HermitCraft 6: 157 | The DEMISE Resort!

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right let's do this then this is now what we do and oh no I mean seriously okay hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome back to another episode on the hermit craft server this is episode 157 and today we're gonna take a look at the mice I'm sorry I can't do it I can't do it I'm not gonna wear I'm not gonna wear the mustache man's head for this episode I am done with this head idea for intros during demise anyway ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hurry craft season 6 today I am super super excited because I I am gonna create a little bit of a mega thing hopefully I need to get some materials together in this shopkin box it's actually fitting pretty well this is this is very typical whenever I start a project this is a very typical sort of block asset I am going to need even more white concrete for this so we got that we got that I want some wood as well with this maybe spruce I don't have any jungle wood huh I have very little jungle wood I think I want to get jungle wood for this and I also want a bunch of leaves I'm probably gonna have to come back here I'm probably gonna forget a lot of things but today I want to create a service for the living and when I say the living I of course mean the hermit's that are alive in the demise game and as of this recording I'm not sure if anyone has died yet I'm not actually sure if people will be telling other people that they've died which makes it a little bit more scary and you have to be on the lookout for a dead skin one's gonna need a bunch of sand for this project and I've really thought that I had some sort of beacon laying around but it doesn't look like I do I wonder where all my beacons have gone yeah I don't seem to have a single beacon anywhere I'm probably going to me too I need to visit my oh wow I have a lot of courts I'm probably gonna need to visit my wither skeleton farm for beak and then it's been a while since I've been there and also it's it's scary it's a scary journey to take during device but then again so is a lot of things a lot of things is really scary when you're on the live team and that's kind of what I'm gonna try and mend a little bit today for those who are still living you see I want to create a demise resort like a like a super paradise for us that are still alive and I want to provide Hermits with top-notch food I want to have some some temporary storage I want to have maybe maybe a fun minigame sort of thing for for Hermits to enjoy there there a day as alive and of course on top of all I want to provide security some kind of security and for a hermit to join the resort it's gonna be something that they'd have to pay for of course I'm you know we're trying to make diamonds it's a essentially is actually able to make diamonds so with everything I need packed away I'm gonna head back to the Hermit mainland and that we're gonna have to buy some jungle wood yeah we're gonna have to buy some jungle wood because I just realized I I don't think I've used jungle woods in a single build this season in fact I can't I can't remember when I last used jungle wood in a built at all like I I yeah I don't know well when did I use jungle wood I don't think I ever have if I ever built a jungle would you you'll have to let me know I'm sure there are some people watching that have seen if not all a lot of my episodes over the years and if I've used jungle jungle would it would be it would be interesting to know when and where and if I could get like a screenshot cent of that I I'm not sure anyway we're heading back to the hermit lands on sidetracking myself a jungle wood oh he has a lot of stock and it's one diamond her log is that taking care of nine stacks of logs should hopefully be enough otherwise we'll have to come back and buy some more but that means that I probably have all the things I want to start this resort project now the question is where do I build it where do I build a resort where the living can travel and being complete harmony and safety I kind of wanted to be close to the main hermit lands but I wanted to be in an area where it would be hard to find and I I'm picturing this to be like in like a little bit of an island as well I've just realized Cub fan has some sort of map in the Hermit craft beachfront visitor info center well that's not gonna do does he not have a bigger map I think he does oh yes oh yes okay but there's only this only shows the Hermit lands although that little place down there directly south west of the main Hermit land doesn't look bad otherwise there's also this place which also looks quite nice to be to be honest yeah now that I think about it I don't want a tropical resort sort of thing in a desert because the green the the landscape would look really bad the greens so I'm gonna aim for this thing instead so that is directly south of green space which by the way it looks really really cool on this map I wonder if this is it this may very well be it so we're directly south of green space yeah this must be it right here oh but this has some stuff built on it already I think this is important all day oh I know what this is I know what this is this is the chorus lagger the Mambo built earlier this season yeah oh but there is a jungle here though oh yeah I think this area here would be absolutely perfect by the way I'm so I'm so glad I'm so glad we have fire take turn off I think this area this is right behind so mumbles chorus fruit thing is right over there I'm not sure what that island is over there is that a someone's built a boat there and someone has lived here doesn't look like someone lives here anymore though because oh my goodness the jungle biome is just so gorgeous just so gorgeous this little area down here would also be good I guess I just have to take a decision this area here yeah this area with the jungle temple is what I've decided upon and now what I need to do is to clear all of these trees I I mean I just bought myself a lot of jungle trees but I'll be honest I didn't expect even though this is very very close to my original glacial base I think that's right over there I didn't expect this to be a jungle here I didn't expect that but one thing that I will need for this project is a beacon and I don't know where all of my bankers have gone I thought I'd check in my glacial base just because we're so close to it before I decided to head over to the wither skeleton farm and I'm right yeah we are very very close to here very close to the science lab I like this thing I really like this thing I do really like this place and there are times when I miss it but I'm still glad that we moved because I think my new base is absolutely awesome now the question is do I have any beakers anywhere I'm sure at some some part some point somewhere in the world is a massive storage of beacons that I've left behind somewhere I'm sure of it that being said I did sell 100 peak is the cup thought at one point so maybe not so after bunch of searching I managed to find myself one beacon in my starter base and now I'm just starting this project by setting up a beacon because I got a lot a lot of clearing to do I gotta be honest I thought that a third party third person time-lapse yes I did it third person time-lapse no one can say that I didn't anyway I thought that a third person time-lapse of this progression would look really really epic because at the end of the day I had to clean out half a jungle biome or or a big chunk of a jungle biome and remove all the trees but because of leaf decay and all that sort of stuff we're looking at here from this perspective it takes quite a long time and this is compressed down from like three hours of footage it takes quite a long time before any progression is seen and it's a little bit weird and it makes me makes me wonder or Mojang ever going to change leaf decay in Minecraft and make it like quicker like in modern Minecraft because the modded minecraft chopping down trees is really really satisfying but anyway yeah it doesn't it doesn't look super super epic so I decided to narrow down the the time-lapse instead and make it shorter but as you can see I am clearly in this view getting quite a lot of the jungle gone all of this was filled with trees and I also took down this jungle temple completely or pie-eyed I hid it underground I paste paste it over it but anyway let's get back on the server I'm not gonna like this this has taken me three hours it's it's absolutely ridiculous it doesn't even it doesn't even look like I've cleared that much of the jungle to be honest with you it's quite like there's a massive amount left that I'm not that I don't want to destroy because I want to have this jungle backdrop for this build but clearing down trees is it's just it's just been a chore it's been a chore jungle wood from rim I mean refunds please anyway now that I've got a little bit of space again it it really doesn't look much does it it really doesn't look much but with a little bit of space I can now finally start to do some of the building required in this project so what I'm thinking is we're gonna go with a stone brick foundation coming off this ledge here one thing I've really wish banila minecraft had in terms of blocks will be a smaller brick kind of like the brick brick like a clay brick the brick brick brick yeah kind of like that but with stone it would be amazing or with under sight so I just realized with this foundation being put up that I still have to clear quite a bit more land for me to get an actual platform to start building the resort itself oh yes this has to come down to this level and yeah I got quite a bit of a mound here and then all the way over there I think I may want to keep this little general area here though and make some sort of some sort of difference and hike up for the resource box to do a lot of landscaping later and this is what we have got so now I'm starting to feel like we have enough space I removed the angle that I had here originally because it was simply not simply not enough space space is an issue and I don't want to I don't want to chop down more trees I mean can you blame me I team trees right I don't want to be chopping down more trees I want them to be beautifully in the background so the core concept of this resort is to provide their living Hermits in the demise game with a safe haven a place where they can go and just feel safe and pay for it and during their stay I also want to provide the Hermits with some sort of entertainment possibly could be something that they may have to spend diamonds on but but like I said that the main purpose is for the Hermits in the demise game to feel sort of protected the more I work on this project the more I realized how much of a mega project this actually is because I've got a build I basically have to build smaller hotel there has to be different rooms there has to be entertainment there has to be all of them all of these things and above all it's gonna look good it's got to look good because otherwise we aren't gonna we're gonna attract the people to come and stay here but I think I got a good start so we are gonna have some sort of white outline because I really do like white concrete builds and next to like nature builds and next to or mixed in with some stone and then we're gonna try and use the jungle wood which I'm not I'm not the biggest fan of this bloke I'm not gonna lie a lot the biggest part of this block and up here this is gonna be tricky isn't it but up here I'm planning on having the sword of rooms or apartments in this hotel compound I may want to use quite a bit of glass here mixed in as well oh my goodness I was so close to dying and I wasn't recording but these pillager spawned and I was looking at my inventory in my chest and organizing my stuff and got shot and it was very bad it was very very bad that's that's really scary I've been living too long on my island and I've completely forgot about these dudes but obviously yeah that their their big threat to demise because they just spawned don't they they just randomly spawn here's another problem with the jungle biome this has now happened like three times luckily I've got my volume way up so that I could hear footsteps and what in the is that it's this dude part of the old yeah he must be part of the old wait I heard am I getting paranoid here first like I just heard that bow being pulled after he died anyway yeah it may be a little bit of a tricky thing to protect the resort members now how does this look pretty pretty pretty pretty weird I think we could all agree it looks pretty weird but this is what's going to be the hotel part of this resort I'm then planning on having another building over here and then maybe possibly having some sort of exit and walk way up to that little platform there and then in front of this I want to fit a pool now the problem is that I want individual rooms for each Hermits and I want those rooms to be up here on possibly this level not gonna be able to fit a lot of apartments here am I on the other hand though realistically what would you actually require in one of these resort rooms I mean you need a bed maybe a chest that's pretty much it right I mean you're not supposed to be in your room possibly out by the pool or down at the beach and having fun or or down at the the casino yeah we're totally gonna have a casino at the resort Corrales is gonna love it with that we can fit one two three four five six rooms in this resort that's not bad now I have to figure out how I can make this look good as well I'm planning on having this segment here be a wall and I was thinking that maybe we can mix in some logs here it may not look the greatest Oh with the jungle would I quit like that I quite like that actually this is actually working out very well so for the interiors we're gonna have a bed that we provide a little bit of storage a crafting table and then I think for lighting um yeah lighting is my thing is maybe a bit of a problem here maybe if I put a sea lantern a double sea lantern up here is that going to be safe I mean safety is super important so that's an 8 right in that corner but eight doesn't spawn mobs right it's seven I hope that spawned some hopes because that is actually fully safe so then all we need is a door I'll put the door like that and then we have a button on this side and when I have a button on this side and it looks a bit it looks a bit empty it looks a bit cold to be honest with specifically with the cyan cyan clay as the walls maybe I should have gone with an oak wall that does look a lot warmer doesn't it yeah I I quite like that I'm gonna go ahead and change that and maybe I should even bring this ceiling down and yeah now it looks a lot more homely okay homely it's not the right word because it still looks very empty but I was thinking that maybe we provide the the habitants the people who live here the opportunity to decorate their own room in the resort so they can put up paintings a flowerpot I mean there isn't a whole lot of space but like I said earlier you're not supposed to be in your room at the resort it's supposed to be outside by the beach or or the casino and speaking about the outside my main concern for the size of this resort is the fact that I want to fit a pool in fact I wanna fit like a really big pool right outside here and I don't usually build pools and stuff like that in Minecraft so for me this may be a little bit of a challenge but if I say that that is going to be the size of the pool that gives us a walkway on this side and it gives us enough space inside here yeah I honestly think that's probably spot on and maybe oh no you know what that gives this walkway there as well so that I want three blocks here my goodness did I just did I just bring it absolutely perfectly I think I did and then for the pool side we're gonna use one of my least favorite blocks in Minecraft which is these turtle blocks whatever they're called prismarine breaks I really don't like these I I don't understand the texture but I think they will look good for a pool and they have a really nice color to them and then we can mix in because we want this whole thing to be very bright and seal and there's obviously goals very well would sit with prismarine bricks I think this can turn out good yeah I think this can can turn out well by I hope it will turn her good for the floor of the pool I would really like to use these blocks the dark Christina I think this block is a really good looking good looking block that I also never use and that is because of the recipe which I don't actually know by heart dark prismarine how do you make these yeah it's the ink sac okay oh no I still have bad omen what am i doing I just created a raid at Sahara oh no no no no no no no no no no no I'm an idiot how do i what do i do what do i do you this is scary but they're gonna come in here they're sweating eh I wonder if I could just look them in here I think Raiders only spawn on grass blocks right and Sahara is it doesn't have a lot of grass blocks around and by the way I it should address the fact that in the last episode when I was looking at the gravel there was one box that wasn't two stacks of gravel and that was actually a manually loaded box by me and I had the correct box down in my inventory so I realized that afterwards and I actually fixed it but yeah thank you ever so much to everybody who pointed that out I really don't understand how raids work I can't see to see any of them but hopefully hopefully the villagers are safe they've gotta be around this mountain somewhere hopefully the villagers are safe now that I've locked the door and maybe this raid will just go away anyway I'm just gonna leave it I'm gonna leave it I I'm too scared to fight them at this point in time after many hours the resort is finally coming together and I've switched into a more suitable attire for the resort and it's time to try the pool out yep it works I mean what was I expecting there I'm not entirely sure I'll be the first to admit that I definitely need some more time in the Sun I mean this season of hermitcraft I've been spending inside buildings although over ground which is not which is not standard for me but yeah I do I do need a little bit more Sun don't I but this bill is really coming together I got all of the rooms in the hotel completely done and I do think it looks really good from the outside I mean I'm not a big fan of jungle wood but I actually think it works here and I also added a wooden decking over on this side because it makes more sense because we're underneath the sort of ceiling or roof whatever we also need to light this entire place up but I think I want to have some sort of border in terms of glass going along this foundation line here all the way around and kind of framing everything in the staircase we're going down is probably gonna be here now we're in a jungle biome here so I definitely want to save some of the grass but I want to make it more contained and I also really feel like this build will surely or truly come alive once we start using some of the bushes start like if we invigorating the fact we're in a jungle biome because right now we could theoretically be in any bomb I mean it's very very very empty because I've taken everything down so this is definitely something I want to continue adding on to this build and I've just got another idea maybe we will add some palm trees and stuff up here as well because nothing says safe as much as a palm tree right it doesn't make any sense that doesn't make any sense at all and building palm trees is just the worst I'm really bad at it this is something that I should get scar to do for me how about this thing here as a bit of a feature I think that looks pretty good I think that looks pretty good maybe I'll use another stair block there instead of that instead of the and er sites there maybe I'll use a Polish down there sites there but all in all I I'm liking this I'm liking this slowly but surely starting to feel like a welcoming safe resort which is the whole goal of this now obviously we got a lot of stuff to do I want to make in a check-in desk in there I want to make some sort of maybe a food restaurant thing over there where everyone who's a part of the resort gets to eat through free food and it will probably be golden carrots because nothing beats : carrots I was also thinking of a service where we can give a gold armor because yeah we look so fancy us us alive people who are wearing gold right but one of the main things that I need to get done is the casino because I do think of having a casino is gonna attract some Hermits corrales [Laughter] [Laughter] anyway as I'll say there's a lot left to do and we're gonna have to continue this in the next episode because this project has taken me two days so far clearing everything out getting the materials but look at it it is truly coming together I'm really really excited to finish this if you have any idea of how we should get other Hermits here and what we should charge them please do leave me down that down below in the comments and I will be browsing through the comments of this video as much as I can because at the moment yeah we have a resort or we have started getting a resort which by the way in night time oh my goodness this place looks amazing look at that look at that view that's my thumbnail right there yeah we we have this but we need to get people to want to come here so the casino is definitely gonna help food supply is definitely gonna help but how do we market this how do we make sure that no dead people find out about this area I'm not entirely sure but anyway as I said that's gonna do it for today if you did enjoy the video make sure to hit the like button down below and if you're brand new consider subscribing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 499,064
Rating: 4.9587522 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, demise resort hermitcraft, demise game hermitcraft, hermitcraft demise game, hermitcraft undead game, hermitcraft demise, resort in minecraft, minecraft resort, minecraft resort build, minecraft beach resort build
Id: aEuYDitKMmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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