Hermitcraft 6: Episode 24 - NO MORE TANGO

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Should have left him in there longer he didnt even know it was obsidian. Maybe instead of lava he could have thrown a wooden or stone pick

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/TheRealToby17 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

If Grian buys out all Ren's logs, and then sell them at 3 diamonds per stack, then he could be the richest hermit ever

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/legonu 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

If he's still looking for a name for his machine, what about "Gromit?"

Grian Randomy Orders Moustaches to Instantly Teleport.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Messiah87 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is Greta welcome back to hermit craft I'm trying to fly in my base and do my intro so last episode we had the very important machine of the mumbos mustache remover I still doesn't quite have a name I did read the comments but didn't really see any that took my fancy unfortunately so this has been a really important project and I'm so happy that a lot of you loved what went on there but we're actually gonna put this away for a little while because we can't take his mustache away every single episode can we but there is more things to do so what I have done today already is I've gone on a quartz hunt and I spent about an hour grinding quartz so I think for the start of this episode we're gonna go in a little grinding session time-lapse thing and I'm gonna talk to you about some of my plans and stuff for hermit craft maybe answer a few questions as well now the reason that I'm doing this whole time lapse thing and maybe it's going a little bit quickly is because I don't actually have an awful long time to make this episode I'm going away for a few days and trying to make a hermit craft episode quickly for me is about as difficult as rocket science because I usually take 2 to 3 days to make every single episode I just put that much time into it and it's as simple as that I have to do all my grinding or the preparation all of the extra little bits that I do on the side and then some building it is just hugely time consuming and then I'm also working on other projects as well amongst other things so I find it really difficult to make a hermit craft quickly so this time I'm including a bit of grinding in here as well so I thought I'd answer a few questions Noah Jordan Kish says what's an average recording session like well I kind of just went over that but there's a huge amount of preparation like getting all the resources I need to plan out my episodes I really really think about every single thing that I want to do but a lot of the humor that comes from each episode happens on the spot it's not pre-planned so I come up with the main plot points and what I want to accomplish but then it all goes haywire from there Erik Erik Hylian says now that you've taken mumbos mustache away what's next that is a really good question because now that I've accomplished my main goal in this series I don't know what to do I'm gonna come up with many more story lines and things that I want to happen I'm just not sure that is yet and I'm going to enjoy finding out Ronda frein says if you aren't poultry man then who is well it's simple it's the man in the chicken costume hmm and Estero says which country would you like to visit in the future oh well I'm pretty sure you mean future and there are so many it's so difficult to choose but if I had to name a few I really really want to go to the Philippines New Zealand Australia Canada all of the Anglosphere basically a love love of my Canadians my straight is New Zealand's because we're kind of similar but then I also want to go outside of my comfort zone I want to visit India and places that I might get more of a culture shock from basically everywhere I guess is the easy answer to say but there's a few few that I really want to visit commando Hondo says hey Gris and now I was wondering on a scale of 1 to 10 how good are your art skills well if you've seen my drawing badly series you'll know that my art skills are particularly awful anyway I think that probably wraps up this 1-hour grinding session of the courts quite nicely so let's get back into the server alright now that that's over let's go and restock because the reason I was getting all this quartz in the first place is because my little shack sells more quartz than anything else and it's actually been out of stock for quite a long time let's see if we can punch it up missed him yeah I thought I can hit him on the head okay let's bottle we've got a couple diamonds let's bubble this in here and that's not all I have I actually have lots and lots of nether quartz this should sell out in no time at all Wow I actually got way more than I thought I'm pretty sure that this is a much faster way of getting diamond than actually going and mining diamonds I'm not sure well this took an hour to get so there's two full chestful how many diamonds is that there's about 40 diamonds worth of quartz in here maybe more and more like 50 diamonds so hopefully this will all sell out quickly and we'll have a stack of diamonds and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make fifty diamonds just from mining although I can't be sure I haven't mined diamonds for a really long time there we go that was a lot more quartz I'm so grateful that I haven't decided to build anything out of quartz for this series because that is an absolute nightmares get my hands on but it's a pretty good money-making scheme I think this is possibly my favorite thing that I've made in hermitcraft you know apart from the Mambo mustache removal machine it's just nice it's just a nice little car that sells whatever I've got going on for me but I do think that at some point I will have to expand my my little shop empire I think at the same time since Halloween is over I'm gonna remove these horns up here I want to keep my pickle shop as clean as possible and I don't think anyone can complain now that Halloween is over it might be even time to make this a Christmas pickle maybe maybe it's too early is it too early for Christmas stuff I love Christmas so I think the earlier the better personally now we just got to replace these our face oh they look a bit weird oh no this whole thing is me what are you really trying to have a go at me from there look how far away I am from him this is ridiculous I cannot place it in I'm just gonna have to get rid of them all there we go his face is back to normal I don't want to see any more of these and he's kind of back to normal I think he looks different actually very slightly in fact I might have missed a slight bit I don't know whether that candle was there before or not I think maybe not I remember that I have a little list of things that I wanted to do in the hermit craft series however I have already done some of my I guess to-do list my bucket list so let's go and lock some of those off I haven't actually been in here for a while this is where I started my entire series I very rarely come in here now I wonder what I should do with it or just leave it is like a little nostalgia trip I don't know okay so this was my list of things to do I've done number two I've done number 6 take mumbos mustache away it's done so I only have a few more things feature every hermit on the server at least once I'm pretty sure I've nearly done that I've got just a few more Hermits to do a little segment with but I don't want to force it it's when it becomes when it comes naturally that's the most important thing make a proper redstone storage system now I don't know how interested I am in doing this anymore I might actually remove this because I honestly can't be bothered and create a base in every area I haven't even finished my one base so I don't know how that's gonna happen let's add a couple more shall we maybe I should come up with a couple more sometime if you have any ideas that what could go on my bucket list please let me know as long as it's not something out of my comfort zone the other thing that I really need to do is work out what on earth I'm gonna do with this giant hole under my base I don't know why I made it I think it's just because I had a weakened and I was just excited I could do this and I also thought that I might be able to get a few more diamonds out of the ground but it's dry there's nothing left there are no diamonds I've I'm all the way down look I've even got I got so desperate that I even sighs just digging under here there are none left it's unbelievable there should in theory be way more but just yeah I've just mined it all dry but I'm thinking that there needs to be something done with this area in general this is a big space and I'm sure I'll come up with something the only problem is it's such a mess I need to figure out where the exit is I think I can go out know the car go out that way wait can I nope nope I can't that's just a bit of water okay never again never down here again never again also today we are participating in the kill a tango challenge over there is where I made my little infinity room to participate in his competition and all you have to do is kill him there are certain rules but they were kind of ignored so I want to show you everyone's submission except the very last one in order it was Cub then impulse than me then doc then X and I'm going to briefly show you a montage a little clip of every single person submission and I'm going to cut out everything else in between but if you want to see the full thing I recommend you go and have a look on tangos channel hit the button and then then just yeah look good luck I'm going in I'm putting in about 50% this thing fails so water okay I'm underwater mm-hmm now the clock is ticking so that's the first nightmares first nightmare is drowning taking damage drowning then be alright no and then okay wait for it pushed out the back exit [Music] everyone final nightmare coming in don't kill gas too close okay oh happy fun sauce you know what's in there tango [Laughter] [Laughter] survive the TMT unfortunately the pistons kind of pre fired there which is my concern so there's one last bit you're actually gonna die twice today because all right that didn't kick you over like it was supposed to so come back here feel free of the mouse and stuff negative points that almost killed the judges I wasn't really expecting an audience I thought it was just gonna be like me and the judges and I kind of wish that I didn't this because mine's super lame now but anyway I'm gonna just oh my gosh I'm ready so tango right here by the way I have the judges in my head they're like invading my brain right yes so that the judges can experience this with tangos as a first-person experience only apparently yeah yeah this is and so everyone here kind of just has to pretend like they know what's going on all right are you ready tango okay so what's gonna happen is you're gonna die instantly absolutely instantly okay okay all right when you're ready come on killing up a potato well [Laughter] you are officially dead by the way that that's it for you you are you are dead and this is the voice this is what the afterlife looks like oh yeah this is the face of the afterlife and tango tango listen to me this is the afterlife you can have whatever you want you would like a glass of lemonade thank you something they'll help you okay I think you know what to do now that you're in you sort out okay now no one go down there you will actually die yeah I like the suit extra points for that that was a nice addition come on so that was an awful lot of fun I'm glad I did participate I didn't even get disqualified somehow the judges didn't mark me too high compared to everyone else but I think the right person one impulse had by far the best and this has appeared since then in my base let's see what it says frequent-flyer green tech to the skies would like to honor your many frequent flyer miles and ludicrous contributions you've made to our business oh it's not quite Christmas but it certainly feels like Christmas because I spent so much money and so many diamonds on Rockets because of my stupid rocket habits tango has given me Ashoka box full of rockets this is the best I mean it's not gonna last long but he's got a loyal customer in me I tell you well until I can make my own Rockets that is hey as you can see I started working on more stripes I just haven't quite had the time to do the bills that I wanted but I also had another idea with something on this part of the base now this is where I spend most of my time but yet it is one of the worst looking parts of the build and this in particular is not looking that great and a simple solution I thought would be to give it a bit of a spruce up and that would include just highlighting the elevator a little bit with some cyan terracotta but also this is an issue because this is my outbox this is what I sent a mambo but this is my inbox so I don't think Mambo really thought this through too well so I thought what I'd do is I would divert this off to the side where I don't use any space at all and that would free up my outbox but I can't help but think this is linked up somehow is it as simple as that there's nothing nothing fancy nothing fancy at all okay so this isn't a trap chest or anything as just as soon as there's something in it it detects it I'm even I can replicate this it's probably going to trigger a lot of people that this is gray but I honestly don't want it to stand out too much so it might be a different color but that's because I really don't want this fluorescent white to stand out because it is gonna just jut out of nowhere so now I've just got to divert this over here which may be easier than I thought yeah it was as simple as that it was really easy and then I can just get rid of this and then I just need a sign in here and that should do it as as soon as you send an item it should plop straight down but there's only one way to find out really and that is head to mumbos base would you look at that he still got mail I have been here many times that I've never seen the items fly up like that where did all of these come from oh my goodness did that one chicken do all of that or are there still chickens in the system laying eggs I need to I need to put an end to this no more no more it's a real bummer to send all of these eggs elsewhere let's send the frequent flyer book all the way to my base shall we okay the backlog is now finished hopefully that should be the end of the chickens and now his mail system should work should work well I think yeah that I think that's the first time I've seen his beacon normal color I love flying past and seeing him humble little face in there but just look just think and imagine for a second how many projects we can fit in these layers it's going to be absolutely fantastic and there it is that was pretty easy and then we just need to link up this redstone oh no I hope that didn't cause any lasting damage so you remember when I said even I could do this redstone I can't really remember what it looked like at all was it something like this but that doesn't make sense at all how did how did it detect it what did it do it looks something like this why am I so I didn't even put it you didn't even put it in life even if I had guy right I got it Oh today's not been my day I kind of want to look at mumbos because that might help me out my boys got something completely different to this going on I don't know what's going I might just I might just cover this up and pretend like it's all good but really it's not I take I tell you what I'm gonna ask for help basically I don't have enough space to write so I've got to go I've got to try and make this as distinct as possible and I also don't have any levels if you want levels these days you've got to go up to the Pigman file if you want to go up to the Pigman farm you got to use this thing up we go I love this machine it's a bit over the top because there was nothing wrong with what we've already had in fact this may be even slower because they used to just fly it but just the way things work on this server that's not a safe landing at all it's it's it's it said safe all that wasn't save I could use a book and quill but I think it's gonna be much funnier to try and put as a little note as possible okay I did my best hi broke out box by moving it please help G all right let's send the letter on and I'll let mumbo know I can't like this this is much better than it used to be used to be such a mess that's what I think really sets us apart mumbo makes the Redstone but I can actually make it look semi decent so yeah I'm quite happy with how this how this looks at the moment I could even do a little hatch here now there's something else going on on the server that I kind of want to talk about because I personally find it hilarious so you might remember a long time ago and yeah there's still like a fight going on from this so I helped curb make this axe in the log shop owned by Ren okay now Ren is selling a stack of logs for a two diamonds which i think is too much money cuz I'm poor so you know he's he's actually making some some diamonds here but I personally think it's too expensive so I help cub make this the undercut shop so he got a victus so they made the undercut barge owned by Khan Corp and it's a really cool-looking build and it's full of logs the only problem is they are trying to stock it up but Ren comes along and buys all of the stock now it's stocked up at the moment but this time tomorrow Ren will have bought all of these and I mean all of these and it's a war of attrition at this point who is going to crack first are they going to get bored of logging down all of these blocks or is Ren going to get bored of mining diamonds and buying them all who knows but I see an opportunity here to get Ren back for what he did to our base ages ago now you might remember we made like a little list and he is on the list he's in fact he's the only person on the list maybe just maybe if we could get the Kahn corpse permission I'm thinking we could rig this we could rig this really good so Ren would come along he'd do his morning routine taking the logs and replacing them with diamonds but we replace these with a trapped chest and boom the whole thing goes up in an explosion of great magnitude Ren doesn't know what's hit him and every book everybody loses except us because we get to love anyway I don't know if that's entirely possible I don't think it's quite good form to to do all that kind of explosion but we definitely know Ren and I wonder if Kahn Corp would be in on that I would even volunteer to remake this exactly how it is if they would let me so that could be a lot of fun because I'm pretty sure Ren is the only one using this shop anyway that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching again apologies about this episode not being quite as chock-full as I normally do very very pushed for time today however I hope you still enjoyed it and I will see you in the next episode where who knows what we're gonna do please comment what should we do [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,138,842
Rating: 4.9552989 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, tango, minigame, xbox, ps4, pe, pocket edition, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft grian, episode 24, tips, tricks, trap, hermit, grian hermitcraft
Id: L4RkmUZ2Mis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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