Hermitcraft 6: Episode 71 - SAHARA GRAND OPENING!

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well well well what have we got here I don't believe it welcome back to another episode of Herbert craft this is getting insane good times with scar has outdone himself really really outdone himself so he's breached the gap between his floating island and the ground by well sprouting a Jack in the Beanstalk style plan it's now being held up by a plant which is like the opposite of futuristic this is fantasy like and not only that he's built a laser on top of his build like this and it is pretty cool-looking and he's shooting a laser over to Mike he's knocked off the top of my base he's not dead he's knocked off the top that would mean I can even tell just by standing here that this is way taller than my base that my house look at this oh no it's burnt it off completely he's only taken off like 20 blocks but that has made him now a king of the build off this is not good everyone this is not good at all and oh that there's there it is he's not he's knocked it off with a laser beam and it's flown off and landed in my farm look at this look at this there it is that's exactly how I built it as well this is the attention to detail that I like it's not just vanished it's it's flown off and ended up right here in the farm but I'm afraid retaliation is going to have to wait don't worry I know exactly what I'm going to do for a start I'm gonna have to build my house even taller like up to here and I think we need to stop scar from building up even further but that retaliation is going to have to happen a little bit later on in the episode because today has something a little bit more important than who has the biggest house you can see online s cow and Mambo are on at the moment and that's because today's the big day it is time to open Sahara note for real it's going to be opening and we've been preparing all day for it so let's quickly head back to the main island and set up this huge grand opening that we want to do most everything is ready for the grand opening except oh just a couple of very minor things well we don't want to just open up this ribbon and that's it well I actually have got here a couple of things that are going to help us so I've got some fireworks and I've got some dispensers now the plan here is we're gonna have a big button that we're gonna press the ribbon is going to be cut and then all of these dispensers are gonna fire off some rockets in a really big way so if I place down quite a few dispensers just in front of Sahara if I'm standing here loads of fireworks should go off and it should be really really impressive this may also just lag the whole thing out well anyway I'm gonna get this sorted I'm gonna load this up with a bunch of fireworks and then we will be ready to open it and I mean it this time we're really gonna open today is the day I mean we've been talking about this for weeks and weeks and weeks and we still weren't ready even today we've been spending hours trying to sort everything out but I think everything is ready to go Sahara can officially open I gotta say I really like I really like to think because we've been I've been looking through the redstone I've been trying to fix up things last-minute there's been some redstone was solid I thought the red stove is not that it was great fantastic no it's brilliant yeah no serious bugs at all now this is a nice tent well okay let's hope that this works because once it's open there's no going back we'll have customers and that will be that yeah all right first impressions we've set we've set it up it's got a ribbon shall I shall I load it up and we'll go yeah prepared a little bit of a exciting opportunity do I count down with me okay yeah okay three three two one one go there's no no stop it stop it okay okay again never happened three yeah two two two [Music] oh my goodness [Music] this is better yes [Laughter] guys you're right that hurt thank you for four days boys this naughty treat your customers oh my goodness just give us a second while we fix the door modern design and art right there okay so according to the redstone experts this works there's even signs now saying what's going on yum damn but I think we need a little bit of a presentation first you know it's a big opening got to make it work and looks like there's a big audience here today right for this yeah this is the wrong way oh yeah they seem interested I knew these green heads yes I'm in handy one other one as well wandering trader in here lovely crap away are you standing up here where you this is this is like my stage is up here guys stage is up here oh I see what have you on your face that glasses what is that thing it's oh oh I can't see without my glasses okay I've got a whole speech prepared for this so you ready okay yeah all right that what a what a beautiful crowd I gotta say what a beautiful crowd all right so this is a day that we've been looking forward to for about five and a half months Sahara is more than a no more will consumers have to move between shops and click several items just to purchase things I'd also like to bring up our tech manager who's going to explain a few things about this amazing system mr. Mikoto for you to come up here tell us how this works in as few words as possible well grain so to start off with yeah this has been a massive massive technical challenge absolutely enormous technical challenge that I have taken on with with a scale 85 and it's been you know it all started off with the the item input systems the warehouse the modules the the shifting of the items around we needed to do a lot of block storage decoders encoders item transportation and we had to do a lot of yeah there was a lot of with our patented delivery system we can supply high-value items at a competitive price instantly within 30 seconds me and my tech team have brought you innovation with determination to form desertification ladies and gentlemen shop at Sahara and I would like well I mean there's no round of applause you know I would really like to get a volunteer from the audience to shop at Sahara be the very first customer and so you're the only real person here and I'm afraid it's gonna have to be you yeah yeah yeah come on Bren get over here over here over here yeah yeah yeah it is very intuitive and you should absolutely immediately know what to do we shouldn't even I opened this yeah yeah and then yeah and then ooh that's yeah I need all of that can i yes are we gonna do a small order to start off with would that be wise yeah maybe just one first I mean so just press Q on any item you want to buy okay Oh cute yep okay okay it's been received okay do you guys copy or something because I you know get across onto that so that's in working prayer maybe by you know good customer feedback but look at the lights go on ding ding we're on to lights now how exciting is this red okay so yes pretty exciting no no the order hasn't been sent oh yeah yeah yeah yeah breast button yeah okay that's correct I gotta press the button ooh I get to push a button no no this button here this won't mine there's no instructions for him what I do there we go I don't even know what he has to do did you have a second for children that they could play while we wait the button Ren okay yes all right there we go buttons been pushed is your Winston Bruce girl hmm as your I no I don't think so I'm closing the company when we're done Sahar is over bye everyone speech for nothing Oh front oh where is it I got a beacon receipt it works let's go nice wait hang on okay I got the receipt basically nothing was working as it should yeah when you shop at Sahara it comes with me here who has to break in will be open next week for real I'm still waiting for my croissant can I get a like a huddle with my tech yeah okay for a second okay shall we kill zone customer customer okay here's my idea we kill him okay we bury him get rid of him make him disappear we have enough money we're fine okay we do that yeah we realized Cassie nobody saw this yeah I think that sounds a bit harsh to be honest he's a good guy think about think about his think think about his think about his sunglasses I haven't I haven't thought about it since he arrived actually I mean to be fair guys fix the redstone and then we have a real shop well I see I don't think he's gonna be complaining because I missed price the beacons he just bought a beacon for one diamond they're supposed to be $10 hmm that's pretty good price [Music] the TMT the explosion of the front yeah him look he's interested look he's still look at him I think you're waiting for his products this product yeah where we put the payment chest terribly yes hold on he's ordered something but we don't have any more might we don't have any more minecarts - I only put one minecart in I wasn't expecting to all this much weeds and clothes and get this working [Laughter] somehow structions still you took it I hate my life bye we'll be right back to fix this shop well we'll say a little bit of a research to find what was wrong but there mmm was it one of you guys found it we found the error well you know hmm it was no one's fault in particular so touch the system again okay okay okay but you know things like this do happen and I think no one is to blame so I think what we should do is go with Sahara be beta until we're sure that all of the potatoes that I am the bugs are ironed out so shall we do a another grand opening because yeah the first one didn't go quite to plan so Ren who was originally in our queue has taken all right so grand opening mark to Sahara beta yep yep [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] amazing [Music] [Applause] Jimmy now you should be safe yeah it should be fine great we did it we did it now does the shot for four days all right yeah you're the second customer dude some instructions this time so if you just follow those okay you should all work so we need to just stand back and gentleman I actually genuinely need some beacons and some stuff which is why I've been queuing so I'm happy to make some purchases over here let's take some of that and I definitely need some of those and some of those beautiful yep okay okay don't say anything boys all right waiting for customer to confirm okay mm-hm wait for the third light and hit confirm button ooh okay there's actually instructions I'm so nervous is exploding Boop confess okay good okay all right I'm gonna I'm gonna just turn around okay I don't have a yeah it takes a while to process this is this is a really complicated syscall earthy quality control quality reassurance yes I got my rockets that's I ordered some Rockets so dang great I got the carrots uh guys this is terrible noise his I think his carrots went into the machine yeah I think he got them no I did it the cutter machine guys come on receipts one diamond for the carats one diamond for the Rockets one diamond for the beacon I think everyone deserves except Wren dog a pat on the back because yeah yeah this is absolutely insane this is the most complicated thing I've ever been apart of and I didn't do anything complicated so I feel yeah I think I think I mean it has been genuinely it's been a nightmare of a project it has also been very very interesting it's been so cool to try and solve all of the problems and I do feel incredibly proud that we've managed to pull off because this is not only my Provost now we have upgrades to do we have now carrots to dislodge we've got to get more stock more customers and more diamonds and that's gonna take a lot of work yeah yeah so dude did red ever pay no okay okay that's not beating up your speaking discount for first customer no absolutely not we made some diamonds yeah we broke it no we definitely haven't yet done that yet so just about everything went wrong that could have gone wrong with the grand opening but I tell you what it was an extraordinarily fun day I spent the whole day for a morning up until this very video went out with mumbo andis cows sorting out Sahara and it has been a very fun project but like I said it's not over there's still a lot to do obviously this is now just the beta we haven't even gotten to full release and let me tell you why it's the beta one the shop isn't completely free of bugs as so this is a very small amount of stock we sell sand some redstone some ice some rockets and some golden carats we want to increase our stock so that you can purchase anything from anything in this chest and we want it to be able to cope with bigger orders we want it to be more responsive so when you click this button you get more feedback there's so many things to improve and I mean it's so many things to improve to make Sahara the place to go when you want items it's a really really big deal but I got to say there is absolutely nothing like this that exists and it's very easy to like laugh at how it kind of fell apart when we tested it but you have to remember that this is a very complicated machine in Minecraft this is asking a shop to do everything that Sahara does is a very very complicated task I think that minecart is going round because it doesn't know what to do so obviously we've got a few things to work out however they will be sorted out in the next couple of days Sahara is remaining open this front door will remain open and now we have to spend the time getting people to go to the shop and actually start purchasing things I can't believe we've got to this stage it was such like a teary moment for me having all the fireworks go up and the grand opening look as good as it did I'm very very happy and I'm not surprised that everything broke the first time but we proved that it does work indeed it can work it does work and it will work even more in the future now I did say that we would work on the village later on in the episode however the issues with Sahara left mumbo escale and I working all day to get it working so I've unfortunately totally run out of time to do anything in regards to this but don't worry I promise the first thing that we're going to do in the next episode is take this to the next level we're gonna be back on top we're gonna build this house higher and we're gonna stop whatever is going on over here we're gonna make scar regret using this laser it is absolutely hilarious a massive congratulations to scar this is so this looks so cool I'm very happy with the way things are going I can't wait to see how insane this thing ends up well I'm afraid that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching and good bye or well I should just say thank you very much watching and Shop and Sahara
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,948,042
Rating: 4.9556599 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, hermitcraft 6, episode 71, sahara, architechs, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft
Id: yquTRY781Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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