HermitCraft 6: 87 | SAHARA GOT.. PEARLS

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On the enderpearl giveaway, what if it was a rewards program? Something with tiers, reward big spending to get hermits to buy in bulk.

like 1-29 diamonds: Get a stack of enderpearls

30 diamonds: A shulkerbox (included) with pearls

Of course, adjust prices to match the stock, this was just an example.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/belicious_durger 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of Herbie craft today we're starting things off in my throne this is actually over at my string farm which I until recently had forgotten about but the reason I'm here and the reason we are starting the episode here is because I have a fk'd overnight in the hopes of oh no no wait okay who oh we do have some strengths okay how does this thing even work I'm totally serious I haven't been here in so long that I've completely forgot the behind means of this thing there's a spider head yes this is a cord I think what spider form there are three over there and one over here and I mean it's not like I'm it's like I'm doing a world tour for myself here yeah there's one there's one somewhere else and all four are activated when I'm standing there and the reason I've done this is because we need oh I think I think despite it being a cord one two of them hasn't been working that doesn't look like that pickup system is working yep well that's not good that's not good at all so I wonder how much string I've lost just because this thing is not working probably quite a bit it turns out that we are definitely going to need to repair this form it is it is absolutely clear that half of the half of the collection system is just straight-up broken but regardless of that I'm gonna use I'm gonna craft up all of the string that I got throughout my afk session and hopefully that will be enough for what I need what I need it for so this is the total amount of rule that I managed to get in one afk session I imagine that if this form would it be as broken as it is I could get double of that because half of the form hasn't been working which is actually quite embarrassing but hopefully this is enough to cover the roof of Sahara in carpets I mean it should be enough oh there's that section there's that section down there as well the reason we are doing this is because we don't want the random snow pattern on their roof and we want to mob prove it we were discussing using double snow layers but we decided the carpets would look better from a distance so that's what we're doing and I do not think that this is gonna be enough I am actually looking at this thing feeling pretty bad about it it doesn't feel like it's gonna be enough at all and I'm out I mean a big portion of this actually got done of the mayhem remain roof there's also that part there I refuse to not have enough to finish this at least this at least this maximum roof you can see it's not that much left but that's a couple of stacks at least it gets probably three stacks the winds are great for that no we got it we gotta see if we can do more but we are completely out from one full afk session okay don't I forgot the memo about this one diamond for four stacks okay so that is the same price as extreme as wool shop and I gotta say I appreciate the IKEA vibe of this shop and done done and I even got a little bit of spare for the next roof I think what I wanna do is acquire some lycra if I can fly it for goodness sake Oh a chorus and I crave wool and finish off their little box on top as well and done I mean I have to finish this I have to finish this it is not that much remaining now oh hello sir you got a big mustache if you look real close at the rule you could even think as it of us as it's marble right no it doesn't look like marble scale it's just you're just getting crazy from placing all these carpets it definitely looks like a rock and done yes I did it 38 remaining Wow whoo I haven't placed carpets yet underneath there but that is not super required because this takes care of the snow that's the entire roof done and this is what we were referring to the carpet doesn't actually look that bad from a distance in fact I think it looks really cool with that slight off-white change from below here I am very pleased with this result we won't have any mobile spooning on top it's all good yeah I'm very very happy with getting rid of that of the center of the snow layers now with all the rule being placed through all the carpus being placed we're gonna move on to something else one thing that I personally really miss this season are the Ender balls I mean in a purse these are fantastic and the reason I haven't used them this season hopefully this is how you do it I don't want to break this thing is because I mean doc has this amazing yeah it worked okay doc cast is amazing and a pro shop but the problem is he's selling them at 16 for a diamond which I'm actually gonna go ahead and buy two of these ah three yeah I think that's a little bit too pricey considering how easy it is to kind of get a lot of enterprise I think that's a little bit too pricey and so I've been speaking with Doc a long time ago about lowering these prices and it wasn't very keen so for Sahara I don't know if we want to look out for a partnership with Doc and even if we do we don't really have anything to negotiate with because there isn't a competitor so while we at Sahara value partnerships as you know and I'm a businessman of doom I think somehow the competition is an order for the enderpearls and because of that we're gonna take on a challenge today I want to try and create my own ender pearl form and oh I had it on me I've collected up a bunch of resources that we're gonna need in addition to this we're gonna need a bunch of leaves I'm gonna be using another name boom design I am I'm so inspired by mr. nan bon MC and I want to say once again if you aren't following his YouTube channel where he does all these quirky weird stuff in Minecraft make sure that you follow him because he's an absolute fantastic person he is a champion and he is a very very very nice chap that was the word I was looking for nice chap so I think I have all the resources that I need now I bought some leaves from well start he needs to restock his shop badly and we got all of this stuff here as well so now it's time to head out to the end which I always seem to forget where it is actually you know what what we're about to do is quite dangerous so I guess it's gonna be for the better if I put my stuff away in my under chest at least there at least that utilities for my project here why is this end portal so big it's really weird our end looks absolutely terrible they could definitely use a bit of an update to this main island I don't know what happened here but his all sorts of different blocks and stuff I think it was last season when Cup fan did some massive nice work on the end Island and it looked absolutely amazing in the end get it it looked amazing in the end all right so the very first thing we got to do I I realize or I'm guessing that dock has an Enderman farm as well I don't know if it's connected to the main island though it doesn't look like it we're gonna connect ours to the main island in fact I think I think I'll actually connect it from this platform here but we gotta go and this is a very special forum I am pretty sure that dock has this exact same forum I'm not sure though because I haven't seen what he did with it but it works very well and it's a very cool design that utilizes the fact mobs spawn more frequently the further down you'd get and in 113 I've spoke about this before they changed what was called the sub chunk rule so all of these blue lines here represent a sub chunk it used to be so that mobs spawned most frequently if there was no blocks above them in the lowest sub junk now in 113 they changed it so it's a block per block algorithm instead meaning that the lowest block is actually important whereas in the past you could build your farm inside the lowest blue cube now every layer you go up you actually lose a little bit of mobs born efficiency so that being said I mean it all it's all very technical and weird and you may not even care about it I think it's pretty cool knowledge but with that being said we need to go as far down as we possibly can with this and that is why level zero or why number one so what I'm gonna do first thing and this is something I saw number them do which is very very smart is I'm gonna drop a lava bucket down and then in the block space next to it let's put down some eyes because everybody cares about eyes and that should create a nice cobblestone pillar you can pick this up now that goes all the way down to no it didn't it failed what why did I fail oh no I guess we'll have to rely on good old water elevator I mean it looks pretty good actually maybe it did reach all the way down Oh almost maybe you know what I probably just didn't wait long enough for the lava to form I'm gonna risk it okay okay okay we're good we're good whoo this lava should eventually disappear even though it's taking its time so with step one being done we now have to make sure that we are out of reach for the mobs to spawn on this end Island because if mobs can spawn on this end island wherever we build this farm we're not gonna get any good rates whatsoever so the way we're gonna do that is let's break this we're gonna place down a long line of blocks and nimbin record he recommends a hundred and fifty blocks which is more than 128 that I would usually do but I'm gonna do yeah I'm gonna do about 150 I guess so that would be these three stacks of leaves and the reason we use leaves to do this is because leaves does not spawn more so please know in 113 I know there was a snapshot where they do spawn mobs such as glass etc but I think that's a bargain hopefully it's a bug otherwise we'll have to change this in the future you could also use slabs or whatever but leaves are seem very easy to place and this should be 2 stacks and 32 I mean my render distance is pretty high so I still see the end island I should probably double-check yeah that should be a hundred and fifty nine blocks Wow my render this this is insane okay so while we're now here if I place down a single block here actually let's place down three blocks like this for now and then I go back 24 blocks which is how far I need I see now why it's 150 blocks because I need to be because that's actually where we're putting in the spawning platform okay so I'm actually not going to be more than 128 blocks away you can see immediately though this spawns Enderman and it's gonna do so at a pretty quick rate if we can move them away from the block into an area where we can kill them which is super super cool and the reason that they are spawning so quickly here is of course because there's no other place for Enderman to spawn at the moment which means that they all have to spawn here and the reason there's no other space for them to spawn is because I'm alone in the end and M has its own mob cap so next I'm gonna build the full spawning platform that we're gonna use and this here is actually going to be this moving pad for the Enderman I mean I'm sitting here remembering all the M renders that I built in my life and how many like in 1.7 how complicated it was you have to use Pistons and trap doors and normal trap doors pressure plates and yeah stuff like that then you have to build really tall and now this is actually this is actually all there is in terms of spawning spaces I'm adding leaves to the side and I'm gonna put my mom's tutorial down below in the description box because as always he does a very good job of describing and I'm explaining this form in depth in case you're interested in that stuff I do recommend checking it out but the reason we're adding the leaves is pick of packs Pauling's in minecraft this allows the mobs to think that this is a pax porn spot and therefore the code says I spoil I'm up here more frequently basically that's the that's the short kind of foolish explanation of why I'm doing this so now why didn't my path from the spawning platform or from the edge of the leaves there 18 blocks this way for a total of 18 plus 5 which is 23 all the way to this block here remembered mobs needs to be I think 25 blocks or 24 blocks away you need to be 24 blocks away from obvious this one I think is 25 so it's 23 to here and then 24 25 and that's gonna be where the Enderman gets killed and we're gonna be standing right there so now we need to place this is so friggin scary by the way now what we need to place is the collection system which is gonna be a double chest there and I'm actually gonna do something that member didn't I'm gonna have a collection system on this side as well an Enderman are gonna land right here so I need to put hoppers in two of them facing or three of them face in that way and three of them facing them that way and I think that's good hopefully and then from the chests I'm gonna build up some walls and the 2x3 is gonna mean that we with a sweeping edge sword can kill or hit all of them in one swoop which is gonna be very nice this part of an Enderman farm is always the one that I look forward to the least because every single time I do this something goes wrong but basically we need to spawn one of the little ender mites and I've got myself some name tags these are actually very precious these are the only five I have I could have bought more but hopefully there's enough oh I got one okay very important thing with these or they you have to name them first and then get them in a minecart so if you wouldn't mind mister target please for goodness sake this guy is an idiot here can I guess I got him okay okay okay okay so I gotta try and push him a little bit more I think if the goal is to get him on top of that carpet and I know that he will try and attack me yes yes yes I did it okay that's enough that's definitely enough we can break that rail poof and now we drop him down and down and down I don't know if I need to notch up a little bit more we'll see the trick is or the reason we're using the end of might if you didn't know is because Enderman will always track endermite and try to kill them so basically this is the way we're gonna get the Enderman from over there to here this is the very first time I'm using daylight sensors by the way but that's gonna be what we're standing on and then we're gonna extend this out like this and we're gonna be standing inside here and then we're gonna need some trapdoors which hopefully have in here yes oh my goodness I'm so prepared for this I feel I feel so pro we're gonna have travelers there and trap doors here and this is gonna make it so that any men think that they can walk up to that and I might but it's also going to have another effect here when we're slaying Enderman Enderman are not gonna be able to see us and we're gonna be able to stand right next to them so that we reach this entire area with our sweeping edge we also need to double carpet all of this and make sure that we keep the Enderman stuck in there and this may actually be harder than I thought because I don't want to get close to that buying cards I think I done it though yeah I think that's that's good enough and then go up three here so whenever you have a double carpet if you didn't see my season 5 series I did there's a lot because I've built ender ender there I think it was in season 5 yeah double carpets mean it makes it so that element cannot teleport home to them which is very very important there's actually a few more bits that we need to do we should have fences like that and I'm not entirely sure why but maybe it has to do with their tracking so that they don't just stand here and now let's go ahead and remove this and as I've run out here this is gonna be I guess pretty hectic it is pretty thick that is insane oh that's so cool look at that hopefully they can't reach hopefully they can't reach them oh goodness come on man this is this is fantastic so they're not a one hit man hit but I think I mean yeah this is crazy look at all that XP I completely forgot about the XP part of this and eventually he just crap look at that look at the ender pearl this farm is absolutely ridiculous I'm so glad I did this specific one yeah I've been testing this now for a few minutes there's no way no way I can keep up with the XP here like the XP is just gonna keep pouring in and there's one scary port here and that is whenever they start cramming which they do immediately they will teleport we are going to need some string and what's gonna need chunky shells which we have okay good do I bring I guess yeah let's bring some end ropes and let's bring some cyan dye 22 yeah that'll probably be good for now this form is absolutely hectic but what we're gonna do to prevent them from teleporting is simulate the same thing as a double carpetas and that is an air block with a carpet on top in our case we have to use string because we can't place books lower than that so we can't actually double carpet it but if I do this quite a boil out here they shouldn't be able to teleport okay so let's give this a test and they start teleporting randomly when they start cramming I think and yeah yes yes I'll just leave them some time but they don't actually we we can't we can't clear this which is absolutely hilarious I love it so the next thing I need to think about with this farm because I do you think this actually did the trick with the teleportation is logistics we need we need a way to bring the animals back home with us and I think a shelter box loader of some sorts is probably gonna do the trick and one thing that would be very useful is if I could shut this form of wealth I do this because it is super hectic I don't know why Enderman angers me like this you can hear them them getting angry at me but it's happening frequently and I don't like it but now if I were to try and fly and I don't want to jump off the ledge or fly over to the main island and back there should be see random in there and I should be able to work in peace hopefully and I decided to jump into my redstone creative test world to build this thing and I think this is exactly what we need so if we grab ourselves some pearls actually have some in my inventory and we would we would basically stand and slay the Enderman here for them fill this chest up with the ender pearls and it breaks and a new one is coming up comes out and we have their box of ender pearls here easy for us to transport we have an input here for more chunky boxes so we can go ahead and load the thing I would like a little bit of a light as well that's and now that light indicates the way of shelcha boxes in the system one more thing I want to test out just to be sure that this actually works 100% that's clear my inventory so I'd come over and I double-click on the end because that click here and then double click yeah that works it's gonna drop down a stack like that but I don't I don't think we can do much about that but that actually looks really good this circle is super super super straightforward we got a comparator with another comparator subtracting 15 with this redstone block here that means that this comparator only comes on when this chocobos is completely full full to the brim that sends a signal up to the piston no delay so the piston breaks it and then I have a full a tick delay to power the dispenser on the back here a comparator pointing into this that can be that can be removed that was the old circuit the head that was testing comparator just going around and that's just for the lights to make sure that we know that we have in the system and yeah it doesn't need to be more complicated than that at all I wonder if I can make that redstone block maybe sit here and that would look a little bit prettier but I'm not too fast honestly not for this contraption and that is the contraption built here on the home craft server now I did do a little bit of changes just to get rid of that redstone block which also actually made their the redstone for this slightly larger because I had to wire the signal to the dispenser differently but in theory this should work I haven't tried it out so let's load it up with schalke boxes and this light comes on when there is some kibbles in the system as you can see so that works okay so I think the first one I actually have to load manually so the idea is then I go here double click the articles click here and I'm just like the positioning of this is the important thing to move around items oh yeah there we go and there's always gonna be an the post being caught like that but that worked perfectly very good so now it's very easy for me to just come here take this I place it under chest here and I can just put this in my under chest actually in fact I should totally do that because I have no ender pearls and that way we can transport the items back to Sahara and make profits and the only thing that remains to do now is to punch away these torches so I think this would be spectacular to watch once again because I have a feeling it looks pretty pretty insane oh my goodness guys I'm currently sat killing killing the Enderman in the farm look at this spoon rate yeah this is clearly ridiculous oh my goodness I love it so much this didn't take me very long I mean this is quite ridiculous but I now have a crap ton of ender pearls I just got a very interesting idea one that is definitely worth thinking about and one that I think I love to hear your guys's opinion about in the comments now these ideas of or something that would require I mean of course I've done things robe before but it's an idea that requires a little bit of input from the other sahara architect members so i may have to set up a meeting with them about this but let me know what you think about this instead of selling the ender pearls at Sahara maybe we give them a way to our visitors say that you shop at Sahara and you are allowed to get a stack of ender pearls I mean Khan Corp have the greedy cake the greedy corporate cake as a trick to lure customers to buy from them it tastes kind of disgusting ingredien and the pearls are always welcome always something that everybody wants to have and yeah that way we're not really competing with dock directly oh my goodness this happens when I'm stressed more is the line I bet you that yeah she's peace of mind okay ice I swear she she has something to do with the Polti man but anyway guys I've had a lot of fun today building that NMM form and I hope that you guys have enjoyed it but that is it for me today if you did enjoy the video do hit the like button down below if you're brand new consider subscribing thank you so much for watching I hope you have a fan of freaking plastic evening and I'll see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 911,339
Rating: 4.9521542 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, hermit craft, iskall base hermitcraft, iskall hermitcraft 6 lab, 1.13 enderman farm, hermitcraft enderman farm 6, hermitcraft 6 enderman farm, gnembon enderman farm, enderman farm iskall85, enderman farm sahara, ender pearl farm minecraft
Id: hVpet9Via2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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