here's why you're wrong: "you don't have to stay inside lol"

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Hey everyone. D'Anthony Fantangelo here, the  Internet's busiest commentary channel. And this   is of course, a new episode of 'Here's Why You're  Wrong', the series where I take your hot takes,   your tough questions and your unpopular opinions,  and then react to the best ones. This is of course   my own original series that I came up with, and  I've never seen anyone else on the entire internet   do, especially Anthony Fantano. So today's a  bit of a special 'Here's Why You're Wrong',   because the topic is blacklisted. It's about the  obvious disease that's spreading throughout the   world rapidly, but if I were to say the name  of it, I'm just going to get automatically   demonetized, which I don't think is fair.  So instead, I'm just going to be calling it   CV. And if you could do me a favor and put CV  in the comments, instead of the thing itself,   I would really appreciate that. Now what I think is funny... well,   funny is not the right word, but what's  interesting about this whole situation is   it's bringing people together, but driving them  apart at the same time. So let's explore that.  'I'm not sure why everyone is making it such a  big issue to wash your hands and sanitize them,   when in reality, this is something you should  already be doing.' Here's why you're right.   I do think this whole CV situation has put  it in people's mind that germs spread very   quickly and that we are all just walking  hosts for all manner of organisms. Yeah.   I guess you could say it's a positive.  I'm using the term positive very lightly.  'It's not that bad. People are seriously  overreacting about it. It spreads fast and   you might get sick, but you're more than likely  going to be fine.' Here's why you're wrong. You're   just... you're absolutely wrong. It is absolutely  that bad because while you might be fine, and   hopefully you would be fine, there are thousands,  thousands, hundreds of millions of people who   are at risk. So the issue with this whole CV  thing is not whether or not you could get it,   especially if you're in the group of people  where it's not going to affect... it doesn't   really matter if you get it. Nothing's going to  happen to you. It matters that once you get it,   you spread it to millions of people who could die. 'Some of the people panic buying may be buying for   their older family and neighbors. I think  we should encourage buying supplies for the   people most at risk, so they don't have to go  directly in town.' Here's why you're right. I   saw a lot of shaming going around for people  buying lots of things. But my mom watches this   one YouTuber whose name is not coming to mind, but  she has 10 kids. And she obviously bought enough   food for the 12 people in their household. I  think it's absolutely important to consider   that some of the people panic buying might just  literally be buying, or like this person said,   helping out other people. Very insightful. 'The Western world will always struggle   through any epidemic slash pandemic  because people don't believe in community   and collectivism. The emphasis here is placed  only on self-preservation.' Here's why you're   right. You're just right. You can... in fact,  I think that previous comment, when that person   said they would be fine, and so it doesn't  matter, is the exact proof that you're right.  'The people who underplay the CV are being stupid  because this is a legitimate concern. But people   who overplay the CV need to calm down since  all they do is cause panic and panic solves   nothing.' Here's why you're right. All the  people saying, "More people are dying from   the flu." Please. But at the same time, people are  acting like it's the end of the world, and that is   not helpful. All that's going to do is cause  people to act like it's the end of the world.   And then we're going to have people dying from  CV-related accidents more so than the disease.  'The CV toilet paper panic buying is the most  unnecessary thing ever. So many people left   the food aisle still intact. What are they  going to do? Eat the toilet paper?' Here's   why you're wrong. I want everyone who  bought that much toilet paper to eat it,   but I want them to eat it. I hope they do. Taking pictures of empty shelves at the   store doesn't help and just adds to the panic,  just doing it for internet points or whatever.'   Here's why you're right by default. No,  it doesn't help. But at the same time,   I like seeing those pictures. It's cool  to see empty Walmart, but that just might   be because I'm weird, I guess. I don't know. 'That we are failing to stay at home and watch   Netflix all day just shows how dumb we all are.'  Here's why you're right. I saw people bragging,   they're still going to insert large social  gathering. What is wrong with y'all? And it's   like, as much as a very deep part of me wants  to say, I hope you get it solely because I know   it's not going to kill them, it's just going to be  uncomfortable, unfortunately, they become a risk   to everyone else around them. So, no, I don't hope  anyone gets it, but some people might deserve it.  'I think a cult for toilet rolls should be formed  and those without should be perished.' Here's   why you're wrong. The only cult around here is  the D'Angelo Wallace on YouTube, okay? We got   200,000 members recently and we are much better  than the people hoarding toilet paper, I hope.   Unless all 200,000 of my subscribers are hoarding  toilet paper, and I'm just the only one left out.  'We should continue supporting Chinese fast food  places. Just because they're Chinese doesn't   mean they have or carry CV.' Here's why you're  right. And you would think that this would be   basic understanding, right? Do you actually  think that just because someone is Chinese,   that they are carrying something that's  spreading in China? We are in the United   States or insert whatever place you're from.  When the black plague was floating around, did   every single European person just become a risk?  Actually, that's not that good of a question,   but you get the point I'm trying to make. 'People who stockpile hand sanitizer slash   medical supplies just to sell them off for  higher prices are gross, and should have   to donate the supplies and pay a massive fine.'  Here's why you're right. So, you bought $17,000   worth of hand sanitizer. It's only natural that  you just drop it off at the nearest hospital,   right? And then pay an additional $17,000  for holding up all the hospitals in the area.  'Toilet paper is by far, one of the least  necessary things to buy, and I don't know why   that's the thing people are freaking out over.'  Here's why you're right. Without going into too   much detail, toilet paper is not a necessity for  good hygiene. You can do the job with multiple   tools, and that's all I'm going to say about that. 'I'm sick and tired of hearing about CV. The   media is promoting mass panic and while CV can be  serious for some, the whole situation is not being   portrayed accurately. At this point. The worst  thing we can do is panic and well, yikes, just   yikes. People need to chill.' I can't say whether  or not you're right or wrong because I don't know   which media you're referring to. You're certainly  right in the fact that some media outlets are just   running with this CV thing. They're acting like  the world is ending and that's definitely not   happening. But on the other hand, I've seen  some media outlets severely under-reporting,   which is much more harmful in my opinion. 'Schools need to realize that they can't   wait a whole three days the one week before the  shutdown. The virus is spreading super fast and   anything can happen.' Here's why you're right. If  your school isn't shut down at this point, what   are you doing? It really makes me feel like people  have an attitude of, "Well, yes, it's happening,   but it would never happen to me." And then  fast forward and the entire school has the CV.  'Stores should have started limiting the amount  of items you can purchase per person days ago.'   Here's why you're right. That actually has  happened in the stores around me, and why   didn't they think of it in the first place? But  honestly, they probably don't care because if   you don't limit it, people are going to buy a lot  of it, and then you're going to make more money.  'People should have supplies for the elderly  slash people that already have illnesses. They   need it more than the healthy people, because  they are more at risk of dying from the CV.'   Here's why you're right. Holy crap. I hope it's  just common sense why this person is right.  'The US, compared to other countries is  handling CV horrendously. China, for example,   could be back to normal within a couple of  days- haha- because they're doing stuff like   sterilizing cities, building special hospitals,  clinics, et cetera, and only recently have we   declared a whole state of emergency.' I just feel  like this answer didn't age well, but here's why   you're right. Yes. The initial handling of  this entire situation was actually pretty   awful regardless of how China's doing. I do agree  that we could have done better, but unfortunately   it's just not possible to say whether doing  better would have curtailed this thing or not.  'Quarantines aren't to protect yourself. It's to  protect the people who are actually at risk and   to slow down the people who are hospitalized,  and everyone needs to understand that instead   of being selfish.' Here's why you're right.  I see people on Twitter acting like... wait,   I just realized, almost everyone has been  right so far. It's one of those days. Anyway,   I see people on Twitter acting like, "I'm  quarantined. This is so hard for me." Huh?   Don't get me wrong. I 100% believe that the  quarantine is difficult, no matter who you are,   and I am talking about that, but it's not  for you. Right? You do realize that. But it   just doesn't seem like everyone realizes that. 'People who'd used the CV as an excuse to show   how racist they are should be launched into the  sun for charity.' Here's why you're wrong. The sun   doesn't deserve that, okay? He's just minding  his own business up there. Nobody wants to be   around those people, including celestial bodies. 'One. People who use this to sell essential oils,   miracle cures, or stacked up hygiene products  are disgusting. Two. So are the people who   intentionally spread misinformation and disregard  the whole thing. Yes, it probably won't kill you,   but it will kill granny if you infect her.'  One. Here's why you're right. I saw someone on   Instagram claiming that they had essential oils  that would ward off the CV, which... Holy crap,   man, where is the FTDC... who does this kind of  thing in the US? Is it the FDA? I have no idea,   but wherever they are, they need to come quicker. 'Rudy Gobert did nothing wrong. He's just a   regular dude that jokes like the rest of  us and anyone mad at him should reexamine   their priorities?' Here's why you're right. In  fact, you're right in a larger sense. I don't   think there's anything wrong with joking about  this thing, to a reasonable extent. Obviously   the jokes that are at the expense of people  who are hurting are very awful, and I'm not   sure why you feel the need to make those. But I  mean the general CV flavor and self-deprecation   that's floating around, I personally find  very amusing. There's nothing wrong with it.  'People not caring about the CV because it's only  killing the sick and old is ableist.' Here's why   you're right. Ooh, this person is direct, but  they ain't never lied. It's absolutely ableist   and ageist to act like it just doesn't matter  because it's only harming immunocompromised   people and elderly. Only? They're still people.  God forbid somebody treated you like that once you   pass a certain age because... well, you would die.  Literally. That's what this whole thing is about.  'People who say you're overreacting to CV are  wrong. A 3% death rate is millions of people dead,   and that's a lot of dead people.' Here's why  you're right. It's almost like people don't   understand how these things work. If something  is spreading very quickly and 3% of everyone who   gets it is dropping dead, that's 3%, sure. If  it was a hundred people, that's three people,   which is still three people. But now it's getting  into the thousands and the tens of thousand, and   we could be looking at the hundreds of thousands,  so percentages add up. Think about your taxes.  'People not recommending others to go out  to bars and restaurants pisses me off a lot   because shutting everything down will put all  of those small businesses at risk of bankruptcy,   which will then affect all the employees.  Shutting everything down equals our economy   collapsing. Many of my close friends rely on  their paychecks to live and there aren't really   any benefits slash safety nets, for restaurant  workers. If you're old or at risk, yes, stay home,   but I don't get why someone going out to a bar  that you're not at affects you. Also don't tell me   how to live my pandemic life. If I want to go out  to a bar, get food with my friends, that's on me.   You can stay home.' This is why people are dying. 'With CV, I do think that the schools closing was   a good decision for large schools, as this is  more infectious than the flu. But I think the   response to the shutdown is insane. I work  at a grocery store and watch people fist   fight over toilet paper, and my coworkers have  hidden some.' Here's why you're right. What?   People are really acting like it's the end of  days over toilet paper. Maybe all the people   fighting over toilet paper deserve each other. 'The media is just using a CV to make us panic and   forget about actual issues going on. Either way, I  don't trust the media, and for good reason. I also   don't believe after all this settles, we could  go back to normal. That's just my tinfoil hat   talking though. L-O-L.' Here's why you're right.  The media is just not to be trusted, no matter   what their context is, but specifically they are  getting such a huge piece of attention off of this   entire thing. It's just a vicious cycle where like  the worse it gets, the more press coverage they're   able to put out and the more eyes, ad revenue, et  cetera, they're able to get on their sites. Yeah.   Unfortunately the media is definitely profiting  off of this situation, maybe more than anyone.  'Saw lots of replies to this thread referring to  the UK not shutting schools, and I'd like to point   out that this is because they waiting until it  peaks. There will be far more stress on the whole   country if they shut schools now than if they  did later.' Here's why you're wrong. I thought...   okay, hold on. Just to preface this, I'm no  scientist or medical person, but I thought the   whole point of shutting down things was to flatten  the curve. We don't want it to peak. We want   to prevent that as much of this from happening  as possible. When there's no cures or vaccines   floating around, prevention is the best cure. 'Even if CV is something 97% of people need   to worry about, quote unquote, it's really  worrying that one sickness can show people   how messed up the system is, especially when  that messed up system was never hidden.' Here's   why you're right. I know people are acting like  the healthcare system has just completely broken   down in recent days, but I think it's even scarier  to think about the fact that nothing has changed   though. This is the same healthcare system that  we've been under and referring to what that other   person said about things going back to normal, can  they? I would hope that they don't actually. Maybe   this can be used as some sort of stimulus for  fixing these systems that are just so clearly   ineffective, but I don't know what to do. 'I'm low key happy that I get a break from   school because of CV.' Here's why you're right.  I think that's perfectly valid. Is CV bad? Yes.   Yes. It's awful. Clearly. Who's going to think  it's a good thing? But it's perfectly valid to   enjoy the break. I got a wee bit of a break  because of CV as well, and it was needed.  'YouTubers with no medical or biology training  or experience should not be doing myth-busting   videos about CV as they risk spreading the  same misinformation themselves or creating   undue panic.' Here's why you're right. Actually,  this is a call-out post to those YouTubers. Who   do you think you are? What would possess you to  think that just because some people follow you   on the website, that's a good idea to start  doing medical theory videos? If anything,   the very fact that you are a YouTuber is proof  that no one should take your advice on anything,   and I'm allowed to say that. But on the other side  of the coin, I do have to thank all of the medical   professionals out there, because there are some of  those on YouTube and they're making really great,   helpful, informative videos, and sadly, they're  just getting demonetized because of it. It's a   two-sided coin. It's like, "Here's why you're  right, and here's why... well, no, you're just   right." But thank you to the doctors, okay? 'My parents, "Get a bag ready just in case   we need to hit the road. It's like the walking  dead out there." Please save me from my idiot   parents.' Here's why your parents are wrong.  You're not going to have to move. In fact,   if you guys hit the road, that would actually  be much more ill-advised than just staying home.  'There's a difference between taking preventative  measures and paranoid measures. Also, CV isn't   going to affect the majority of people badly,  but it's important to stop the spread of the   disease to protect the vulnerable members of the  community.' Here's why you're right. Actually,   I keep seeing people talking about good,  healthy, important, preventative measures,   and then just people in the comments being  like, "You're panicking." Oh my gosh,   you can take precautions without panicking.  At this point, it's just natural that we   should be doing everything we can to stop it. 'Deserving that it took a pandemic for some   people to start practicing basic hygiene T-B-H.'  Here's why you're right. Y'all do realize that   after this is over, you should probably keep  washing your hands, right? I'm literally just   waiting for this to finally blow over, and someone  on Twitter is going to go there and be like,   "Yay. I can finally stop washing my hands."  And then it's going to get 180,000 likes,   a ton of retweets, and the whole comment section  will just be full of people who don't get the joke   or don't know if they're joking. Can you... am  I the only one envisioning this? You know it's   going to happen? I should do it. 'CV isn't scary because it kills,   it's scary because it spreads so easily.'  Here's why you're right. Thank you. This   goes back to what I was trying to drive home  about the 3% thing. Yes. 3% is low, admittedly,   but with it spreading so easily, 3% of a lot,  lot, lot, lot, lot is still a lot, lot, lot.  'CV is a good meme. That's all.' Here's why  you're right. I have seen some of the best   memes I've ever seen in my life. I personally  think this is a much better meme than World   War Three, but that's just my opinion. 'Thanks to CV, people are finally giving   each other space and looking around and  just overall being more aware in public.   Why can't people be that polite all the  time instead of right up my butt when I'm   trying to get my produce?' Here's why you're  right. Introverts, we're finally winning,   okay? Because now they're forced to act like us. 'CV bad. Now clap.' Here's why you're right.  'There's never been a greater time for owning one  of those Japanese toilets slash bidets.' Here's   why you're right. Yes, but at the same time, I'm  still scared of those. I know, I'm sorry. But   with the general lack of toilet paper floating  around, those people are winning right now.  'I honestly hope it gets worse because this is the  most interesting my life has ever been.' Anyway,   what I got from all this is that we actually,  for the most part, seem to be on the same page   for once. This is less of a, "Here's why you're  wrong," and more of a, "Restoring my faith in   humanity." I'm glad most people seem to understand  what the key issues are with this whole issue.   I'm glad I was able to make this video to talk  about it for those who might not have understood,   and I'm probably still going to get  demonetized, so honestly who cares.
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 561,479
Rating: 4.9441915 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, here's why you're wrong: you don't have to stay inside lol
Id: VX_doOe8YLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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