Hermitcraft 6: Episode 46 - HE GOT CAUGHT (Not Surprising)

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Why did he change the title?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kronomancer_ 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Wombat3002 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is green welcome back to another episode of hermit craft now today I have a proposal that will bring about the end of the Hermit Craft Civil War but I'm not going to tell you what it is right now because I have invited absolutely everybody involved in the Civil War to meet me later where I can explain how this whole thing is going to work out so we'll find out about that later on for now I've been working on making my little chess system a little bit prettier because as it stands it's not much to look at and I definitely have realized I don't have enough chests for all of my various different items but for the time being I think this should keep me busy to be honest with you I have spent this entire season without any proper item system and you know what it's really not bothered me that much apart from the wasted hours trying to find something down here nothing really has gone wrong but look at this this is an absolute mess so I talked about this very important box right here and it's full of puffer fish now that's because I want to work on a trap in the gteen base that involves it and hey if you watched my last episode you probably already know what this is so let's head on over there shall we as you can see I've got this bubble elevator and you may have seen my trap video that I just put out and one of those is a pufferfish trap and that's what I'm going to load in here so when they get in this base not only will they have multiple surprises from all of the traps but they're gonna have even the transport system which we will internally know not to use so they'll go in here that's where we've got the redstone input but it's gonna be so quick so all I'm gonna do is completely empty this area out so I can make the redstone that I need to I've just cleared all of this out and doc has said Gris and do you have a minute yes I guess I guess this better not be a trap this better not be a trap come join us on discord I feel like I'm walking into a trap right now they're at the peace flag I said no PvP okay they're clever I have a deal alright let's say let's go and find out oh I can see a secret oh hello green where are you down here in the hole we had a little investing you know investigation going on and I have a little deal dude okay we have a player in our team we don't want him anymore mumbo come on come on come on man no no no no no no no apparently is me I can't believe it why wouldn't you a number on your team dude come on man no no no you can have him but not for free I have one demand because technically he says you know one of our team members right okay say you all if you've been rumbled mom but I'm not really surprised to be honest with you there's nowhere to stand not over here so all right okay we'll we'll have him back what do you want yep you can have him yeah but only without this mustachio oh no you go that's the source of his power yeah well keeping it yep for the time as long as the war keeps on going no mustachio for any war included activities by mumble use the machine like that no not not surely not you're not you're not you're not considering this are you we could really use the manpower come on there's gotta be another way diamonds you want diamonds yeah good mommy you're gonna have to take one for the team buddy so I have to lose the missile can I keep the sunglasses I think yeah you can keep the sunglasses I've got a deal where the Mambo likes it or not we need him no choice in the matter yeah so I'm now officially a GT member not yet we need to go over to the machine oh yeah okay here we are machine have you have you seen this machine darken Ren no man nope I'm I'm intrigued by it I heard it's the most crazy redstone device we have on here it's one of the dirtiest things I've ever seen yes been a it's been a long time since this has been used we didn't we don't get actually don't get many customers mainly because last time it was used Jevon gave us so many diamonds we've not needed see all right duck I guess you can do the honors just hit that button in the middle and remove his moustache I'm kind of scared all right here we go [Music] [Applause] mister what hey our IP mustache well that should have worked well you should sing Creon with a mustache that was one of the worst things ever where's it gone tell you guys we don't know where it goes the machine just relocates it somewhere on the server so good luck finding it and then mumbo doesn't get it back until it's removed and then pasted back on his face yeah we've even got a machine I think you made a machine right it just goes moving like yeah just straight on yeah it's a little bit painful but it's quite an industrial unit but it yeah it does the trick pretty much now mumbo is now no longer a mole to be fair I don't think you were much of a mole to begin with no I mean not really I I must admit it wasn't the best job role for me I don't think I did a single mole task potentially correctly and now that I've been fired I can say that I was trying to you know show you okay everything you gonna even able to press a button twice welcome to the GC my guess nice to be here I know I know I know Ren dogs just joined team star okay yeah doc you might have another mole in your mitts because have you noticed what was at the end of his name dog have you not noticed a dog dog dog gee he's got a G at the end of his name oh my god well let's just hop straight back into this so the machine that I'm going to be making is a puffer fish dispenser the problem with this is that I cannot test it without dying so the idea is that we fill up these dispensers with puffer fish now I'm going to be conservative and not put lots in when you go inside it's going to activate this piston which is going to block off the top if you've seen my track video you know how this works and it's actually one of my favorite ones that came out of that video and it's very very simple so these all have dispensers in them and these have puffer fish inside when they walk over this pressure plate here it's going to send a signal it's going to pull away these Pistons revealing the dispensers they're going to pump out the puffer fish and then the top will seal off and they'll be trapped in there with puffer fish and to be honest with you there's not a lot they can do because they will get them very very quickly and now I just need to remember how to redstone because this is the easy bit the hard bit is actually wiring it up I don't know the best way to power everything you know what Shing me do redstone must be a lot like watching like a swimmer do ballet or something else that they just totally don't know what they talked about they're an expert in one thing but they really shouldn't talk about ballet I'm notional that's the right that's the right analogy but you get what I mean I have no idea what I'm doing here while I was making this trap it was actually time to go and do that explanation about the end of the Civil War that I mentioned right at the start of the video so we're gonna go to skip to that really quick and then come back to this a little bit later sorry that it's a little bit confusing in today's episode welcome everybody I have gathered everyone here because this war doesn't seem to have an end in sight and I'm here to propose a way to finish it if everybody is interested yeah let's do it well actually there's a bit of side information it turns out guys that Mambo was a mole and he's now back on our team I am sure that he won he's missing a vital piece of equipment and that's part of his punishment for being a mole man and didn't come for free dough guys look at our base anyway the reason I've got everyone here is because I am going to propose a way to finish this war and I proposed and here it is what why oh okay [Music] I found a note inside my uniform that you gave me gee I mean I could've used that whatever anyway anyway well I propose a capture the flag I've asked your team to produce three flags for you that represent you those yeah they are brilliant bring out the flavors already right our flags right here now the old Simon bow okay so each team has three flags and we're going to play this out as a big capture the flag game that lasts over a few days you'll see on the back wall there a bunch of heads there are 15 on each side team star and the G team and each one of these heads represents a life now if you die while trying to get one of the flags you have to remove a head and then that's as many lives as you got so if you hit 0 lives you lose the war and the other wind condition is if you retrieve all three of the opposition's flags you win so there's two ways of doing this you can either go all-out PvP or you can try and get the flags but the primary goal are the flags okay is everyone on board okay there's a few rules that we're going to introduce now to make sure that it's kind of an even playing field we're going to not use any Elektra doing this fight and we're going to only use iron armor just so it's nice and fair ish and keep it nice and fun now if we do happen to break any of these rules I don't really know it's not a big deal however let's try and keep it nice and fun and hopefully we'll get all of I mean guys go and grab that flag right there go and grab the flags and from this point on you are free to go and grab each other's flags so after that meeting we now know the rules of engagement but to be honest with you the rules don't really matter too much it's just a game for fun like we're not actually worried if someone uses their Elektra that only means by the way just so I can clarify if you use your Elektra outside of the war that's absolutely fine it's only if you're going on the attack for example it will be pretty ungentlemanly of me if I flew over flew to the top of their base knocked out those TNT cannons and called that fair game you know so basically it's just a lecture if you're just gonna fly there it's probably better to walk like I said it really doesn't matter anyway I have finally finished this pufferfish dispensing machine this should catch anybody using this fairly easily so it's not actually got any puff fish at the moment so I can show you how it looks so obviously this is all completely hidden and they should in theory just walk in it dispenses and you see all those items they will be perfect now what I've done is I've actually put in some staircases here and then waterlogged and because that's a source block on the left here what it should do is when this dispenses per fulfil also dispense a block of water leaving all of these blocks in here in this column here completely source blocks and they should get pushed all the way to the top along with the pufferfish and there's really not a lot they can do however I probably need to test this but I'm not sure I really want to let's get all these pufferfish in their proper place and I guess we'll just hope it works no I've got to test this haven't I there's no other way to do this I've got to test it but papa fish are a very very expensive piece of equipment all right so let's reset this shouldn't dispense anything you know my redstone might look like it belongs in 2012 but it works like it's very it's very very like held together by duct tape and string but it definitely works every single part of it works flawlessly so go this T flip-flop right and it actually pushes the redstone away from these two bits the dispensers and the Pistons but then it pushes it into the bit at the top which seals off the the top of it meaning that they can't escape genius I tell you genius I could get into redstone I think right let's test this but let's actually get rid of all of our stuff puffer fish here I come and yep okay there's really been that's really not there's not a lot you can do yeah there's really not a lot you can Oh and back in my base well we know that it works oh no I got rid of my ender chest why why did I do that Oh No okay well actually the trip in the nether is not so bad we have successfully made one trap so basically with this whole new capture the flag thing I want to place all three of our flags well defended and I want to put some traps in the general area of the base so hopefully we can get a good chunk of their lives when they come to get our flags now where is a good portal to get out of here I can't believe this is how I need to get to the base right now I'm on the wrong side of this has been the worst test ever I'm almost there what a horrible journey are all those oh the pufferfish despawn oh no the pufferfish is still there okay let's load this back up we now know that it completely works and hopefully we can get our other pufferfish back in their buckets because pufferfish are expensive and they are a brilliant way to get someone with a trap yeah I didn't think this through did I come in a little pufferfish one more come on little fella no come on look there we go all the pufferfish are back in their buckets brilliant so nothing has been wasted I think the only thing to do now is to replace one block of water and place that block back there and it should reset let's hope it doesn't dispense anything ah you know what it might be it might be pretty terrible redstone in there but it does it matter if it's terrible if it works flawlessly like seriously it works one way it doesn't dispense them on the way out you can reset it easily I've put two pack puffer fish I've put two puffer fish in each one so if for some reason someone goes in it twice it'll get them again absolutely brilliant and we've got puffer fish to spare as well I am really happy with this guys are you are you proud of me please if you're if you're proud of me and my red stoning let me know because this took a really long time this is way better than the one that I made in my trap video by the way way way better so that is it put that block there it should bubble elevator all the way to the top and that should be a secure kill as long as they use it that's the main thing they've got to use it but I'm afraid that's all I've got time for today but a lot has happened we did a little bit of work in the base not a lot but we'll get back to that after the war we also have made that trap behind me the puffer fish one we also got our main mumbo man-bag mumbo gumbo slightly underpowered because the source of his power has been removed his mustache and it ended up it ended up on the team star base which is absolutely fantastic so we know where to get it back at the end of it all of this there it is over there it actually looks like a pair of eyes there it is right there you can see he's got a couple of eyes just above the mustache it's absolutely perfect yeah I don't want to go too close there and we also set out the rules for the new capture-the-flag finale of this war which I'm super excited about now because this will see a definite winner at the end and it will be absolutely brilliant honestly I don't mind who wins I am just I'm just thankful that we got to do this at all because this has been really really fun so that's it for me everyone I hope you enjoyed this video and please let me know in the comments as well if you're excited for the capture the flag game good
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,892,812
Rating: 4.9654956 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, grian hermitcraft, grian mumbo, gteam, xbox, ps3, ps4, pe, pocket edition, switch, minecraft hermitcraft, episode 46
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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