely I would say maybe another small Rock here and then a little bit more bonemeal and that should do the trick I also really appreciate that in mushroom islands you don't get any flowers when you buy more stuff you only get grass and that looks so much cooler this looks really nice I've also built up a little camping ground I mean I like in the way that this is working but here here is where the actual shop is going to be going and because as previously mentioned we are running low on diamonds it's gonna it's gonna be a dirt hut I'm going to be building a day huh but just because it's a hunt doesn't mean it has to be some ugly horrible dirt ha I happen to think that this one looks rather pretty look at that little plot that's actually ended up being really nice and actually quite adorable I'm a fan of this place especially now all of the signs are in place so let me explain I have completely run out of diamonds and desperate times lead to desperate measures so I have built this store by mumbos bits now currently it's empty I'm going to fill it in with with bits what on earth do I mean by bits well say for example a hermit really really likes my mustache okay they can buy it they can take the mustache off of me if you take a look in here it has the instructions obviously because I don't have very many resources in the slightest well I've had to put the instructions on grass blocks but you get the picture by my mustache and wear it on your skin I will then be stache honest so I will not have a mustache the player who bought my mustache will then be wearing my mustache and they can wear it wherever they want to wear it it doesn't necessarily have to be wear mustaches normally go however I would probably recommend that now they can leave me stache loose or they can make me a new mustache that replaces my missing stache so if they think that I should have a totally new style then they can and of course there is one of those available same thing goes for my suits my suit is up for sale as you can see by my suit and where on your skin then all will be suit las' or you can make me a new suit that replaces my missing suit and then over here you can see we've got the same for my hair as well so everything everything is up for grabs and actually as you may be able to notice my suit is already in the item frame I mean I I've kind of taken my suit off already which means that this is what I currently look like and I must admit that the belt system is is not doing me any favors whatsoever this is this is not look for me this is not a good look for me and something tells me that it can only get worse from here I mean what if I lose my mustache and someone gives me a ridiculous mustache or gives me a ridiculous haircut I mean these are all possibilities with this new store that I've created but I have to do it because I need to hymen I don't have any diamonds I've got next to none well that's not strictly true of course I mean I do have to diamond blocks but I can't help myself I've been looking at this place from over there this entire time I need to do it okay I have a good feeling about this one and I have a good feeling about this one these are going to be my two and I'm going to open them both at the same time boom gravel fantastic and cobblestone not exactly what I was hoping for for 18 diamonds someone someone could have bought my suit for that someone oh well ah bye that was an eventful episode wasn't it I mean a lot of that stuff kind of came out of nowhere was slightly unplanned but I like these ideas I think I mean I'm liking I'm liking where everything is going I mean I might I might have a ridiculous haircut this time next week but we'll have to wait and see I mean it's all up to the hermit's maybe they have a nice to me maybe they'll give me a wicked do
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,595,256
Rating: 4.9738641 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft, Minecraft Hermitcraft, Minecraft Hermitcraft 7, Minecraft, Hermitcraft Season 7, Hermitcraft 7: Episode 16 - GET RICH QUICK, GET RICH QUICK, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft, Mumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft 7, Mumbo Hermitcraft season 7, Mumbo mega base, Minecraft terraforming, Hermitcraft shop, diamonds, Hermitcraft button
Id: BsM9uMSXpz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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