20+ MOST SATISFYING things in Minecraft!

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minecraft is an incredibly satisfying game filled with incredibly satisfying moments so in today's video we're going to be taking a look at a whole bunch of them hey haven't you done this before well I mean yeah I guess I have it went down incredibly well I'll put a link to that video down in the description if you do want to check it out for yourselves but since I released that I've come up with a bunch more satisfying things in Minecraft that I think you're going to enjoy so let's begin with rain that doesn't sound like a very exciting place to start unless you have a Riptide 3 trident and a set of elite rrah then it becomes one of the funnest things in the game now this is way too fast I mean like you go outside of the loaded chunks really quickly to the point where the terrain doesn't actually generate until you crash into it I'm amazed that I didn't get injured in that situation that seems a bit broken to me my computer already seems to be struggling with this much bamboo so it's gonna be interesting to see what happens here but flying machine powered farms I mean they've got to be up there just look at that it's like the opposite of a printer it's unprinted things and clearing them off boats on water are okay but they're not overly exciting boats on ice however are absolutely spectacular here they incredibly fast but they also allow you to practice your drifting skills I definitely belong in a fast and furious movie with these rock if you're watching you know where to find me me and tried understand exactly have the best of paths so it wasn't particularly kind about them when I first started using them however I have gradually come around to the fact that they are actually pretty awesome and one of the best things to do with them is to launch ender pulse now right now I am a z28 and I am going to fire this and then fire an ender pearl and as you can see well that has made its way off into the distance we have to wait a little while wait a little while wait a little while has it actually gone out of the loaded chunks I think I might have gone out the loaded chunks here yeah it did I ended up going around about 300 blocks I don't know about you guys but I don't think there's anything more satisfying than accidentally falling off of something and landing in the only the only bit of water I said landing in the only bits water landing in the only bit of water you get the idea a bit of a technical one now when you're testing out a redstone contraption and need to do a one tick pulse and you know that first time with the lever oh it goes right through the chest this hidden staircase now it could be argued that all hidden staircases are satisfying just in general not only in Minecraft but this specific hidden staircase he's particularly nice to watch isn't it I mean look at that three blocks wide if you go endlessly all works perfectly you know I think I actually prefer the closing oh hey you know if you happen to want to see more of that then yeah I think for that video will be down in the description I don't know if it's just me that feels this but there's something very satisfying about flying through a well-filled redstone testing world I mean think how many years of redstone contraptions there are just dotted around all over the place you go up to staff experiment ah I love it this is like my home while we're on the topic of Minecraft worlds and years passing going back and looking at old minecraft worlds that you no longer play on anymore this was my first let's play world that I constructed when I was 16 years old so about 6 or 7 years ago now and it fills me with so much nostalgia I remember placing all of the blocks I remember constructing all of these things and it's just a strangest feeling it's like it's like walking through a neighborhood that you used to live in now I really hope this looks just as good as I imagined it will stick whoa I've created a bit of a lag spike though Wow I was like a magic trick watch this giant block disappear before your very eyes side note your house is now completely infested with these squeaky little rat things they've just sunk into the water they can swim [Laughter] Wow this is the best thing I've ever done in Minecraft by a long way alright let's be honest okay that was a difficult act to follow there was a difficult act to follow and yeah I must admit when I read in my notebook that animals in water was following that my heart did sink a little bit because this looks a little bit pants now doesn't it it does look a little bit pants how about animals in water that are also being set on fire now that obviously doesn't see that animals are on in water I think I should just move on okay this one's gonna be good here we have a world of sand and if I updates one of these sand blocks well all of the sand blocks in the world realized that they're not actually being supported by anything and we got about four seconds of satisfaction before my entire PC decided it doesn't know what it is anymore and has turned minecraft into a PowerPoint presentation things have gone horribly wrong this isn't happening but what was meant to happen is this now here are a bunch of slimes that's equipped with Elettra and as you can see they are can you imagine how confused you'd be if you were just yelling I'll play Minecraft punching wood and this started to happen if someone wants to turn this into a screensaver then go ahead bubble columns are some of the best additions to the game in a very long time partly because it means that we can create items staircases now this is all well and good with one item I mean it looks pretty cool but when you start getting more items involved it just starts to look hilarious I would love to hook this up to a fully automatic farm and have it going through the center of my base I mean I would never do anything in my base because I'd be too busy watching this any note blog song that's built in Minecraft that actually sounds half decent is pretty satisfying to me this is family craft dance note blog of the remix version of Mambo you are afk by Green Oh has that got a link down in the description - yeah does throwing fried ins when you have a full inventory so these are all loyalty Trident so if I just throw these you can see that the Trident kind of don't know what to do so if we just get all nine of these out and about you may notice that I kind of look like a bit of a beast don't I when you execute a perfectly timed potion drink whoa that went better than expected I was 100% expected to die there but that was great I can't believe it I wasn't man saying there's something very satisfying about swimming around in lava but clearly there isn't when you manage to make something like this now this image is satisfying to me for a number of reasons first off is a circular Minecraft that shouldn't happen but also it's a sign that I've made my farm way too efficient there are a hundred thousand pumpkins and melons sounds all of that hopper which yeah definitely caused some issues for the server and that weirdly makes me slightly proud bank before we had elite rescind that sort of thing one of the coolest ways to get down from your air base was to use a water blade now this this is just as satisfying as I remember it to be there's something so cool about just floating down in a blade of water when you get the painting that you wanted first time oh now that is absolutely beautiful so beautiful in fact that this sheep just had to come along a chair to help come from when you try out a really old redstone contraption and it still works in the current version of Minecraft now this might be because I'm an old minecraft player and in the early days your redstone contraptions we've broken every other week by new game mechanics but this is super satisfying for me you know what this 4x4 volt door it's also pretty nice link will be down in the description yeah just get your peepers down there when you finally nail the perfect anvil drop come on yes only was that feels amazing that was perfectly timed that was beautiful and to keep it on a really high and happy note burning cats in lava just mean it does this on that note I think that's all I've got time for today I mean these cats aren't gonna burn themselves so I'm gonna put in another few shifts after I'm finished recording this video I really do hope that you enjoyed it if you did visuals of that like band and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later oh and this wouldn't be a proper lumber jumbo video without an advert for the filming Channel at the end yeah a link will be on the end screen check it out if you want to I'm sure you'll enjoy [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,952,614
Rating: 4.8294201 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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