HermitCraft 7: 44 | MY NEW MEGA PROJECT

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Etho smells like a bag of onions!

Damn I can't remember what series that was from...IIRC it was beef who said it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chriswkingg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who added β€˜smells’ to it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wman007 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Smells like what? Teen spirit?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MasterOfSpasms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I ended up watching the whole episode lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheSkullKidGR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Missed the chance to reference spongebob and write good under it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sling_cr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope it goes on more

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tommothekiiiddcuzzz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

who put the E there? Did etho add the "tho"?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SteptimusHeap πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
it's done it's done it's done ouch it's done it is done done done done i can't wait to see this but it is done oh my goodness yes [Music] look at that wow that is that is awesome that is looking absolutely absolutely awesome i can't believe impulse has actually done this there's a book bedrock invoice oh oh no okay invoices are always a bit scary but impulse bedrock service invoice 12 4 5 i hope that's not the price one creator-sized hole amount owned 32 diamond blocks please deliver payment upon receipt upon receipt at impulse's bbs stand next to the guardian 32 diamond blocks one one crater's size tone oh that's brilliant now this makes me super excited and i just realized that i i don't think i've told anyone why i wanted a crater believe me it's gonna be worth it however before before i do anything with the crater i feel like i want to i want to make sure i pay and make sure i pay my bills just realize it says amount owned i suppose i read that as amount owed though it's supposed to be old i think 32 diamond blocks i may not actually have that at this point in time gonna have to really scramble my last diamonds but this is well it may not be a smart investment just a just a neces just a necessary investment not not really necessary either i could have a fun investment that can't be 32 diamond blocks is it 24 yeah 24 diamond blocks i got 32 more diamonds in my ender chest that's still not enough that brings us to 27 and five oh i can't believe this i haven't been broke in so long on the hermitcraft server but i think i think that's all the diamonds i have yep after looking a while for a while i am i'm down to my last diamonds okay i'm negative in the diamond department i need five more or four and a half more blocks which is it's not that bad it's like 40 diamonds or so i may actually have that amount in the omega store but i don't want to use any of the earnings from the mega store just yet so i think i'm gonna have to go mining now luckily i should still have my speed mine yes my speedball is right out here in the middle of nowhere but i know i know how to get to this location and hopefully there is a little bit of speed mining left to do down here oh yes there's plenty plenty to mine is it just me or is it really satisfying to cover up lava pools in a speed mine i know this is something that everybody enjoys and this is something that everybody enjoys as well i think it's simple there is a lot of enjoyment in in mining oh i was just four that's a bit of a disappointment hello eight oh hello now i think i got extremely lucky because i've only spent about 40 minutes and i got over a stack of diamond oars and i'm pretty sure that is gonna be enough to pay impulse off it's always a very satisfying task to fortune diamond wars in masses my goodness that yielded almost three stacks of diamonds today today seems to be my lucky day surely that's enough yet that's wow that's 21 diamond blocks in just in just 40 minutes that's that's absolutely crazy i'm i'm not broke i'm i'm actually not broke right let's go and find impulse's bbs stand bbs oh oh bedrock breaking service i get it now found it so i guess we put it right in here and then i wrote two notes thank you am from miscal 85 just so in case in case he has another person who's requested a creator i want to make sure that he knows that payment is for me right so that's done which means it's now my creator and now i can enjoy the crater as much as i want hello enjoyment okay i admit maybe that this was this was a little bit silly we are however going to use rails only in a slightly slightly different way now i i'm curious okay i'm curious if anyone by just looking at this little setup here can figure out what i'm about to do with my with my crater it a little hint it's in it's in the idea of a crater if you did guess it i do want to know down below in the comments okay because the correct answer is tnt minecarts yup i'm gonna blow this up i'm gonna i'm gonna blow up the nether i want to create my nether base so that it connects with well i may also want to change up this slightly in the future but i want to connect everything up with on top of the nether and underneath the nether and for that i want a giant hole i'm really really excited about this blowing something up with the minecarts it's always a bit scary it's always be fun but when it's your when it's your base to be i i don't know i don't know how this is going to turn out however hello hello hello hello frank goodbye frank i'm sorry but we got we got we got brian's now but there's gold in here what oh because i've named these because i've named these these different names i feel really bad letting them go but i think we can all agree that this is probably probably a nicer way to go than to be blown up by a lot of tnt right the next thing is i need to remove my nether portal and this should be fine because i do have a nether portal somewhere up there i guess i should also salvage some of this redstone right things that i want to keep has been salvaged and the piglens the piglets has moved out so i guess we do this this is this is scary and exciting at the same time but and also i actually don't know actually i don't know if this will work but that should send that off oh that yes a very satisfying that's a very satisfying explosion satisfying explosion of the gold plates i don't know why it is so satisfying to blow something up with a minecart but this is this is three mine carts this giant hole is created with just three minecarts that's quite impressive now to continue though i think i need to deal with the lava as i go now you may think at this point in time that i got some sort of mega plan for exactly how this base is going to be laid out but i don't okay i'm a very i'm a very very impulsive skull and and i don't really have any greater plan i just want to see what we can create using this method now this might be a very bad idea but i'm going to try and do three three at one goal like i said this make this may go terribly wrong damn i'm terribly wrong what oh no that's bad that's really really bad and i don't have an underchest in my base why don't i ever have the chest in my base oh no i got 20 under chests in my inventory or at least i did before things blew up please say that stress monster hasn't just yes back up wings back up boots and a pickaxe i really hope that my stuff didn't blow up that would be absolutely awful there it is yes yes yes i think that's my axe okay that's very good very good i think most things oh both of my pickaxes survived and my boots that's the most that's the most important things i guess i learned my lesson though don't do more than one at a time when you drop them down like this right anyway that seems to be the exact same center good a few more minecarts in and i think i'm pretty happy with the depth of of my crater and this is also revealed in opening to the nether which i didn't actually know about i mean i've been down here and i've spawn protected this thing for the gold farm but i didn't think that it was this close when seeing it like this but this is this is perfect so this could be this could be the entrance to the base i would like this hole to be just a little bit wider so i've changed the configuration of my super advanced exploder of doom to land in this general area here and my theory is if i come down here and place a block for it to land on right here then that should take care of this general area here now there is a lot of shoots and maybes let's just give it a go i mean what's the worst thing that can happen did that work i think it did didn't take up that much either which is probably a good thing right so i'm gonna do that all the way down and then i'm gonna go all the way around the circle but i think it's gonna be worth it i think i'm starting to get pretty happy with with my crater this feels like it has the right width i went ahead and i cleaned up all of the quartz and all of the gold nuggets and all of that just to be able to see it and there may still be a little bit of shaping that i want to do manually but i do want i do want it to look kind of rough i think now as i've said i don't really have a giant plan or anything like that for this crater other than i want the bass the the pierces the pierces through the bedrock and well as i look at this i'm kind of starting to picture a spiral staircase going all the way around the walls and all the way up to here and then maybe on the sides would have small little houses and stuff yeah that that could actually now now i'm starting to feel an idea and a plan coming together that could actually look really really cool and then somehow i want to technically at least connect it up to my gold farm so that i move the storage system and all that sort of stuff down into this base instead of just being in the sky on top of the bedrock now annoyingly enough and and i swear i don't know how this happened impulsive iscal but my gold farm is not actually centered over this crater you see the center block of my gold farm is that crying obsidian right right i'm trying i'm trying to punch to joey but that's not visible when i when i zoom in that block right there is the center which ends up right here it's it's not a little bit off it's like completely off so i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to work out a way of connecting these two places up together another challenging thing with this base that's gonna make it a little bit special is that i wanna make the entire thing spawn proof and since we're in the nether that isn't always the simplest i mean yes it is simple if your gold plate flex plate then the entire nether up but i can't have a base that's just there's just gold plates everywhere so i'm gonna have to build into the design or consider into the design a spoon proofing method now to be honest there are quite a few things that i need to plan and work out before this nether base is finished i mean i don't i don't even know i don't even know how i want to design this yet but i think the idea of having the houses or small houses on the side of the crater and a staircase leading up could look really really mega but regardless we have a crater we have a crater and i think it looks absolutely awesome it actually looks like it's been it's i was just gonna say that it actually looks like it's been a proper explosion like a real crater but that's exactly what we've done though so that that's yeah that's a given for now though i've been in the nether all day and i feel like i could use some fresh air and check up on our friend on our good friend on our boy bernie now i have been extremely busy in real life these past few weeks and so i haven't been on as much as i would have liked to be on i know that we have one it looks like we still have yeah we still have one tooth lit i wonder if i wonder if there are more contestants no that looks the same as far as leafage goes haven't got that far we haven't got that far at all oh i feel like i feel like i need to do something more something more to get people more encouraged to feel leaves this could be it could be that people are saving their leaves though and trying to time trying to time when the jackpot comes out that could be could be a strategic thing now don't feel it would be entirely fair if me myself and i participated however i do know someone who could help us oh no where is it hello hello it's kal no no that's not it seriously where where have i put it i can't believe this this is embarrassing but there's only one thing to do is skull ouch man hello it's been a while i don't see any problem with signing up is kalman for this i mean it's a little bit weird maybe but but at the end of the day i can't i can't i i'm a man it's i'm a man that makes good deeds does good deeds for others and and and myself i guess it's called man and speaking about escalman i have a little bit of a good deed to carry out you see i've heard the rumors that one of our good friends the bamboo suited mumbo jumbo has got a little bit of a weird idea according to these rumors mambo has suggested the idea that he could fill his entire industrial district with slime blocks and as a lover of slime blocks and as a lover of good deeds i think that's a fantastic idea so i figure i figured we'll we'll encourage him we'll give him a little bit of an encouragement to do so and how do we encourage mumbo jumbo well we donate i'm going to donate a full a full box of slime blocks for the course because i genuinely think i genuinely think it would look absolutely awesome if he changed out all of the path blocks for slime blocks in this place and possibly change out all of the water for honey blocks yeah that would look that would look absolutely mega i don't want him to miss this so we're gonna build a little bit of a pile oh how i just love the sound of slime blocks being placed down something like that and then we'll place our donation a full box of slime blocks right there with some signs dear mambo do it p.s if you need more slime visit the omega store brilliant silent marketing right there i'm really excited to see if this encourages mama to change up the floor to slime blocks because it's gonna look absolutely mega i'm quite jealous that i didn't think of that myself anyway i came back to my tree and i noticed this e e though smells someone has added onto the etho or the e and ethol smells now this invites to something really silly but i just cannot help myself to not to we are going to add on to this an l followed by an i a small eye because that's cool followed by a k if i can figure out how to make a k look okay make a k look okay and an e so that the sentence now says etho smells like now i wonder i wonder if more people will add on to this and then maybe maybe one day there's a full novel written all the way all the way to the shopping district or the mesa that's something that's way over there i mean this is this is just one of those silly things that happens on the hermitcraft server what's going on over here then my my goodness how i've not seen this this is this is massive is this wow that is really really really cool is this is this red dog's new base that is looking wow that is looking so cool and since it's at the moment very hollow i shall i shall take this opportunity to fly through fly through this base now for something it's slightly more productive you see i have seen it in the comments i've seen it on twitter i've seen it in my discord people have noticed that my base is it's a little bit messy it's specifically since the diamond pile has completely gone now that we've paid impulse yeah my base is my base is this is this is just a giant mess i feel like i feel like i need to do a little bit of a cleanup and normally when something looks like this i would encourage a storage system i would encourage an automatic storage system and saying that that's the next thing that we got to build so that we can get all of the random assorted i mean look at all these different and some of them are empty as well there's so many different weird items in the shulker boxes that i would i would heavily recommend sorting them through a sorting system and then getting everything organized however i i'm not going to build an automatic storage system until until i can live up in the canopy because if i have an automated system in this season of hermitcraft i don't want to have it down here so i guess this clean this cleanup is going to be one of those things where where you kind of kind of kind of sweep things underneath your carpet and in minecraft the way we do that is we grab some chests dig a little bit of a hole place the chest down and then we place the shulker boxes in those chests and believe me this is this is a great way to forget about a lot of your items so for that i got a little bit of a solution tbtf treasure below this floor hopefully that can remind me that there is a literal treasure hiding underneath the floor right i'm gonna get the rest of the you saw that there was even another right ingot in one of those boxes i better not i would not actually open these now that takes care of all the shulker boxes but now comes the tricky task of emptying all of these chests luckily though i have got a solution and it's called more sharky boxes so all you gotta do is place down more shulker boxes break down your chests in which you'll find very random things hello how do i have this many seats just laying around oh oh but of course but of course grian's head is the one thing still sitting on top of the shulker box and once you're done with packing it all into shulker boxes well you know the drill by now just just just pack them into your tbtf one of these days i need to build myself a super smelter because this is genuinely this is genuinely the furnaces i use to smelt up the stuff when i need it and it takes so long not having a proper system get rid of the sign bookshelf the hermit challengers and other mambo stuff and there we go things are already looking a lot better now we are missing something very important in the middle and since i did do some mining in the beginning of this episode and got some spares i say it's it's time to start this thing up again i genuinely i i'm genuinely gonna make sure that i get to 10 000 at some point this season and yeah i i did feel the need to change up the beacon alignment as well to match our new our new pile brilliant now with a new pile started the base cleaned up mumbo encouraged the nether blown out the sentence extended it's time to say goodbye for today this has been a really weird crazy episode it's been a lot of fun to record so i really do hope that you have enjoyed it if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new because subscribing and i will see you dudes in the next episode goodbye i forgot i had i've got a head conference head on see you later
Channel: iskall85
Views: 1,410,042
Rating: 4.9708853 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, minecraft iskall85, mega project minecraft, mega build minecraft, mega build hermitcraft, nether base hermitcraft, nether base miencraft, tnt minecraft, tnt minecart, minecrat tnt, iskall mega project, iskall man, iskallman, iskall gold farm
Id: yC4iOHa2qi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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