HermitCraft 6: 148 | The MEGA Restocker

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Inb4 they never restock again

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HereForTOMT2 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

ResTonker you mean

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/reedit1332 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hurry craft season 6 now as you can see in my inventory I have got myself some redstone since the last episode and as such I have almost finished this first module or this first wall of this horse stop keeping room and I'm not gonna lie I am so overly excited to just try this out actually you know what that's done a little bit shocked with my own achievement that I had it all finished I just went to get some more cyan clay because I thought I had one more module to do but anyway that means that I just need to fit these hoppers that are gonna be the item sorter decoders and then I need to fit the hoppers sending they're the stop keeping items back to the player or back to the architect member I've done it I've installed all the filters all the hoppers and all the return lines have also installed all the reset lines I should really see yep that is where this is like that's not work but we have bugs even before drian sees the system I can't blame this on a potato these three are bugged outs that looks really cool though but it doesn't do that one I think I found the bug it was not a potato let's see if I did yes okay cool so now yes there we go so that would be fully stocked now the next thing I'm gonna do is connect that wire there or that hopper line up to wherever we get the key cards back from and that is right now here and I think this actually just a hopper fingers crossed but it shouldn't be more than loops of course I did that it shouldn't be worse than doing this and then connecting that up together and facing that hope like that that should that should be it that should be all connected up to these modules right here it's super excited to test this out but the last thing I have to do is to put the filters in installing filters in things like this is always a bit boring and a bit tedious but I've got all of the filters installed and the last thing I need to do before we can properly test this is to slow down the items that are coming in in this hopper chain because if I don't they're gonna group up and they're not gonna be accepted by the filters or they're not gonna read a pulse each something like this I wonder if I should just invert it and then go with a repeater there a bit of delay so if I now put in let's actually try this off and say that we get four sound back you should see them being slowed down that may be a bit too quick though yes you'd only read the first right so let's test this again six goes in looks too quick to me three four five six no but that worked that worked beautiful we lost six nice so in theory this should now be fully connected with the shop front of course I only have nine modules yet that I have to do nine more on that side at least before this is actually useful but let's go to the shop front and try this now my goal is of course to fully open up Sahara today as well so this thing is gonna come down my inventories just a mess but let's try this out so let's use some sand and let's also buy some redstone maybe and this will actually make the purchase but I'm gonna go with three sand the warehouse restock er is now full so three sand and two redstone now people have said that I Sahara has an issue if you throw in items too quick that it's that's when it doesn't work that's not correct that is not correct at all I have all the time had a protection against that with that drop rock over there that's really slow so it doesn't matter how quick you throw items in there's still getting shot out very slowly which you can hear I forget how many I did now goodness sake I did three sand I know that but if we come over here oh yes look at that oh that is beautiful I'm not gonna lie I'm smiling so broad right now I'm so proud of this so proud of this so I should have three key cards of sand and okay I should have two key cards of redstone but I think the first one will be stuck yeah the first one is stuck there so that's okay that only app is the very first time here during testing oh that is just that is just brilliant that is as brilliant as Horace right let's see if we also got our orders and I don't know if we have redstone in the system actually but we do have the receipts there would you have our sand that's one sandbox two sandbox is three sand boxes and one redstone box and another and sandbox so that proves that proves I threw those items in very quickly which a lot of comments have said is the issue with Sahara I knew all along that it wasn't the issue because I had that dropper lock thing there which people didn't know about but that proves that the system is indeed fully fully functional and I'm yeah I'm just I'm just super proud of that one just super proud that being said though we do sell more than nine items at the moment so I need nine more modules on this wall here these things take a little bit of time to build they take a little bit of time to build but I really want to get this done and show the other boys I think they're gonna be super excited to see this I hope anyway well well well I decided that I wanted to really finish all the technical stuff so I took my time and I actually did this on a live stream to set up this side over here so now we got all of these modules done and we got all of these modules done on this side here and I've got a fancy elevator which we drop down here we can go back up here it'll just explain how to use an elevator up and down idiot and I also ripped out this storage room which you can see you see the border of the board of the of the storage room right there that was the storage room I ripped all of that out created this little tunnel and then this cool window overlooking this so you could without coming down here immediately see if we're out of stock of anything and then you can investigate it further as you come down but like I said I've been told all of these filters and now all of these are connected to the shop prompt all the way up to here with the dispenser and all of these are working mumbo please stock up servers for us please Stoke observers so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna count all the actual stock we have match it up with these displays down here and configure all of them so for example observers I know we have sear off I know that we have no stock because mumble needs to craft them I've just decided the Mambo needs to craft them I haven't actually spoken with violet so in order to decrease the stock what I should be able to do you see the observer pan over there if I send nine observers down here because we have cero in the system that should that should work and that should bring that one down to zero yep here we go and it's dropping it should drop all the way down nice so that is actually the very first accurate stop keeping in Sahara that's the first accurate stock keep it this is a giant moment right now because right now I am actually stalking Sahara with all of the stuff that I collected in the last episode we are finally stoking it that I'm gonna do it precise I'm gonna do it manually through the original chests just to make sure that everything is working and more importantly I'm stopping it precisely to the quantities that we can stop keep or or that we can keep keep what am I saying the key cards down below we have nine key cards per item we're gonna stock nine pried them so with glowstone that should be 18 and this thing doesn't have this thing doesn't have our child key boxes in it oh there is something seriously wrong here this oh you know this hopper it's facing this chest that's a bug we haven't used this module yet though so it's not the end of the world I wonder if I can do this so not the greatest of sorts that the first module I check that is new doesn't actually have a proper link but I think that should do it and then we should be able to just pop those in there and the very first time if I remember correctly we need to place it manually it's the Horace a gift that keeps on giving okay so that is now working and I noticed that this one isn't configured either so I guess I have a little bit of configuring to do as well which actually makes a lot of sense because we have never stoped closed on and I ink sacs so I don't know why I thought for a second that I had already done the timers I feel like one of those proper warehouse engineers that goes around and like times things and double--triple-check everything but I've just reached the end here I have now stocked Ahura actually stocked Sahara and yeah we don't have everything in stock but we almost have everything in stock we do need some ice still and did I mention observers that I mentioned that we need to to stock up servers over there but apart from that it's looking pretty good I also came across a few bugs that I haven't noticed before with some of these modules specifically gravel the gravel module was completely ruined almost looked like a creeper explosion had happened up in this module here so I have to rebuild that but apart from that everything should be good now let's head back down to the stock room now what I need to do is match the stock and like I said most of these are already filled but we do have some of them that I need to set appropriately and I also need to fit the right amount of key cards in these chests here ladies and gentlemen it has taken me many many days to get to this point but this is an accurate representation of Sahara current stock oh I am so proud so we're low or we're out of observers I've said that before we're low on comparators and we've sold one repeaters we're also halfway through our eye supplies but the rest of the stuff we are stocked with and all I gotta do now is take these key cards which represents our precise stock and fill them in this heart upfront and there we go there we go that is the actual complete book of Sahara now we'll say this we also do have quartz in the system but I ran out of stock modules we actually need two more stock modules one for with the roses which we only have one set left off and one for quartz but I'll do that later I have counted it out so everything is ready to go but this means that we can open it's a horror backup yay you're open again and Mambo it's only me here but we're opening him [Music] I am I'm very very proud but I gotta get out of Sahara right now I gotta get out of this and do something different I have literally spent the last week on this project restocking Sahara I've just made my way all the way over to hermit Ville and once again I mean I just love looking at this thing this was so much fun probably one of our favorite things that has happened this season anyway the very first thing I need to do here I realized my lighters very low and there is this shop which I believe Cobb pan has built and have been wanting to check this out put one time another time into the barrel to receive XP one diamond equals one Elijah okay this looks really cool so if I put that in there oh that is that is awesome so that's bottle of XPS that I guess he's traded with VIN okay I totally need to build one of these in at Sahara that could be the mini-game where that could be the thing you do when you wait for your order this is genius Allah love this but the reason I've come to hermit Vale is actually to head over here and all my goodness things have changed I want to follow up on the challenge I gave B double-o a few episodes ago I would like to see you build using only the contents of the books which you are of course allowed to craft sub thing is with that is a sub thingy something if you manage to build something B de below extraordinaire I will reward you with 50 diamonds and this looks absolutely fantastic I love this little medieval feel to this place look at this building that's awesome I'm assuming that the challenge build however is this thing maybe that has a scallion coming out of the chimney fantastic touch fantastic touch this must be it Oh this is built with the blocks that I gave him in the chat oh that is clever that's using beds as sort of an overhang I mean this is brilliant and inside there's some miss Cali playing in a corner he's used to clay here there's a book here and a bamboo in a pot okay let's see what this book says it title is I did it dearly beloved I believe I have completed your challenge and used only blocks in the shulkie box as you requested but you are the final judge if you believe I have completed the challenge I am old fifty diamonds but you may keep your precious diamonds if you fulfill a request of mine meet me at the Old Town Road at sunup on the first day of the next solar plexus if not her marriage wait so he's saying it you may keep your precious diamonds if you fulfill a request of mine that feels a little bit scary I mean I don't know what this request is I'm supposed to meet him at the Old Town Road at sunup on the first day of the next solar plexus I don't even know what that means I have to I have to do some maths and stuff to figure that out here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try and figure out what the next solar plexus is so when the next solar plexus is and I'm gonna try and meet that would be double O but I'm gonna put the fifty diamonds in here just so that I don't sign up to anything that I have to do that I don't know about I think that's a good middle ground because the 50 diamonds he has clearly clearly been I've lost English word here he's clearly earned yeah there we go because this bin looks absolutely fantastic I love how he is used so many different blocks but still made it work this is brilliant this is brilliant b-double extraordinaire and if you have any idea about sunup on the fur stay of the next solar plexus could possibly mean then please do let me know down below in the comments because I'm intrigued I'm very intrigued I want to see what he wants me to do for him take a look at this barn that Green has made that is looking fantastic so this is all the flower form I hope now that the hippie things are done and he's showered and he's back in his architect suit I really hope that we can that he can help us out over at Sahara to give us more dyes now while I'm over here a lot of people have told me to check out idea and I gotta say it looks very very similar to IKEA they've done a good job there and apparently they've decided to build it out of wool I really like how this looks inside here I really like this but clearly this is not done so there isn't a lot to check out with this and I don't know why so many people in my comments are telling me to check out the idea it's not even it's not even anything yet but it's clearly exciting to see what that turns into now in the last episode of hermit craft we found out that my game run has been so successful that it's completely been completely emptied of all of the prices and I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying that I had 90 boxes I had 90 price boxes in this game and they've all been completely empty now I asked in the last episode if you guys think that I should re stock this game and open it up once again and every single one in the comments said that I should so what I'm gonna do because I'm going to Minecon and Nashville in just a couple of days I won't have time to restock it for now so I'm gonna do temporarily out of stock please come back later just out of curiosity we were out of stock last time I check this but has anyone tried to play it because if so I'm gonna feel a bit bad someone has tried to play it yeah yeah that's not too much though not too much you're playing now obviously if you have any ideas for some fun loot boxes for this game do let me know we're gonna do another mega jackpot we're gonna do lots of epic embarrassed but I also want to continue the super poop art that I that I constructed making trees and whatever have you I think that was really funny but yeah if you have any suggestions specifically for the common box is what could be fair to put in our common box do you let me know down below in the comments and I'm also going to need more schalke boxes so that means when I'm back from Nashville we'll probably do another end busting raid stream of doom on my twitch channel so do look out for that because that is coming as well now I've made my way back to the Sahara meeting room I did say that I need to stay away from this but I couldn't I couldn't help to check if anyone has sold any more membership and so far we haven't but to be fair I haven't really been trying to charm anyone lately because most of the other Hermits has a membership Oh mumbles online hey mumble I need to show you something cool meeting rudeman now long that's how we communicate in the architect's yes good hello you're right yeah I'm all right you're right it's how you start most Frankel's just by coughing at them I have summoned you here because for the past week and I'm not kidding for the past week I've been stuck in our warehouse here at Sahara I have created something that I I tried to explain to green and he didn't really catch on I'm pretty sure you as the technical admin and super star of Sahara will appreciate I'm sure I will yeah Green doesn't really care for the technical stuff okay well more need a mustache - like redstone that is touring the building with redstone you remember that storage room that I built for us and organized everything and then gree and de organized it slowly over time over here oh yeah yeah yeah I ripped it out ripped it out because I needed a space to create this oh good grief this is pretty fantastic thank you wow thank you i yeah see now this this I take the elevator down and you do okay okay so I mean I feel like you are you've you know a little bit about me that you know that storage silos are kind of there they're the sorts of things to get me excited in minecraft I don't know what it is about them they their epic looking right that is amazing Charlotte Ibanez came out and we were like oh we can't do storage silos anymore but these are actually not storage silos right okay these are these are stock indicators oh I see that's even cooler so you can see exactly the amount of stock that's ahora has at this moment in time it's precise it's a hundred percent precise so the idea is once one runs out like for example observer over here we know that we need to restock the observers we then pay off the key card we restock the observers when I say we restocked observers I have a little bit of an internal thing going on I mean you need to restock tubs I've restocked everything else can you restore cups rice please okay yeah this is not because I don't have cobblestone right saying that's not the reason if you get a thousand comments saying is kill don't though cause um you don't wanna admit to you that it's a great block to form then that that has nothing to do with it okay okay yeah I'll take your word for it sure yes I'm impressed by this this is this is fantastic big words brilliant this is the fantastic stage where I think it might actually be done and it's still quite good I don't know about you guys but it makes me really happy to see that Mambo appreciated this donkey keeping room and I mean I've got a lot of things I need to do here still don't get me wrong I wanted to sign this whole room and I want to like so horrify it make a yellow carpet maybe down the middle and I want to change this up to some sort of temporary storage over here possibly I'm not entirely sure but I'm really really excited that it is working and that it is top one thing that I'm not as excited about more scared about if anything is this the nine day deadline if you don't remember a few episodes ago Mambo and I drew a deadline for the villager build-off that we're doing back on the island of Doom and because I spent a full week seven days doing this I haven't actually done anything on the villager front and I believe Mambo has done some stuff so I'm probably losing at this point in time now the question is how do we interpret eight nine days is it nine days in real life is it nine minecraft days because you saw it's long on long gone or maybe it's the statistical play time so this metric here like actual actual play time on the server this is in real life play time days on this season of hurry craft that would give me a month or so to finishes off probably more probably more than a month I'm gonna I'm pretty sure it's nine real-life days but there's no way I can do much more if it is because like I said I think it's already been seven days and we stuck in Sahara so maybe maybe that would be up for discussion but anyway I really hope that you all have enjoyed this video and if you did do it live on down below if you brand-new cuz it described it and I will see you dudes in the next episode you
Channel: iskall85
Views: 596,300
Rating: 4.971796 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, iskall sahara, sahara restock, sahara stock footage, sahara iskall85, iskall stocks sahara, sahara restock room, sahara warehouse counter, sahara warehouse, sahara restock counter, iskall redstone, iskall sahara redstone, sahara redstone hermitcraft, hermitcraft redstone iskall
Id: IXXljoCW3n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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