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I know you have to spend money to make money, but I don't think you should be spending more than you're likely to make.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Shlugo 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hey! It's the build challenge that Tango did!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NerdseyJersey 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
i have spent the majority of the past four days in caves and strip mines counting one two three four five yeah like like seriously seriously counting 57 58 59 60 61 6263 64. yes one stack it has possibly been one of the grindiest tasks i've ever done in fact i i i think i think i hereby shall name my past four days as the great omega grind of doom and yeah back to the counting 189 190 191 192 193 498 99 500. it's cold down here and lonely yep cold and lonely down at wide level 11. but luckily i went to a much warmer place as well hello hello hello hello i wasn't just killing pigmen i was also being productive [Music] hello what i was cold okay anyway i did also do some mining in the nether so more more counting yay one two two two is that it okay thirteen and fourteen this vine is part of my chair hello 26 27. yeah okay it's not it's not as impressive and high numbers as diamonds but still oh 42. oh but hello for 40 43 yay more numbers i've got a little bit mad over these past few days not gonna lie oh there's more 62 63 oh so close to getting a stack no that was a four though that was a meh hello a five that's the first one i've ever seen and that is one full stack that took absolutely ages in fact the omega grind of doom took so long that i had to make a rather awkward change awkward no no wrong clip like i said i had to make a rather awkward change i can't do it i just can't do it and besides everyone loves mondays more than more than saturdays and that completes the story of my past four days of the hermitcraft server i can't believe it but i'm done and i can't wait to show you all all the resources that i've gathered take a look at oh no not that box not that box this box oh my goodness this is well to be fair it doesn't it doesn't look that much in terms of ancient debris but this has taken me like i said for four days to gather now in addition to this i've also crafted up a bunch of gold from my gold farm because even though gold is easy for us to get i think it's still valuable it is still a valuable thing to have a stack of gold blocks for example i mean think of the redstone contraptions you can build in style if i remember the recipe correctly for nether i think that these four stacks should make one stack of nether i think it's quite silly it's quite silly how expensive dead ride is but we'd better get this cooked up because yeah i still don't have still don't have a super smell to do i and i keep telling myself every time i have to smell something make a super smelter and i still haven't made it so this is how that's how we do it and waiting for these is literally like watching watching paint dry or or chocolate being cooked in the oven yeah sitting in front of your oven watching the chocolate bean cooked that's what this is now in terms of the diamond ore i think i definitely want to use quite a bit of the ore itself as the treasure but let's break down five stacks yeah that should be that should be satisfying i gotta say one stack sitting in a shulker box doesn't look that much but once you've placed it down wow this is a lot of diamonds and i have 13 and a half stacks of diamond ore five stacks of diamond ore it's almost enough to make to make a cave base out of anyway it's time to see how much we get from this burn sticks storage furnace crafting bench bed door and the sign cave sweet cave sorry i i just had to just have to prove a point ten and a half stacks so that's 640 plus 25 665 diamonds i wonder i wonder if i may have beaten my 2 000 diamond challenge with this diamond challenge or this diamond mining no not quite if my math is correct we this is equivalent to around 1 800 diamonds which is still a lot don't get me wrong there's still a lot considering that i also oh got my chocolate which is ready nice so one full stack of ned white ingots completed i can't believe it's not more than that but still still pretty impressive one full stack of ned writing is just for the treasures this shulker box is mega valuable right now right so with the materials for our treasures all figured out i think it's time to start designing the treasure boxes themselves and i've got a little bit of an idea just to make it look a little bit better i want to use glass panes to show the hermits the rarity of the items that they find in their treasures so we'll fill everything with black stained panes and then i picked out light blue lime white and magenta paints to represent the rarity of the treasure inside now one would think that it would be smart to have an anvil in my main storage room but my anvil is for some reason sitting sitting over here and i'm not gonna move it so let's name the different colors to the rarity the magenta one being the best that's gonna be the oh mega lime green could be mega light blue can be awesome and white which would be the worst rarity we'll just we'll just we'll just call it curt now the price for a treasure spoon is 32 diamonds so i think that 32 diamonds that's definitely that's a that's like a white slot in the treasure as is probably a stack of gold blocks while eight netherlight ingots would probably be an omega one so this would be one full treasure and if you've just if you've got this from one treasure spoon that's a really good return obviously but i think even if you buy two shovels you're making a pretty good profit out of this i i don't really know the nether i think it's price in the shopping district maybe i should find that out before i continue now i know that there is a netherride or ancient debris shop right next to the omega store i think it's cub fans and i think he calls it the cinnabon but i haven't really checked it out yet hello diamond trees hello bernie still just one tooth yeah this is the cinnabon oh look at all that ancient debris one diamond block per one diamond block per cinnabon hold up so that means that one nederite ingot without counting the gold would be four diamond blocks forty times four no thirty six hello mats 36 diamonds per net right ingot so eight dead right ingots in one treasure is extremely good if i don't misremember i think green also did something in his barge where he started selling hello barge mystery boxes pay 42 diamonds and take a box what's inside it's a mystery do not look before buying i i do like mystery boxes don't don't judge me mister oh i gotta i gotta stay away though i i've been mining for four little bit more than four days straight i need to focus on on dime i need i need to focus on my treasure island but yes he is selling his 32 diamonds so okay 36 diamonds for ned writing it in the cinnabon shop and this would be equivalent to 32 diamonds including the diamond 2 which you can get from villagers for free so yeah okay so if if one networking good is at least 32 diamonds eight networks ingots in one treasure is omega because that's equivalent of 256 diamonds which is which is four stacks of diamonds yep yep yep okay looking at it though it still doesn't scream omega just looking at eight another i think it's but that may just be because because i'm not fully used to having nether i think it's yet even though they've been out for quite a while right so let's design another one i would say that a full stack of diamond ores is definitely mega you know what they don't have to have three different things this could also completely be a treasure as long as i keep the value currency the same i can mix and match things so this this would be awesome with two networking ingots and awesome with a full stack of diamonds and then cur curt for the why did i call it curt well kurt for the for the stack of gold blocks again i know we have an amazing gold farm but this is still a lot of gold right i think i'm happy with these types of treasures so time for me to pack this down and dig them down at the island if i remember correctly the treasure island is located north by north east of the shopping district what is that what is that just flying around with the hermitcraft server reveals very weird and random thing what is this then i think it's some kind of battlefield thing please say that i have a bed over there yes yes i do i gotta say this place looks really cozy at nighttime so let's make a day hello bro gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold i forgot to bring wood and i needed a throne because for obvious reasons i'm not actually going to show you me digging these treasures down obviously because i don't trust you so i've asked my good friend pirate skull for help yar here be treasure treasure indeed i can't see yep pretty useless pirate who hired that guy now since pirate skull can't help us here's a montage of the treasures [Music] [Music] [Music] so 25 omega treasures have been dug down around my treasure island and i am so excited i'm so so excited to see the other hermits play this now as i dug these down i realized that quite a few of them are very very easy to get to we're talking like three blocks you have to dig three blocks to get to them so i think i want to do a little bit of a change with the shovels that we prepared last episode now here's the thing a lot of you guys mentioned that instead of using wooden shovels i should use golden shovels for two reasons it's apparently less durable than a wooden shovel oh yes look at that i i did not know 32 uses and it also digs a lot faster so it's a lot more pleasant to dig with and i gotta say those two reasons are great and i have a third one to add this looks a lot more like a treasure spoon than a wooden shovel and i got plenty of gold so it shouldn't be a problem really that does however mean that i need to do what i did last episode and prepare new shovels but i got an idea pigmen angry furious pigment apparently if i hit a pigman with a shovel it takes away two derby letters that's 24 22. okay so in theory i can damage shovels very very quickly that's mega i haven't dug all the blocks down i have a better understanding of how many blocks one needs to dig in order to find a treasure and i think in average i should i should try and keep the average of the shovels around around half the durability of a golden shovel so 16 but of course i'm gonna do really good ones that aren't even damaged and i'm gonna do some really bad ones as well this one is omega terrible for durability i'm not gonna go lower than that because that's just depressing if you get one of those this is so much faster than what i did with the wooden shovels thank you ever so much to every single one of you who commented and gave me this idea in the comments of the last video look at this that's that's six shovels done oh and by the way this is the remains of all the stuff that i mined after i dug down the treasures i'm keeping these for myself i'm seeing them as profit from the treasure island and there we go three full shulker boxes of randomly damaged golden treasure shovels or treasure spoons all done and this was this was really really quick i wish i wish i did this last time right so back to the shopping district we go hello bernie so let's reload this machine to hold the golden shovels i worked so hard for these shovels goodbye oh i've done it again where's my tire burner i don't deserve nice dire burners as i said good goodbye hard work anyway here we go all of the droppers are loaded up with the fresh freshly damaged treasure spoons and i've also got quite a few to spare down here so this should all be ready to go i need one stone block well hello there thank you nice so let's also make sure and test this out so that it works yes oh that looks so good on the treasure cross so with this in place and two hours ish to spare until this opens i do have one one more thing that i'd like to add to this the opportunity to purchase clues i just need to find a little bit of paper paper paper nope but signs signs kind of look like clues don't they they have that little scribble on them yeah so while digging down the treasures i noted down some clues for where some of the treasures are headed now i'm not gonna be mega specific near the fire where turtles fart that's a clue under a solid wooden bark far deep on the highest peak can i just say these sound extremely piratey i'm proud of myself pirate skull had nothing to do with it useless pirate three steps south of the moss by the only solid fire next to wood that isn't palm south of north by tiny rocks as i said i don't want to be super specific by the clocking ledge where someone's tried to dig before with pirates snoring dreams by the fire first seen by the sun where pirates sing they hide their bling oh it doesn't fit no come on that was a good one let's try this where it sings it hides the bling yeah okay not a not as good but we'll go with it i'm curious genuinely curious to see if any one of you in the comments can figure out any treasures based off of these clues now if you can't i i don't blame you then they're very very very weird but yeah it would be really it would be really interesting to see your guesses down below in the comments oh no where's my redstone box this is why i don't make any diamonds borrowing from my own shop right so all we need to do is add a little module on this side where we get a random clue through those droppers spat out on that gold block to kind of mimic what we did with the treasure shovels over there that should be very very easy to to hook up in fact i think all we need to do is a block there with a redstone dot on top of it and i don't think it's more complicated than that so if i press this button we get a clue which reads next to wood that isn't palm brilliant so let's add a sign unlucky buy a clue and i think i'm gonna charge eight diamonds each i mean they are they are great clues right or are they on second thoughts that's a bit steep five diamonds each max one per spoon yeah that's a good trade-off and with that i declare my treasure island opened i am so that that's weird that that's dirt that's better i am so very excited so very excited to see how the hermit's doing this i mean the shovels may be too too good or they may be terribly bad but all i know is that the treasures are indeed omega and that i've spent the past four and a half days just on the treasures alone never ever forget the omega grind and with that ladies and gentlemen that's going to do it for today now i do apologize for this episode being a little bit late it was supposed to go out two days ago but you can't control your luck during mining and i really wanted those rewards to be omega i want i want the hermits when they when they finally find one when they dig them up i want them to feel like they want to come back for more and i want them to be all happy inside i mean i hope they're happy inside regardless but i want to put a big smile on their face when they play the game so as i said that's going to do for today now i really do hope that you've enjoyed the episode if you did please hit the like button down below and if you're brand new consider subscribing we are closing in to 1.4 million subscribers thank you ever so much for supporting the channel but yeah that's gonna do it as i said so i'll see you dudes in the next episode you
Channel: iskall85
Views: 1,211,705
Rating: 4.9651642 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, minecraft iskall85, diamonds minecraft, minecraft treasures, iskall treasure island, hermitcraft treasure island, netherite beacon, netherite mining, thousand diamonds, mini games hermitcraft, hermitcraft mini game, shop ideas minecraft, minecraft smp shop
Id: g2PkYgJ-oRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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