The best of Storage wars in Minecraft (Hermitcraft season 6)

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storage worth security I'll assure you I did not enter the premises I've been a good welcome ladies and gentlemen boys and girls to the best ever season of storage wars over brought to you by mumbo jumbo in association with Sahara Limited that's right my deeds that crazy mumbo of the Jumbo has gone ahead and recreated one of my favorite TV shows of all time here in the shopping district instruction book before using exclamation mark times 5 all in capital letters now one thing that I'm definitely going to need for this thing is of course a rule book because there is no hope for the harm it's actually trying to use this thing without having some form of detailed instructions on how to do it because you're always gonna happen someone will press the button the garage door will open they'll then walk into the storage container there go trapped in there they'll look in all the chests and everything like that and the entire process will be ruined so I have to be very very clear with these and yes in that example I was totally referencing great-grand would 100% do that in fact I think there's still a chance degree will do not disappoint very clear instructions not to the concept is simple grab some of the bidding chips and rename them to your IGN each chip represents one diamond okay where are bidding chips okay one chip equals one diamond okay gotcha there are two there are five different storage containers all the different items inside when you hit the button the door will open do not go inside do not open any chests Joker's or barrels do not break anything five seconds it will open you look at it okay yeah what the Steinman's have been paid to the container is yours head inside and see if you have spent your diamonds wisely or if you have made a regrettable decision enjoy mumbo let's see it number one let's see what we got okay looks like one two three three barrels or so okay I am inside of the brain a member right now he set this up to look like there's nothing in it and he wants us to think that because it looks like there's nothing in it that there is actually something in it but there's actually nothing in it and you know a bunch of cobwebs and barrels it's kind of not saying a lot that's not a very appetizing room so this one compound has been 27 diamonds on this press the button and we can just see storage barrels and cold weapon I want that one didn't really tell us anything if he baby absolute junk or nothing is it worth more than 27 I think I'm gonna take a gamble here and go with 35 diamonds for this one here let's take a look at number two oh that's looking nice diamond blocks the removal the diamond stuff I'm gonna put in a sweet 64 so this is the one that I would bid on but there's already sixty-four diamonds you know I'm just gonna put two two diamond bid in there the second door with all of the golden stuff inside of it the alight row all the diamond armor the bid is on sixty-four diamonds from azuma I believe that all of that diamond armor is absolute jank and the only thing of value inside here is that Elijah this is a trap set by mumble and I'm not going to be participating in bidding on that one the next one is 64 by Exuma this one okay yeah diamond diamond diamond diamond there is a diamond block and a trident and then there was a shell key box colored in diamond colors I feel like this one is almost tricking you before redstone I mean I could actually feel it's my turn I'm running low all right here is number three okay well I already got all this I mean come on I'm the CEO of chairing the Redstone one I think we can top them on this one let's top them on this one by one there we go 33 redstone stuff hmm why would mumble give away a lot of redstone stuff and there was a box there as well I'm really scared a bit on that one 64 by Ren diggity dog seriously red what how walk in there better be something good in here there's literally nothing in this one and people have bet 64 diamonds I'm gonna bid two on this one this one I'm gonna bid on I'm gonna bid five diamonds I can I can even actually afford that I know don't worry I'm at home when those give me something good there let's assume there's more to it we're just gonna one-up Ren I'm gonna run one up run by one you know what I want this so bad guys I'm sorry okay and then number five just a blunt in the item frame Vincent van Gogh entire collection oh that's fancy that's fancy that's fancy okay I'll tell you what I'm gonna bid two on this one door number five last to reveal with a bit of flame age in front is a whole bunch of paintings what is this Vincent van Gogh entire collection who's Vincent van Gogh finally behind door number five I'm coming in hot with a bid of 32 diamonds my friends know psychology behind this one I just really want to know who Vincent van Gogh is all right what about one cup - big - on this one and this is tricky Vincent van Gogh entire collection oh that's just art I'm pretty sure there may be something more in there I'm gonna I'm gonna place a small bid on this one as well you know what I'm gonna invest into art all my money goes into art who knows maybe there's a secret in here that's the beauty and if not then we have original mumbo jumbo hardware it could become invaluable at one point so we're now going to go through and we're going to see who has won each one of the storage containers so the first one is impulse impulse congratulations you have got this first one here number two has been won by Exuma void so I'll chuck that sign out the front two number three had some fairly fierce bidding but it looks like it has been won by Ren dog with a fairly enormous bid by the way good grief Oh scar has won number four with what can only be described as being a ridiculous bid 128 diamonds okay so this is a property of scar now and this final one by the looks of it has been won by Joe Hills with another absolutely enormous bid good grief it looks like we have won the redstone Locker and we can finally go inside and see what is going on inside of there nice dusty old piston over here not much we can deal with that couple of blocks of redstone could come in handy but to be honest not really what I'm looking for they smell kind of moldy like maybe they've been inside of mumbos garage for the last year or so a couple more dusty pistons here and there this piston didn't actually do anything unfortunately but you know could always use a couple of fresh pissed about hopper have you got something in you you got nothing in you okay well some moldy old freaking hoppers they ain't gonna do us much good is there anything of value up in this business cabal please gods of storage was give us something we complain and it's a whole bunch of pretty standard regular redstone stuff there is storage wars and I have been informed that I have actually won which I totally did not expect now the dragon's head is a dragon's head I will take that a diamond block is a diamond block I will take that as well and then there's diamonds in the wall so at least they get some of my diamonds back for my bet but the Shocker box is a complete dud with a diamond hoe we do get a trident so that's pretty decent yeah that's all right now we'll also get some elijah wings unless that has some dud enchantments let's check out what's on these then okay curse of vanishing that's what I expected to see on every little bit I think so bad and where the wings the wings of the wings so what's up with the swords I think this is pretty good don't I also get to keep these item frames 84 diamonds there we go see look at this property of Joe Hills paid in full on time boys it's a far less popular than Van Gogh worth noting what thank you so much mumbo this was a blast but that's good [Music] or not and congratulations mumbo I've walked into your fire that's the whole point of this game isn't it just to get me to walk into fire [Music] [Music]
Channel: tinkfro
Views: 268,033
Rating: 4.8930988 out of 5
Keywords: storage wars, MumboJumbo, Minecraft, hermitcraft, season 6, falsesymetry, grain, iskall85, cubfan135, goodtimeswithscar, rendog, xisuma, docm77, grian
Id: 0L4zpooxDXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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