HermitCraft 7: 11 | I TRAPPED HIS BASE FOR TAG

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Never before am I this hyped for the next Grian or Iskall video. For them this is probably already happened even before the video was uploaded but gosh darnit I cant wait 😬😬😬😬

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/QuakeNLD 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

SO EXCITED to see if it works!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bongwatershark 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Piscesdan 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of her big whoa that was very very suited welcome back to another episode of hurry craft I am very pleased to announce that the plan of getting gold has definitely worked out now take a look at this I'm getting close in having two full stacks of gold blocks all produced to my wonderful pig friends I will say this I have died quite a few times obtaining this gold because I have as you can see redesigned the killing mechanism so instead of having one of these killing chambers I now have four one on either side and that does a couple of things it increases the speed of the farm because the Pigman hello can reach to the killing chamber quicker from all of the sides but most importantly it it splits up the collection of both XP and items I speak about items I've actually not emptied this since I last used it I should probably I should probably get all of these Nuggets together bah this is this is a lot that's just one side I have so much gold and I could also smelt on these swords yeah this is just ridiculous this is ridiculous there is so much gold here but I think apart from the swords I think that I've got it all so that is wow there's a lot of extra stacks I'm definitely gonna have more than three more than two stacks of gold now let's turn them into blocks look at that I can almost make a full golden beacon already that's mega I will say this though I definitely have to do something about this storage situation though because it's driving me nuts this is just it's just absolutely crazy and carnage I I think I would like some shonky boxes for this the only problem is so I only have like four five six shelter boxes or something like that in total I miss having lots of chunky boxes I definitely need to do an end raid sooner rather than later but I also realized that there may be some sonica boxes for sale in the shopping district but before we had there let's just see if I can demonstrate this new killing system it is ex dreamy scary but the way I've designed this using stole what is this snow they can't touch me if it really looks like they could it really does look like they they they could totally just jump over that I'm actually completely fine oh this is this is great this is absolutely great I love this thing can't touch this doo doo doo doo this is mega satisfying however I can't keep running the farm because if I do they're the storage system or should I say non-existent storage system will overflow and well I'll start lagging up the server so let's head over to the shopping district hopefully someone is selling affordable schalke boxes I [Laughter] thought the time in PI look a lot larger than it did last night that is welcome to the chest monster shop shulkie box price five diamonds all other storage box are free with a purchase this thing is just absolutely mega wait a minute oh [Laughter] excuse excuse me but I think that you have been Eden I do have a little bit of a problem there's dirt blocking the entrance I wonder if that means that it's not open yet hello oh my goodness what in that's it look at all these ender chests and all these shell Cup is this solid this is this is solid sugar boxes no wonder I couldn't find anything in the end this is absolute be absolutely crazy because they're doing the slight expression on the monsters face and the fact that it's a monster but most importantly the fact that there is dirt here I don't know if I dare to go in and buy anything it may not be open yet I'm actually gonna go ahead and ask on this chord and hopefully hopefully we can come back a little bit later and hopefully then the shop would be open but this is I gotta say this thing is looking absolutely absolutely fantastic wait a minute score just walked by and punch down the dirt hello is this open he says come on in he says break the blocks you need to save the server and then he flew away he just flew away I mean there's no more dirt now and I'm assuming then that this is his shop I think I may not have okay I got what I got one dive in with me I do need to go back to my base and pick up some more because I did do a little bit of mining in between episodes I think my base is this direction nope that's that's the complete wrong direction so I did do a bunch of mining in between episodes and I feel it is actually gonna be a really good investment to put that into chunky boxes so that we can make a proper storage system for the gold farm 59 not bad I see what he's done here he's made it almost into like a minigame to buy shelcha boxes which is very very smart I have to say because I I just wanna buy all of these I just wanna I just wouldn't be able to beat beat the chests monster but anyway ten is all that I can afford at the moment these are all my mine I think did I have this one I better pay for 11 I better pay for 11 because these these are full so they are definitely mine Thank You mr. monster for your business now before we put our new shelter boxes to good use over at the gold forum I have come over here to the head game this is the game that we signed up for in the last episode and there's been some additions there's big two blocks added to every single score pillar a redstone block and a lapis block PvP tier 1 and PvP tier 2 so what is AMA Cleo has done is that she's added additional points for heads obtained by pvping remember that you can heads from the wandering trader and that is how careless had a lot of heads in last episode well now there's a special slot for death by the sword or bow or Trident or stick anything really when a player kills another player now this is actually great news for me because the other day I went through a little bit of a hunt I found etho in the Mesa doing etho things scoring a tree doing score things and the dynamic duo impa's and tango in the nether getting wither skulls turns out etho has a really good aim score doesn't and Tiger Naples had totems me and he don't fold it out for a long time but eventually I caught him and yeah none of his items God on that cactus can score footed out for a very long no no no it was it was really quick sorry score and while I have to fight tango an impulse to be won I was pigment skull hello and as such I got them both it turns out that tango tech wasn't even in the game I even though we are allowed to openly PvP during this game I felt a little bit bad and felt like I wanted to give every single one of them a gift turn out that ether had a really bad sword so I gave him a really good one score got some slime and I gave tango an impulse the third skull they needed obviously the addition I gave them older items back and made sure that nothing was lost but here we are and I now have four freshly killed PvP skulls great anyway time to cash in no one has killed etho yet so we get the 25 points for the red block impulse gives us 15 score another 15 and I don't really know about tango I mean he isn't officially in the game on the combatants side but he does still have a pillar so I guess I guess it's free real estate right I mean that's another 30 points that's a total of 80 points please like we're we have a good chance at winning they still wait a minute speaking about winning there's also tag to electric boogaloo going on at the moment on the server and it looks like Korean has got some porn so let me let me just remind myself to win over the tag by any means necessary PvP trickery bribery traps or selling PvP you say I think that I may want to pay a little visit to our jungle Hobbit friend another Korean has been very busy working on his mega house at the jungle so hopefully he is there and I really do hope that he has the Thai but I mean he is the only one to have scores take a look at this that is looking looking absolutely amazing we have to be a little bit stay he could be down here actually hello where is your bread master a weight of it it weighed and various only sin a sheep it okay let's let's just make sure oh he sees me he see of course he sees me we can do this what is he doing he is he is the flyer of doom oh come on durian no no no not again not again not again [Music] [Laughter] please tell me you were going after the tag yeah yep well seriously not again excuse me do you mind I'm having a discussion with my friend that was not great success I should have known now I have to find my way back there without Neal I try and shamefully pick up my items he's in my face now excuse me totally worth it I need food food Wow pumpkin pie is really good food I did not know that there yes hello he is kidding what I don't believe this I don't believe it just did do you mind I'm picking up for you that is so sneaky I think he just did that for the PvP game and all bye goodness there's there are so many zombies everywhere okay this is frightening this is really he he brought me back here oh this is double awkward this is double awkward right now well at least I did get all my stuff back I kept that is so sneaky it's so so very sneaky well plated my goodness gee gee I just had a realization this is not the first time that green has been sneaky and managed to trap me I mean he did he did something very very similar to that full damage trap last season but what I didn't expect was the second kill or the kill that happened in my base that was like that's a really really sneaky and what I think I want to do is I want to get back at him because now one thing that I did learn from all of that is that he clearly does have the time look at his scores not 13 so that's counting upwards and he clearly has his tag or has the tag it's guys seriously annoying yes I get it your lead is beautiful sir it also looks a little bit like a pretzel or an e it's a D anyway so my plan is I'm going to sneak in to Grant's base and if I can find oh he just left he just left okay well I guess there's no sneaking but I want to get to his base and I'm gonna see if I can scout out or spot an opportunity for a revenge trap that will also give me not just the satisfaction of getting back at him but also hopefully give me the tag so where is I always get lost there oh this is I flew right over it hello there what do you sell sir and the falling for this is Koreans mending mending guy and for some for some reason I don't agree it likes his face very much I didn't really like this base by the way it's coming together really nicely anyway we're looking for something that we can trap that's gonna be really really hard for him to spot but also something that he would use this room is actually really cool and I now know and now know where I need to go if I need cactus oh my goodness there's this is there's a lot of cactus here it's also completely overflowing one could always need a little bit of green and I think I won't actually do anything because yeah everything is a bit back filled here I'm actually really impressed Green is genuinely keeping keeping order one hold on know that that's paper jungle II that's not a stone of course there's a potato in there anyway I'm really gonna stay on track here we got to find a thing that he may use that we can trigger with redstone I just had a second realization this may actually be easier that I thought because greens got quite a few redstone contraptions this is super smelter I'm trying to figure out if there would be any way I could kill him using using his own spell tree I don't think so this however is a very good sign why is there a detector rail on his messaging system to Mambo honestly like why is there a detector I'm really really curious to see what this is all for goodness sake oh it is alarm system for whatever usage of course it is you know what it all says though that and it's an opportunity yep so I guess a cart comes in from mumble and then this this very very annoying Bell start straight how has he done this I'm actually curious I can hear that it's down here it's an observer I was an observer clock Oh [Laughter] classic Briand okay so the goal is to modify his new contraption so that it kills him but we got to make sure to do that without him having any risk of losing any items and it has to be pretty fast so that when he dies we can swoop in get the tag and get out of there in safety so I've come to my creative test world and I think the very first thing I want to do just so I can work in peace is build up a replica of that specific area in his base and then from there we'll see what we can do in order to design this trap and then we have it a few minutes of work and I've gotta say this is a pretty good replica of the things that is in every rooms this is the stairway after smeltery and this is this is where his ballast I've even installed a bail check this out now as you can see I've also made a copy of this whole thing over there and that is because I'm planning on using TNT for this trap alright I'm planning on using TNT that's also why I place down these chests I do have to look at what he has in these chests just so that there's nothing super valuable in there because there will unfortunately be a little bit of damage to this area I don't think it's gonna be too bad though and I will just say this now I am of course if this works and if something gets destroyed here I will help build that back up for green and I will I will make sure to bring materials and all of that stuff I mean I I know green we're friends and I know that he he always enjoys he was enjoys a good trap anyway with that being said I think I'm gonna remove this belt because it is super annoying to test with so what we want to do the objective is he he gets a message in this pail actually I'm gonna put that back this belt will be ringing and that will trigger Green to run over here and then and then and then what does it do does he send it back I guess he sends the I guess he sends it back or breaks it in order to propel to stop and when he does that we want our trap to trigger so in theory we can take our signal from here and if I just test hook that up to a note block when I braked my cart that gives us a signal perfect 1 2 3 4 5 6 ok so this is going to be a crucial test I need to know what happens if I drop one TNT minecart only 1 7 blocks down or six blocks in space down on top of that very block there I think that it will explode and this is my representation of green right now don't don't ask yeah they are I worked that definitely worked because of how he has his roof here this this could actually be quite simple so if I just have I just take that block this dome look and put a rail on top and my minecart there destroyed the rail and I'm gonna do that same piston thing here alright so that is all setup and then all I gotta do is link this signal up to power that piston and I think honestly I think that is it I think that is it so now imagine the Bell sitting down here ringing constantly that is ringing constantly Green comes running and then he breaks the minecart and yes works there wasn't that much damage there wasn't actually that much damage that is a that's a success there's a bit of damage but but that's a success that's still a success and as I said of course I will replace and rebuild anything that gets destroyed by this trap right so now we're gonna know is damaged so for the last test we need an actual crash test dummy to walk into this see what happens this kid is absolutely absolutely amazing right so I made some diamond gear with protection for now this would be absolutely worst case scenario I don't think his armors actually this good but we're gonna give it a test with full protection for suit I also got the tag in my inventory to see what happens with that and I got some food but I am already full on food so anything else I need to do oh yeah one more thing options skin customization hat on ah there there we go now now we're truly wearing we're truly wearing the green mask that that's important the right so to make sure that we have a good angle of this my drone is filming this I'm down here controlling the crash test gree and dummy all right so let's put on the helmet and full protect for suit but the tag in my inventory let's just try this out so kay I'm here the bell is ringing and I send it back because it's annoying and I hear big open that was awesome and take a look at that there's the tag so then I guess I guess I'll be hiding this I'll be hiding here or somewhere nearby I'll hear the thing go off and I'll run in I'll grab the tag and then I'll run away and well well I'll help him rebuild everything first because he can't take I'm pretty sure there's a rule they can't take the tag back directly off of me I am so happy that this actually worked and he won't lose a single item and I will get the tag right with that said it's time to pop back on the rim craft server actually construct this thing so back up the heavy craft server I'm had to remove Koreans belt because he was driving me absolutely crazy but I think everything is done I'm just gonna cover that up I've read it with a normal minecart at the moment behind that stone block so now we should be able to test this if I break this that should drop down a minecart yes yes everything is working fantastic all right I think I'm actually ready to rig this for real I'm not gonna lie this is a very very scary moment but I think I've thought about everything I really hope I've thought about everything break this rail okay that is in place well there's no going back now I just have to put a message in here I'm an honest guy I took some cactus that goes in there so we'll take that out and then he'll break the minecart or send it back because the Bell like I said the Bell is continuously running Oh actually one more thing I should check okay well that was that that was the one thing or the the one thing that may blow up is that chest there because that happened in the test world but I think they were all good I think actually let's let's move these valuables over to this thing there we go like I said I think we'll set surely the first thing he'll do is to fix this and then I'll be ready I will be ready I can easily hide loosely hide anywhere the only problem is I got to make sure to do that as he is on line because like I said I think that he would go for this immediately I just realized I've just realized it's really early in the morning Green is probably not gonna be in line for another hour and I had plans to do the gold farm today however I can't leave I can't leave this place now I gotta stay hidden until he logs on I do not want to miss this opportunity so with that I I guess we'll do the gold system next time because yeah that's correct that's going to do for tonight I really hope that you've enjoyed today's episode super excited see what happens but anyway if you did make sure you make sure you hit the like button if you if you're brand new because it's described it and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 2,125,499
Rating: 4.9687076 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, iskall85, tnt trap, tnt trap minecraft, minecraft traps, minecraft base trap, minecraft trap 2020, hermitcraft trap, grian, grian tag game, grian iskall, grian tnt trap, grian base trap, iskall trap grian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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