Hermitcraft 6: Episode 23 - MUMBO'S MOUSTACHE REMOVAL

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The song was a nice touch.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/adamopal 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody today is possibly the most important episode of hermit craft that I have ever done and that we have been doing home craft for so long but it's happened my secret project project dirt house up there is finished absolutely complete and instead of just showing you it I think what I'm gonna do is head straight over to mumbos place and pick him up and bring him over because this is this is the biggest thing that I've ever done all right here we go I'm so excited I'm gonna desperately try to keep it a secret Mambo has no idea what he's getting into but he knows that there's been a secret project there for a while we just gotta find him hello it's nice to see ya you always make a very dramatic entrance when you come over to my base you know that of course I'll take a bow take a bow you have no checking your mail what's going on here well yeah you see my mail book seems to be filled right but for some bizarre reason I can't quite seem to work it out but so the thing that's funny about this is that I feel like so poultry man has obviously sent through a lot of eggs all right and he then sprung free man yeah poultry man but there also seems to be a lot of eggs from the chickens that were also sent from I've just got a full-blown egg farm working down at this part of my base now well might as well take these away from you Oh oh wow there's a back load going on chickens galore out here as well there's chickens chicken in a boat there's chickens out here a lot of my storage system also has eggs just constantly being pushed through it because of all the joys of my face hmm I mean yeah it's a vibe going on with my base right now I think anyway here for is I need to show you something you're aware of right that I've been working on a project in my base yeah yeah yeah yeah we discussed it our last meeting yeah well it's finished I'm like a few weeks away from you know that meeting but it's done it works yeah do you want to see it I'm I'm very curious to know exactly what it is so yes yeah 100% it's a show not tell let's go okay so this is the bottom layer of my base nothing's really changed here the secret project is actually up there on the first layer right okay so this elevator is going to take us up to the first layer but you haven't actually done the redstone yet that I asked you in the last meeting yeah yeah you know okay there's a few things on my to-do list right I'm quite a busy busy guy and this is definitely fallen by the wayside no it shouldn't necessarily be too difficult but you know I was doing a beacon project and then um it's a mob farm you know I've got all sorts of things that I need to work on designing and lots of commercials for people or adverts yeah don't yeah the the filming store has now opened and it turns out it's actually quite popular people actually want commercials made for their shops well we might want a commercial made for what we've got up there as well hmm that could be entry well you know I'm gonna have to see what it is yeah come on I'll show you you ready oh my eyes ready I'm is this gonna blow me away if walk in and okay oh my goodness it's here this is it this is my secret project that I've been working on does it resemble anybody this is yeah I mean it looks it looks cool he's very how do I say this hands he's a big handsome goofy handsome I guess would be the way that I would describe what he's currently looking like right now at least live there I like the tubes it's you this is you this is my super computer this is project dirt house and that was just it that was it secret code name so now it it honestly needs a new name right and yeah this is this is my secret project I've been working on it is it is going to do something absolutely magnificent I'm very curious and also kind of terrified as to what that could potentially entail I am I mean wait how does it what what do we even do with it well the idea is this is like a test run that we're going to do together because this is an architect project if you turn around I've made like a little logo I don't know if that's like I don't know I was just a prototype idea for that one so this is not a cool product this is a test run so the idea is this is a money-making scheme so I feel like everyone on the server is gonna want to use this machine and so the idea is you pop your money in here and it's gonna cost three stacks of diamonds three thing that's too cheap okay five stacks is it three that's that's a lot of diamonds man I've spent I spent months on this yeah yeah what well okay okay we'll wait and see what it does okay and that's not me saying that I'm not impressed okay I'm just saying that three specks of diamonds is a lot is a lot of diamonds you know I think that's more than I own so I'm hoping this will make me from a poor man to a rich man don't like it okay are we are we ready I mean I'm so scared and I don't even really know what it does I want you to stand back okay I'm gonna press the button and we need to stand back and and look at the whole thing and I'm gonna join okay are you are you ready I am I'm terrified but yes okay three two one what is it is that all it does oh yeah that's all it does but hopefully if it's worked mumbo this should be more than just a beautiful specter of removing a moustache from a machine because it works it removes your mustache I have officially done it I have taken your mustache away dude the only the only problem is I don't know where that it puts the mustache once it's taken it way [Laughter] up to your eyes you have your eye well maybe maybe you should grow a small mustache like it would really hurt it's painless absolutely painless I feel like I feel like I should talk like this now hmm yes ha I have no I perfected this machine now we're going to make lots of money [Laughter] this is like that awful situation where you know when someone dies their hair black or but they leave their eyebrows and it's late in the obvious you can't have a crazy situation I feel like I look majorly like a villain now take off your helmet for the full effect - it's just the mustache oh my god like you look ugly I don't like Voldemort you yeah you really don't look good I'm sorry [Music] [Laughter] now here's the thing I designed this machine to take your mustache away the thing that I've been threatening to do since the very first few episodes of hermitcraft and I finally did it but the thing is our designers mean to translocate your mustache somewhere on the server right so you happen to go on me now but maybe if we try it again it'll go somewhere else before we do anything I mean how do I get my mustache back is there any way to get my mustache back have you thought this far ahead grin no I didn't I didn't make a mustache retrieval machine do you know how long it takes me to grow this mustache dude I'm not one of those guys you can grow a mustache overnight this dude takes me months I'm sure we can figure it out I'm sure it's like I'm sure if I just return it yeah yeah you just return it I'll get a pair of shears and put it back maybe run it each other really fast and just go on let's do it are you ready let's see if this works three II think I'm ready to one charge did it painless again painless do work dude looks like blood looking good it's back where it belongs oh man that I'm surprised that that didn't hurt because that feels like that would be an incredibly painful process yeah different dude I don't imagine is your moustache like part of you or is it it's like a caterpillar it can just be just peel it off and put somewhere is it real is it like a sticker yeah that's actually that's the great secret it's actually like a toupee mustache domain all of this machine is that I've now got to manually reset it okay okay yeah sorry just give me two seconds to tinker with this and it is back to normal I'm not clever enough to make it so that it just Auto resets but it works yeah he's got we've got the moustache back on the screen it feels like yeah my moustache is still still on my face yep I factored this into the cost you see because it takes such a long time to reset the machine that's why it's so expensive as well like my time has to be factored into this right yeah your diamond Dowley rate thing exactly which happens to be two and a half stacks of diamonds expensive expensive services right there mustache mustache removal and replace one heck of a barber but do you agree with me that you think that every hermit on the server is gonna want a piece of your mustache yeah no I think I can agree this is a coveted mustache it's an award-winning mustache and the way in which it is removed and replaced is is quite something it's it's quite the spectacle so yeah I can imagine a lot of people are gonna want a piece of this and also some people on this server has more money than sense so yeah we want those ones with targets this is a redistribution scheme that's what this is all right shall I shall I pull the lever again uh don't pull the lever because we don't know what that does just yet yeah she might replace another type of hair and I don't I don't want to see what knowing my redstone these things just explode everything so oh here we go three all right two one I guess so nervous when I see this thing starting the music's of every time oh that's beautiful has it but has it worked I mean yeah oh yeah it's it's worked it's gone again is it is it on me is no it's not new what I lift up take your really trough I want to see ya might be my deal might up somewhere oh you were let me check no it's definitely not up there I can see that it's not on the back of my head it's no no it's not on the top of your head lift up your feet that is there any way that you can lift up your feet that take it I check check check the bottom my cells is your mustache on my feet no you know Ryan golem you know that would be impressive if it was well that's what this machine does it does take him a stash away and part of the fun is finding it you wanna go and have a quick look for it I mean I guess item is there a radius that this thing operates on or is this why I would ask if you're attached to your moustache but you're clearly not you're telling me that it could be anywhere oh yeah absolutely anywhere the middle of nowhere the middle of somewhere on someone's face it could be anywhere hmm I don't know why I agreed to do the things that you tell me to do like this is because we like diamonds Mambo this is this is real Architects are all about it's very true yeah yes nice okay I've only done that more than two times I was gonna say yeah how many how many times all right I've made it day where are you back I'm up at the top where the pros end up the ones who remember to pick there did you see that did you see how swish my flying was that that looks so good you have no idea all right I guess the best place to look is the shopping district yeah yeah let's fly over there and maybe we can check impulses fate maybe we can check impulses face and Jevons face if they're about see if we can all right okay how about this I place your bets mmm impulse no it's not on tango or subspace no it's not on the statue infirmity no I mean my pumpkin Fayette has - but I think that was already yeah I mean this is gonna be a problem because there's plenty of bum Beau's around and we have how do we distinguish between the two no it's a good question did your mum so like a label in the back of your mustache - like your name I mean what's the I mean I've never noticed it I might have I'm you know when I was born because I was I was born with a mustache oh yeah my mum might have sewn one in this place exactly she foresaw this mums are so good like that yeah yeah yeah no I don't see it I wonder do you know where anyone lives cuz I don't know where impulse or Jevon lives this is oh wait is that him no that's his horse don't tell him I said that I just saw some time and armor okay he's just gone anyway all right we can rule out Jevon I don't know where impulses bases here well we can see him in the tab menu I suppose oh yeah like him all his camera have a mustache that's true it could have been on the back of his head or something but I don't know dude I don't know where this is well so should we just chill for a bit yes there's nothing we can do if your mustache isn't here maybe it takes a little while to translocate I don't know it was pretty instant for us you built the machine man and he was telling me you you don't know it's ten parts magic ten parts madness and a whole lot of science okay I don't know how it works exactly did you miss the part where who had madness in it yeah okay madness oh my goodness come over here and buy the statue of unity he looks so silly I'm over there alright okay I'm aware I look like a four year old at this point I'm a four year old in his dad's suit okay I know do I know yeah yeah yeah yeah doc was explaining this to me the other day he never actually explained how you do it wait it's possible too how do we do this he said it's using some piston trickery huh but doc who's also this is this is a crazy killing machine this is this is a machine that charges up an anvil then fires it at you and you just die instantly you can only use it what oh but I hope we haven't broken anything oh my goodness I couldn't help myself dude if you put a big red button in front of me and say do not press this button I will press the button we've done nothing but break things and not found a mustache so I'm great I guess I've got things to do at my base I guess we'll find it another day yeah you're just gonna leave me out to dry like this you're just gonna leave me out to dry think of all the diamonds stacks and stacks of diamonds it's true it's true I can buy an upper lip warmer with by a buy a lip scarf alright well I'll speak to you later then alright bye now that mumbo is gone I think we should probably get on with some actual work now so I think what I'm gonna do is I had some really good feedback on what the towers should look like now it was pretty 50/50 about keeping it like this or changing it up so I don't know what to do but everyone said the stripes look good even if they did look like a specific logo but don't worry I'm pretty sure when I add multiple ones in it won't look that bad at all and another suggestion was instead of using the dark the darker version of concrete to use this which matches what I've got going on here so I'm gonna give that a go as well but the other thing is I'm not gonna just add some stripes in here I'm not gonna add just the three stripes I think what I'm gonna try and do today without actually prototyping it is adding in an indent here or something or maybe maybe even here oh this is still even powder I should probably get a bucket of water I wonder if I can do this entire thing flying so what I gotta do is go up here out Oh nailed it and then place some water and that should do the trick if I'm quick this yep there we go all of that concrete powder I think there's actually quite a few spots just like this where I really needed to put in water here earlier but I didn't and hopefully that will just slowly make its way down and now I need to just work out where indents gonna go cuz the stripes are gonna go down here so maybe a small indent mm here maybe it's gonna be incredibly difficult to make this look right cuz the strike or maybe I can do one on that side and one on this side I don't really know well wasn't you maybe I should just do the stripes first if only I could remember exactly where they started oh I think we should probably start fairly high up and the other thing that's gonna come into play here is that I want to use the inside of these towers as a mob farm so that could be a slight problem in the future but for now well I need to take out all of these gubbins in the middle so I'm not too worried but for now I'm sure we can just make do with what we've got we should probably take a little step back before we commit to this just to make sure that it's at the right height yeah I'm pretty sure that will work it looks so odd like that there we go that's one done I think I don't know whether to take this down a notch into the inside but I might just leave that fairly clean for now so it goes three along and then one down three along one down and that should give us our nice diagonal then I've just got to replicate over all the way round so this could end up being quite a time-consuming task but I think this will make the base look really nice that's one stripe complete let's take a little step back and see what that looks like not too shabby that doesn't look too bad at all and I think with that diagonal in that specific angle what if I just did one on each just a brain wave what if I did one on each one that could look even better than just three there and that might give me more space to do different details let's give that one a go as well need to make sure they're probably the same distance away building while flying is definitely not easy especially as most of the time you just got a plug into the wall to make sure you get some scaffolding so if I can count correctly which I normally can't one two three four five six seven so that's the top block so we'll be able to tell if the stripes on multiple layers works as soon as we've built a couple more of them the only thing is if they don't work I can just cover it up using the white concrete only I don't have to worry about like putting the terracotta back in my hands it doesn't really matter too much now normally I would time-lapse this kind of thing but today I thought I would just do it and show you kind of what my thought processes while I'm building cuz this one this particular build is semi planned and inspired but then it just went totally freeform the towers were a planned idea but not the way I executed it at all so it's very interesting how this is coming together indeed I also feel like I need a new project to work on because I'm always constantly working on my base in the background that's kind of become normal but I need something else to occupy my time something funny I feel like an architect thing and each layer would be really fun but I'm not entirely sure I think that will do it for this one I have not checked that that's correct at all but we'll take a little look and see that doesn't look too bad let's take another look that actually looks pretty decent I would say I might have to stop them short cuz this gets progressively thinner but it could look really good another one there and another one up there would look really rad I think and then that would leave me a big chunk to work with here for a completely separate kind of detail but this particular angle isn't matched anywhere else on the build so it kind of stands out a little bit weird but I think I could work with it I really do it needs something these towers are too plain I've said it time and time again they just need something but I don't want to overthink anything too much on this build I just won't go with my gut my gut is telling me many many stripes time for a third little look at what we're doing here and it doesn't quite look right well it's not all the way filled in but you can see where it stops something's not right there so these two work well because they stop at the glass and just end there and it looks like it's all nicely connected but this one makes it look just wrong hmm I might come back to this another time because sometimes it's nice to make little bits of progress and instead especially when you don't know what you're doing with a build sometimes it can be incredibly wrong to go with something where you're winging it and then come back to it and decide that's not what you want at all so I think what I'm going to do is leave the work on the build for today and maybe experiment a bit more in creative that way I can I don't know I can come up with a few more ideas before committing to one thing now because I've been so busy working on the base I haven't actually had time to go and check any of my shops so I've just I'm so easily distracted let's go and see if we've got any diamonds to collect I should really restore all yet we sold all of the quartz as usual and we sold all of the Sanders where all my goodness twenty-one diamonds not bad gravel is actually pretty valuable for me at the moment I might shift some of this back especially if I'm making a lot of changes to my base I'll leave a little bit but 21 diamonds is not bad I wonder if the pick was shop sold anything Mambo Mambo just said green I found it I've asked him where where did he find it Guardian farm apparently he's found it at the Guardian farm is its causal X's so the mustache has been found I knew it would be somewhere let's quickly check the pickle shop and then go and join mumbo No to be honest I think cub cleared me out of pickles a while ago because I checked and there was like 20 diamonds worth so no pickle sales today not very often the people need a load of pickles pop those in there let's go in let's go and see about this moustache I'm really interested to see what's happened to it well we made loads of diamonds and we've been pretty busy with the base and we found mumbles moustache I'm pretty sure once we open up the moustache shop it needs a name this machine it needs a name I need like an anagram of mumbo or something like or stash or something like that I need a really cool anagram to use for this machine and like then we can do like an advert for it and see what happens there because I'm fairly sure that everyone on this server is genuinely gonna want to use it just for fun because it's rather an inconvenience to mumbo he's not complete without his moustache all right we're at them we're at the Guardian farm now it's clearly not above here unless we take a look down well there's all the Guardians oh my goodness that's a lot of Guardians I've never really appreciated this before but that is madness he must be inside is he down there is you're right yeah so where is it oh you know it's it's big I wasn't expecting this I know is this it's a it's a it's a translocator of the moustache but also a trans sizer yeah that's not the same list - that was on the Gina I would know if the stylist as well yeah I mean I made the machine so this this is not exactly the same mustache so does that mean it could also get smaller I mean I don't know you keep asking me questions as if I know the answer - dude it's your machine dude it's you built this thing in magic dude don't don't need to explain magic okay yeah do we just remove it then I think we just take it that I mean it'll be wrong of us to just leave it up here well yeah but feel how do we get this back on your face just wait hold on go in faceplant it see if that works yeah but I feel like if this ends up on my face then we'll be able to fit through doors anymore give it a go give it a go I'll take my helmet off it might have been the head protection nothing time it just had not working hmm so do we shave this episode are you gonna stress me out dude sorry I'm I'm just so excited I mean do we take it down uh if we take it down with my mustache be lost forever is it that sort of deal hmm I don't know I'm just I'm just gonna use logic here let's let's take it down and we'll scoop up the individual hairs yeah oh there's a sign behind it's a sign Mambo's mustache if dude your mom did okay oh you missed a block don't can't miss a single right give them to me mustache give that give them all to me we need to keep them together okay all right so 43 blocks of black concrete and a sign yep I honestly thought that hold on maybe if I just give them all to you your mustache will appear well that hmm has it worked no no no if you would fire them at me really hard on my face with what don't kill you don't to blow my head off I made a machine that I don't fully understand dispense the blocks onto my head green otherwise I'm gonna get really upset okay do you have a dispenser no of course I don't have a dispenser I don't carry dispensers on me all right should we go yeah let's go grab one all right are you coming mumbo hey I need to alright sweet that was so fun now should we when should we open up the machine well first of all we need to name the machine and I've asked my audience for some suggestions of like anagrams or something and then we could break memories the best one yeah but when do we want to open this machine I don't know I guess I mean that's Anton it once again is your machine it's an architect machine it only works with the both of us whenever you feel the world is ready for it okay I have one dispenser I have one dispenser all right I've wondered okay all right I'm set okay now do we hook this up to a redstone clock you're just gonna I've just got one of these this is how I do redstone this is the manual redstone clock it's very surprising you managed to build that machine if that's the sort of redstone is that how it's powered a lot of good levers right you load it up with the sign and everything that was in it before even a single block out of place and it won't go I won't go back I think right this is the scene I think I've done many stupid things in hermit craft I have never done this all right you ready yep and you're a 3-2 I should have done all right redstone okay we're good we're good we're good we're good I think I think it's all there is it done you good I look up yes that is so stupid that is the stupidest thing I don't know how this magic works this is this has been ridiculous so I think yeah three stacks of diamonds makes it worth the heavy heavy stress that it puts on the two of us mainly yeah absolutely yeah yeah if they're using it too much it the price is going up I'm telling you right okay so three thanks diamonds when does it open I don't know I'm gonna I think I'm going to I'm gonna reset the Machine and then wait a second or two and then like maybe we could do an advert for it or something or we need to promote it in some way because this is in my base it's not in the shopping district so yeah hmm I think so yeah all right well I you know I know a guy who might be just perfect for that do I really have to pay you wait you're telling me I got my mustache forcibly removed twice in today's video yeah and you're and and also I know that you're getting three stacks of diamonds per use of this machine 50/50 split okay okay that's fair enough yeah no no you'd have to pay me at all okay the best commercial ever would you like to see my moustache removed of course you would he's gonna be exactly like that I can't wait all right well thank you ever so much for building that ridiculous ridiculous money-making oisin first project of architect is going incredibly well ii think it's been a huge success they sort of started because i sang that stupid AFK song i know and here we are today in a month time we'll look back when we're ballin out and controlling a yacht outside of monaco thinkin riding riding a giant boat shaped like a mustache all right well thank you have so much man I'm gonna head back to my things now that when we mustache has been fully returned and I look forward to doing more mustache removals and replacements in the future yes now that we found mumbos mustache and it's successfully back on his face I have reset the Machine and boy oh boy it is glorious so a lot of you did successfully guess that this is what I was working on behind my spoiler wall a machine or a way to take mumbos mustache away and I feel like I should sing the song but I'm definitely not going to now this was incredibly difficult to make not only did I have to come up with a way to fill this space very nice and neatly with all of the different little trinkets I mean there's like bubbles going up here's an iron golem in there there's all sorts sort of like fireworks that go off when you activate it and yeah this is how we're gonna make money I'm really excited to see it now there is a bit of magic going on in the inside and it was very difficult to make now I'm not going to show you too much about what's over my head because that's where all the magic is to be honest with you but down here you can see a bunch of note blocks now I actually had a lot of help from family craft dad who helped me put together this song he actually remixed the mumbo a of Kasaan ages ago and he made a note block version so he gave me everything I needed to know the spaces the notes and I managed to replicate it after many many attempts so thank you very much family craft dad and it kind of goes something like this [Music] FK gonna take that mustache away I might have got a few notes wrong I'm not sure only family growl I'm pretty sure family crafts dad will tell me if I've got this wrong but yeah that's the whole song I'm not going to activate it because if I activate it we're gonna lose Mama's mustache almost immediately anyway let's get out of here the inner workings of the mumbos mustache machine which still needs an official name i feel is going to remain somewhat a secret so yeah i'm so proud of this machine and i'm hoping that this will give us infinite amounts of fun on the server so that's it for me everyone thank you so much for watching this very very special episode of minecraft hermit craft and i'll see you in the next one I'm definitely gonna use this machine to take his moustache away all the time
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,359,155
Rating: 4.9363265 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, mumbo afk, moustache, moustache removal, moustache machine, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, episode 23, mumbo afk song, take that moustache away, architech, ps4, pe, pocket edition, hermit, vanilla, trap, minecraft traps, tips, tricks
Id: 4z3SuYbyt4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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