HermitCraft 6: 153 | HARDCORE Changes EVERYTHING!

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Can we all agree to refer to demise iskall as batskall?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/optimisticpsychic 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft season six as you can hear my voice has become worse since the last episode so in case you didn't know the reason I haven't had that many videos lately is because I've been very ill em I am still I'm still very ill it's just a cold but just a cold for you tuber is pretty harsh because of the fact that it affects my voice as you can hear hopefully that explains if I sound a little bit rusty like literally I feel like my voice it's very but anyway today we're starting things off out in hermit will once again and I have done some more work on this machine since the last episode and this is the beginning of Sahara fuel this is where I want Hermits to be able to come to order rockets golden carrots and XP yeah XP portals and since the last episode I've added a pulse extender that makes it so that it sends exactly the amount of items that I want every time something is triggered and with that the redstone part of this is pretty much done I've also added the architect ladder TM where we can go and we can restock every single module of this individually so the bottom one here is going to be rockets we simply put rockets in this thing here these lights will tell us if there are if the system is completely full of rockets and yeah as you can see that chest goes into these hoppers and then into these droppers now in order for the lights to turn on a lot of rockets needs to be inserted because it needs to fill up that topper that dropper that dropper and that rubber up there but it also needs to fill up all of these hoppers in essence what I want is a system that we don't have to stock that often I want the system that holds a lot of items so yeah that is what this does the only problem is I need to craft a lot of rockets to fill it and the start of today I want to finish the build around this place over here but before we do that I have been told by hundreds of people to visit ooh look at that there's still just can I can I can I pick this up oh hello can I pick can i pick this thing up and play oh I got it yes I feel at this point in time this game has been up for so long I should be allowed to use one treasure token and how does this work I don't wanna have to read the book deposit Ian's agates okay cool so I throw that in there mumbo boost on some lights and stuff I like it I think that sound meant that no good we did if we didn't actually get anything there are a lot of our diamonds left in here still people need to continue to play the treasure hunt anyway I got a bit sidetracked they're not gonna lie but I've been told by hundreds of people that there is a thing that I need to sign up to and that thing is represented by a very very scary hand of death looks of things yeah that's like a classic hand of death that looks really really creepy really creepy new hermit event demise I'm not gonna lie I I had to google what demise meant and now I know it's it's it's yeah that's basically right this is what it's like to be Swedish by the way you have to Google things to understand new hermit events stars 15th of October noon GMT by the time of recording this has not yet been I realized that by the time the videos out this is gonna have past demise this is a new game where the goal is simple don't die you think I'm brand new and on that note I'm gonna sleep in the bed pay fifty diamonds wow that's a lot of diamonds add your name to the list and then proceed to live as long as you can in Minecraft there's a catch though if you die you lose but you're not out of the game if you die you join the dead team my voice is perfect for such a scary voice right now is there a dead team that's that's that's great it's perfect for that during my cold and must change your skin to be a monochrome or dead you or or that period okay your new goal as part of the dead school is simple you must help the people who are still alive to not live anymore that's a funny way that's a funny way to say that they need to die however there is no PvP allowed so you must think of other ways traps to help live their life fold everything else is up to you some final points this game is dangerous and you may lose your items you must be ok with this when you sign up god armor makes this game difficult so when you sign up please take some armor from the chests provided you can enchant them in any way you please if you die to a bug the death does not count everyone starts alive the Dead may team up if they want to they're lime a team up if they want to go about your daily business as usual if you die when you are not recording record a funny and rendition of it to show in your video good luck and stay alive Korean if you win you win all the Diamonds extra points totems of undying or allowed minigame deaths counts as deaths in this game my goodness okay so I'm not allowed to wear my beautiful Swedish god armor I mean I'm definitely gonna take part in this and it looks like a lot of other Herbert's has also taken part it's Cal 85 there are a lot of Hermits it looks like most of the people on the server are part of this that's good I can possibly become the richest hermit on hermitcraft if I win this but then there's scar so I'm not sure okay so I'm not allowed to wear this armor I need to wear this armor here okay is that grandma is that granny leg it's known as iron leggings I am considering right now to only wear boots like in all seriousness the number one death for me is fall damage not necessarily not necessarily anything else and just having said that I'm a little bit scared now I'm assuming fully that we are allowed to use analyte right didn't say anything about not being able to use an electron but I need to enchant these boots to have feather falling so now that we've signed up to the demise game I need to wait slightly with making my builder we're definitely gonna get back to that in a minute but first things first I'm no longer allowed to wear my cod armor and therefore I am now walking around very scaly I I didn't even want to fly back to hermit V because I desperately need feather falling on these boots before I do anything I know myself all too well and now that I'm not allowed to die well there is a lot of a lot of snake into this this does give me the possibility to look like this for the next foreseeable future until I die Oh [Laughter] Mr P I wonder what other heads would look really funny to where I am Batman I don't know this one looks really scary I guess that's a good thing when being alive I look kind of demonic and doomed anyway bad news I have no enchantment books and stuff over at this place so I need to very carefully make my way to my Island and I'm not eating I'm not even going to ender pearl up this tower I'm going to climb it and I don't think I've ever used ladders to get up here who did this this changes everything and usually when I get back from hermit will I will fly I will fly over the lava and everything is fine however I'm now gonna use this thing long queue down jump in and hopefully there's no trap on the way oh that's another thing once people start dying we gonna we're gonna have to expect traps everywhere this is gonna be so scary I'm not gonna be able to use any public transportations I don't think if a lot of people are dead I would assume that the first thing you trap is the public transportations okay I'm not gonna lie I'm super super excited about this event is this gonna be so much fun everything seems so much larger when you have to walk around you can't just fly to the places our base feels Megan traveling back here has made me realize that this is really dumb wearing just the boots is gonna be very dumb so I think what I want to do is at least try and have protection enough to survive one creeper blast and I just realized I can't waver I just played on I am I'm an idiot I was gonna do like a Swedish thing with a yellow chestplate and blue leather pants but I can't do that because I need my life now so this is probably gonna be my attire that gives me 2 armor points that's not great I want blast resistance oh yes I do have feather falling for okay beer trees so you my dude can go back and I will then order beer trees oh I am that you don't realize how powerful these things hard until the day where you actually need them now I feel that it's important to be a little bit smart with the enchantment because we can't have very many enchantment specifically now that I'm wearing a bats head and I'm sacrificing the the heads possibilities for enchantment so we're gonna go blast protection on the leggings and I've chosen to go fire protection on the boots projectile protection would have been nice but this is also very useful just using my guardian farm is a little bit scary with the thorns in consideration look at my hearts demise pants so there we go I think I think that it's what I'm gonna go with yes hello I'm getting young I come up with this demise game but everybody must survive I like the bat head better so had a change of heart I've decided that my boots are going to have protection for instead of fire protection I think that that is better overall I'm still gonna keep the blast protection on my heart I didn't name them for goodness sake I'm still gonna keep the blast protection on my demise pants though because creeper explosions are gonna be super scary but that's pretty much it I feel well I it's a lie to say that I feel confident because I feel super scared in general about about everything right now but that's as good as it gets as long as I want to take the risk of wearing up custom head which I totally want to do I mean look at me I'm a bap but with that done we are going to head back to hermit villa and I sigh because yeah like I said I'm scared I'm scared about everything right now I mean a whole new dimension to Minecraft if you're not being able to take off is scary now don't forget we've been wearing God armor for a very long time and I'm kind of accustomed to the risks you can take with god armor which is you can take a lot of risks so yeah I I hope I don't dirt and mess this one up I have a feeling that everything is gonna be just a little bit slower just a little bit slower during this event of demise big is yeah just take your risks even like that jump I like to jump there is a bit risky and old my goodness okay it's getting nighttime I am NOT going to risk anything during nighttime let's rush back to sleep so I'll admit I didn't realize that this part would take so long but now that we have all of this we can finally get to work whoa okay I'm gonna I'm gonna be jump scared to do anything anyway as I was saying we can finally get to work to finish suhara fuel here in her materials so I think it's time for a third-person time-lapse I mean today's third-person time-lapse I am going to take some time and talk to you all a little bit about fun craft now a week ago or two weeks ago or so before I got ill or before I got my cold flu whatever this whatever this is I post a video here on my youtube channel showing off my brand new mod pack that I've been creating over the past few months or so with my development team and after that I went live with the series and it is a stream only series and tonight after this video is posted just a few hours after I'm going to play some more fun craft I'm actually up to six episodes already I think it's the seventh episode today I'm have a lot of fun with it it is different because obviously it is a live-streamed thing there's no cutting there's no retakes it's just raw it's called playing Minecraft but I'm having so much fun and I was hoping that some of you would come and check it out there haven't seen it in the past and maybe more that minecraft isn't anything for you but fun craft is very very different it's not like super super standard bog standard modern minecraft it's more like enhanced minecraft yeah I want to call it enhanced minecraft that I'm having so much fun playing on there that yeah I just hope that you guys who are maybe a little bit interested in it do catch it tonight in tonight's dream and if you did go ahead and say hashtag stream sniped Sahara fuel at this petrol gauge you can gain XP gain rockets and gain food to use the system select the option you want to purchase several options are possible at once using the levers these levers once the service is active redstone lamp lit press the central button to receive your order this button cost is one diamond per service and usage pay in the chest happy refueling nice I think that that makes this completely completed yeah and I don't know how visible this was in the time-lapse but I did make a little bit of a logo here with this a horror sign and I think personally that that looks really really cool and sort of petrol garages Garrett G Carrie Chee yeah Garrett G if there's anything I would want to change is I would like to have lower this with two blocks but I do think that it is kind of cool you can fly through it and that's half of the idea as well and I think we should give this a test because I have put Rockets in grab that I have not put rockets in I will put rockets in okay so let's give this a test if Rockets are lit and I have 31 bucks let's throw them on the floor because I'm actually curious I should be getting two stacks from this if I've mapped this correctly and oh that is that is just a beaut and I got exactly two stacks nice now that is a success I'm sorry I'm I'm getting very very very very into character with this bat head maybe I should add some note blocks to the whole clock though the only problem with that is that the clock that runs is all the way down here for the note block so I wonder what we can make possible in terms of what's heard if I place them all the way down here I have a theory that we are not gonna hear them but you never know if there's a test oh you can't hear them okay okay I like that yeah I like that five flick all of these and then we've run it through that is an amazing sound absolutely amazing sound I love it now you may have noticed that I'm walking around with a toad more fun dyeing exumai selling these at 10 diamonds each and I think if I hold it in my hand if I do take fatal damage I do survive and that wasn't against the rules so I'm definitely gonna do that specifically considering that I happen to have quite a few of these I have a total of six of them and the funny story about these is that I got all of these when we were securing hermit ville right when we moved in and that's what when I got all of these pillager heads I have never bought one of these and personally I think the ten diamonds each is a little bit on the steep side so hopefully I don't go through more than five of them it does also look a little bit weird to keep it into a fan but I I really don't want to die I really don't wanna die I want to try and win this thing I'm very proud of this little petrol gauge I think it's really cool we do have one little problem though and that is these bottle o enchanting or bottle o XP I don't actually have any income for these and I think the only way to get them is to trade with a cleric villager I think so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pack up my stuff and then we're gonna head back all the way back to my island and we're gonna have to do a little bit of researching and I'm thinking that eventually we'll probably need a bit of a farm to get them I'm not entirely sure now for this bottle of it and chanting we're gonna need the clerics and the only time I've used Kirk's in the past to my memory is to get the rotten flesh trade so you trade rotten flesh for is this thing no longer working oh I think it's out of mine cards actually the lower near to run out of iron but I am using a lot of it a lot of the time so eventually we will probably need to make an art form but that should work hopefully Rodriguez you should get some fresh meat yep okay so that's still working and then we can remove this thing and a cleric will need a brewing stance so order a cleric or order a villager I really hope everything here is still working it should be though takes a long time for him to pick his profession I'm going to try and put a slab on top of this to prevent his path finding possibilities to other pys and see if that increases the speed but there we go Rodriguez is still working as intended that should splash him and yes okay everything is still working I don't know why I'm so surprised about that because in theory I mean I haven't made any changes so I'm not entirely sure at what level we can trade for below and chanting but he does have some interesting traits up until that one gold ingot from one emerald is not terrible if you have a really good gold form oh that's right I forgot about that these guys are the guys to sell glowstone and with with this whole infestation thing that's not terrible either and then apparently he's interested in rabbit feeds are there we go yes final trained trades one emerald for one bottle oh that is a bit of a horse trade I wonder how many bones so enchanting it would take to repair an alight Rafale so over at my creative test world if I run this command here I should get an Elisha that has one point of durability left or two points of durability okay I can't actually get it to be closer one point the durability equals dead okay so let's just use this one as an example and then we enchant this one with mending we don't actually need to enchant it with them breaking it doesn't increase the durability but let's do that anyway and now let's see how many bottles and chanting it takes to repair it fully and the reason I'm testing this with an Electra is because of cup fan and I feel like that needs a little bit of explaining is it cop furnace built this XP me shop which is brilliant it's an absolute genius idea and the horror fuel is using his technology with polymer and chanting to Sall pretty much the same thing so I want to make sure that we are pricing ourself at the similar similar pricing that he's pricing because he's starting one diamond perlite or repair anyway I got to put myself in survival mode and then yeah I guess we just equipped this and then test this out so one below enchanting gives it that much durability okay 32 bottles gives us almost a fully repaired Alijah okay so I think in terms of pricing I am currently pricing two stacks upon low enchanting two stacks one diamond that is way too cheap way too cheap so 33 is gonna repair the Alijah completely so in theory using the exact same timings and exact same clock I should need two dispensers instead of eight right because I want to send 32 bonds so enchanting but I'm gonna test that out so I have the exact same circuits and timings that I have on her me craft here and this should pulse these droppers in this case and put the items in the chests and hopefully we end up with exactly 32 in the chest uh no forty if I change the timings up here slightly I would change everything though but that would give me 38 this smaller or the weaker this redstone signal is the lesser amount of items I get but I think 40 is fine 40 is it's okay definitely repairs your lighter completely and in terms of other things I wonder I actually wonder how that would do with a diamond sword for example I mean why not just test it so I got a diamond sword that is very very damaged it has one durability now press this button and just stand here and I guess I guess the experience is being shot till over here okay so that repaired it yeah around 500 durability I think I think that's pretty generous repair wise for just one diamond that would mean that it cost about three diamonds to repair your pickaxe on the fly out in the open that's a pretty good pretty good price back on the home craft server I don't know what it takes to do what I want to do however I still need a lot of clerics for this so that's gonna be what I will be doing for the foreseeable future I've now got two of these over here we still don't really have any emerald income so that's gonna be something that I want to focus on in the future as well so fairly quickly we can trade some below enchanting given that we have a handful of Carrick's and i may want to put them up like I did with the Sahara workers I may even want to put them over at Sahara to be fair and and call this just a test station I'm not entirely sure but the the the main point is that Sahara fuel is fully functioning I'm gonna spend some time in between episodes to stock it up and hopefully hopefully hopefully I don't die because seriously this demise game changes everything now that we're playing more or less in hardcore because obviously I want to try and win this thing then we gotta be we gotta be very careful we have to be really really careful with what we do anyway that's gonna do it for today I hope that you all have enjoyed this episode if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new cuz it subscribing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 498,210
Rating: 4.9684019 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, hermitcraft minigame, hermitcraft demise, hermitcraft hardcore, hermitcraft grian mini game, minigame hermitcraft, hardcore mode minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, sahara fuel, sahara fuel hermitcraft, iskall sahara
Id: -0QgvZ4KQ6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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