HermitCraft 6: 149 | The B-MYSTERY SHOP!

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hermie craft season 6 today we got a little bit of a mystery to solve last episode we found this book in the B double O challenge house and just to bring you back to speed the book starts with dearly beloved which is fantastic I feel beloved I have never been cold before but the main thing with this book is this section here meet me at the Old Town Road at sunup on the first day of the next solar plexus if you're interesting in hearing my proposal yeah III still haven't figured out at all what that means it could literally just be a normal spot on some old town road in new hermit Ville I'm not entirely sure but I am excited to figure it out and hopefully meet up with B dubs and see what kind of proposal he has I'm a little bit nervous I'm a little bit nervous as well I'm not gonna lie but before we do that I thought that we'd start off today's episode with trying to finish up or at least get further ahead with the design of the ultimate restocking room of doom I keep coming up with the best names ever don't I and I thought we'd do this in the form of a third-person time-lapse and in today's time-lapse I want to tell you all that I am about to head out to Nashville I'm going to Minecon to participate in the hermit craft Minecon panel of doom together with mumbo jumbo stress monster full symmetry and good times with Skaar it's gonna be a fantastic time and I'm really really excited and really happy that mo yang wanted us once again to participate and of course that's gonna be aired on Saturday this this coming Saturday I believe its 27th or something like that I probably messed up that date but this coming Saturday it's gonna be aired on minecraft.net I believe so do go and check it out they it's it's right after I think it's posted right after the Minecon live show and last time last time we were there it was just it was the greatest but of course that means that I don't have a lot of time for videos because I'm flying to the US and I'm gonna be gone for five six days plus jet lag so I'm trying to get this video done and I'm trying to get hopefully maybe even one more video done before I leave but I'm not promising anything so if the video production slows down this coming week you know why and it's it's definitely not because I don't want to play hermit craft okay it's quite frankly I can't get enough of this server hi I absolutely love playing on this server I love hanging out with all of the other Hermits and doing crazy stuff with Sahara and doing crazy stuff in general you guys know me so yeah it will be a bit slower with videos this this week this is looking really cool I'm so glad I did this I mean it's a lot of concrete don't get me wrong but it's really completed this room and I decided to put up a white wall here and then once we need to add more of these modules we simply expand this way but I didn't want the stone and the hoppers to be visible so I decided to do it this way and I gotta say this feels very Sahar esque and the more I look at this thing the more like it it looks like one of those Liberatore things we're down here we do tests on the greens and up there we we watch what happens when we throw them buttons I'm sorry agree head I'm definitely gonna do more things with lights and counting inventories because I don't know it's just one of those things that really really excites me and I'm really inspired to try and do something with possibly my own diamonds in the near future but we're gonna move out of Sahara for now because betta blow has low done and I thought this is a good time to try and figure out this I made my way over to new hermit Ville and just to remind you we gotta find something called Old Town Road I don't know if this is just a joke or if this is actually if this is actually a thing has he named these roads I'm really liking how this is coming together but there is no science I mean they do have kind of wrote system but there are no signs anywhere saying anything oh oh okay now hold on Market Street Alton Road Alton Road hold on so the old town road seems to start right here and it leads down this way and that that there is a son I'm assuming a moon maybe and a son so it says meet me at the old town road at sunup on the first day of the next solar plexus III really don't get the whole solar plexus thing I don't understand that but I guess we press this button [Laughter] that's that's what you mean with the solar plexus you keep you punched it's like you took my breath away okay I I approve I yeah good I think yeah probably had it coming I mean you and I can both agree I joke with you but diorite is disgusting and to see that that gone you did a beautiful job but that house gone is a dream to be that makes me yeah so good yeah I should I should probably finish the finish the job here I got a job yeah touch touch pick all that that's underground all right that's my sales tax efficiency fire pickaxe and here York is it yeah it has now been died ratified we gotta burn it what can't keep can't keep that in my hand can't keep that in my hand oh my gosh I couldn't you I needed that so I could it has touched our eyes fine yeah you ever do a pickaxe extra cuz I I do its silk touch but I'm a little nervous about it I got a backup I got a backup don't you worry you've got fantastic job the TV looks great this is the proposal that I have for you and like I said not marriage not marriage that I got a bit disappointed that I'm not gonna lie I dearest beloved like no one's smoking with me to meet like that before I know I know well we just started you know we just started playing together give it some time in a few months so you you gave me the challenge the challenge of building this place and you know it's not the perfect house but the fact that you rewarded me with the 50 diamonds is so honorable and so kind so yeah that's exactly why I did it to me that's like a half off Sahara now membership right exactly yeah exactly yeah yeah in a way which I love by the way I'm the Sahara now it's a Hara unbelievable I love it I was over there shopping the other day and it's so good oh thank you I love the shop so much that I was hoping to kind of turn this place you know this is not I would never dare compete with you never okay never never but out here you know out here this far away very far away very far very remote yeah super remote and there's a few peddlers from time to time there's thinking oh man I wish I could make a sticky piston here yes uh-huh so I'm thinking these 50 diamonds you can keep them okay if what do you think about hooking me up with some function in here like an actual is it dark outside now we're good we're good oh okay okay okay with some actual function like an actual shop situation so like somebody comes in they're like oh I watch slime I will I will boom boom and you know how you do how you do your cool stuff were you hit like you go and you hit the button I push this there's this it goes into thing and things come around and ding I see yeah so not just the chest put diamonds in take time and take items out right no no that would be easy but that's just two blocks is that worth 50 diamonds to you I mean there isn't a whole lot of space to fit anything magnificant magnificent in here but I I'm dude yeah I'll take on the challenge I like a challenge let's go with magnificant i magnificant yes can I have my logo on the wall of the shop that I'm going to construct I got a I got a frame here that we could pop it in we could just get kind of a look because for me you know function and profits and all that not a big deal to me aesthetic okay static is big what about pop it right there yes so here's here's the profit projections the profit projections oh and this would be the logo I think I think it looks really good there that is nice I accept that deal this works out perfect do you want the diamonds now no this is gonna be a challenge though am I allowed to change any interior walls or do I have to keep it this way yeah yeah you can move them a little bit yeah you can move them a little bit that's okay you're gonna need silk touch to move this clay though smart aleck okay alright what's the time frame on this um you have one week okay okay okay okay I can do that thank you for the challenge and I shall be in contact so beatable Oh wants us to take this tiny tiny house and turn into a slime shop that is not just an ordinary shop but it's actually a little bit of a cool experience for the customer I like a challenge but I gotta say this space is absolutely tiny I'm gonna have to come up with something a little bit special now he didn't say anything about quantities per diamonds or anything like that so I think I have a little bit of free range with that but yeah I gotta think about this one I mean to be fair I have my chance of getting my 50 diamonds back and of keeping a Sahara marketing thing out here in new hermit will and who knows maybe this place becomes super popular and and a lot of things comes up here and then early marketing is gonna prove valuable now I want to focus on the cool factor of this shop so I want to try and make a little bit of a unique payment system the first thing I do here and I just want to try something that I think works if I put a hopper with a cauldron on top if I drop something in that : yeah it gets sucked up by that hopper that is really really cool I so wish that this was better condition right now I don't know I I don't usually say that because I absolutely love the job addition I think most of the things is better in Java than bedrock but there is one thing that you can do in bedrock that would be super cool for this here this is a little bit weird but I've just started up bedrock minecraft and started a creative world oh my goodness and I start by being on fire my sensitivity is horrible there we go that's a lot better oh wow I traveled super quick this feels if it's very different from Johanna edition anyway here is what I wish we had in Java oh no it's it's in Swedish and the whole thing is in Swedish isn't it how do I change that I don't know what it's called in Swedish and I'm Steeve look at me I'm Steven I don't know how to change the language I have no idea I'm just gonna have to browse through and find a cauldron okay Keaton absolutely okay so what I think you can do is this yep look at that you can fill a cauldron with any potion in bedrock minecraft and I gotta say it's really weird to move up and down it goes very quick apparently the grass has different colour as well but this if I could do this in bedrock or in Java that would be so cool for payment system for a slime shop wouldn't it what would a hopper be called I'm intrigued now okay so I'm just want to see is this still a thing so if I drop that in there that's picked up by the hopper oh I still want that function with it with the green potions with the scallion inside a cauldron that looks absolutely amazing anyway I better get back on the hermit craft server that was a really weird experience but I've got to be back in the Java version we're gonna do this regardless of not being able to fill a potion in the cauldron so I think that's gonna be our payment system and I'm assuming that this is sort of the shop front where you come in so if this is the shop front where would I want to have a payment system or the whole shopping may be it right here so how hard would it be to hit that pretty easy if I just make sure to throw it in it and we're gonna sort out the diamonds so the very first thing I need to do is an item filter and if it's not a diamond that you put in the system I'd like it to just pop up right back where you're standing yeah it should also count it it should do it should do one diamond at a time okay so I think I've done the filtering it correct so if I throw in stone is supposedly diamonds that should go and not be shot back but if I throw anything else in like dirt or this or that or the golden carrot I actually missed with should come out here in theory ah there's my problem I use dirt for filtering so I can't use that right so here we go again throwing a golden carrot which is not the correct item we should get it back here yep nice okay so the system spits out anything but whatever we filter which is obviously gonna be diamonds that's step one complete the hard part with this is going to be to count the diamonds so if I throw in a stack of diamonds I would like it to give you slime balls or slime blocks or whatever he wants to sell here equivalent of a stack of diamonds and that's gonna be a little bit tricky so I need some kind of look to look the input hoppers here and I then need to do something with that signal and this make it complicated so I think for the output it would be really cool to repurpose this well into a thing that shoots out the items yeah I think I think that would be really cool that should be that should be fairly simple yeah that should be doable I've now spent one hour on trying to separate the items coming in but I think this little circuit here actually does that I had to extend this so I had to take down all the item filters and all that stuff that I did but this is pretty cool so if we throw in let's say for stone in the input cauldron we're gonna get one passing by and then the next one and then the next one etc etc etc so the items are now slowed down long enough for me to take care of each time and individually that's that's gonna be super important I realize now that I explained it it doesn't make any sense but it will once I add the next module which is going to be a pulse extended clock that shoots up maybe 10 15 items in this a slimeballs per diamond I don't know what papi Diablo wanted to well I wanted to price these things out so I'm just gonna wing it this is going to be the clock that determined how many items get shot out to the customer per purchase and I have that on a pulse extender depending on how slow we make this cloak the fewer items that the customer we gets all I should have to do now is link this wire up to that stone brick there okay so then if I try and stock this with slime blocks I'm not sure if that is solid blocks above there but in theory this should be working let's start with one so we get one slime block let's give this a test again our correct item sent in one two I have 11 on me that's not 15 is it it's yeah that's not bad I'd say that's not bad at all we got seven slime blocks per diamond in this case so that would mean that's actually a very good price one diamond almost per slime ball stack of slime balls yeah that's that's not bad now I want to see what happens if I throw in three stone and this should in theory give me 21 over a period of time that's my first seven here comes my second seven hopefully yeah and oh that is so cool it's actually counted correctly and again if I throw in the wrong item that should just plop right back up where we're standing and we can put a brown carpet over this yep is also I've also fitted a restock chest for B table here so this is where he would put the slime balls back but this is pretty much done that is pretty much done of course if he wants to adjust the price or the amount of slime blocks or whatever he wants to sell here he can just alter this this repeater the slower this repeater up to three takes I think the lesser items we get it's definitely over-engineered definitely over-engineered oh I should probably take care of his diamond chest as well and I've just discovered that there's a little bit of space behind this bamboo so I think what I'll do Oh sake yeah I definitely have to fix the floor as I was saying I think what I will do is take this barrel and put it behind that bamboo just like that and then I'm gonna see if I can wire the Diamonds that he earns back up to this chest that would be that would be really really cool I think everybody who has interest in redstone can agree that observers are just so good I think this this link here will work I haven't tried it out yet though I also need to connect this up to this so this is our item filter and if I have those two hoppers there that's actually my last hoppers I've used like 27 or percent that's a horribly over-engineer okay that's just that's just what we do but that being said let's try this out so stone or diamonds and I'm purchasing let's say three things as a customer I should get my goods over there we've already tried that out and that's where I can find and then beat up loads should get his payment over here so that's one two and three it's working I mean this is cool this shop is really cool it would be even cooler if the barrel would be named redoubled books and cooler cooler if we also have some feedback in terms of sound when we make a purchase this may sound terribly bad though and that's let's find out oh the banjo the hay bales underneath no clocks is banjo but okay we got to do that different there we go it sounds like something is broken it sounds like something is broken okay how about this yes some bass some bass I like it like that okay so now all I got to do is fix up the floor and it shouldn't be too bad and I gotta say this is looking pretty much untouched I mean I did I changed the mushroom lock for a barrel but let's be honest it's a lot cooler to have a barrel behind there I also installed the diamond filter so I find out go ahead and make three test purchases with diamonds everything is working like a charm that's one and here comes the second one that was a bit of lag there and there's the third one I should have twenty one of these yep twenty one slime blocks I'm very proud of this I'm honestly very proud of this and I really feel that I did this challenge justice but of course it's up to be tobblo to judge whether or not he is satisfied with this we're gonna write him a note he gave us a week we didn't need a week there'd be double ow I've taken on your challenge of turning this house into a slime shop of doom and a slime shop of doom it has become it even has banjos please let me know if it meets the bead up low standards yours to maybe become truly its cal 85 with a slime challenge and I think we'll put this book right over here where he put the book and then I'll let him know when they scored that I have put a response there we should also definitely put a sign here because this is not self-explanatory at all one diamond in Coldren equals seven slime blocks yeah I think everybody understands that right III hope so anyway I'm very eager to see what be double O comes back with but that's going to do it for today I really do hope that you all have enjoyed the episode if you did do hit the like button down below let me know what you think about the shop and if you're brand new consider subscribing and I will see you dudes in the next episode oh by the way every good shop has an enderchest so i'm gonna sponsor this with an enderchest you
Channel: iskall85
Views: 513,274
Rating: 4.9718523 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, iskall sahara, iskall shop, iskall shop creation, shops hermitcraft, bdoubleo100, bdoubleo, bdoubleo iskall, iskall bdoubleo, slime shop hermitcraft, hermitcraft slime shop, sahara slime shop, hermitcraft shopping district, shopatsahara
Id: YMCJm5CbTgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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