Hermitcraft 6: Episode 49 - THE FINAL FIGHT

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While the war was raging on the surface, the lone Grian found himself between a rock and a hard place: he had the flag on his sight and also the trap that went with it in the depths of STAR Team's dark basement. So close to victory, so close to death. Yet, he armed himself with bravery, snatched the flag and escaped the deadly maze unscathed.

Cinematic AF.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Neospartan_117 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

After some technical difficulties, Grian has finally released his episode! I can't wait to see his perspective...

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/-GalaxyFarFarAway- 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

That was wild

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

For some reason I thought the last flag was in a maze. Must have missed the change

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/EggheadWill 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is greer now welcome back to another episode of her McCraw faction let's see if i can do this in third person oh I don't like this I don't like this at all whatever zoo min no no no welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft now today the end of the war has happened the hermitcraft feud is officially concluded but we will get to that a little later on in at the episode because today I'm basically finishing this entire base maybe okay maybe not the inside but the outside is all complete and I have put hours and hours and hours of work into this so we're actually gonna kick off today's episode with two short time lapses so let's jump into that and answer some of your questions from Twitter first of all let me explain why I'm removing an entire desert for my first time lapse basically I plan on finishing the base in the next time lapse so I need a lot of glass and I need a lot of concrete so my sand has depleted so this is what it looks like in the background this is the sort of thing that I have to do so I thought about time lapse it today anyway the first question is by Jasper who says where is the tag game it was last with good times with scar unfortunately he got ill so it's kind of still with him but we're not sure whether the tag game should continue or not so we'd love your opinions in the comments down below whether we should continue the game or not or just leave it or find a way of finishing off the next question is from Jackson felts who says just put a picture of pearl and Maui on screen you got it chief look at this boom bap that is my kittens and they are so so cute actually they're not really kittens anymore they're like two years old the next question is from April May who says are you ever going to do a live stream again well I would absolutely love to especially on hermit craft because I've not done one before and I'd love to see how it goes and live streaming on YouTube however I'm not a live streamer I'm a video maker predominantly so doing a live stream is a little bit out of my comfort zone but I'd love to give it a try and maybe I can let you guys know when I plan doing it and we could see how that all goes and my favorite food is definitely sticky toffee pudding I've got bit of a bad sweet tooth the next question is from Josh who says what was your dream job as a kid before doing YouTube well when I was growing up perhaps a little older than a lot of you I do tube didn't really exist especially when I was really young it didn't come around until I was a sort of a teenager so YouTube wasn't even a job that you could do I didn't really know what I wanted to do at school and if you asked me now I honestly don't really know but I love game design and I love making video so probably something creative like that the last question is from Victor who says have you ever been bullied for playing Minecraft cuz I know I have hey it's okay to play Minecraft and if you ask people if they play Minecraft as well and then they take the mick that's just sort of the person you don't want to talk to so try not to worry about it too much obviously when I tell people that I play Minecraft on YouTube sometimes they don't understand and that's okay because they probably never played the game and don't realize how amazing this game is so I feel a little bit sorry for them so I basically had to gather a bunch of sand to be able to make this and then I went and finished the outside of the base and my goodness does it look finalized finally from the outside it looks like this it's nice not having the floating ring I wondered about keeping it floating for a really really long time but I kind of liked the fact that it's got a big base now apart from the interior this whole thing is now complete I went ahead and fixed up anything that was powder in there and I even added the details on the back so these little lines here and down at the bottom and I even finished off some of the terracotta detailing around this base underwater all the stuff that you don't really normally see but it had to be done anyway to get the whole thing looking oh maybe I didn't finish maybe I only did it one side it was a very long day building I think I took about twelve hours in total well anyway I'm sooo happy that this can be called relatively finished because I am now starting to work on my new project and it's not really my new project it's an architect project that's right me and Mambo have decided that we're going to be working on building up architects bigger and better than ever before we didn't really do much before we mainly messed around but we feel that now after the war is finished we can go ahead and do more with architects because there's a lot of potential there and there needs to be diamonds made because we spend all the money that Jeff in paid us to remove his moustache and he might be wondering what I'm doing here I actually want to create a weird potato farm tube because I actually have started running out of potatoes you remember really back early on in the series there was I had my potato farm well yeah that's that's all dried up now so I need to automate it and there's a pretty cool design out there so I'm gonna try my best to fit it in this tube I definitely didn't come up with this idea by the way I'm totally I'm totally stealing is skal's farm design but I just need to make it work for my little area here so I'm gonna make one layer so basically I'm gonna have to create many many layers for this farm now green does technical is not really a thing I'm a completely talking rubbish most of this by the way I'm just copying a farm but mumble actually sat in a cool with me and explained how it works so I genuinely I genuinely understand how this farm is going to work and I hope that it looks really cool in this rather unfinished tube so let's just do one layer and yes I'm not gonna have any villagers to put in this to begin with but hopefully we'll get the idea and then I can finish the rest of this off-camera so the layers are really as simple as this I've put the first one together and I think this is this is if it was any more complicated than this I really wouldn't understand now the key part of this whole thing isn't here because what we really need is some farming villages but I'm gonna ask mumbo to send some over in whatever way he sees fit so basically the farmers go ahead and they they go and make my potatoes for me now what they do is this place here will be too dark for potatoes to grow in so what this does is it updates it so the villager the poor little guy he comes over he tries farming with this he tries placing down the potatoes and because this is updating and it's too dark it just pops off every single one we make so he goes around he collects them all and he basically keeps trying to plant here but because it's too dark it fails and then falls through into the hopper system down here and basically we make loads of loads of layers of this all the way up to the top and there we have a farm so this is gonna take a little bit of redstone and I definitely need to make sure that those light levels are working correctly because that's the bit that's probably not going to work out for me gotta imagine potato tube all the way to the top and in fact that's definitely what I'm gonna work on next because this is fairly simple it takes a couple of observers and I've even got a little system to send items all the way down through all of the layers with minimal redstone impossible so this should be really really cool anyway I think that's more than enough base talk for now we've done the outside of the base for good it is complete we've got a few more layers to fix inside here but I'm sure all of you have been waiting to see what happened with the hermit craft civil war well that's what we're going to do right now so we're going to go back in time a little bit and see how all of that played out just to clarify a few things before you see the end of the fight you are not allowed to use your Electra and we are not allowed to use anything over iron armor you are allowed to use whatever potions are you like and you are allowed to kill the opposition's mobs that they've got other than that there's not really any rules so to speak so don't really want to see any comments getting really upset about the rules because the end result has been fine and we all agree that it was how it worked out so let's see how this all played out and who won the war [Music] okay guys are we ready if you press tab you'll see that there's a lot of people that means the final battle is on I hope that we're all prepared for what's to come yes we shall be going down into their base and up in the rankings this is ng team sorry about that I just want to mention now that this is going down like we are on eight lights and they are on ten guys so yeah yeah yeah but we have one more person as well so we that is kind of even if you ask me like we got one more person then we'll two more lives mm-hmm I think I would probably have some lives I guess depends on the part is it the moustache we just need to wait for both teams to signal and then well they are ready they're ready I'm gonna ready now everyone's got their flag we got this team ready I'm suddenly not sure please seriously mom okay let's go back on we don't want to say that I do but waiting our facial hair but not your face don't worry no matter how this war goes whether you win or lose you'll get your mustache back and that's a win for the whole server if you ask me teens already we're just waiting for a very okay alright Jeff you with me absolutely sir let's do this thing this is hobble stone in one of these chests yeah here we go okay right limber up no no no wait wait Jevon before we go to battle look me in the eye look me dead in the eye right squat squat at squat we need to limber up you can't go in with a breather down no sticky keys Oh Oh God okay I mean I got one more for you I got one more for you yeah no we got it we're compressing we gotta extend extend extend okay so okay cool yeah urns and kill these fools so con Coreper up there they're gonna be commentating on everything I believe this is an official end to the war all right I see I see a false I see them over at there you're not gonna hear me Freight are they seriously gonna try and hit me from that oh yeah you've got a four word thing here hold on I'm going for it oh this is gonna be great oh they're shooting fireballs Nate they're shooting arrows but they're not gonna hit us and I'm gonna make some walls over here so they can't get through bowls don't win wars Jevon like to help us not get shot in the face I Oh Cleo cleaners lost their life already oh my god poor Cleo I did actually pay Concord I think this is the weapon I purchased I'm not really sure I'm gonna go I don't what is it has it done anything oh yeah yeah okay so lag is our weapon apparently because that did nothing we're actually taking a lot of fire here whoa we need we need to distract these guys so that Joe can make a bridge over their moat because that moat is actually deadly it was actually my bad cuz I got loads of Guardians there but we need get across their moat to get to the flag unlike much blood there's so much to you going in oh my god do they know I'm here hold on buddy I'm just gonna do my thing and oh yeah I saw your particles I'm stuck in the okay this was a terrible idea I'm just I'm a sitting duck dude they've got so many people like with two against them at least they're not looks like we got a successful bridge we've got a successful bridge Oh hit Wells and ranan friends like oh he's like getting a llama or something I just OH what I'm seeing I'm gonna run over real fast and just break some blocks and I'm just gonna keep picking at it okay careful false false is there dude what was that dude forces there she's going to kill you yeah that's me save me hmm get out get out get out yeah Jevon yes back it back it G team base there's legs up a million oh my Jevon I might not see myself everywhere there's witches and charged creepers and not good not good I mean I shouldn't be laughing cuz we just lost the life but they've read they renamed the creeper oopsie oh my god oh okay star 9 g5 wow we're gonna start giving some kills yes we definitely just uh getting some kills based so difficult when they're up there like that Nami potion that forces that doot doot dude where are you course yeah I hear we need a change of tack we're not gonna get any kills like this we're gonna run out of life before we can even get to the flag yeah this is we go we gotta think of a better plan here clear we're gonna try and get a kill here hold on yeah Wells get gang up on Wells gang up on Wells I've already got stone sword it doesn't matter keep going no don't let him don't let him get away okay guys I'm gonna I'm gonna change tack you guys keep them busy like literally you need to get their fire and I'm gonna sneak in okay we're gonna go straight to the flag since we're really running out of lives good luck alright I have an invisibility potion so if I take everything off and have nothing in my hands that including potatoes you cannot see me and I'm gonna run I'm gonna walk straight in there and I'm going to find the flag if I can get past hopefully with it's nice and dark they won't see the particles this is not good hold on I might be able to make it across okay I am in Star team 7 lives I'm gonna close the door oh I forgot about this part no one's in here with me okay right so I need to find my way into is there a flag in there no there's so many rooms in here with nothing in that cave and cave and a spider can mobs see me when I'm invisible right let's get regen in here anything in here nope just you little zomb it empty empty come on where is it this is ridiculous no creepers nope nope oh my goodness where is it I have limited time in here there there's a flag there's a flag no just creep up just a creeper oh that looks like it's done well I'm not going not going in there this room no just a cave again I've been through so many caves no nothing again I've literally been on almost every single one no there's not you've dude there's not even a cave in this one no yeah wait that's something and it hasn't been opened yet is there something in here this is this is this is sending me all the wrong vibes everybody I know that there's a war going on above me but there it is there's a flag hold on I better eat for this in case I need to run I don't know what okay okay Oh didn't okay okay okay okay go for the I thought I was definitely gone I didn't think oh of course they can't blow up the puff fish okay can I just run for it now do I have to stay here again no go go go go go go go go now I've just got to find my way out and get back to the GT base I mean to be honest with you the labyrinth has defeated me more than any of these fake rooms I am so lost no wrong way I've got the flag I've got the flag I've got the flag and now I have to hold it I have to keep it in my hand if I am the flag bearer that's kind of just you know gentlemen's rules don't you think I'm still invisible nothing on me I'm making it read fourth okay avoid the mobs now have to be so careful because seriously I have no I have no armor I've nothing job job job I came round I better get back onto the battlefield at least to be fair yep there's traps here so it's safe am I gonna make it Rendell saying I need to get back before all of the lives run out that's the main thing wait can they even see me I don't think the mobs can see me when I'm invisible have I been panicking for nothing stupid witch okay now he can see me no wait I've got iron bars okay quickly run to the base folks was slain by a scalp they see what all there's no enough time I've got the banner I better get it let's play it fair let's get it to all the other ones we're almost there did we run out of lives we might have just lost the last life as the flag has been captured it's that's it we win unbelievable yes it's not so fun celebrating alone just disappeared on like a float in machine just leaving no get your electro boys yeah these guys are piecing out what's going on guys digi GG guys incredible strategy of using AI Jamin as a distraction that drew the three of us from the front of the page she needed to get in and Jim literally pulled three of us away from it and dude because we're trying to kill Jim and guys usability potion just walk straight past everybody something just happened that's literally the oldest trick in the book this was seriously cool and I want to thank every single person for an awesome awesome fight it was really cool and friends again let's promise never to fight again until next season back to our normal yeah one question before we all go back to our normal lives and be friends again who's cleaning up so that's it the hermitcraft Civil War has officially come to an end and G team took the win but to be honest with you if you haven't already seen it the steam star guys they released this diss track on us like they made a rap song and it's absolutely fantastic I was you know I was clutching my chest as devastated guys so despite us winning in the final battle I think team style really did fight the good fight and they they won the rap battle that's for sure we didn't even get to do a response in the end because they absolutely devastated us just in time for this war it was it was phenomenal I can't I can't praise it enough that a lot of time and effort went into it I'll link it down below so you guys can check it out and I had a lot of fun with this war but I think it's definitely time for it to end I don't even really remember why we why we started this whole thing I honestly oh yeah there was a bunch of pranks and stuff you know in hindsight it really didn't matter it really didn't matter too much about the pranks it all just went spiraling out of control well I'm glad that we can start going back to our normal lives or maybe we go back to our secret lives hmm I hope you've enjoyed the Civil War and I think that's probably the last episode of the Hermit Craft Civil War for the rest of the season it's been a fantastic little project to be working on and I'm so proud of everybody that got involved with it because this this is insane this is absolutely insane anyway thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you've enjoyed this episode of hermit craft and in the next one we shall be getting into the architects project I hope you're all excited for it let me know all of your thoughts and feelings down in the comments below as usual and good boy
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,218,641
Rating: 4.9622264 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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