Etho Plays Minecraft - Episode 550: World Tour

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Loved the bit at the end about his demographics. I started watching him when I was a kid, and now I'm working and have a career.

He's literally the best Youtuber out there, hands down. He's changed just enough to make it interesting, but he's still the quiet guy that started out and made all of us love him. None of the stupid fads, and stayed consistent and loyal to his community.

Congrats on this huge milestone, Etho. You're the best.

👍︎︎ 166 👤︎︎ u/Uehm 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Crazy to think it's actually been 9 years since he started in this world, I don't know how he hasn't decided to leave and get another job somewhere I know I couldn't do the same thing for that long.

👍︎︎ 162 👤︎︎ u/RAWR_XD42069 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

The fact that Etho would likely have joined Machinima if the recruiter hadn't belittled Transformers: War for Cybertron has got to be one of the wildest things I've learned in a long time. Had he ever mentioned that before?

👍︎︎ 158 👤︎︎ u/Trace500 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Checked the world download and found the mini-base. Wasn't deleted from this world tour. It's at 877,93,-5 if anyone wants to check it out. Everything there is from the video though

👍︎︎ 102 👤︎︎ u/42wehttam 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like how, when he was showing off Wilson, he moved over to the hopper clock and said super casually 'Yeah this is the first hopper clock ever built' or something. It just kinda seemed a bit surreal looking at the first ever one, not just in the lp but throughout Minecraft history

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/Majm1 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I created a torrent mirror for the world download in case it goes down. Torrent file is here.

Edit: I guess the drive link is already down for the moment.

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/kezilma 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 150 👤︎︎ u/Teh_Carrot 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Etho should change his introduction video of his youtube channel to this world tour instead of the last one.

👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/EthoRedditYay 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Favourite builds are the Nexus, the Enderporter, and the amplified railway storage system.

Also wow trip down memory lane for sure. It's a pity so much breaks. I was glad to see the endermite farm in action for the first time, that looked really cool

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/JFSOCC 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello how's it going everybody this is etho and welcome back thank you for joining me today for this special milestone episode that's right we have hit episode 550 oh snappers that's a big number uh we're almost at the nine year mark now in the series just about we're like one month away from that and just about the 10-year mark for uh the series if you include the previous map we played in as well so we've been at this for quite a bit of time guys and as many of you know every 50 episodes we try to do a world tour we go and check things out in the world see what's changed what we've built stuff that's broken unfinished projects all the fun stuff uh but uh yeah i guess to get us started today i think i'm gonna smack you guys with the go get your snacks because it's gonna be a long episode the last world tour was an hour and a half long and in the last 50 episodes we have built far more than we have in any previous 50 episodes we've done a lot a lot more stuff to see and i'm gonna have to talk faster tell fewer horrible jokes and just get through this as quick as we can uh-huh so what better way to start off our tour than a long drawn-out history on how this series began season 1 started december 17 2010 in a world that we called chocolate island that ran from episodes 1 to 104 until the minecraft release officially came out and that introduced many new terrain changes which broke our previous world pretty badly and we decided to upgrade to a new world which started season two that's the one we're on currently which began in episodes 105 to now and yeah i guess that kind of brings us to the point of these world tours why do we do them well it's for uh you know people that watch this series it's kind of nice to go back and check out some builds maybe that we don't see too often it's a bit of a nostalgic trip try to give some background information on some stuff maybe you'll learn something new you didn't know before but uh mainly these world tours are for new people that might be you uh for for someone joining into this series it can be a little daunting to start at episode 550 oh there's so much stuff we're missing out on right well note we're trying to condense all our key builds down to a single episode so you can check out stuff and get caught up with everybody else and maybe this will be a good time for you to join in and watching the series if you like what you see and if you want some a backlog of content maybe go back 50 episodes or so and start watching from there anyways i think we're ready to begin our tour here we're gonna start off with the man cave this was our first base and still kind of our main base in the world i just can't get away from this place i love it so much uh we began the world starting off in a cave and kind of liked it you know so i decided i want to build my base down here and whenever i build a base in this game i try to set certain restrictions to try and make it more interesting so one of them was like all the builds have to be underground we got to use grass for our floor so i i grew the grass down here this was back before silk touch was in the game all the grass had to be grown and also i set a rule that i don't want to use any torches in the finished areas it's got to be all hidden lighting the grass and the nature theme of our base really worked out in our favor though in that regard because we didn't have carpets and a lot of other ways of hiding lighting in the past so that we were pretty much limited to like hiding it under water or pressure plates or a big one that i used throughout the base here that works well with the nature theme is hiding it under leaves we got bushes all over the place with lighting underneath and that does the trick for the most part also in a lot of places in the ceiling there's lighting there's a daylight sensor thing up there that turns light on during the day and that goes off at night time um let's check out our our storage room here we still use this to this date many people want me to move on but i just love this thing so much the shutters open up and then the exposes the hidden lighting behind the chests and lightens up the room a lot of people like that uh in these chests we have a little bit of everything that's our nighttime song see the light went off over here now oh yeah it can be tough everybody living in a cave never seen the sky you don't know what time it is you run out the door and you get creepered right in the face not with the nighttime song we know it's night time now and we also have a daytime song that triggers in the morning and uh we're going to be switching into creative and spectator mode throughout this tour a lot of people get confused about this we do play the series in survival on hard mode with no mods no data packs no optifine nothing is vanilla minecraft but for the world tours i create a backup and that's what we're on right now so we're free to destroy stuff and go into creative and all that kind of stuff so these are our day and night time songs up above us they get triggered by daylight sensor right over here and of course with every storage room in this game you need to have an ender chest nearby we got that under the water anvil hidden over here and you need a crafting table as well that pops out of the ground like a so and also it's nice to have a smelting room next to your storage room so that is what this is over here we can smelt stuff every time we put in something it plays a little tune the light turns on and also uh these lights over here turn on if anything's smelting in the room hmm i just realized these might be backwards i think they're supposed to play the tune when they finish smelting so you know they're done even if you're not in the area but i guess just light turns off we got wire access over here if we want to check out how the redstone works i made the smelting room back when bud switches were new in the game block update detectors um now we have observers which replace those for the most part and as our world ages we try to keep our older builds looking pretty much the same as they did originally but we do make a little modifications you can see we got a stone cutter here now and the grindstone lanterns shulker boxes in the ceiling those aren't weren't there nine years ago i tell you that up the stairs here we have one of the very first farms we built in the world the pop-up sheep farm um that we added this section a little later in the series once hoppers came out but uh the idea is we can run along here and share our sheep like a so some of our builds in the world have broken due to updates and this is one of the farms that definitely has many times because it uses so many different game mechanics which keep changing um but we tried to fix stuff in this world as well so i think at the moment this is working but not as good as it did originally always interrupting me so the way this farm works is we got a block above the sheep to hold them in place they're about a block and a half tall so they can't get out of this this air space here and uh originally when we would shear the sheep the wall would always land within a three by three area now it can jump outside of that a bit um and then we would use water to push the wall down a grate here and it would always land on the pressure plate now it can get stuck on the fence rarely and when it would trigger the redstone the sheep goes down and then grass grows to the dirt block there triggers a bud switch and then when they eat it it triggers it again and they pop up so let's just head to the end here where we got our controls so there's a water bucket control over here sends water down to push the wool down the grates and then all the sheep that have their wool sheared would go down and reset the ones that didn't have it sheared before would stay but you can see it's a little a little broken so we also have a manual override to get everybody down aha and then when they regrow their wool they pop up the lights turn back on above here we got the water system the pistons move out of the way and drop the water down we do it that way so the piston kind of matches the wood color up there and then below we got our two stage bud switches i designed myself i was pretty proud of them at the time which uh trigger when the grass grows and they eat it and then we also have the water below those pressure plates over here let's go creative that's where the wall ends up going to spawn some in here that's this it runs down a channel on both sides water on ice over here and it goes to a dropper elevator right over here up to this chest and then you can see it's ending up in here and it gets collected together and then we manually take it out and put in the different colors and shockingly this is the only sheet farm we've ever made in this series i do plan on eventually making a new one with the shears and dispenser mechanic that's sort of newish but this has been sufficient so far for me actually because i don't build with wool very often but if i need a lot of it this is definitely going to be disappointing because it's not that fast over here we got our ender pearl station loaded up with ender pearls over there and then we stand here to get them it's pretty nice i use this thing all the time um downstairs we have multiple branching paths in our world enderman's stealing our stuff as usual another one of our very first farms is pretty gimmicky mushrooms would grow in there and then the water would harvest them now they grow out here we got a jukebox station we can we can put records in here lights turn on when we do that so the general idea with the man cave was to fill up any empty spaces we might have with contraptions or farms or anything we want to build and then link those together with paths and then finally decorate them and make them look nice and honestly i think that's the most practical way of playing this game like i've made many bases since then i find this works a lot better than like pre-building a base and filling it this is the very first enchanting station i ever made in this game guys and i'm pretty sure this is the first enchanting table i ever crafted actually still got it still know where it is um that's another cool thing about having an old world it's like oh yeah that was the first time i did that first time i did that it brings up a lot of old memories you know uh so in the past it took 50 levels to enchant something and you needed 30 bookshelves not just 15 like you do nowadays and when you enchanted things your levels went all the way down to zero so a lot of times people would block out the enchanting table with torches and the way i decided to do mine since i was a redstoner at heart you know i decided to hook up some sticky pistons to the bookshelves and then you have a fine control over what levels you would get i keep a lot of junk up here as well in these i think i added this later this stuff up here um but yeah you can control the levels easily that way uh-huh and this is a little hard to explain but we have a man-made river running through our base which uh originally the plan was to have a water transportation system like a boat road running through the whole base and it just never worked out and we ended up just keeping this here as like a decorative thing and a way of getting around we've got lily pads over top of it we can walk across which is kind of cool back over here again this is like the part we branched out to shortly after we did this area uh we got a pumpkin and melon farm very simple one step on it pistons push the ground up this used to shoot out a hoe at the end here we would use to till the ground because originally pumpkins and melons would not grow on regular dirt like this it had to be tilled and then we would step on this it would go down and they would grow again we can store our stuff over here something that is true even to this day everybody is whenever a new block comes out in this game it never fails that's the block i gotta build with it's my new favorite thing i think sandstone was the hot block for a long time and then when i generated this world it was the same time that nether fortresses came out in the game and also i believe it's the patch that introduced the end the strongholds so that's what we got in the walls and uh also abandoned mine shafts i think came all came out in the same patch so of course we built the base the man cave in a giant abandoned mine shaft and there's still the remnants behind here we got uh dual cave spider spawner somewhere is it over here oh yeah here's the other one there's one there's two and uh when we stand over here it activates both of them for a long time this is where we used to kill them there was a crushing system here and we ran them up a spider elevator thing i designed it it brings them up there's a whole wacky thing it goes up over here and then i think this came from the other spawner they merged together it keeps going it keeps going there's a horse over there and then it would drop them down get them down to a one-hit kill and somehow i managed to make it where they wouldn't stick to any walls and stuff oh it was amazing this was my main xp farm for a very long time pistons were also fairly new in the game at the time we were building this i think they came out one patch before the official release back in the beta and of course the hot thing was uh spiral elevators so these would these would push you up they don't work anymore as you can see it would like it would bring you up like this it would push you on the stairs and of course every base needs an ugly brick thing so we got our ugly brick thing over here look at this infinite water incredible amazing crafting all in one station the water doesn't flow out because we got the pressure plate here yeah hidden lighting oh man just just incredible guys you didn't see that there did you no it's there uh we got to run faster for speed potions we got live longer for the instant health and don't forget about the hidden chest behind the lava that's what we would use to refill these when they would run out because we built this before hoppers were thin you had to manually refill things back then it was really annoying uh don't forget also about testificates you guys remember that before villagers became villagers they didn't trade at all they did absolutely nothing in the game for a very long time and the goal was to collect all six different guys different colors in project pokemon here um never did it though and we can't do it anymore so these are empty got some secret chests here for trading stuff with them we got paper for the paper trade we have a button to cycle through the guys it's broken now they take damage a little bit when they get switched but uh yeah kind of cool secret ender chest that's the crafting table secret ender chest aha we got a 2x2 door here this leads over to um emerald city the plan was to put a village over here and to make it all technical and crazy and oh my goodness my eyes look at this place right incredible absolutely amazing so we would drop the villagers down over over here then we carted them over with the mine carts to our village and then they were forced to live in these rooms and now i use this for storage there is still one iron golem here from the ancient days though um and there was also the well i think there's a villager down here still there's two these guys are ancient ancient i don't remember how this stuff all works to be honest it was so so long ago but yeah i had a big plan in mind with all this like we spent a lot of time working on this i had to mine out the whole area we had a whole system up above here for the villagers they would get dropped down through the water and there was like a storage system and a way of moving them through the nether oh i broke it um they would get held in these areas and then drop down to these spots oh that was just for project pokemon i guess yeah anyways it's abandoned we don't think about that anymore we almost never see it something else that we abandoned but is so much cooler was our original potion room uh back before brewing was automatable uh we came up with a system here that's pretty cool we got the three by three door with the hole in it uh we got some storage here for the potions this is like our random junk stuff um you can see it's color coded behind the chest there's some wool so blue for swiftness and orange for fire resistance regen that was pretty cool we got some pixel art in the floor as well as our main brewing area over here so the idea is we would stand underneath the water if we wanted glass bottles we'd hit the top button and funny enough with the way the game is now this actually gives us filled water bottles that's not what originally happened um you would get glass bottles and you this was within reach so you'd hold right click and then they would get thrown up like this and filled and then you would use those to fill up the brewing stands all of the brewing stands are within reach you don't have to move at all to get to them and then like if you wanted netherwork you would get the netherwart i guess there's only one left if you wanted uh redstone or gunpowder you would hit this and uh then you'd pick your final ingredient sugar maybe for swiftness potions everything would get dispensed in this one spot you'd brew your stuff and then store it over here which was neat and there's a whole bunch of stuff making this work there's a massive storage room above here uh droppers weren't out in the game yet so we used dispensers and that is why we're getting uh water bottles now because it's uh glass bottles in the dispensers at the water here kind of interesting dispensers are about thank you sign um i guess that's for the door um yeah anyways the way we would get to the room over there is through the gold door and these endermen are driving me crazy and there's a hopper minecart underneath the block there it would pick up the stuff go through step on the pressure plate to close the door and you can access all the storage here and refill it and stuff moving on we got ourselves a bit of a wacky build the ufo with the cow farm below this was our main source of food for a long time eventually we found a mushroom island and moved those guys over there as well but we had a whole thing for fishing we would stand here it's like a little mini game i'm pretty sure it doesn't work anymore can we get one at least oh we got one we would fish him up and they would go into the water above and then float into holding system oh yeah so you can see we got flowing water that goes this way then it would merge in the middle they would go over here fall down into a fenced area and this is where we would kill them and something else cool about this cow farm is this square you see this was actually part of the abandoned mine shop you know those weird square rooms that's what this is we turned it into a cow farm which we can get to over here we got a way of going down we got some dispensers for looting we got that for tilling the crops oh yeah we used to plant wheat and stuff here too we got seeds and the wheat there but generally we would uh feed the guys we'd go down here after we killed them let's kill a couple i'm sorry i'm sorry we have a bunch of pistons holding water up i believe over here and then we would retract those when we hit the button oh a lever never mind that would pull the pistons back the water would flow down because again you couldn't like keep water buckets and dispensers or anything like that um all the drops would fall down to the center and then get pushed towards us and also there was an old trick in the game if you had fences below tilled farmland you couldn't trample it and that was amazing but they removed that pretty shortly after it was discovered uh and then there's also a way of getting back here once upon a time we had two testificates in our world named tom and jeff that ran our potion lab for us then one day jeff killed tom so we trapped him in a cage above a lava pool we used to point and laugh at him until one day he just disappeared the end uh we have our cave spider spawners we can view through here as well as a slime pad we built so another big change around the time we made this world was slimes used to only spawn at like y minus 16 or less then they changed it to y 40 and less so we made a spawning pad in a slime chunk they jump off the pad into the water streams around here slimes used to sink so they'd fall down these holes and die um but now they just float over top of them and they go up an elevator here whoop whole big thing here there's also like some lava blades and stuff i think we used to have in here but we got rid of small slimes fall down a one by one area and then the medium ones medium ones down a two wide area and then there's the big boys that land over here and they end up in this spot and then there's also a minecart system which i think is empty at the moment that would pick up the slimes they would go down here a couple uh renegades they'd fall down and then they run around the track underneath some slabs and the reason we did this is just because it looked funny and they kind of push you around so when the big guys here go into the mine cart we can watch it fall down and go along here and also that we had a whole system for when they would despawn and the mine carts would become empty there was a way of detecting that and the empty mine minecarts would go back into the system it ram into a cactus and go into the dispenser here to be reused so it was a whole whole big thing and also there's a viewing window for that over here okay so we got a lot of stuff to cover in the man game let's keep going here uh we haven't gone down this path yet this is to an empty room this is unfinished as you can tell the idea was something out of uh donkey kong country the big hoard of bananas we were gonna stash a big pile of diamonds here or emeralds but never ended up doing it then i wanted to store my broken tools here we got a few of them but then they introduced mending into the game so yeah it's like unfinished area got a branching path that goes across our river goes down here it's a little decorative area we don't build a lot of new stuff in the man cave anymore but recently we added a bunch of stuff here except for the vine wall this was here for a long time so we get our shears vines grow against the wall sometimes they land in the water most of the time they don't and then there's hoppers below to pick them up this is a very odd contraption there we have a long history of burning diamonds in this series so we made a contraption just for that when the blue fire came out in the game you get the diamond you throw it in the fire and it turns blue incredible and then we hit this one so we can burn more diamonds uh we made a fern farm recently as well uh with this one we load up some ferns in our off hand and then we get our shears and just hold right click and electric every so often the dispensers bone meal the ferns so that they grow tall and then you get two ferns each one of those and get more that way and they end up in here uh also we added a concrete maker recently this was a bit of an oddball idea i had so we built it somewhere in the world we can maybe forget about it if we wanted to we do the layers again like so when we land on the pressure plate it shoots out a tnt and usually in that time we have it all loaded up if we don't pause [Music] and then it's pretty good if you get into the rhythm but that was pretty bad bad example of it but yeah it gets blown up in a blast chamber here and all funnels down into the chest there's also a chicken farm over here which is a bit odd as well we don't really have a good chicken farm in the world this was supposed to be for a mini game where they would shoot the eggs out and we would shoot the chickens as they fall down the way the man cave is laid out it makes it kind of tough to go in order so we're back over here again we're going to go to another old build a very old important build the tree farm look at the tree farm guys this thing is super important to our world not really it but the people behind it guys so if you don't know the story a long time ago on youtube when i first started you couldn't really make any money doing youtube the partnership program was brand new at the time um things like machinima were around but oh they were sketchy i almost joined machinima at one point and then it's like the guy that was recruiting me asked me to join on xbox 360 to play call of duty or something and i didn't want to because uh transformers war of cybertron was my game i was like one of the top in the world at that game and then he was like making fun of me for it playing some kitty game even though it's not a kitty game it's an amazing game um anyways it seemed really unprofessional to me so i i opted out of joining machinima but i watched the movie social code and it's like man i got to start thinking of ways of making money in my life and i almost quit youtube for a while and i thought let's just open it up uh to donations and see what happens and oh my goodness guys we got a lot of donations every one of these trees represents someone amazing that sent me money in the early days helped keep me motivated and making videos and eventually we did get partnered and uh started making money through ads and then we stopped taking donations once uh that became sustainable but uh we still have their memories here and i i thank everyone for that because that made a huge difference uh also along the tree farm here we got a cool mural different biomes in the game we got like the tiger cold biomes on on this side of the wall then we got the hotter biomes over here desert mesa little uh bryce cannon or whatever i don't know we got a sand temple miniaturized as well as like the forest and plains and stuff on this side it's a little bit tough to see it when the trees are grown in here but i've always been a big fan of the ceiling design we did in here as well uh it's it's a simple design but it looks pretty cool i think and over in the corner we also have a grass farm what would you call this again flower farm sort of thing you hit start you get stuck loud you hit stop hit the button up there water gathers it together and then we can store it there's also composting for anything extra we get that we don't want and uh yeah we upgraded this recently so now it's faster and does nialam and stuff so it's pretty cool those of you that have been watching the recent hermitcraft episodes you know i've gotten pretty good with note blocks that's not always been the case though i've always been a big fan of noteblocks didn't know how to use them for a long time but even during the series here i have tried making some noteblock songs and some of them turned out pretty good i think it's moon song from cave story got our map wall our kitty if you leave the trap door up it keeps playing in a loop as well um over this way is our netherwort farm we built this when magma blocks were introduced in the game and another word i believe as well new blocks guys new best block in the game gotta use them uh there is a button over here for harvesting press the harvest that shoots up the water and funnels them all to the center where they go down a hole water shuts off and then we gotta manually replant because there's no way of automatically doing it not yet in the game anyways and then they go up a dropper elevator goes up and then down into the chest on this side excellent so i think we covered most of stuff in this area we're not done with the man cave no no no there's still a lot left to go but this area is done uh down this way we have the end reporter we'll get more into that later we also have a path that leads to the stronghold base and i think this connects to the guardian farm although i might have covered that up recently then this was just a open space we had so i put something here we got a flower farm super fast slimes always jump on the pressure plates and trigger it when i don't want them to and legs of the world it's great yeah it's great design guys you can see our cave spiders oh yeah and this is where we actually get the drops from these guys so let's go check this out so they used to go up the spider elevator and then we changed it so they just fall down they land on the trip wires and then that makes the minecart get moving here picks up the drops through the slabs and deposits them in the chest and uh another one set up exactly like that as well and it's got a little creeper face design on the slabs um fishing got improved in the game at one point so you used to only get fish just the regular standard fish and then they added the looting and leer yeah i think that's the two so we made a fishing shack where we could uh just fish yeah uh this is the man-made river kind of branches out through different places in the base as well so it comes down to the fishing shack and fills up the pond and we also have the river branching down here it creates a small decorative waterfall which i think looks pretty nice down to the lower section uh this area is mostly decorative but we do have a little bit of a farm here this used to be a rabbit farm which is why we planted the carrots all around it um in the past you had to tie them to fences on leads otherwise i think they would get away or despawn or something was weird with it and then you would feed them through here some remnants still remain i think they all disappeared eventually i don't know why but then there was some stuff for oh i think we'd use the water so they'd hop around and make it easier to feed them and then there's poison to get them down to i don't know one hit kill or something and that was for collecting the drops or something i don't know it's all very confusing um eventually they all disappeared though so we turned this into a pig farm who also eat carrots so it worked out great this goes down further this is mostly unfinished down this way but we did put down an eats road in here as well which is a transportation system i invented a long time ago doesn't work in the game anymore but you could ride boats down a track i'm a pretty big fan of branching paths if you couldn't tell so at the intersection we can also go this way this leads over to the creeper face and uh oh we just saw it shoot arrows out of its eyes that's cool back up to this way um we got two important things along here this is a part of our snowball fountain system and also snowfall snow farm so you left click with the snow shovel hopper minecart automatically picks up the drops and then they funnel down to assist them below and this is a mini farm the very first one we built in our world check this out you stand on the pressure plate piston moves the dirt up and down like that hold right click and the dispensers are full of bone meal they grow the crop and you get a little extra every time amazing um also works with wheat potatoes even beetroot seeds guys look at that we get beetroot like crazy and the cool thing about this one is uh pressure plates on a jungle log so you can use it to grow cocoa beans too the very first thing we ever built in this world was the lava creeper face thing you see before us lava larva lava whatever weird way you want to say it uh the idea behind this was to pay homage to our first world the chocolate island we had a giant creeper face in the middle of our base so we built another one in the middle of this base behind it is our nether portal to get to our netherhub and it's very treacherous to go through it always but i've gotten into the habit of doing it properly now um behind the window here is our very first horse zenith we used them to fight a wither one time and he actually survived that was like incredible that's the snowball fountain i've been talking about it has a player detector on it so it only fires when we're nearby uh also you saw it shot arrows out of its eyes that's controlled over here we have a way of refilling um the arrows and then uh there's a randomizer for it as well and stuff oh there it goes and now we arrive at the moment many of you have been waiting for through this tunnel lies our very best friend in the world because it's a single player and he doesn't talk so he's the best we can settle for wilson our tamagotchi pet in minecraft well son yeah so the idea behind wilson is he's sort of like a mini game within minecraft our goal is to keep him alive as long as possible and over time his age bar ticks down and he wanted to get to the very end if possible but it's difficult he takes a lot of a lot of maintenance a lot of care because he's got these different stat points um he's got a weight bar a happiness bar and a hunger bar and then also a health bar which factors in the other three and does some math and decides if the health should go up or down every update um so if all his uh stats are in good shape his health goes up if they're in bad shape his health goes down uh also as his health goes down he's more likely to get sick and he's sick right now you can see because he's got a zigzaggy mouth in order to cure his sickness and he gets a major health penalty when he's sick like the strains a lot faster so in order to cure him you gotta feed them golden apples uh one second uh he's got a way of preventing it so you can't feed him too often and it was it was it was out so we couldn't feed him at the moment but yeah if we feed him a golden apple here's a sickness now he's just kind of sad because his health is low um in order to get him happy we got to keep him in good shape for a while so one way of doing that is by feeding him you gotta get his hunger up to five bars and you can feed them cookies as well cookies give them less food but boost his happiness and also increases his weight faster than normal as well the idea with the weight was to keep it bounced you don't want it too high or too low otherwise he would lose health and the really cool thing about wilson is he's got lots of different expressions he can make let's uh just run through those so at five lights on with the health bar he's got the super happy expression at four lights he's still looking pretty happy at three lights he's neutral two lights and he's sad at one light he's just wishing for death at this point and if you neglect him if you don't take care of wilson his health bar will drain all the way down and then he gets the dead face where his eyes are closed he's got the zigzag kind of like the sick face but uh once he once he dies you cannot revive him his heart stops beating and doesn't matter what you do his age bar stops ticking and that's your final score all right good stuff so let's go take a look behind the scenes what's going on in wilson's body a whole lot of redstone so the history behind wilson is we started working on him around the time the redstone update came out that's when we got hoppers in the game comparators and i think maybe droppers but i don't remember and i got super excited about all the new possibilities about what we could do with the new features and i wanted a technical challenge so that's where wilson uh started being made and while working on them i figure out lots of cool stuff like how to do variables counters in minecraft um we got a sickness randomizer based on health levels so this is a variable randomizer depending on his health level he's more likely to get sick it like operates in three different stages um also so that's like his immune system he's got a stomach so as we feed him it takes a while for him to digest his food if you keep feeding him before his stomach empties then he gains weight faster also he's got a bladder system over here i think so every once in a while he takes a poop and then his weight drops by a bunch um and it's supposed to like flood the room or something and you have to clean it up otherwise his happiness would go down i never implemented that and also a lot of people give me a lot of credit for inventing the hopper clock it's a commonly used redstone circuit in the game and i'm invented that while working on wilson actually this is the i think the first one ever made in the game right over here it's wilson's hearts so this regulates how often it gets updated it's a variable timer system every time it updates it runs all the logic behind wilson ah alright so we just have two more branches to go down in the man cave down there and we can go down here both kind of blend together as well so this leads to a viewing window for wilson and check out the redstone and this was supposed to continue on and expand the base but we haven't gone beyond that yet then we can go down this way to a new room this is like a flooded area so we're on a pier and it's mostly just decorative we also have a horse elevator here for our horse stable again this leads back to the creeper and uh this is where we used to keep our good horses until the slimes let a bunch of them out and they died in the water here that's when we moved zenith behind the window so he would be safe from the slimes uh this i don't think works anymore but we used to be able to ride a horse up the elevator hey look at that maybe it does work i don't know probably probably 50 50. and then we got slimes to land on if we want to go down uh through here is a mushroom farm this is for brown and red mushrooms and uh it's supposed to continue on if we want to keep expanding we've got some goodies over here for growing them and this is also a musical mushroom farm all right and then from here we have another branching path that goes down to the go get your snacks machine we saw at the beginning of this episode i've never really had a standardized intro for the series and one episode i just started with uh go get your snacks and for some reason that caught on people really liked it always want me to say it at the start of the episode and i'll do it every once in a while so we made a machine there to kind of visualize it and then this is an armory you used to be able to put armor stands in mine carts you can't do that anymore but we had a swapping system for like picking them up and then another one would drop down but uh all the minecart stuff broke with that now i just store some random tools and stuff here this leads back to that area we saw before yeah so a lot of the things we've seen so far some of them are useful some of them not so much but pretty much everything down this path of the man cave we use all the time like this is an area we frequent this leads to ethos lab this is our auto brewing system which replaced the old potion room um it's complete with the netherwort farm inside just a simple one and there's another one over there it's mostly for decoration though there's the on off switch for turning it on but you didn't expect that these lights tell us if there's uh awkward potions available for brewing and basically we can brew every single potion automatically here and it does it in a chain system so at the start there's awkward potions then it adds an ingredient and then we got night vision then it adds the redstone and we get extended fermented spider eye it becomes invisibility and then finally splash and at every step of the brewing process we can pull out the potions however we want them and some new potions got added to the game after we built this so it doesn't actually brew everything anymore which is a bit unfortunate and then there's a main system here for brewing the awkward potions if we flip this up it'll auto brew awkward potions and we can fill the water bottles up over here although that is totally automated now that you can fill water bottles with dispensers and above the potion lab is a giant minecart system for distributing the awkward potions to the different brewing areas it goes around through these junctions and delivers the awkward potions wherever needs it and then returns to pick up more when it finishes moving on we have another piston door on this side of the lab this one was kind of special used to be able to open it by selecting a golden carrots there was a oh it does still work okay never mind there's a rabbit hidden behind the wall that gets excited when he sees the golden carrot in your hand that leads to this other intersection room or tunnel this one's uh pretty decorative though we got a bunch of plants on the podzole down below water down the middle and you can see like plants hanging down from the ceiling roots from trees and i think i hit a bunch of water buckets above above too so it like leaks down looks like it's filling up the water blow oh and i guess there's water coming out of the sides here too that makes more sense actually this way is our main mob farm in the world which isn't doing anything because it's probably night time it's fairly efficient but it's nothing super crazy i think i still got a lot of dark spots actually in this area that i got to light up but over time just just based on its position we're like always near this thing so it produces a lot of the bones arrows powder and zombie flesh if i need it extra drops go in there it all gets sorted uh they just drop down through a chamber goes up to a bunch of spawning pads here this is a system that uses cats dogs and villagers and then they go down and down here there was also like a way of switching what path they take we could make them go this way we were building an arena at one point but uh never ended up finishing that or doing anything with it really if we take a right at this intersection it leads us to an unfinished room this is what we called the pixel it's a another tech project a storage room system i invented a way of searching shulker boxes to uh find stuff so we had like a menu where you would choose what item you were looking for let's say we're looking for glass this probably doesn't work anymore i'm just saying let's see that did not sound good no i don't think it works at all anymore okay how about this we'll watch a clip from our old world tour when this thing still worked and young etho can explain it to you with the the old microphone let's say we want some sand select it from the menu there you throw it into the hopper and then it'll check all those uh shulker boxes for any that have sand in and they should end up here so that has sand in and then if you want to cycle to the next box you step on the pressure plates this one also has sand in another one with sand we got a lot of sand apparently and then they end up back in here also the menu item back ends up back in here all right well that was a little weird but thanks etho you got me out of a jam there so the recent redstone changes seem to have broke this thing even further it's it's like getting stuck and stuff now so we might eventually tear this thing out but the way it worked is it would take an item out of the shulker boxes and then match it with the item from the menu it would put this into an item filter and if any items from the shulker box came out and went into the item filter it would know that it was a match and then it would have to put that item back in the shulker box and it does that at another stage and it was a pretty complicated thing if we keep going straight here we reach our underground village this was a replacement to the emerald city thing we did um we built some phony little facade houses here this was back when uh villagers worked in front they had to have skylight in front of doors to counter as a valid village villages don't even exist anymore so this isn't necessary it's much easier to do underground villages now but we built a bunch of little houses around here and some weird random contraptions we had a way of killing the villagers over here because he used to get a penalty if you killed them yourself where i guess you still do don't you where trades cost more there we go turn it on turn it off we got a school so the baby villagers used to go in here they would get separated from the adults and then when they would grow up i would decide if they should live or die they would go on to the good life if they should live if they have good trades if they had garbage trades we would send them down here and they would go up to the surface and get killed by zombies at this end of the village we had a contraption for trading zombie flesh with our villagers which isn't really necessary anymore um there's a weird guy staring down at us i made some weird things in the past i tell you i don't know what i was thinking half the time if we keep going up here there was a zombie spawner this used to spawn in zombie villagers i don't think they do that anymore and we would cure them and then we would send the cured villagers to the village if we ever needed to repopulate it and we also got an elevator down here if we want to get up to the surface we just hop on the llama llama vader takes us up activates some tripwires on the way we hop off and uh there we go we're out of the man cave nope not yet we still got another branch to go down in the man cave and then we're done with it this is a quick one though but man we're at 50 minutes here uh we might just need to skip the man cave in future tours because it takes up a big chunk of the time uh so behind this door is a randomizer for a firework crafting machine we can refill the ingredients there um we go down and we can access the actual room to it over here so this is the firework factory i don't know if this still works i haven't used it in a long time but you stand underneath here and i don't know i don't even know if i remember how it used to use it yeah it gives you the ingredients you use those to craft your fireworks star like so and it's random and then once you do that it gives you more stuff those end up in storage and then you can use them to randomly craft a firework with uh random amounts of stars you can select how many over here with this item frame how many gunpowder you want with this hit the button i don't know where they come from i guess over here and it gave us a random amount of stars and gunpowder matched with the what we got set there nothing in behind there we got uh elevator and potion lab wire axis this is just if we need to uh check anything out or change anything easy easy to get to the stuff that way all right let's keep going got to keep moving so we saw this already this is above the ethos lab we ignore that guy oh actually we can use them check this out we put the shutters down and we're perfectly safe for mobs while we use one of our mini farms yeah this mini farm doesn't work anymore it used to block out the light with the slab now it light shines through slabs and i can't plant the crop either there was a hopper underneath to pick up the the plants when they would pop off and it was pretty nice but it doesn't work anymore let's keep going a little decorative wheat field there and we built another mini game over here this is like a simon says memory game never got it finished though so let's just all right we killed them when the concrete powder came out we made a way of uh switching walls just like a fun goofy thing there's a bunch of different patterns oh man trying to do it for and cycles through them but never fully hooked that up either and then it is dead dead ends here all right we finished up with the man cave guys we can move on and check out some other stuff in our world some stuff above the surface now and uh we're gonna fly through the secret tunnel behind the waterfall we made this uh before you could rocket launch yourself with the elytra so we had to get the slope just right to make it through and uh we used to have a conveyor belt system here um there was a thing you could do with pistons for a long time called the piston translocation it was in the game for two years and they even had some updates in that time and then they were like oh hey let's remove this uh this feature from pistons and it broke so much stuff in my world and i had to uh tear out a bunch of conveyors and elevators and redo them and stuff oh it's nighttime there we go that's better so the tunnel brings us to the library this is our longest running unfinished project in the world and i kind of don't ever want to finish it just because of that uh we got an enchanting station with the anvils and stuff there and this is part of a book matrix thing we have a way of storing our enchanted books and then we can request them using the buttons aqua affinity let's go for a punch and efficiency then they get delivered to us right around here there we go you can use those for enchanting and stuff which is great it's a little bit slow though made that a long time ago and uh we got grandma wither bottoms up there might tear that out still i'm not sure yeah so at the end of every episode we do like a q a thing where i pick out a comment from the previous episode uh if somebody asks an interesting question or brings up a good topic or has a good idea for me i like to feature it as the comment of the day and we got those arranged uh every 10 episodes gets a chest and they're all in order and we got them all saved unfortunately there was a bug a long time ago that deleted a lot of them um so we lost a lot of information that way but we have them also on the other side here older ones these are the ones i think that got deleted alright so back at the man cave entrance i guess let's just fly up and give you an aerial view of what's going on here so that's the library where we were just at um it's a little bit chaotically arranged i would like just build random things and you know they wouldn't really match the theme or anything so they got like snow mixed with forest and sand all over the place doesn't make a lot of sense so uh doesn't have a lot of cohesion to it but uh you know it's our world we've gotten used to it this is the snowflake when i first started in the world i kept getting lost i needed some kind of beacon back before beacons were in the game so i put a giant snowflake in the sky and i could see it from a long distance and i stopped getting lost around our base then because remember we were living underground so we had no structures above here to help locate it either it was really really tough eventually we turned this into an iron farm as well one of the old school designs this is in our spawn chunks so it would run all the time am i gonna die oh i lived okay iron golems would fall down here and then the lava would kill them which i think i removed i mean poppy farm yeah it's a poppy farm not an iron farm it might be best if we just take a walk through the swamp actually so let's go for a little stroll we've seen this already that's the project pokemon and emerald city stuff we planted a few mushrooms here to make it feel a bit whimsical um this is i think the true spawn of our world so we used to have a way of sending ender pearls here from the end and they would get stored without us actually having to go to the overworld uh that leads to a mine shaft we'll check that out in a second but let's just go through the swamp i'm supposed to uh plant some trees like uh make it look like it's connected to the canopy above i haven't done that yet um but we got some mushrooms planted throughout here the reason i haven't done it you guys i hate walking through this place i wonder why just get swarmed every time i go through here it's insane but we got some mushrooms we built a mushroom house over here as well yeah yeah got like a fireplace a little cozy cozy decorated bedroom upstairs all right we made it out of there there's still a lot of work i want to do with that we gotta dress it up make it look nicer but the goal was to make the swamp film a little bit more interesting than just the default so this was our mine shaft one of our first projects in the world this goes down we got a bunch of chests for storage um this is where that eats road connects to from our base and it's a pretty long tunnel actually we had like a snowman walking around the top here that would make the lights flicker i don't know if he's still there probably not i think that's for speed potions and healing and then uh we had a way of converting boats into planks it used to be a trick you could do so you could turn like jungle logs into oak planks that way and again kind of like the tree farm at our base we dedicated a mine shaft to people that donated and this is how i used to get most of my redstone before uh speed mining was a thing and then we can ride the rails back once we're done mining oh and it still works look at that cool and then when we wanted to get out we could enter pearl through the lily pads oh that also still works oh cool uh-huh so going back to the whole using boats for transportation thing you'll see we got a lot of water around our base and we actually have like probably a good thousand blocks of water connected together uh most of that is because i actually carved out um the river myself it's like man-made to a certain extent and we put trees along the banks so it looks a bit nicer could ride our boat through here made a fake waterfall there and then it we joined it up to this lake where we got the you've been ethod thing this is a throwback to the minecraft days um it was b-dubs that verbalized the you've been ethod it's like you've uh been destroyed or you've been beaten sort of thing um and then someone turned it into an animated gift and i like made a 3d version of that in my world here and it's become like an iconic thing uh near the you've been ethod we got the diamond door oh you guys remember the diamond door i did a big thing where i teased people that we were gonna open it and then i would never open it i did that for so many episodes then eventually i opened it and there was another door behind it and that just that just got people so bad and then eventually we did open this and you can see the reveal for that on episode 404 if you're curious there's like a special episode as well um and then eventually we actually did put something behind here it's our redstone room if we want to a redstone project it's like a safe place to work with a nice flat area so at one point in the series i got this idea that we're gonna do biome enhancement um so like the swamp biome we built a giant canopy over that and we were trying to add mushrooms and make it look like its own unique biome uh same sort of deal with this desert we had a big giant desert right next to the man cave and it was just like a big flat yellow patch and it's like i want to make that look good somehow i don't know how eventually i decided to build a city next to it which we called sandy city and it's still a work in progress has been for a long time uh yeah the man cave's just right over here we got a gate to get into sandy city and i think let's just test this out there's a switch that activates if we got frostwalker on i think there we go gate automatically opens up oh we fall down and then automatically closes that gets us entry into the city um so we had this building here for a very long time um wasn't super happy with the way it looked and it discouraged me from building more houses here so this is all we had for a long time it's not really done either there's no interiors to speak of there's a bad uh but then eventually i decided to change the style a little bit and we got the stripped uh wood in the game as well that made a huge difference for this area and then i built a blacksmith building is a little bit cooler you know it's got its own unique style to it over here is a brewing system auto brewing for night vision potions and then the most recent building we added was this one over here it's like a got a market stall out in the front we used to have a villager there but he died and then no interior i'm working on it and just just give me time guys i've only had nine years cool cool and uh if you check it out we got a wall that runs all around the city which fortifies it we got three castle gates it is super protected against mobs no mobs can get in here during the night time it is absolutely great and then uh just outside this one we have a giant sugarcane farm he's after me which we used to use a lot to trade with villagers this was our main source of paper and actually still is to this day can't get me just run along like this to harvest it and just outside of sandy city we have this giant pyramid with a beacon on top it's not really a pyramid it's people keep telling me it's a zebra knot or something but uh the main purpose of this was to hide the mob system we had to build this above the ground and we had this big giant clay cube for a long time looked horrible so now we have like this uh crazy looking thing instead if we go through the other gate this direction there's not a lot of stuff this way but we do have a weird contraption for turning uh yellow sand into orange sand there was a way of doing that for a while but it's been patched out of the game now it's a redstone contraption a little bit cheaty but not super cheaty and then it would go down there um the plan is to maybe eventually expand out to the mountains that these paths are for we do have a couple things built up here we got a woolly mammoth woolly mammoth hanging out up here along with our penguin and this is one of our main ice farms for a long time um a minecart runs underneath the pistons and it pushes all the ice up into a giant 10 by 10 by 10 cube of ice so like a thousand ice blocks i had to do the math when uh it's ready for a full harvest which is pretty cool and uh there's also one other little thing here oh yeah it's still here i don't think this works now oh it might be oh there we go he used to spell out etho on fire but now the fire doesn't ignite when it shoots underneath the block excellent so we're almost done with this area i think it's worth checking out the cactus farm here as well this was a remake of an old old farm i made back before i even started youtube i had like three worlds before the chocolate island one there so i've been playing this game for a long time uh originally this was made a cobblestone though and uh the cactus would fall down the sides here into the streams below i didn't know you could like block water with signs at the time so i had to calculate exact lengths for everything for the water make sure there was no dead zones with it then i had a way of going down here with pot lights uh to light up the area all the water would merge together and uh end up over here except without a hopper i think when clay got introduced into the game the terra cotta i got like into a clay phase i thought it looked amazing so we built a road uh that leads up to the library area and every one of these lamps turn on at night time they each have it their own daylight sensor good stuff let's keep on going here so back when we started the biome enhancement project my goal was to fill up our world a bit more try to get it looking a bit nicer and fuller and i took huge inspiration from b double o he's uh he's a pretty good builder he always had these different areas in his world and he would connect them together with paths so i started putting paths in my world as well to connect the different areas together and it just it helps so much makes it feel more alive like it's actually a lived-in world you know um and also it just helps fill up space and then along the paths we have fences and uh b-dubs was always big into making custom trees so i started making custom trees as well got some dark oaks out here uh these are like custom like triple acacia trees mixed together and then changed the wood type out uh along with the biome enhancement project we started uh a giant wheat field over here this used to be a planes biome well it still is but now it's like a little bit more interesting right we got a dugout there's a scarecrows in the field with hay bales there's a tractor and the big thing here is the windmill as well used to have a villager that lived in there but he died eventually it's almost like a common theme with villagers they always seem to die and from this lake we also have another river that goes out this way quite a ways that's a man-made one as well we blew it out with tnt i think and uh had to build a bridge over top of it here in a path that goes up to the you've been ethod um we line the banks of the river with some stone like some cobblestone and leaves to make it a bit more interesting and uh there's a launcher here too let's see if i remember how to do this oh yeah okay i think we're gonna start checking out some of our key builds now probably the most important farm in our world the one i use the most is the tree farm over here so we mostly use this for the two by two spruce trees the way this works is we grow the trees in the middle there we climb up the water elevator and then we just face down you can actually instantly break these if you have a hope now which is awesome get the pressure plate that launches some tnt from above well it doesn't launch it it drops it at precise distances so it gets as much wood as possible without destroying anything and then there's hoppers underneath all the carpet here to collect the drops together in a chest and i'll probably add some kind of item sorter here eventually i've also been using this for the new work trees if you replace the grounder with nylium it works pretty good too further this way is a not so important this is one of those ones we try to forget yeah i think it's jammed or busted or something the lights used to like slowly turn on and off it was like a dimmer switch on this guy it's supposed to be the dragon it's not the best looking dragon and then i use the super bold color scheme down here and the plan was to like build a room to house our dragon egg it was going to be at the end there and uh let's just say people weren't a fan of the color scheme and everything all right everybody another big project you've probably been waiting for the nexus up ahead here is finally finished except for the outside but uh in terms of uh complexity and size and definitely a time spent on a project this is the one that takes the cake in our world the nexus has been a very long ongoing project and it's just a giant storage room basically in the front here we have a hexy decimal decoder that i designed myself and sounds fancy basically what that does is it takes two button presses a code and turns it into 250 to six different possibilities and then we have a menu here for all the 256 items we store in the system so we can choose what we want to pull out of storage like 8d we press 8d on our keypad 8 and then d i kind of got it laid out in the order they are and then we pull the lever here we should get some dirts delivered in the requested items or if we hit the buttons here we can request i think between 16 32 a stack or two stacks of items for whichever one we press and then if we want to put stuff in the storage room we drop it off here and it automatically gets sorted and we're getting our dirt takes a bit of time to get delivered that's the main flaw with this um and then if we want to manually go check out the storage room and and see things we can go this way this is where everything is actually stored um it's basically in sets of four oh there's some saplings over here and there's an upstairs to it we take the water elevator to go up to the second layer there's also two sides to it so it's absolutely massive like just a huge huge project of course we built it on quartz because why wouldn't we right let's make it the cheapest thing in the world and you can see the redstone from the hexi decimal decoder it's a a bit complicated let's go a game mode spectator maybe for a second here just get a full full idea of what we got going on here so yeah the wire branch is 256 different ways there's a whole bunch of stuff and then we got water streams that run throughout the whole thing here these are to put the items into the item filters and sort things for us um they also uh take items out of the system and deliver them to us when we request an item right across from the nexus is another one of our super important builds this is our super smelter the goal with this was to try see how quickly we could actually smelt things so we have uh something that takes items out at eight times hopper speed there gets delivered to eight different mine carts those delivered to the furnaces i think it's 128 furnaces or 256 i can't remember they spelt them spelting always takes 10 seconds though there's no way to avoid that and then it gets delivered here pretty quickly at three times hopper speed basically and as you can imagine a smelting system like that takes quite a bit of fuel and that comes from our bamboozler flip the switch and it uses bone meal to grow bamboo we got four different bamboozlers hooked up together this is like a bamboo farm i made myself um if the trap door is open it goes down and gets delivered automatically to all the furnaces in the super smelter and we can also just manually fight it here if we need to take it somewhere else this is the ray that gets created causes a lot of lag though also in this area we got started on another new city where we're gonna build this is a more modern style one uh supposed to house villagers and stuff but i haven't got too far with it but i got a lot of praise for the design of it and the color scheme and everything so we might continue on with this people seem to like it but it needs a lot of work obviously i'm not super big on building but you know i do it every once in a while it's a good change of pace got another one of these indie brewing stations for night vision and there's a system here for getting items we can choose between rockets ender pearls food scaffolding torches bones wood stone uh we choose our thing and then let's go for rockets sure and then we choose how many we want with this book roughly hey hit the button and we should get about 25 rockets yeah i'm not too sure this might have broke from the redstone update because i can't get it to work now i have a bit of a problem in this series where i love making mini games and i get them about 80 finished or so and then i just kind of stop working on them usually because you guys are so bored of the redstone at that point it's it's hard to continue and make it interesting but uh this is mastermind recreated in minecraft it's close to finished not quite it's a guessing game basically we had to create a bit of an ai for it because it's actually a two-player game so our redstone handles the second player that generates a code secretly from us we have to try guess that code we use shulker boxes to do that which have concrete powder inside that gets shot out and then we enter a yes over here uh we stack stack it up on the pistons we use different colored concrete as the colored pegs in the game there's six different colors you play with and then when you enter your answer you jump one set of concrete goes down below and gets converted to item form and then it gets matched with the the secret code there to see what matches and what doesn't and then the result gets displayed on the side panels here this one never got finished and yeah it's kind of hard to explain it but it's it's a pretty cool game if we ever get it finished aha so also in this area we have another pretty major farm it's a dual farm so this main area in the center is for pumpkins they grow and then they automatically get harvested when they grow underneath the block there gets detected and a piston breaks them they all get delivered down in the chests here and then we can use those for trading with villagers if we want but also we got the brown mushroom farm on the side that goes all around this and the way this works is there's actually um can we see them there's mushrooms beside that in the dark four of them so we'll automatically grow a mushroom here over time we don't have to plant it ourself and then you hit the button to grow that dispenses bone meal to all the mushrooms it goes all the way around and then we harvest it with our axe running along here an instant break with efficiency and then after we harvest it all we press that and water comes down and pushes all the blocks to the middle next to our big giant wheat field we have a village that generated in a plains biome this was an original testificat village when they did nothing in the game we tried to protect them for so long we built fences around the area we put lamps in there to keep it nice and bright spammed the torches and they survived in here for a very long time but i think they all officially died now uh we also upgraded their farms they're all automated like that um we did a weird thing over here there's a nether portal actually i never use this thing anymore i i should like it still works perfectly fine there's a way of getting to the nether here though i used to transport them through there and uh let's see oh that's where they are okay maybe they are still alive never mind i built a beacon there and then i emptied out the iron and i guess that's where they ended up aha cool well that makes me happy and then uh right between the wheat field and the village we built a path that it's kind of decorative we made a fake lake here with some plants all around it a plant monster over there and then uh we got a cool walk through the trees we got some hanging lamps these are all well i guess they're not really custom trees i think we just added some logs at the bottom and then it goes down to our course fruit farm this is for farming up perper in our world we smash the button up there with a bow or something it shoots arrows at the top those land and hit the seeds which pop off so that we have enough to replant this when we harvest it we hit one of these buttons that sends out water to harvest whatever is left to create the coarse fruit it all gets washed down into a middle channel here and it's incredibly laggy then the seeds get sorted out and end up in this chest so we can replant water automatically goes away on its own too we have a bit of a path here with some extra tall acacia trees give us some cover from the sun and then this leads over to the blacksmith building which is where the perper actually gets smelted it runs down a water channel underground and uh i don't think there's an interior for this building nope of course not you know i should make that my goal in the future here i'm going to try to finish up some of this stuff but yeah that chorus fruit ends up in the furnaces and then it smelts and we can make purple out of the fruit just like so awesome so we are just about done with the main area we just got a couple more builds and then we're going to head off to the nether and check out some of our farther away stuff so first off the guardian farm we've been working on this more recently but originally we built this guardian farm in 1.8 when guardians came out uh it just so happens my world there was a guardian farm underground here because a little hard to explain but my world was generated before jungles were even in the game and once i think they added jungles they changed how seeds generates like the which biomes go where so if you generate my world now with the same seed this is actually ocean where we're standing and there's a guardian farm right in this area so if i mined out the ground and put water there with spawn guardians and that's what we did and uh recently we added a mural telling the story about the elder guardian we put on top the windmill got a mini guardian temple there we transported the elder guardian through the nether and stashed him on top the windmill where he later despawned for reasons we don't know aha so uh if we go down over here this is where the actual killing chamber and storage is for it all down and here they are they're constantly getting burnt stuff automatically gets sorted into the chest as you would expect and then cook stuff there when i craft stuff i store it over here um and then there's a manual kill mode i think that gets rid of lava and there's also a way of sending them to the nether yeah let's go check out the nether thing actually so when we hit that switch to go to the nether it makes a water bucket come out here and pistons extend so they can't go down anymore and they just funnel through the nether portal let's go creative let's go back to the spectator oh snappers they end up in this uh chamber here where we used to kill them with instant damage potions and stuff uh now that mob cramming's a thing in the game we can't store like 200 300 here like we used to so it's not really used anymore and something we worked on just last episode actually is a new version of the ender porter which is a system for teleporting large distances in your world you can store ender pearls on bubble columns now very easily and then you use redstone to trigger another one of these at another area in your world that you want to teleport to so if you look at our coordinates we're at minus 240 700 we hit the button that triggers the ender pearl at our other base location here at our stronghold and now we're at minus 470 and 850 so we traveled a long distance there we set up another end of pearl for next time we want to teleport we can go back if we want to the temple and let's go to the stronghold actually because that's probably what we want to see next oh man we got so much stuff left to see i thought we could do this tour in an hour and a half but i know it's not going to happen now so at the stronghold base we've made many attempts at starting new bases in our world we have a giant mob system here this is an old-school version they kind of get trapped in here now it's not super good there's also a lighting system with this so we can turn it on and off we go flip this lever all the lights turn on oh i think we gotta do it to all the torches actually oh yeah it's not even controlled all together why didn't i put them all together uh oh let's go spectator so yeah all the lights are on here so they should stop spawning but otherwise they fall down into an area here we have a mob sorting system oh i think it does actually work it's just messed up look at the pistons we got an arm out and the arms over there i think we got to replace it for some reason i don't know why they broke or when oh let's get that one back there so if we do that then creepers get stored to the left zombies over there the baby guys and then uh skeletons get one way i think as we we uh squeezed them it through too quickly there that got messed up a bit but uh there's also a system here for making the skeletons shoot the creepers and then they would explode wherever we wanted them to down over here somewhere and uh there's also a chamber here they used to land down like creepers zombies and skeletons would get separated there uh the plan was to make a base location over here after the man cave long long time ago i have a bad habit of not following through with my secondary bases though because we got so much stuff at the man cave it's hard to leave it behind but yeah the plan with this was to build our base above uh end portal and silverfish farm we made a silverfish farm by detecting when they entered the blocks and then we would generate new stone blocks at a stone generator over here with lava above uh then the silver fish blocks would get funneled down a chain and stacked together into a big block and this was a way of storing xp back before it was possible there was exactly enough silverfish blocks here to get you to 50 levels i believe and do one enchantment so the idea was to keep this constantly running while we worked on our base uh we gotta go survival and then when we were ready we would harvest it and i think we used to have like snow golems and all kinds of stuff to get these guys out of the blocks and then we started using poison potions and it creates like a runaway chain effect where they all hatch at once oh my goodness i missed doing that it was so cool oh there was one stone block we also had ways of like sending them through the nether to go do mining it's at locations there's like an a portal system here this is a whole bunch of crazy wacky stuff that didn't make any sense oh i don't know what that does oh that lets them free and there was also a tunnel that we would transport them through um they would walk on one side we would be on the other side of glass and we also got a couple other random builds nearby the stronghold base that's probably worth mentioning the ice tray this was like the original ice farm uh eventually this biome changed so water doesn't freeze here anymore but we had a whole system for like seeding the ice blocks pistons would go down or up we would put them down when we wanted the water buckets dispensed and that would fill the area with water and then we'd put the blocks up so it would freeze faster and then down when we wanted to harvest the ice nearby here we also got the zombie purifier [Music] we made a whole giant contraption here for turning zombie villagers into villagers there was a zombie spawner back there uh used to be able to get zombie villagers from spawners he can't anymore as far as i know um and then we had a lighting switch to turn it on and off and then there was a junction if we wanted to send the zombie villagers to the curing stations they would land down here otherwise they would go to a killing spot here for the regular zombies okay i think i gotta figure it out so it only works if there's a zombie villager in here it turns on some lights and the tripwire gets activated and then when we hit the medicine button oh that was really flu only the ones that have the zombies in will have the weakness potions dispensed otherwise it doesn't waste them and i think there's also oh yeah and then when they would get cured that would get them out of the station with this button and then there's a furnace minecart to get them through the portal and uh coal here in case you need it some extra apples for curing them man there's a bunch of stuff out here i kind of forgot about we don't really go in this area anymore but this used to be our sand farm then we used to fight a bunch of withers out here we got our silverfish pit with a bunch of silverfish stored up and we also built a 360 cannon out here i totally forgot about this was a tribute to my olden days back before i was even on youtube back before minecraft i was on a server for like pvp before survival minecraft was even possible on servers a bunch of people like were big into making cannons there and i designed a 360 cannon uh that i was pretty proud of did blow up no it didn't blow up i don't know how it works anymore though this is like a remake of it it's a little bit fancier than the old one oh i remember how it works okay i think we gotta choose where we wanna shoot by throwing the tnt in the hoppers here again this is a remake so the original one was not this fancy and then it'll they'll use those as the ammo there we go did it blow up it blew up expected no less i think we finally covered everything in the main area we can start heading to the nether we skipped over the crimson wood and worked wood farm here we just built this recently it's a red stoneless version excellent so let's head back to sandy city there's a secret nether portal down here land on the pressure plate it pushes us into the portal then it closes behind us and we're finally into the nether our nether hub is right over here oh i love this place so uh we got four main branches tunnels that go up four different directions here to all our important builds this one is mostly just for farming we got a sand farm and ice farm down this way nothing else really so we probably won't end up going there uh-huh so something we just did recently actually is we mapped out our nether and marked a lot of the key locations with banners we're gonna be checking out some of these in just a second you'll notice a lot of our nether portals have buttons on these are for lighting and shutting off portals and some of them will light it and then shut it off after we go through um this is part of the portal network which doesn't work anymore but we used to have codes to go into different locations uh we would set the code by the delay on the repeaters and then it would break all the portals that aren't that code and then it would light the only one that was i'm trying to think of the best way to explain this but basically if a portal wasn't available if it wasn't lit it would search up to 128 blocks in the nether for another one that was so you could control which one you wanted to go to that way and basically get a free thousand block uh teleport from the overworld to the nether and then you go through the different nether portal you ended up at and it was all linked together with two-way repeaters and there was a decoding system to figure out which portal he would go to based on the repeater strength and uh yeah anyways let's uh check out some other stuff that's a little easier to understand we got a light show that goes around here we also got the decotonizer 9000 at the hub here so i was very stubborn about building an iron farm and i was wasting a lot of iron on buckets so we made a way to buy them it would empty the car out of the buckets and then they end up in here no over here yeah and we also have a horse swapping station we could choose between a mule or a fast horse for going down our nether tunnels if we wanted to transport stuff we would pick the mule but uh the game has changed quite a bit since then we got shocker boxes and ice roads and all kinds of better ways of getting around now and moving things uh we got blue ice running down the center of our roads here so we can get around very quickly now and i'm thinking we'll want to skip a lot of the transport time down the nether just to save episode time because it's getting super long but we got about 10 000 blocks of nether tunnels i think at this point is pretty insane uh this is slab city guys this was another attempt at making a new base the restriction for this one is we had to build using nine by four chunks of building materials and it was a cool thought but at the same time it also made it extremely difficult to decorate so i struggled a lot with this and i don't know if we're going to continue it or not i'll see what you guys say about it but i found it really hard to make it look good because um by nature we have to keep the walls flat and if you want to make things look good in minecraft it can't be flat because then you don't get the shadows and stuff unless you're using shaders it's a different story we had a concrete maker over here just a simple one where we could uh turn the dust into uh solid concrete we had a minecart storage system here as well so let's say we were looking for a block like pink concrete i don't know if that'll show up oh yeah there's some in there we also had a tree farm system so we would get our saplings is it automated oh it tried tried to grow it what about this one moving on the next stop in our nether journey is the amplified base guys so at one point in the series when amplified terrain became a possibility we did update our world that was one like uh outside of the game adjustment we made to our world so now we get amplified terrain when we explore further out and we tried to make this place work a bit but uh it became just a big mess basically um there's a clock over here that would sync itself to the proper time i don't think we ever finished that um let's see the idea was to use like a bunch of slime launchers to get around this place and then slime blocks kind of broke for a few years well we had a bunch of slime launchers for getting up the mountains and stuff these work now though which is kind of cool they were broken for a long time um let's see here we had oh i forgot about that that's like a tree farm this is a cool thing though we had a way of moving a bunch of mine carts like a storage system made out of storage mine carts we hit the button and it would automatically move to the next station in our amplified base area i think the next one on the list is over here they should end up over here if it still works yep here they come and everything goes in the exact same order which is pretty cool and then there's one more station after this and then they end up back at the first one there we had some kind of weird chicken farm here too they would like get shot out and fall down a big hole here and this area is a flower forest so at the very top of the hill we actually had a flower farm which uh i don't think works very well it's okay it's okay it's just uh not the best we'd have to manually plant them next stop down our nether tunnel is the mesa mining zone we had a way of uh sending out storage mine carts to where we would do our mining we would send as many as we wanted and then we would hop on ourselves and go there uh most of this is uh kind of mined out we use shocker boxes nowadays for moving stuff so that's all kind of pointless but when we would return the storage minecarts full of the clay it would go up into a sorting system and it would all organize according to its color in the chess so white would go in here and light gray in here that sort of thing uh also in this area is drearyville up these stairs let's head over there and do the special and you know i think we're gonna change it up this time just for a bit of variety because we've seen this uh show several times at this point we've never seen it with shaders on before so this is drearyville it's a little village up in the mountain a mining village uh this is our disgruntled villager this is where the tunnel leads up to and we hit the button that says do not press off he goes into his little hideaway and i think most of you know what's gonna happen now oh you can see the light through the wall holy smokes he uh hops on his flame thrower and he just burns the world down guys the whole village is going up in flames we built the entire thing out of wood so it would be totally flammable there's coal blocks in here we got the minecart that goes up to the whole deposit up there and we've got random tnt hidden all over the place so it's like constantly blowing up under trees and i just love this thing i always have i always get a kick out of uh watching this the power about the power behind that flamethrower is insane that's the big finale to the whole show and moving on again the next stop down our nether hub is our giant ice farm we just go down here with our silk touch the water kind of collects it together yeah we just kind of keep going along here and then we get to the edge and then the piston thing launches us forward and then we press left on our keyboard and we start going the other way all the water channels merge together and then they go up a bubble elevator and into the storage over here and don't forget about the crimson keep this is a newer project we've been working on since the nether update came out uh the general idea is to take a bastion and turn it into a fancy bastion so we've uh got some basics down here we're switching out the ground with nylium building bridges acacia trap doors for railing and the big thing we got built at the moment is a piglen bartering system so we put the golden up here and then it gets delivered to 12 different uh piglens and then uh runs through a bunch of item filters at four times hopper speed and we can get a lot of items very quickly if we got the gold which we generally don't have yet but yeah all the items we get from the piglens get automatically sorted into the chests according to where they belong which is pretty nice cool so that's another branch done in our nether hub now we're back here i want to go in spectator mode and just show you what we got going on in the area so up above our nether hub is a gold farm that kind of got abandoned this was our first attempt at it and then we rebuilt another one above that which still kind of functions this is what we call gold farm number one nowadays and the way this works is a zombie pigman spawns it gets pushed off by the pistons there's some trip wires um there's a lot of spawning space here actually and they get pushed down into these nether portals all over the place and then over at this end we have some buttons for controlling that that one's for lighting it usually we keep these off because otherwise it causes a lot of lag when they go through we can break them with that button and there's also a giant cage all around this thing to stop gas from blowing it up and then when the zombie piglens go through the portals they end up over here in the overworld so this is the portal they would come through they fall down then there's a crushing system to get them down to a one-hit kill we throw instant damage potions at them and we get all their xp and then there was a bunch of hoppers below that goes to a sorting system i think up a dropper elevator over here and then all the drops get organized in the chest and we got a villager here for trading if we want to um zombie flesh in there chicken junk and extra garbage in that one and uh overall this is kind of a nice little build i like the way it looks there's a path here for getting to the library and for sending enchanted books there was a zipper elevator those don't work anymore then if we go a little bit above this gold farm on top of our roof there's another gold farm up there we got a basalt generator we have a shulker box loading system for putting the drops from the pigmen into shulker boxes so those get broken automatically and put down in the chest below when they're full up above that though at the very top of our nether this is the spawning spaces for our zombie pigmen we added some soul torches to scare the piglens off and they fall down and then the pigmen try to get to us they fall down these chambers on all four sides and then there's some piston pushing systems to get their drops where'd that gas come from i think you spawned on the basalt actually um it gets all the drops together in the middle here and the xp gets launched up a system to us at the top there as we afk and then all the items go down these chambers here to the shocker box loaders yeah look at this oh my goodness yeah they uh they want to spawn here for sure you know i think we might be getting a little closer to the finish now i can kind of see the finish line in sights my voice is really starting to give out though this has been torture two hours of an episode never again we'll probably do it in the next tour again okay so this is our dual blaze farm this has this was a key build in our world one of our main xp farms for a long time because blazes give 10 xp per kill unlike most mobs that only give five so they get gathered together um down these two cones and then picked up by some mine carts at the bottom there they get brought up and then they ram into a cactus at the top there and if they fall down the chamber oh there goes the guy oh yeah and the pistons squeeze them together and down the middle they land on a iron pressure plate and as more of them accumulate more and more lights turn on and it used to be one that would get the five lights we would get uh 30 levels or something when we'd kill them all but now the mob cramming prevents that from happening um we kill them there's a minecart hopper minecart below that picks up the drops and they go down to a system we just built recently down over here and as well we got a potion lab down here there was a way of extracting water from sponges just uh we gotta build here for doing that i'm not gonna demonstrate it though we're low on time but we could uh put wet sponges in a furnace and then it would extract the water all right and then further down this tunnel any of you that have played castle crashers might recognize the frog there and this ends up at a nether fortress this is where we farm wither skeletons we got the whole area slabbed there's a portal here this takes us over to our gas blaster 3000 another uh tree farm design we did this one's pretty special though because you get attacked when you go through he's gonna burn everything down no we got him yeah we got a gas trapped in the over worlds oh man then when we stand here it would open up the trap door the gas can shoot at us and the water pushes the ball down so it would explode on the wood above the hoppers and it would collect the wood without losing any oh i think i figured it out actually so we stand on the pressure plates the gas shoots at us he can't hit us because of the water and then we hold right click with our saplings grows the tree and it glitches out uh-huh i think it's safe to say that one's broken at the moment if we follow the beacons up here we punched a hole through the ceiling so we can get on top the roof and this is where we have another gold farm iron farm slash villager trading system and gas farm everything all in one and it works while we are farming wither skeletons below that we'll still get iron which is pretty neat um villagers are sleeping right now but every so often it will spawn in some iron golems on the platform oh yeah it kind of worked at the moment you got to spend a bit of time here for it to get fully ramped up they fall down they try to hit the zombie pigmen in the middle there but they fall down and then the horde kills them below and then there's a minecraft that runs underneath that to pick up all the drops with a filter system the minecart gets one of each of these as it begins its journey and then passes underneath the grounds through a big maze of rails and then collects all the drops above delivers them to a sorting system down below and then we can pick up our goodies over here moving on once again the final branch of our nether hub has three main builds we could check out first off is the witch farm it's uh definitely in need of more work still it's not very decorated but the witches spawn up above they fall down land on the hoppers die and all their drops get collected together over here um i've actually had a big problem in my world with finding witch farms let's see we got the area pretty lit up which is good because we started the world so early it was before which farms were a thing and then we switched to amplified so it's like impossible to find a flat area to actually build one without having to remove giant mountains and stuff or light them up but yeah they spawn over here and then the shifting floors drop them down below uh this is good for the most part but a little bit of the mountains are within range of where we stand so it's not the most efficient farm and it's only a single farm and i find there's much better ways of getting redstone actually so i don't use it too often at the very end of this very long nether tunnel we have the underwater base guys yet again another one of our unfinished bases this is the one i'm most likely to return to though i think it has the most potential we did a couple wacky builds here we have an underwater tree farm it definitely takes a bit of time oh there it goes okay so it does grow so on the retraction of the blocks it leaves a little air pocket for a brief moment and in that moment we have to try grow the tree uh if we step here it removes the oak block in the way and then there's a dispenser here for more saplings and i guess it grows leaves under water now that's a new thing it used to just leave the wood we got a sea pickle farm over here i don't think i want to demonstrate that though i don't think it works too well we have an underwater enchanting station same kind of gimmick we have to activate the enchanting at the exact moment the bookshelves retract oh there we go yeah we right click the note block they extend and then they retract leave some air pockets behind so we can get to level 30 that way otherwise the water blocks them we also got a hostile mob system in this area that's mostly to stop drown mobs from spawning and attacking us if we got the regular guys spawning it cuts down on the mob cap they spawn on the platforms and then they move into a water elevator here which is a pretty good design actually they get flown up a bubble elevator to the top they fall down at the end here and land over here and there's also a way of switching it i think that makes some pistons extend and then they end up over here and we can manually kill them if we want to i guess there's a light system for the farm i don't know what that's about i think there is actually oh yeah check it out we got lamps above the spawning pads so when those are on it's too bright for them to spawn on the platforms and then we'll start getting a bunch of drowned guys spawning in the water around us and the final build to check out through our nether hub is the pillager outpost so this was one of those pillager structures we bulldozed and we made a farm out of it just for the the funds of it i actually had plans on uh making this into a raid farm there used to be a way of spawning multiple raids at the same time and then that kind of got patched out of the game so now it's kind of just a gimmicky goofy farm iron golems in the middle to attract the pillagers into these bubble elevators they go up and then fall down in the middle here and it actually works pretty good as a xp farm and if for some reason what you want to farm crossbows this is a way to do it too yeah that goes down into a system here for separating the junk i think we just press q oh and it doesn't land in the lava it lands on the ledge i forgot about that i was supposed to fix that well this is it everybody we've seen everything in the main world and also everything connected through the nether hub this tunnel goes from the man cave to the stronghold base and this is how we get to the end we save the end for the end so there's three main things to check out here first off is the ender ender 1.0 this was the original enderman farm uh if you don't know the history behind this this is pretty key to current endermen farms that exist today i had the idea of building an enderman farm off away from the main island in the past people used to flood those and light them up and uh it never really worked out too well so i built one way off from the island and uh i made a spawning pad system up above here just the standard flat they spawn on the pressure plates and get pushed down sort of thing get down to a one hit kill we brought a horse over here we could ride around to punch him to death and uh it's kind of funny i think it was during one of my episodes i was here like looking at the guys and farming them up as like you know i originally just made this for collecting ender pearls and i was like wait a minute i'm getting tons of xp doing this and uh kind of realize this is one of the best ways of making an xp farm in the game again this was back when you needed 50 levels and all that kind of stuff then eventually we outgrew that one and we started the second enderman farm out over this one this one's much more refined we used the vine trick that the zip crowd figured out for stacking multiple platforms together and yeah i remember building this thing i think i stayed up to like 6 a.m that night took like over 10 hours or something crazy this thing's huge lots and lots of layers to it the gimmick with this one though is i figured out uh we could use tnt and flame bows to farm them all at once instead of using our sword although i guess you can't uh do that anymore can you oh the water puts the flame bow out now it didn't used to it would shoot through it although this is gonna be hard to demonstrate i guess this is broken now we gotta shoot that and then put the water back otherwise it'll blow up the farm but yeah that's what it would do would blow up all the enderman we get all the xp still and if we stood here all the xp orbs would slowly flow towards us and we got the enchanting station with the cinderman farm we also had a system for moving ender pearls through these water streams that would go up to the main island and then that would go through the ender portal back to the overworld in that uh true spawn thing we saw earlier in the episode so we can automatically store ender pearls that way off this direction is the ender ender 3.0 this is the one we currently use and still works pretty good although generally if you're building an enderman farm it's better to build it lower in the world so you get better spawn rates but uh yeah we got like a pixel arts design here endermen looking ready to fight the dragon they're mortal enemies um giant spawning pad here for the endermen they get attracted to an endermites in a minecart and then they fall down over here oh and when there's enderman here there's a music fox thing that plays kind of loud uh we can stand here sweeping edge um you can collect xp faster than we can absorb it with this farm so it's pretty much maxed out as it is but yeah there's a music randomizer below this that constantly plays and generates random notes and i think that's about all there is to it so let's wrap up the episode here man that was a long tour wasn't it well it feels like i swallowed some thumbtacks my voice is absolutely shot at this point but i think we did it i think we covered all the important stuff obviously we skipped over a few things but i think we got all the key builds so let's head over to our fireworks uh shack here and pull the lever as we usually do to finish up these specials we got a bunch of fireworks hidden in the lake uh they don't work anymore [Music] oh you know why i think the dispensers are facing sideways and now uh they shoot sideways instead of going up [Music] so all the fireworks are exploding underground right that's that's a little different this time um and obviously we're going to be deleting this world after we're done with this tour this is a backup like i said before uh this is not our real let's play world i checked it out and yep that's what the problem was they're facing sideways so let's just end it in the man cave i think this is a fitting end for the episode and we're gonna do a reverse comment of the day today to save my voice a little bit it says what is your favorite build in the let's play world and i'm the one asking the question this time so let me know in the comments of all the stuff we checked out today guys what was your favorite thing we've done so far i'm curious um and uh yeah i think we're gonna wrap it up here so thank you guys very much for watching i hope you enjoyed this tour hopefully it wasn't too too long even though it was and i really appreciate you guys still watching the series you know we're still doing pretty good the views are still much like they were many years ago so yeah there's definitely still interest with uh what we've been doing and uh got big plans going forward here so i hope you guys enjoy that as well but i really appreciate it with uh you guys sticking around still it's funny i look at my demographics and it's like i used to get 33 of my viewers were under the age of 18 and now it's like five percent and all you guys have grown up and you're like in your 20s and 30s now and you're still watching the series i think a lot of you so it's it's pretty cool you're kind of aging with me and the series so yeah thanks for sticking with me all this time um and if anyone's new like thank you for joining me too so that's it thanks for watching guys have yourselves a great day take care bye bye
Channel: EthosLab
Views: 897,659
Rating: 4.9770813 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft LP, Minecraft Gameplay, Farm, Etho, Minecraft Game, Minecraft Building, Minecraft Survival, Minecraft Mods, Redstone, House, Update, Snapshot, 1.16, Netherite
Id: MVGB2jy5hJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 37sec (6817 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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