HermitCraft 6: 163 | SECURE NEW BRO CAVE

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft season 6 the unzila bro I'm still a bro I still have my demise curse a binding dragon head of doom but there's miss immersive developments and I really can't believe this I've been gone for about a week and I come back and and a lot of things has happened take a look at this full symmetry a bro or a former bro our newest bro is online but she's dead she's just join the grey skins and that's not all that's the rule I've heard the rumors that Green has also died and this has definitely been infiltrated yeah look at this okay well what is the point what's the point of this I guess this must have been something that has been disarmed but the point is there is a lot of traps everywhere and I don't even dare I don't even dare to walk here and I I think I think that they have broken my entrance I'm gonna try and get down here I'm so scared yeah this is different okay so there is a water column all the way down now and the trap that I made the security measurement is broken its broken open okay so what I've heard is that there has been a bit of an explosion in the bro cave so far so good though doesn't look - what is that is this so kind of graveyard is this where you've buried the two bros green and falls probably possibly but I want to take a look in here okay so my door is all but oh my goodness what in that what in the world what the entire bro cave is the story I think this is I think this is we're green to hide I'm pretty sure this is him sane I also didn't know that enderchest didn't blow up but I guess that makes sense because there obsidian and I'm guessing that we can hear dispensers that have been dispensing TNT oh this is disaster disaster I love this place well I'm certainly gonna pick up my ender chest back up because these things are these things are rather expensive now where are these dispensers that keep clicking I really can't see them please like wants to be right here oh look at this look at this in the ceiling I Broxson die right and rest on fatiah here we go so what has triggered this thing okay oh timer I see so the pressure plates of entering the bro cave seems to have triggered yeah this is triggered by where I mean in order to beat the gray skins I need to know how they operates and it looks like they connected this up to my door they connected enough to the pressure plates oh that is yeah that is pretty clever I'm still not sure how they made it down here or if they died attempting to get down here but yeah that has to get that piston which is um frozen that hopper and then yeah that's inverted so whatever this hopper was emptied the whole thing triggered and there's one two three four five six seven eight eight dispensers eight dispensers dispensing TNT over green III that's that's ridiculous that's impossible to survive I'm definitely gonna take these dispensers yeah I'm just gonna start at all of this originally today I was planning on building our Sahara now restock factory machine that we invented in the last episode but I I kind of feel like I kind of feel like there are the priorities right now with green and dead and with full symmetry dead only me be Tubbs and mumble remains as bros and that ain't bro but what's less broader than that is that we no longer have an uncompromised safe place to chill out and plan out things so I think that gotta be our focus today we have to rebuild and possibly re safe and up a new bro cave and I'm definitely gonna miss this place I'm gonna miss this place but that this is this is just what we have to do I have to find a location that we can protect ah yeah this is this is gonna be tricky they're using some very some very high-end strategies to get to us I have found a place that I want to make into the new bro cave right here right here underneath or behind Sahara that gives us close proximity to everything that happens in hermit lands and hopefully we can make a little bit of a sneaky hidden entrance right here I kinda want to make I want to make this thing really safe I mean I thought that the old bunker was really safe but clearly somehow and I still don't understand how but somehow they managed to break in and trap the whole thing I want to make sure we prohibit that prevent that with this thing so can I sneak if I change scars terraforming up just a little bit I could have a door right there and that could be our very first entrance but I feel like I should probably have several doors in this bro cave now I'm thinking a lot about security in my head at the moment I I want to try I want to try and make it so that what happened in the old bro cave could never happen if the new bro cave and this could be tricky there's gonna be tricky because this is this is Minecrafts right this is minecraft you can just break any block essentially and just get in but I think there are maybe a few maybe a few things that we can do to at least make it a lot harder to do that but anyway first things first I'm gonna set up a beacon and I got a dig out a bit of space for the cave so that we can start to actually install things what in the world happened here look at the amount of squid and salmon well I'm gonna I'm gonna profit so I've dug out the new headquarters of the bro cave and I gotta be honest it's not the biggest thing it's not the biggest that the biggest meeting room I've ever seen but we're gonna focus this one on security and my idea for security after a lot of thinking I mean it's been it's been maybe two hours since I since I finished this dig out but my idea is water water and glass because how do you trap a room that is surrounded with water and has glass for visibility to see what's going on I can't think of a in theory this should be like the safest thing yet safer that obsidian so the floor is going to be two blocks deep with filled with water and then I like I said I want to try and encase this whole room but then what we step on would be the glass just above the water and we'll have to do the same on the walls etc it will be very hard to design this room and make it look like a bro cave but I'm gonna do my best I got some purple stain gas I got some gray stained glass and yeah we'll see it's gonna be a tricky one it's gonna be a really tricky one I played this game for a very long time but I don't think I've ever done of water protected room before and I'm just I'm just really really curious to see how you could possibly trap a room completely encased in water and glass without without it being visible I don't think you can and to be honest this is looking this is looking pretty cool so then on this we would have the glass wall coming up like this it's gonna be one of those very confusing rooms I reckon one of these like infinity infinity rooms I can say that this is pretty broke this is looking pretty incredible now ideally I want to blow that dye right up because that's currently just taunting someone and put like a black black concrete on the behind here that would that would make it look really good and also in the ceiling but security first we got water everywhere we are completely surrounded with water and if you can come up with a way to trap this without me seeing and with me somehow triggering it the inside here be my guest I really can't see a way to do it I really can't see your way to do it unless I'm blind unless I'm simply not looking this may be the smartest thing I've ever done now that being said to be fair it's not a lot of smart things that I've done in in my time so you know it may it may not be that smart overall now this is bro look at how cool this looks as you walk in that's entirely surrounded with water as well so even though it looks weird there looks weird but there's water flowing down on the sides and I'd really can't I really can't imagine or I really can't picture how anyone would be able to install a chap in this I I think we did it I think this is actually completely safe and now because of this I don't think we need a piston or anything fancy like that and I have these architect bunker key cards which clearly clearly won't be necessary to use anymore so I think as far as the entrance goals just gonna do something like that and that's gonna be that's gonna be a little bit of a problem isn't it to get back out because I can't yeah I can't my redstone here that being said I think it's fine to have one block solid there because we can see behind it and underneath it and yeah everything should be good that is that is really really cool right so now now I need to do the interior I want to have a meeting room table again and most importantly we need to have the charts on the wall for what our worst enemies are or what people are in the grayskin team they may have blown up our first headquarters but we bounced back we may have lost them male off-screen and footfalls got lost in another big explosion I heard as well say guess what I've done we got the table back up and running with the dragon bro in fusion in the middle and I've collected all the heads of the people participating and I did it wrong last time I had set off and I didn't have Cleo so this time these are the people that are still alive to my knowledge I think that's correct to be fair look at a tab Exuma looks to be alive but I'm pretty sure he's not alive that's a bit tricky but yeah you got human Cleo Corrales and b-dubs are still alive and so these are the current gray skins and what I did was I created bra skins pearl skins because I'm not sure if these two bros are going to join up with the gray skins and try and trap us I mean surely there was a bro code right I really hope there was a bro code so at the moment this is the bras and I'm considering whether or not we should try and brawl someone else or focus on surviving as we are I'm not entirely I'm not entirely sure but I think this room came together really good and I again I'm just I'm just convinced that this cannot be trapped this cannot be trapped without us seeing it we should be good so in total ten people have demised and eight people those three are us three plus these five are still alive so we are more or they're more demise people than alive people and let me tell you that the server is such a scary place to hang around on at the moment but yeah that that's dragon bros headquarters number two all set up and I'm gonna I'm gonna clean up this beacon and I think it looks pretty cool to have that door there as well it has that purple glare behind it if you look at that yeah I think that's really cool now hold up just one minute I have done a little bit of research and I'm very very happy that I've done a little bit of research because I was totally feeling Oh goodness sake I was totally feeling that I had the alignments correct here but a little bit of research it turns out that I was right there is a broad skin there is an agreement from green to not hurt the bronze however it doesn't seem to be so much for false so I'm sorry false but I do you haven't announced that your secret bro you gotta be on the gray skin world secret bronze it really is a mega mind game this whole demise and it's really really scary to try and keep everything in order but it's also important to know who to trust and who to not trust now I feel like the best defense gotta be a bit of intelligence over what the dead team are planning so I want to head out to the dead team's base and just saying that sounds really scary III get so easily scared during this what we're gonna do is we're gonna find we're gonna find the tunnel that leads to the Halloween district wow this looks really really cool I haven't seen that before I love that entrance I guess that's a creeper form found it it's the blue tunnel it's the blue tunnel the leads over to their base okay knowing that every step I take may be my last oh my goodness what is that that is just Oh spider and they're phantoms of course are phantoms this is just oh I heard that I heard that oh my goodness come on why can someone please sleep whilst I had a TMT that went off or was that a creeper I think it may have been a creeper oh my goodness okay whoo my heart is racing right now it's racing so quick now I don't think I've ever been in this area of her me crap I don't think I've been here once and I don't really know why I don't really know why but this place looks absolutely insane this is this the dead team space or is that the dead team's base oh my goodness look at that what in the world this is this is incredibly awesome I feel like this one is more gray than that and maybe that's an indication of it being the dev team space right on top of this phantom yeah if I could get inside here that would be that would be ideal I had to gather up my courage to land on this very spot here I think this block is also safe but yeah I am I'm just too scared for this but luckily as I landed here I saw this lava trap dragon bro that means that a dragon burrows already been here and I'm guessing that that dragon bro looking at that handwriting style I'm guessing that that was Green before he demised or maybe even after because that's right he's got access to this place now that he's but he's a grey skin grey screen grey grey skin bro I was hoping to just be able to walk into this place and you know immediately sort of find a room where they would list all their traps and where they built them and that sort of stuff but uh on second considerations I I don't think I don't think that's what this place is all about specifically considering that there was a lava trap right at the entrance of this place so instead I'm gonna leave this place I'm not scared okay I'm not scared even though something blew up right here I don't know if that was a creeper or if it was a TNT it didn't hurt me luckily but it did it did this guy this guy may have to visit a dentist I've just spent about an hour or so around in the nether checking out the different tunnels and trying to spot any traps and so far so good so far so good but I'm about to do something really daring I've seen rumors on Twitter and in my comments that the end is trapped and I feel like this is really dumb but I really want to get to the end I really want to go there because I do you need to get some more shelter boxes and that sort of stuff and I haven't there - I haven't there to go there for a long time so even though this may be this may be the dumbest thing ever I kind of feel like I have to chicken can you tell me if I'm gonna die if I go through that portal and he looks away he looks very very sinister I I guess I guess it should be fine to go through the nether portal okay I love this room by the way but I don't want to step on anything but I don't know what it could be so this block could be a trigger block oh my goodness i am i have so nervous right now this is ridiculous so how would i trap the end if i would trap it you could put string right where you land in the end that triggers something and I don't have any ender pearls which is bad I'm just gonna do it I'm just gonna do it we're good we're good we're fine we're okay we're okay we're okay yeah if I would trap the end I would trap this platform I don't think you can mind this away but you could put string here that triggers immediately when you land so far so good so far so good and I'm not kidding I've got over over three hundred four hundred comments through the past few weeks warning me to go to the end there are more random chickens just walking around or if that's a sign for anything this is looking surprisingly safe though and I gotta say our end this is really a mess isn't it it's really really bad I remember in season five or season four where we had like Cup fun built this cool thing there on the end portals I mean that doesn't look good but yeah other than that this is this is actually looking pretty normal yeah this is really good news I've been I've been checking around the area and I can't see anything too obvious and that means that I could go and emboss trade once again which is something I really want to do and something I'm gonna speak to mom about to see if we can go do together in a live stream or that kind of thing it would be really really really scary to do so tutor into my spot something that I do need to do i do need selca boxes now I don't think they can trap me going back no we're fine we're fine and from what I can tell nothing seems to have changed in my base either which is really good news because I do you want to do some more stuff over at the base I feel like we have had a lot of episodes over it's horrible or for architects stuff lately and I want to get back to to doing some stuff over at my base I want to finish up some of the bills that are just just like half half made such as such as the library I mean I mean there are there are a lot of things that I still need to do in this but this building is just yeah just just chill in like that and I do want to get to do the roles and everything so maybe in the next episode of hurry craft we'll do a little bit of base work one thing that I really need to do is start organizing my inventory stuff in my storage system my base have been neglected for a little bit too long I think and I definitely need to get back to it and do a little bit of work over here I got so much an organization and amount of schalke boxes like a sense I probably also need probably definitely also need to do an end bust let me know in the comments if that's something you would want to watch me and mumble do during demise and maybe that's something that we'll do in this upcoming week but anyway that's gonna do for today that's gonna do for today I've been extremely scared this entire episode but I feel like I've checked out most of the common air the tunnels and everything seems okay at the moment which is good that means that I can move around and gather resources and do all the things that I need to do we also still need to stock Sahara I have collected in between episodes a few of the stocking things I think I've collected gravel I've collected redstone that we traded from last episode of craft repeaters and comparators but there's still a lot of stock to be filled in Sahara before we can before we can reinstall and hopefully idea comes and buys it all out again well anyway like I said that's going to be for today I hope you have enjoyed this episode if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new because in subscribe it and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 439,614
Rating: 4.9693675 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, hermitcraft architect, hermitcraft architechs, hermitcraft dragon bros, dragon bros hermitcraft, dragon bros minecraft, dragon bros iskall, dragon bros grian, dragon bros head quarters, dragon bros cave, bro cave hermitcraft, secret bunker minecraft, secret base minecraft
Id: yjkkIFegRgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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