Hermitcraft 7: Episode 16 - PESKY BIRD DELIVERY

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take a look at my hand I've got a green and a purple belt on my hand from last episode and I've even added it to the brand new front that I have constructed on my base so I'm adding all the different colors and I'm about to go and see if I can grab myself a new color for my collection oh my goodness ISM there's some builds going on in the background stress is creating some kind of a pink cake factory or is it a mushroom we got it we got to check this out we haven't really checked up on what stress is doing over here it's like it's like a fairy tale Factory but I know I'm not sure what it is I think it's a mushroom it looks pretty cool though good job stress anyway let's not get distracted we need to go and check what's going on in the button also I've I've never ever questioned why my portal is on top of this tree it just it just sort of sprung here when everything moved to the top of the nether and I just never questioned it let's go and check what's going on with the button but we have to be careful because I think people might be stalking it at this very moment yeah there's someone there I'm not sure who it is that says duck m77 oh that's someone else there oh goodness it must be it must be pretty a good color to be honest if it's if there's people stalking it oh my goodness there's so many people here what's going on all right we need to know what color this is so we're gonna go up high we're gonna fly because in the nether there's actually quite a lot of fog in fact there's so much I can't actually see where the button is and it looks like it's a green it's a green belt we've already got a green color so I guess we just need to bide our time until that's yellow it looks like everyone's trying to get a yellow belt at this point part of me just wants to press the button at green I don't know why I just just kind of wanna spoil her this miss standoff that's going on Oh someone pressed it [Laughter] away with it thank you know who it was hahaha I think that live in ska hahaha agreed for life Scapa scoff scoff okay so we didn't manage to collect a new stone but we still got fought we got a lot actually how many colours have we got left again so we currently have a purple belt and a green belt that means we need blue yellow orange and red that's gonna be tough but blue is the easiest one to get it's gonna be many hours before we get some of the the better stones I mean belts well now that the button has been reset there's something that I've had in mind to make some very good diamonds so as you know my bass is coming along quite nicely and my stockpile of diamonds is not I've got 53 but I can definitely do with some more now I've had this idea I had a quick look at some of the hermit's bases one of them is a scales Omega giant tree of fun and happiness no not doom fun and happiness and I couldn't help but notice he's gonna have a really rough time I just used my Rockets I'm gonna slowly fall down while I talk about this he's going to need a lot of leaves to make this work and collecting leaves is not particularly fun yeah there's nothing I can do about this falling so what I've decided to do is a custom shop the hms GGG is going to deliver goodies that they need specifically for their mega bases and hopefully we can make a quick bit of diamonds when we do it now I've got a company I got a walk I got a walk all the way back now it's my Rockets emergency rockets I always keep it mergency rockets I've only scales actually in in here oh yeah he said yeah yeah pop pop it in just pop it just pop it in here imagine just in Korean pop it's pretty cool he has no idea by the way what I have planned so hopefully he's got some diamonds saved because this is gonna be quite the project what we're gonna do is head over to a forest far far away we're gonna grab our shears and some spares and some boxes and we are to harvest as many leaves as possible let's go [Music] [Music] as a nature lover this really hurts my soul this was about three hours of grinding I managed to watch an entire movie while doing this and it kind of hurts I mean I know it's just a video game but I don't like her in the trees like this I really don't and I thought it would be funny to leave all of the logs here just to show the scale of this but check it out there are lots and lots and lots and lots of leaves here and we will sell them all to s cow at a mega discount so let's take all of these and go and produce the hms GGG in the air well maybe it should be called the HMS pesky bird I've successfully moved all of the leaves over here and there is quite a lot but since it's been about three hours since I checked the button before we go over to make a scales private personal customized shop for all these leaves I want to go check on the button again see what's occurring wheels we remember we need to collect all of them and it might be that it's on blue or maybe even yellow we might as well take the opportunity whoa excuse me what is going on here there this is such a mess oh my goodness this is totally unacceptable what a mess what have you been doing on earth this is a I think I have a skin just for this occasion I have like I have about 30 odd skins that if I need them they're there and it's about time I got to use this one let me put it on boom dad it's a grin ready to clean up let's just let's just clean this up this is just this is just no this is just not good this is not good unacceptable totally unacceptable wait we didn't even check what it was on oh it's on blue it's on blue play it cool play it cool play it cool look at all this mess oh no I don't think I'm on board with this this is this is so this is so messy what's going on here this is uh no I I'm genuine about this janitor thing I think I don't think we make this mess I like the button the way it is mumbos made a beautiful build and everyone's desecrating it no no no no no no roller coaster no no no mess mess mess mess mess got a tidy all this up sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep I can I can stand the chair you should you should all be assured all be ashamed ashamed of the mess what a mess and now I will press the button gonna scoop that up bye bye load them into a false sense of security got him and now I can add the blue concrete makes a fine addition to my collection and I've also added it to my hand on the right as you can see now these are the easiest colors to get in this game so all the others they may take some time I'm gonna have to really keep an eye out now it's time to go build that shop for Isco now that we're all prepared and I've even found this little guy aka pesky bird so this little guy is gonna help keep our shop in the air now for that I'm gonna have to rename him and one of the best things about using anvils all over your base is that you can use them at any time pesky bird there we go boom pesky but don't leave that I need you come back buddy go oh yeah forgot about that okay so I'm just gonna pop you there for now we're gonna need you a little later on I've got all the resources that I think I'm going to need for this and off we go oh man there lag on the server look nothing's loading you know when I get all of these Infinity stones oh sorry infinity belts I am definitely I am definitely definitely gonna snap the lag off out of this server 50% off on the ledge all right let's take a look the see if his skull is here doesn't look like it I've never actually been inside here oh he started decorating well he's been busy now we want to place this shot just about I would say about here yeah we want it we want it quite far up so that he's gonna see it up we go now this is gonna be modeled after the HMS GGG mark 1 so we're gonna need lots of campfires I'm playing a dangerous game with him being afk I probably should have wait for him to just be entirely off the server what I like about this is it's actually not too difficult to make now how many we're gonna need quite a lot of chests actually now that I think about it we're gonna need a lot of chests going on here to make to make this work now we want our pesky bird to be all the way up here connect them all up with some fences oh he's uh he's back doesn't look like he's here he might be at his other base but I need to I need to speed things up really really fast right come on pesky bird you're coming with me now to get the to get this guy's to follow me I can't fly away really fast I kind of have to wonder and let him teleport to me come on there he goes from a distance it's gonna look like it's floating but as soon as you get close you'll see that pesky bird here is looking after it see if he will go on this come on come on pesky bird there is right now we have to push him right in the middle and then if we remove this there we go pesky bird he is completely carrying the shop that's awesome okay if I do single chest not only does it look like more I leave I'll be able to count exactly how many leaves I am giving is scow giving or selling sorry selling I'm not I'm not doing this I'll do this out of the kindness of my heart no no no no okay now we got a transport all of the leaves over here which is gonna take a long time and still no sign of a scouser all going well so far I think I've been fairly lucky he must be working on something else at the moment so each chest has 27 slots so that's 27 stacks once we know exactly how many leaves we have to sell him then we can work out exactly how much we're gonna charge because that's the next question I have no idea how much to actually charge his scale for this and by the way he gets the whole thing he he could do the tidying up afterwards as well he gets all the chests he gets all of the campfires everything the whole barge maybe not the pesky bird might have to ask for him back I'm pretty sure he only wants the oak leaf so that's what we're gonna put in there this is true door-to-door salesman tactics here there are 11 full chest and then there's this one which has half so 20 let me get the calculator out okay so there is 297 stacks stacks of leaves in here plus plus 14 in there so there is a total of 311 now if I want to I need to work out what to charge for this now now if I do six stacks for one diamond now that's a pretty good deal if you ask me a really really good deal in fact I might make it just around 60 60 diamonds for all of these leaves welcome to the HMS pesky bird flying to give you a great deal today's offer is the entire barge for just 60 diamonds you get all of it - the pesky bird and there is 311 stacks of leaves now if that is not a deal that entices our first targeted customer then I don't know what I think that is a genuinely a phenomenal deal but there's actually there's there's one thing that has to be done before we can call this complete and I'm sure I can find a block of it somewhere aha one of these directly underneath pesky bird OOP you get a get a nice dollop of bird poop with every transaction you're just adding to the value pesky bird okay and I think I think we're done I think we are done here so the real question now is if he does take this deal from the pesky bird who's next who is next who needs a lot and I mean a lot of a specific block that takes a while to get who can we give an offer that is difficult to refuse especially from such a handsome little bird as UPB all right let's go back to our base now and hope that if scale sees that and yeah yeah I hope they accepts the offer might as well do a quick button check whoa we are approaching yellow we are approaching yellow that is very tempting we got to keep an eye on that and doesn't look like anyone's around to to snipe it from us either let's just keep keep an eye on that one now that that's out of the way I feel like we could do another quick building of the base a little time lapse perhaps we can tackle some of these areas over here maybe some detailing and maybe even what I wanted to do over here so let's give that a crack and start some toilet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know one that was actually a really really good time lapse I think this addition although it's very very tall it looks cool I think it actually really sets everything in and then ska helped me out with a little bit of training here it's such a good guy and I think that all of that has come together really nicely I added a few details as I said um I think they look ok and then I stopped when I got to this bit because the difference is that's a flat surface this is a one block diagonal which is a lot easier to detail than a two block diagonal I'll get to this bit but I just need a little time to work it all out because when I work out that bit detailing this will also become a lot easier like I've said many times already this base is going to be a very very long term project this is not a build that will spring up overnight you know that time lapse was several hours of work and what do we have to show for it couple of windows bit of terrain and part of a tower it's going to be a really long time before this is finished but I'm just I'm enjoying it and I think it's coming out really nice once that's mirrored on the other side man it's a it's getting bigger and bigger remember it was just a platform then it was this bit and now it's got this bit down the bottom and on the sides I don't know it just I don't know it looks awesome but since it has been a little while let's go and check on the pesky bird I did actually add a bunch of diorite here 1 2 3 as if as if the pesky bird is continuing to poop all over this thing now this here these blocks this causes a bit of a dilemma for this cow because of course the signs here say you get everything the entire barge now that means not only to us ok so he hasn't bought it but not only does he get the leaves but he has to at the same time purchase this block and he hates diorite he hates it with a burning passion the longer he takes the more pesky bird is gonna release his yeah yes so hopefully ass girl gets the move on and buys that and then we can move the pesky bird somewhere else and get some more diamonds for people it might be worth a quick check on the button to see where we're at we still have three and Oh woohoo we're over the halfway point that's very close to yellow it might be worth sitting here for a while and waiting just for that to tick down cuz it can't be too long you know as I literally wasn't here that long and it's gone down to yellow I do I just take it as it is there's there's not really anyone online but I don't know if I want to take the risk I could theory in theory wait a little bit longer but I think these are like hours and hours you know I can't I I'm that I'm an impatient man oh dude dude dude dude dude yay a fine addition to my collection nice we have we have four four colors now admittedly still the easiest only two more before we bring balance to the server we'll add this onto the top nice looking good looking good hello hello I got to keep up my training hall here I I turned off this resource pack a few times just because hey as funny as it is it does get old it does get old but I'll try my best to keep it on because I know that a lot of you really love it I got over it I love it too it's small doses in small doses Rand says I'm in need of industrial amounts of TNT deals are welcome well that looks like a job for the old pesky bird if you ask me let's go and check what our stocks are like oh it's looking a bit yes but I'm not looking too happy and I think yeah this is like the equivalent of finding lint in your pockets when here ask for money I think it might be time to run this machine for a bit let me just TNT or gunpowder cuz you know TNT is it's a lot of sand a lot of sand right let's turn the creeper farm on get it going gunpowder preferably gotta watch my bank account okay we could do this okay so I think that's actually a really good place to end this episode I'm gonna be running this creeper farm for a little while and we will get the next pesky bird delivery sorted out for rendered lots and lots of gunpowder but here's the thing just like the diorite on s cows delivery every single pesky bird delivery service is gonna have some kind of catch that they won't know about I mean it wouldn't be called a pesky bird delivery without a little bit of pesky if you know what I mean so that's it for today's episode thank you very much for watching of course and good don't tell Ren
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,080,018
Rating: 4.9688029 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, grian, mincraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft grian, grian hermitcraft, episode 16, season 7, pesky bird
Id: SootwySwHNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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