How to Build EPIC BASES in Survival Minecraft!

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Well it might have looked horrendous on the specific build, but with the 8 things around the base now he might like it a lot more than the other one

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AshPat16 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
in today's video we're going to be talking about base building now base building is incredibly important in Minecraft because everybody knows that your base is kind of like the heart of the world that you're playing in if you have a rubbish base then you're not going to have a very good time playing in the world so hopefully I can help you guys out a little bit so let's start things off by talking about the mindset yeah that's right I'm taking this video very seriously now one thing that I would definitely suggest is to start from a central point and then expand out from there that way you kind of get a natural focal point now it doesn't have to be quite as obvious as this one I mean this is this is a very obvious focal point but if you kind of spread out from one central important location then it will make it look like your base has purpose and purpose is incredibly incredibly important we've gone right the way back to home across season two here you see this little base area right here pretty cool it's got storage for all of my farms it's all kind of centered around this mob farm right here and I had all sorts of important things going on in my base area it had purpose it was where I needed to be because it's where my items were and is where my items were being produced but then I started work on another project if we just fly over this minecart rail right here we make our way to the fishing village now this was a project that I personally just lost all motivation for and the viewers just lost all interest in because they could clearly tell that I was never going to come over here there was no reason for me to build this thing other than something to do but that's it there's no purpose to it and that means that it never got utilized and I burnt out instantly so you need to make sure that your base actually has function you're also going to want to make sure that you leave plenty of room for expansion something that I messed up in hermitcraft season 5 I built up my guardian farm cleared out the space in the ocean without really thinking about the fact that I then needed to build a base around this so then of course I built up the so called coffee tables around the base area and that seemed like a pretty smart solution but then I fell foul to another problem which is I gave them border walls whenever possible do not give yourself surrounding walls and that you can make sure that you can fill those surrounding walls the problem is you either run out of space or you can't fill the space neither one is good this first example was fantastic it went brilliantly I love the way that it looks but if we pop over to the other ones they begin to look increasingly enough until we reach this point here where I had totally run out of ideas for things to fill the space with but I had to fill the space because otherwise it looked even worse really was a tricky situation to be in and what made it even more challenging is the fact that I designed this thing entirely around symmetry everything was symmetrical in all directions and that just became a nightmare a total nightmare I mean that you can see there's duplicates or farms on either side everything had to be perfectly symmetrical and if anything wasn't for example this villager breeder right here it just it sticks out like a sore thumb and also I centered the entire base around two blocks because the Guardian farm has got a central point of two blocks and that makes life even more challenging so whatever you do try your best to not have symmetry in your base or at the very least have a kind of hybridized symmetry like what we have going on in hermit craft season six where certain elements of the base are symmetrical but other elements aren't it makes life so much better you also have to understand when it comes to getting into the mindset of base building that you're going to spend about 90 percent of the time that you spend in your base inside the storage system there's no two ways about it no matter how beautiful you make the rest of your base you're gonna spend most of your time here so you best make sure that you make it beautiful and also smart accessibility is incredibly important and also just having all of the items that you need within arm's reach is going to allow you to play Minecraft so very efficiently I told you I was taking this video seriously anyway let's get into the before building section and always always I can't say this enough test things out in creative mode testing worlds before you build them in survival mode because otherwise you make mistakes obviously you try out things that don't work but you've done it without investing too much time I mean take a look at this for example this is the original test that I made for my hermit craft season 6 base and as you can see once there's lag spike finishes originally I was going to go with octagons that would have looked absolutely horrendous and also I was going have stone cold stone and all this stuff wrapping around for the inside of that iron block area there once again would have looked absolutely horrendous really so I'm so glad that I tried it out in a creative mode testing world and decided yeah that's horrible let's try something different I would have absolutely kicked myself if I hadn't done that built it in survival mode then had to tear it all down because I hated it and if you're really struggling with inspiration and ideas obviously YouTube is a really good place to go just go to your favorite content creators click on their videos and see what they're up to and maybe you might come up with some ideas be smart with the materials that you using to build your base now as much as I love my hermit craft season six base it's built out of really annoying materials every single time I want to build something big I have to spend hours resource gathering whereas in hermitcraft Season 5 my guardian farm was producing all of these blocks at all times it meant that if I wanted to build something massive I just had to grab the items out the chest and start constructing it was amazing and in case you're wondering this is probably the worst block to build your base out of it's lovely okay it looks great but my word you were gonna hate yourself for doing it now this is going to be fairly controversial so bear with me but I would always argue that you should go for scale over detail especially if you're limited on time if you've got infinite time then go ahead build something massive that's cause tons of detail I can't wait to see it but if you're just your average person trying to build a base I would always say go for something big as opposed to something incredibly detailed simply because it's always very soul-destroying when you commit hours upon hours to something that is actually in reality relatively small know your strengths and know how you like to play the game this is scars based on the hermit craft server it's one of the coolest bases I've ever seen it's seriously so beautiful but I would absolutely hate to build it I would despise every second it would be it'll be horrible for me much like it will be horrible for scar to try and build my base which is very geometric and filled to the brim with redstone contraptions we both have totally different play styles so we should build bases that fit those play styles honestly the number of times I get messages from people saying things like hate I hate redstone but after watching a hermit craft series I was inspired I tried to build a base like yours and I've lost all motivation what should I do it's like maybe don't build a totally redstone based base then that that's probably the smart move now when always said earlier on that this was a stupid setup but at least it's a block pallet it's a set of blocks that I've chosen to use throughout my base don't just choose whatever blocks you fancy willy-nilly because you're gonna end up with the higgledy-piggledy mess just try your best to pick a small selection of blocks that you dip into to actually create your projects all right so I think I've got all the pre build ideas lined up now let's move on to the actual building and the first thing that you should do is choose your location wisely for example if you want to build a beautiful cityscape with gorgeously mowed lawns to the bright green and lovely flowers don't don't construct a swamp okay just just make sure that you don't do that and you may think that's ridiculous and that nobody would do that but I actually built my hermit craft season 3 base in a swamp and I had to deal with the horrible swamp guts always gather up all the resources you need to build the project before you start and get them set up in a temporary storage system where you're actually building the project nothing kills your flow like having to go out and grab the items from your storage system and it's even worse if you had you have to go out and gather more resources that's just horrible and when it comes to actually constructing the thing I would always suggest building up a skeleton first so don't fill in there any of the walls or anything like that just get the skeleton outlined so then you can get a rough feel for the scale of things where certain bits are going to go and you can make changes easily and that brings me really nicely onto my next point which is that if something looks like it's going wrong feel free to just take a step back and think about it for a while don't keep going and push on through and think I will probably be alright once it's done because if it's not you will have wasted more time and the cleanup will take longer as well take some breaks sleep on it and also feel free to go back on peak decisions for example in hermit craft season six I was certain I was going to be going for octagons I had that in my head I had spoken about it in multiple episodes it was going to be that way and I had been thinking about it for months and then I dried it and had never ended up working and I totally flipped on my decision and the same thing goes for this building right here this has gone through a ton of different redesigns actually on the hermit craft server as I'm sure most of you warm but sometimes you have to be big enough to just accept that you've messed up just take it all down and start again now when it comes to actually building the thing remember to bring adequate scaffolding there's nothing worse than getting stuck in certain locations now I personally like to use slime blocks because they're renewable if you've got a slime block farm and of course they can be broken instantly even in survival mode without the use of a pickaxe the only thing I will say is that if you're building a redstone contraption that has slime blocks in it maybe you might want to choose something else because you can occasionally get them confused and break things okay time to move on to the next section which is what you do once the pace is done it can be difficult to keep your motivation I mean in a way the main project of your survival player experience has been completed so now you need to find other things to do and once again I want to revisit that point of building with a purpose don't just build pointless things for the sake of it for example as much as I love the aquarium area how many times did we actually come in here outside of when we were building it once we finished this project we just kind of walked away from it and never came in here again because there's no point to it there was no reason for it to actually be here so it was just a bit of a dud I think it's important to remember that even if you've already constructed something it's not necessarily finalized for example I already have a melon and pumpkin farm in my base but it wasn't quite good enough so I thought I would upgrade it by building this gigantic industrial thing which brings me quite nicely on to my next point which is that not everything has to be constructed in your base you can go somewhere else start work on other massive projects that actually have purpose that work well and bring that fire back to you this witch farm project that I worked on and then all of the farms that are going to be going into this gigantic hole has just brought total new life to my hermit craft season and I'm so happy that I decided to take these projects on so there we go those are my tips and tricks I hope that you found them useful if you have any other suggestions please let me know down in the comment section I'd love to hear your feedback anyway if you did enjoy please on that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,375,337
Rating: 4.9559703 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: hJb9C2HcEHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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