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Now Iā€™m going to watch that over and over. Good times...

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/costava_jorji šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 25 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
today is going to be the final episode of the side craft survival tool series and before we start I just want to say a huge thank you to all the members of the side craft server for generously giving up their time to allow me to pop on there and see all of the wonderful things that they've built I think in total we spent around about 15 hours taking a look around the world so it's incredibly generous of them and I just want to say all of their links can be found on the description I would highly suggest checking them out if you're interested in this technical sort of Minecraft content and also just when I say a huge thank you for the massively positive response that we've had to all of the episodes it's been amazing to see I'm so happy to see this side of Minecraft still getting huge amounts of appreciation now the game is so old so without further ado let's crack on and take a look at the final builds and I have to say they are even more insane than the ones featured in the previous episodes I don't know how that's even possible first up on the to-do list gigantic massive mob farm yeah cuz this is something that I was wondering about yeah yeah that this is something that I was wondering about because I saw it off in the distance and then I realized now that you guys never actually explained it when we were doing the first world tour so this isn't just a gigantic mob farm is it for me build up in the sky before we knew about the whole a chunk or the spawning mechanisms I want to build them up from as low as possible yeah so we didn't know it back then build it up high and I had to make it used to get a ton spawning spec yeah I mean this is this is a is this an efficient design no not really yeah it was time to fastest move form 110,000 the items power right I've just fallen through it I unfortunately also one of the things too got broken by 1.9 which also led us to not update it quickly right I say it's no longer working this is very very impressive and then you have you kind of have like a a perimeter yep you do have a permit at the bottom we had a meta Guardian form as well Wow and Doug correct yep that primitive was awesome done Van Outen tgop know anything pickaxes and wall removal machines I love the add the Guardian they costs down at the bottom as well I'm guessing that's for the Guardian from yeah so we sexually still working should we quickly turn it on maybe I keep it needs to have the glowstone replace with redstone blocks sometime we might have to turn off the mop switch for this I can do it basically dispensers no flood only move blocks and God Guardians can spawn fall down get funneled in through a hole directly in front of the player with the gas yep and if I will just stand in the middle and and yeah kill them get a ton of XP this is so cool I mean I love watching farms that make use of of ghasts I love there it's always so satisfying and so was this one of the first bills that you built on the server yeah and I mean how did you form side craft I I've never never even thought to ask that was that just a bunch of like-minded people thought it would be a good idea to build some reading can explain it so that was sort of a random thing I mean at some point I just made a call on YouTube and I made a few iron fun videos for yeah so I had a tiny fellowship and I just said like yeah whatever I'm I got a server running anyways originally I had for some friends but they lost interest yeah and so I said like yeah let's just ask for people to draw in and I don't know maybe it becomes a nice community and then it just sort of took off because a lot of crazy people joined over time yet it just grew and it quickly became this yes super high standard server and well that's just how it went that's such a that's such a cool story so it wasn't kind of planned it wasn't like you got like the dream team together it was just it was just lovely red yeah like in a way and just right place at the right time that's that's that's amazing and it's and it's continued and its continued going strong for for this that's fantastic so this is the old villager trading hall also one of two 1/8 pills yeah but now it's not really working anymore but the idea back then was to have a carrot potato and a pumpkin farm yeah all integrated into the villager trading Hall yeah so we could turn that into emeralds and use those emeralds to buy books and tools yeah and we still have all of our villagers stairs or the goodwill instead of all the book trade cementing for 10 and and you don't know for all the perfect book trades gotten pretty close before every villager yeah also got the perfect pickaxe trade which unfortunately took us over six hours and villagers to check really oh yeah Wow and for 11 for 11 emeralds as well that's not bad all of these villages are surrounded by farms now by sigh craft standards these are tiny farms but for someone like me they're still relatively big so I personally found this area really inspirational this is a remember at my first site craft video who was about that villager breeder here oh really quite a while ago here she was also the first villager breeder that made use of this separated style so back in the day you just threw a bunch of villagers on a crop field to simple's SV breeder yep and then the thing who actually figured or others figure actually out that it's much more efficient to pair them up and keep them in pairs so they always have their breeding partner with them yeah I must admit I've never seen I was looking at this just a couple seconds ago thinking I've never really seen a villager breeder that looks like this before so this is this is interesting to me anyway moving on to the next project this is also a thumbnail form wow this is yeah this is this is a this is a nice-looking one I look at correct I am go yep took a while to build a whole of that stuff Wow I think like one layer that you can see I mean it's it's very much layer just the decoration outside one layer going once around took like an hour or so I bet no yeah I believe it this is a tree going round pilling layer by layer and it's also does my craft size so it's 100 500 500 very nice and some butter works so this is a melon farm now why do you need this many melons is this just for villager trading or to build a sugarcane farm later right okay is that we need a chakra box of melons and I think someone goes and builds this okay so great melons incoming incoming okay stay right there oh wow okay my frame rates are going down well I don't have many spots in my inventory but so the open door will flow maybe so is this so you can easily craft it up while watch out you might go into the overflow so you could have cater and just craft everything into blocks immediately bees don't store the slices started immediately in block 4 now if you're wondering how the farm actually functions and produces this many melons well here we go I mean it's a fairly simple farm I guess so it's literally just a manual harvest kind of thing is it and then you just stand there and and gather up all the all the drops yeah exactly it's just one signal going through similar to the sugarcane farm yeah and yeah no but design or anything because those tend to get stuck at some point yeah the and then after the whole row we all hope the whole sequence is finished and just start again at the beginning now if you're wondering what sugarcane farm they're talking about well is this one right here okay so we have yeah 300 of those one hundred by one hundred by 100 farms then yet about farm you saw already yeah and the male farm and now the sugarcane farm as well right yeah this one is the last one and all of them have the similarity that the basic concept is quite easy but you can only make it faster by making it bigger bigger yeah and yeah I mean sugarcane farms aren't that hard to do right no but if you want to have a lot of sugarcane you have to build a big sugar cane farm that's what you see right in front of you right now and is this so is this an act of is this just so this isn't fully automatic this is just a one harvest kind of deal I'm assuming this is beyond me this one bricks similar to Mel farms yeah we have a signal going through and once it finishes reaches the ends then it just starts from the beginning again because most of the stuff has been grown just to make that doubly clear you essentially have a redstone line on the outside that kind of snakes along so if you imagine the to all of the farming modules and like a grid then this redstone line runs through activating each square on the grid it goes across then goes up a layer then goes back across the other way and gradually it makes its way around until every single one of the farming modules in the grid has been activated once and then the redstone signal goes all the way back around and starts again so essentially is like a big redstone clock with a snaking line that gradually harvests things there's no bud switches or any kind of things like that that make things unreliable it's just good old fashioned redstone and this next farm features some really nice good old-fashioned pixel art Wow this is awesome this is one of the coolest perimeters yeah thank you who designed this was that I mean I'm guessing that's kind of I guess slightly spider I was actually for change oh really how awesome and this is a spider part well bye have fun bye the only thought fun quite obviously of course you can force only spiders to spawn because they're the shortest Mopti the fit is no one writes gap under some nice creepers and skeletons yeah that's what we use here and detect the spider spawn in with pressure plates as soon as they spawn getting pushed down and killed befall damage yep no Papa minecarts bottom coming back and forth collecting the drops and of course central storage everything's been deposited pretty straightforward but a lot of time also into this is quite a large form yeah absolutely and is this so is this an I mean is this in an efficient form is this yeah it's about 80,000 string power Wow okay that's a yeah that's a lot faster than you a quadruple cave spider spawner yeah for sure yeah absolutely Wow yeah no I can see now I can see all of those riders flowing yeah trust the spider far off its time again anymore so this is another perimeter one of the many parameters that you guys have on the on the side craft server and that's just was did you build this farm when you knew about sub chunks or was this not really this could have filters lower of course would have been bit more efficient but it's really better mobcap so yeah it's fun that's fun PC so you just chose to build it low because you just thought it would be cooler yeah it was actually in a way helping it out a little bit so basically you could have built this lower and then smaller and get the same rates would have been an advantage yeah well so when when did you when did they find out about sub chunks was that that was at the end of the 1/8 era right this was also one of the first projects with the demo nade right then we really understood what's going on how was that perimeter made by the way that was actually made by making a dispenser grit filling it up with TNT and activating it of redstone lines so it was an old-school minecraft quarry kind of thing well not quarry but also tree quarry but just into yeah yeah my opinion was a bit more efficient in the digging so quite a lot of effort just trough the TNT bring it here fill in the dispensers I think it's better the Deenie actually now need to take the pie stand bolt yep ah for goodness sake is that because it's cakes and part like it looks oh and it's got three point one oh wow how else the best it's quite a long piston bolt action how many you know how many decimal points of significant figures of fines you have on this one I think he made a mistake in the middle then he had to know it's an urban legend they add steam so you guys actually checked it also committed a heinous crime somebody took one bite out of one of the cake this is the farm running at full speed this is this is not not kirtan 768 village IRA farm that I just built as a temporary farm took like two days to build a structure and another half a day to transport the villagers so villagers so really not a big project at all I mean it's it's a decently big project though I mean this is this is very impressive and the number of iron columns that are flying out of this thing it's about 30,000 iron tower 478 villages and actually we have it like this was like really haphazardly planned so the storage is for example quite crap right so this is like just a set of soccer ball slaughters all the poppy is going to love us directly yeah just didn't want to store those those are extra effort yeah then just they just go to this chest wall here yeah this but this is been running for like the past month at full speed and the nice thing is actually that there are 70 population villagers here and they are in lazy chunks when this farm is running because it's loaded by the truckload in Korea you can see at the bottom right okay and so there it lays chunks which me they cost no lag why is that this farm is actually really like front penguinese even when it's running at full speed Wow and I mean 30000 iron an hour does this run all times or is it often yep it's been on for about two bucks a mile speeding it's not even that late years yeah I mean it's about okay hmm it's something like 8 9 10 m/s like that's what I got from an empty world when nobody else was on does that's insanely impressive I mean this is so 765 what made you what made you choose that number was there is it just natural could you have gone big enough well yeah of course I mean you could have gone bigger than this but the like reason I chose this was basically that yeah basically iron farms generally like I don't first work with a certain amount of villagers like villagers and villages right each of these you can see the you can maybe on the side of the farm see the rail lines that go into the drawer clusters yeah and there are three of them and each of those represents 256 villages so 768 is 256 times 3 right quite a natural number for an iron to be ok in villages and 768 villages specifically because this was about the same effort as a 512 villager or farm right ok ok that makes sense I was just making like it wasn't just like you know all your birthday's combined or something like the most natural base number 4 iron farms even if you don't scare them that's a high is 32 right or 16 if you really scale it down yeah but then it's always a multiple of 32 pretty much ok that makes sense just that's like basically always increasing it to a full multiple of further 2 is basically coming for free right now III mean I'm watching the iron pour out of this thing and it's just so satisfying it's so cool to see these these things working at full speed and it is a real shame that these sorts of things obviously aren't gonna be possible in Minecraft under 14 again probably explain the whole basically this was planned to be normal terrain here but somebody started peeking here yeah then it looked horrible nobody has admitted to starting digging here then it looks horrible and somebody who also started digging removed all the junk loading these farm plots itself also by the way based on the village loader mechanic yep yeah and then I decided that it's just better to bomb it out with great directional TNT to press them to dig it because it's less less effort to bomb it down to bedrock you know always an excuse to create some form of perimeter on the side craft server there's always an excuse so this is pretty area on the server focused on a decoration yeah this is our flower farm area so there's not really a complex farm so that gave us some freedoms who focus on their statics because it's also not giant yeah it's kind of easy to decorate a smaller form and this location was chosen because it's a bit special you can get all the flower types in one location so we got the flower forest biome and a swamp pile next to it to get the blue flower there and also Plains biome get some think to yellow the red ones oh that's smart that's very smart so we can maybe check out one of the flower farms we don't one here in the planes biome they all place in those houses so once again the flower farm is nothing special I think you also build one of those shifting floor for flower farms at some point in her Mycroft yeah I felt he heard them yeah so we can also activate him from here on Mir shifting floors hopper mind cuts collected nice and easy and then we of course bring the others to a central storage of course yeah I mean you know why would you know okay the special seniors here we decided just to make it more interesting to transport all the items of mine carts instead of using the usual water streams or hoppers just to make it more interesting that's a nice challenge as well also fits nice so they're brought into you big factory building so ya got four flower farms in total in friend houses and then all the the Raiders lead into the big storage in the middle Michaels get unloaded items was put into a storage pretty much and this is also the location very broad hourglass who some might remember the furnace array they had at spawn I didn't actually include that much of my segments but here is the furnace array that they're talking about it's actually really quite simple making use of minecart hoppers my sign craft scale is relatively small but it's also incredibly efficient fully automatic so viola nobody was on a server we've made glass and actually also brought it to this area and started here and of course flowers could be crafted into tie so we could make colored glass in this area this was the basic idea why we chose this place for the glass storage that's very cool that's very smart this storage room this is really really cool I like I love the idea of using the minecarts I love seeing that sort of thing because that's a fun little challenge and yeah it's just it's nice to watch the little minecart that's just transporting items along and and and dumping them off it's really really nice oh yeah we have a control penalty as well so we can turn on the farms from directly at the location or they also can do it from from here good resonance and that just activates it that's now generates it mmm so it's just indicated uh that would be to swamp the one on the left yeah and so on yeah super super cool see this is the I love these sorts of projects because once again these are kind of manageable to a certain extent like someone can watch this a bit like myself can watch this and think themselves that's a fun project I'd be able to get that done and it's not totally totally ridiculous but it's kind of well engineered and just smart nice very very good and it may actually good more for example the cactus screen we have not covered but of flowers so we have a cactus from this world yeah which is build in those cooling towers we've got a dust regime going on here in this area yeah there's a cooling towers cactus farm we've got a second one because again it was a slow night then and this factory building over there the purple one is another cactus farm yeah another minor inconvenience cactus right needed to be smelted and we didn't build a furnace right here but we always had a furnace tray about twelve hundred blocks from this location right so we decided to make a system to bring it over to that furnace right so this is one we haven't shown you at the furnace array and smelter data and they bring it back and we use the minecart system again Wow so not sure if you could follow me yep yeah yeah yeah so here's our cactus storage from back then yeah you could request a minecart mm-hmm okay so okay so don't hear this just like a panic in your voice can somebody fill up miss always filled up stuff okay so we can fill it up manually send the button and then it's getting stored in a piston bolt so if it goes through the door you can see this is actually know about fisting bolts leading towards furnace or a that is the best thing ever to you at the cool yep you literally piston bolting a little minecart chest along so basically the minecarts it's stored up there before so that they actually don't get sent before the player does because the player has to lower the chunk of course yeah carts get load like so I can see the minecart chest and that's being I guess stored up and then mumble needs to get into mine cut is it the one on the right yep okay okay there we go so here's placed behind to chest my car start chest when cots that is so overkill for cactus this is what I love about this server is that it's just getting cactus green but you're sending it back so another furnace array and I love along with my items out in front of me this is how I want to actually get around I just I love this idea I think it's fantastic and so when was this built again this was four years ago right okay and this is no your main furnace array yeah Disney force is 320 furnaces so we can fill it in here and then we go down the lettuce you can see basically one half of the furnace array okay so those are getting filled Wow I don't see how quickly they get sucked in oh yeah it is everything gets sucked out out of a single chest okay there is nothing seems to be not correct because no tax line needs to fill up the chest I didn't see anything being put into the chest but nobody put anything into this already put it some cactus okay it's starting up okay so and so this is how many furnaces did you say 320 in total each of the wings we have 160 yeah there we go the mind cuts are not filling it up oh yeah now I can see the air I can see the furnace is kicking into gear and so if I go into spectator mode will I be able to oh yeah I mean it's a fairly simple design isn't it it's just kind of a I mean I've done I've done ones like this in the past myself we have just big furnace alright yep kind of need fuel for it yeah I was wondering about that is the are you using a because I can see three beers in the top of my screen I imagine you'll probably you've got like a some kind of wood farm which I can see now and then you're converting into charcoal I imagine correct so you don't actually see it that's a different platform yeah but we use this creation where I am oh yeah okay I'll fly down now wow I've always wanted this one of these it was quite nice because was I think the first big tree farm that was built if the flag isn't efficient first in mind not not only speed right yep so this is actually very low unrest understand I think this not any task that is above sickness ranks that it's needed Wow what is something because I don't have to be super strict about it but it's quite decent yeah it's decently fast it's about 90 K an hour that is that is fast enough I mean that is well I mean it's pretty slow for it to but to spruce tree form but is fast for three farm right yeah yeah yeah man these motors I love watching them work if you've got to spruce tree farms go off to all the way up to like three hundred twenty K an hour I did not know that that's very impressive but that isn't the only tree farm they've got in the area one of the coolest ones that I saw was the universal wood farm very fancy let's run Oakmont first you would stand here get elevated up fir turn this on can they come in here I'm gonna I'll pop in to inspect element okay so if you have OPA Don then here this is all lower down yeah and you would just an FK here yeah place right place get an oak sapling okay just ed here if k and everything is pushed into the Whizzer cage well this was the oak node let's turn this back off and try the occasion mode because there's a bit more complex because of the branches cool yeah acacia screw you know in a weird shape so I'm yeah I'm very curious to see what it does with those and this is actually quite a compact design as well this is this is jump this is not that large it's not super fast but it's quite for a compact instantly fast yeah it's it's a compromise okay gonna grow a few acacia trees here okay wow that was that was cool to watch that's so fast so it does it push it into being a kind of a one by one and then take it out is that what's going on there basically at most you have two lakhs per layer right so we need to make sure that we transfer everything away yep this is a little puzzle you have to put together try to transfer all the locks out no I bet it's so cool to what though really is yeah toss it isn't it quick yeah not dead that that large the complicated bill we made faster ones like the old broken one eight one we showed it at spawn it was much quicker than this one but also more complicated right all right so this was the universal tree from that nest one tree type missing which is the dark oak we also have a separate refund for that can't really put everything into one tree fungus the dark oak forms already so complex by itself Wow I'm sure if it's still following me I'm gonna run yeah I'm now yeah I can see you I mean spectator mode okay a huge challenge with dark oak is getting enough saplings because you obviously need four and as Holly would need to break a tea leaf blocks and my team notices if you have a stock out manually do sometimes a bit lower on the sapling return rate yeah and it's even harder automatic form of debt because just the way auction rate sits quite tricky to get enough septic spec and this is yeah the end of us quite a challenge to get a fully automatic form that the through turns in our siblings I'm just gonna run it a little bit and you can see what's all going on is a bit crazy okay now why okay I understand why you're going back and forth that makes sense and Wow so so it's all in the leaf crushes yeah yeah there's a lot of things going on there and then where is the so the wood is being pushed across and then is it being pushed downwards or is this is this block always here so we don't use all the wood only use six by four yeah six before they can be used for it that makes them but now we could probably make a flying machine based one what if I plans to do at some point that gets all the locks but it's also quite complicated yeah you get 624 lakhs each SAMCRO tree this is those would also been quite some development we were actually the first ones that ever made such a founder would return of saplings still proud and led one of the biggest achievements we've made it a beginning this is yeah it's such a satisfying thing to watch yeah I love watching all of the everything kind of knitting together all of the flight all of the slime block machines kind of shuffling around one another could topple piston extend a few triplet piston extender yeah that's quite challenge okay so everything's been pretty cool so far lots of very nice farms lots of really inspirational stuff but the next thing that I want to show you is silly socially in fact that I thought I would come back out into this little Minecraft world right here just do a piece of the camera to say how silly silly silly this is it's it's silly it's silly than anyone would ever do it I died I still don't really understand understand you I'm sure you'll see what I mean we get back into the world wow this looks this isn't chunk errors oh wow okay so this is Wow mumble have you ever thought hmm I want to play Skype look in a normal vanilla survival world initial plan was to make a 1k by 1k perimeter and then XCOM developed better more better braking methods or some bedrock breaking methods yeah and also the complete yeah teams I craft developed fast by zero bedrock remover because you can't use the Train X for the bedrock on the lowest layer right okay and I'm not entirely sure how the idea came around but at some point someone said yeah let's just remove the 1k by 1k perimeter all the way to the bedrock then the normal bedrock and after that also the Y zero bedrock have completely complete white perimeter avoid perimeter that's this is awesome and yeah and so this is the current state so these so this is a work in progress the strip's are gradually being removed yes its arrival they're much smaller already right yeah yeah there's actually from two weeks ago over knows for only off of it left Wow yep and this is a 1,000 block by 1,000 block perimeter yep and that there's all there's no reason for it whatsoever just kind of for the fun of it anyway we started this project about two years ago we wanted to build more forms here right make a huge perimeter build all the mob farms you ever need there yeah but then over time new developments came along example it turned out it's really beneficial to put them up in a desert biome right and then it's just not the right location anymore yeah and we already probably quite a lot and then I don't know we kept going they had all those nice machines developed in order to move bedrock no just kept going and and in the end we want to just play Skyblock here I love that just place it right block I mean yeah being able to play scribe book in a legitimate survival world is hilarious that is the most hilarious idea in the world and I look forward to seeing your your totally legitimate the sky block let's play on the side craft sir I also got a machine still prepared that would remove some of the bedrock I should mention this is pingos flying machine and maybe we worked on that language this guy over here mad guy we had a fully FK dragon egg place placing machine and better removal machine wow this was super complex machine it's been roof from Bernardo make space it was basically what we did in order to remove the first four layers Fredrik you can't use the technique for the bottom layer and they need to use one of those machines which can now launch Wow so Eve everything this machine that is pretty is pretty yep crazy looking I'm gonna start it we had to build 200 of those machines until the project is finished mango what's your personal best with building one of these machines now yeah since we had to build a software start a speed wrong and speed running it to get more efficient it isn't just having fun with it yeah I can under 10 minutes I think the best time was nine minutes and five seconds what got to be a joke there's no way no history I thought this is not the first version of the machine this version 94 yeah I've done also a lot of improvements to just get quick edit yeah explain how it works yeah it might be a good idea cuz I must admit I I'm not even 100% certain how the bedrock breakers work yeah there's a lot of stuff going on it's probably best if you go in spectator mode and look at the machine from below bedrock level okay mmhmm yeah sorry basically trick pieces to reject while facing into a bedrock block that removes it so here we put in Pistons from the side is the cartridge and there go the better got removed was the Pistons retracted what are we basically to do is yeah as a piston should arrive from the back here they get extended and then gets rescheduled a retraction event then quickly replace them if the other Pistons a facedown and then those will retract instead right and we need to have this Pistons to remove the other Pistons real quick so I've just realized why you need a million Pistons because I'm literally being used up a thousand five thousand is a million and you are blowing them up no they're breaking and then they all achieve being up they drop it's not really feasible to collect it maybe it's possible so bobert yes basically the headless piston pulls the downwards facing one brood upwards facing one leads upwards facing one and at the retraction event from the upwards facing one is used downwards facing one then is pulling through the bedrock and pulling all this removes that block basically like that upward facing distant is extended and it has a retraction event scheduled because it gets to be powered then we use a headless piston to finish that retraction instantly all right with the headless sticky piston pool the other piston through it instantly also to there yeah so it's instantly there and then that's also why this business have to be facing down and then that pistol just a retraction so this is a strange magic it's very magical I would 100% describe this is magical I told you incredibly incredibly silly and I love it we then popped through into the nether to take a look at some of the nether based farms that they had so we had a zombie Pigman farm a gas farm and also the old with a skeleton farm all of these things have now been made redundant because a new totally ridiculous farm has been built by the members of the side craft server that's so incredibly fast now they haven't actually released this on to YouTube just yet but I will play you a very quick screenshot there is so everything's been very technical throughout all of these world tours and I thought it would be good to round everything off by taking a look and something incredibly incredibly pretty and also quite technical oh wow this is beautiful oh look at this this is one of the few places where a lot of effort was put into decoration this is really nice and it oh of course of course it's a perimeter I mean we needed desperately needed some bones and mangu was working on some new mob farm concepts right and then yeah we decided okay let's build the mob for Mango designed and that's what you see in the middle in the pic now I'm curious as to what okay so this is a general mob farm right for zombies skeletons creepers and witches by now as well now and yeah the pyramidal looked quite boring it was just a sandstone slab floor yeah and yeah then we decided to since this is a temporary mob farm and nothing too crazy and doesn't run on like limits we can put a bit of decoration in and yeah make it at least look cool so we can be proud of it stop talking our foster farm we built because we didn't want to build a big one yet I don't have a place here right so this quote-unquote temporary yeah this is the temporary I love the fact that these sorts of things are temporary now that this uses a similar system I'm guessing to the witch huts with the trap doors on the inside and everything like that I mean for how simple this design is it's actually unbeatable yeah oh this is fantastic this is amazing I was actually wondering the other day if you could use large-scale shifting floors to make a big mob farm like this and clearly clearly you can and clearly it works really quite well this is really really good and it's beautiful the design around it as well it's absolutely stunning so then we have it ladies and gentlemen that rounds up the side craft world tour series obviously if you want to see more from the sign craft server then once again please do check out the links down the description I know that a lot of the members create videos on the server and livestream as well so you can see everything that they're up to and all future projects because they have things in the works that are even more crazy than this believe or not I know I know I know it's difficult to believe anyway thank you ever so much for all the positive support on this series I'm really glad to see that you guys have enjoyed it if you have leaves on a like ban and if Yuri loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,212,930
Rating: 4.9589305 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: O12_KwtI4W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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