here's why you're WRONG: "all fandoms are equally toxic"

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Hey, everyone. D'Anthony FanTangelo here. And this  is of course, a new episode of Here's Why You're   Wrong, the series where I take your hot takes,  your unpopular opinions, and your tough questions,   and I react to the best ones. Please keep in mind  that this is my own original series that I created   and came up with and own the rights to. And no one  else has ever done it on the history of YouTube,   especially Anthony Fantano. The theme of today's  episode is sure to divide a lot of people because   it's fandoms. The one thing that's supposed to  bring people together on the internet seems to   drive a wedge between the most people. And that is  fandoms of various series, celebrities, YouTubers,   you name it. It's pretty much impossible to  find an uglier place on the internet, than   fandom Twitter or fandom Tumblr, or even fandom  YouTube. So like of course I'm going to make a   video diving into people's opinions about  it. This is a bad idea. Let's find out.  "Shipping people who are actually real rather than  just fictional characters is really creepy. It can   get out of hand and end up ruining friendships.  Writing smut about IRL people and talking about   who's the top slash bottom should be considered  some kind of harassment in my opinion." Here's   why you're right. I don't think it should  be considered harassment, I think it just is   harassment. I honestly don't care how popular that  genre is, if you are writing erotic fiction about   real life people, you need to evaluate your life. "K-Pop is overrated as hell. Don't kill me,   please." Okay, you're not the one who's going  to die. I'm going to die for reacting to this   because here's why you're right. I think K-Pop is  overrated as hell. I don't think it's bad, but the   way people kind of act like it's the second coming  of music... It's not that good, honestly. Of   course like any genre of music, there's plenty of  amazing K-Pop and plenty of amazing singers within   the genre. But overall, it's highly overrated. "The way some fandoms don't accept LGBT characters   having flows like a normal human and treat  them as "Uwu precious sinful babies" is high   key uncomfortable." Here's why you're right.  Honestly, once again, if that's the kind of   thing you're doing, you need to reevaluate  your life. Treating anybody differently   because of things that they can't change about  themselves is wrong. And that includes treating   them better. Not even going to lie. But a lot  of people are not ready for that conversation.  "The fact that there's a fandom for just about  everything is weird." Here's why you're wrong.   There's a fandom for phones, actually like  a real phone fandom, and I'm in it and it's   not weird. It's not weird at all, okay. It's not  weird that I'm in the Google Pixel fandom. And I   refuse to accept it as being weird. So, next. "Alternate opinion, emo and scene kids have   to get over themselves. People don't find y'all  annoying because you're outcasts. They find you   annoying because you think you have the moral  high ground because you're not like everyone   else." Here's why you're right. Honestly, there's  nothing special about being misunderstood. And a   lot of people who say they're misunderstood,  you're not misunderstood. You like wearing   black and listening to depressing music.  What is there to misunderstand? Honestly,   it's not that serious. I have to let you know  on behalf of humanity, nobody's judging you   as hard as you think they are, just relax. "The actual artists are usually good, but   some fandoms are toxic so they turn you off the  artist." Here's why you're right. I can't tell you   how many times I've encountered an artist who does  gorgeous work, literally just the most beautiful   stuff you've ever seen in your entire life. But  then they go to their page and it's all fan art   for this one series that I really don't want to  have anything to do with. Obviously that doesn't   lessen the value of that artist's work, but it  definitely lessens me wanting to consume it.  "Furries aren't that bad." Here's why you're  right. I think the loudest furries are certainly   the worst. Typically people feel compelled to  react to the worst of the worst. So I think the   only time you really see furries outside  of the furry fandom is when they're being   generally awful. But yeah, beyond that, it's  safe to assume that most furries are just fine.  "All fandoms start out good until Tumblr gets its  grubby hands on them." Here's why you're wrong.   You think Tumblr ruins fandoms? Have you ever  seen what Reddit does to fandoms? Holy crap. Every   fandom has it, but the ones where the throngs of  people stan the villain and tried to de-villainize   him through fandom goggles and try to make it  seem like genocide, war crimes, and abuse are   okay because they had a bad childhood. Oh, and K  pop. Y'all better stop bringing up K-pop, because   if you get me canceled, I'm not going to let you  forget it. Anyway, here's why you're right. It is   absolutely not cute that a character in this show  wiped out an entire race, got rid of his entire   family history, mistreated his significant other  over an extended period of time. Like, that's not   cute. And it's weird that you think it is. Now, I  think you can absolutely love a character who has   done those things. But if you start trying to act  like those things are fine, reevaluate your life.  "The next person who says that they won't get  into slash consider a thing or person because   of their fan base is catching these hands." Here's  why you're wrong. There's plenty of things that I   don't get into solely because of the fan base.  And it's not because I think the fan base is an   indicator of the quality of the work, but rather  when I enjoy things, I tend to want to express   that publicly. But due to how awful certain fan  bases are, there are certain franchises that I   wouldn't be caught dead expressing my appreciation  for. So yes, fans absolutely do ruin the   experience of certain media or artists, et cetera. "Onision fandom, the end." Here's why you're   wrong. I just refuse to accept the reality that  Onision has fans. It can't be real. It can't be   true. This can't be happening. Not in this real  life that we live in 2020. Please make it stop.  "It's okay to ship any characters in a TV show or  whatever else. No one should care if it's incest,   age gap, unlikely, or out of character. Just  let people write their fan fiction in peace."   Here's why you're wrong. You're just, you're just,  you're you're you're you're just wrong. That's,   that's... That's all I really have to say. "Fandoms that constantly objectify underage   characters are creepy and weird. A character being  just a fictional character doesn't really matter,   they're still a child." Here's why you're  right. And yes, I'm about to generalize,   but don't even act like I'm wrong. I typically  see this in anime. Y'all really think you can get   away with the grubbiest stuff just because the  character has anime eyes, huh? Guess what, it's   still creepy and weird and your mental gymnastics  don't really change that. Again, there's nothing   wrong with liking underage characters or  thinking they're cute. But at the point where   it's getting sexual, you... Holy crap, man. "When a YouTuber couple breaks up and people   will spend years flooding their social media  demanding, "Get back together." Lisa wouldn't   talk about her love life for a long time because  fans wanted her to get back with Shane so badly.   She lost her voice on her own channel." Here's why  you're right. That's probably the worst thing ever   because there's a certain point where things stop  being okay for the fans to discuss in my opinion,   and relationships between real life people  absolutely fall into that category. When two   adults make a decision for them and their  relationship, it doesn't matter how many   people they were performing that relationship  in front of. And so for any fan to think that   their entertainment is more important than  the happiness of said YouTuber is really sad.  "All fandoms have trash people, the argument of  who's worse is useless to be honest." Here's why   you're wrong. There are absolutely some fandoms  that are worse than the others. For example,   the Animal Crossing fandom is literally the most  wholesome place ever. Like if you ever encounter   any drama in the Animal Crossing fandom, it's  going to be really random. Mostly we just freak   out over like stairs and buckets and stuff. So  yeah. Compare the Animal Crossing fandom to,   I don't know, Marvel. Yeah, no, trust me.  There's some worse fandoms in the race.  "Not really fandoms themselves, but I kind of  hate how if you like a thing that people just   assume you're a part of the fandom. Like, no, I  just want to enjoy a thing without being forced   into some social based, toxic, judgmental, and  over sensitive community centered around it."   Here's why you're right. You can enjoy all the  media in the series without being in the fandom.   Because from my understanding, being in a fandom  involves thinking about the series outside of   times when you're watching it. And honestly, some  people just don't do that with things that they   like. For example, I enjoy watching Marvel movies;  some of them, a lot of them are really terrible.   But I enjoy watching them regardless of that. And  I enjoy looking at Marvel posts outside of that,   but I'm not in the Marvel fandom because  ultimately it's not really a part of my life.  "D'Angelo fans need a name. D'Fangelos."  Here... That's actually really clever.  "Fandoms were a lot less annoying before the  internet. You buy a magazine, tape pictures to   your wall and call it a day." Here's why you're  right. The internet actually brought upon this,   the need to perform our fan love in front of  all the rest of the internet. And honestly,   name a bigger mistake. It was most certainly  better when your appreciation for Star Wars   was just between you, yourself, and  the money you spent. Now you can get   bashed just for liking certain Star Wars movies. "Sometimes the Hamilton fandom feels a little bit   disrespectful considering they had canon dead  people as being trans or gay. People shipped   Alexander Hamilton with Thomas Jefferson, it's  wild." And to this, we have attached a picture   of Thomas Jefferson wearing a Hatsune Miku  binder, and he's apparently a furry, taking   Japanese lessons, and obsessed with anime. Here's  why you're right. Thomas Jefferson was a real   person. And I understand that Thomas Jefferson  in the play Hamilton is not a real person,   but like at the same time, Thomas Jefferson is  a real person. So maybe I wouldn't outright say   it's disrespectful, but I'm definitely going  to say this is weird. This is weird as heck.  "Gatekeeping is bad, but it ain't that serious."  Here's why you're wrong. Actually, I think   gatekeeping is a pretty big issue because people  kind of internalize it as bullying. It can be a   pretty awful feeling trying to enter a fandom, but  immediately off the bat being made to feel like   you don't belong there because you don't share  the same common opinion as everyone else. And I   personally think that can have lasting effects  outside... You can tell that people have tried   to gatekeep me out of fandoms, right? Basically  that's what I'm trying to say. I didn't like it.  "There worst things about fandoms is how things  literally made for children become adults spaces,   like My Little Pony, for example. It's full  of adult content and racism. It's a show   about magic horses made for little girls. They  can like it, but holy crap, can they shut up?"   Here's why you're right. Honestly, if you go  onto the internet and Google My Little Pony,   you're not going to get very far before you see  something that will make you regret going onto   the internet and Googling My Little Pony.  And let's be honest, we know a whole bunch   of little boys and girls are on the internet  Googling My Little Pony. So yes, adults have   absolutely made it weird. And please stop. "Reader X character fics are the fan fiction   equivalent of hell." Here's why you're right.  Those shouldn't exist. But it's even worse when   they're like reader X real person. Like  why are y'all doing... I have to move on.  "To every music fandom out there: underground  music does not equal good music and neither does   popular music. The Beatles aren't the best band  ever, they have too much hype to lose their title.   And if you listen to musical slash K-Pop slash  Justin Bieber on a regular basis, your earbuds are   dead." Right, so here's why you're right. Here's  why you're right. And here's why you're wrong. No,   underground music isn't automatically good, and  popular music definitely isn't automatically good.   You're also correct about The Beatles. They're  not the best band by a long shot. However, they're   a great band with an amazing catalog worth of  songs. But yeah, some people do like to act like   The Beatles are just hands down the best thing  to ever happen to music. And they weren't. But   you're absolutely wrong, I listened to musicals  and Justin Bieber and because I'm reviewing BTS's   album next week, K-Pop as well. And I'll have  you know, my earbuds are not dead. Okay? They're   just fine. Y'all like that little Air Pod flex? "The furry fandom online is nothing like IRL.   It's much more welcoming and wholesome. Even  though memes about furries are funny and I'll   laugh at most of them. Have a nice day and don't  forget to uwu." Here's why you're right. I think,   well, you know what? I'm going to go ahead  and say, here's why you're wrong. Okay. No,   actually the more I think about it, you're kind  of right. Well, I think when the furry fandom   from online spills into real life, that's when you  start running into issues, like with Rainfurrest.   But no, for the most part I think IRL furries  are nowhere near as toxic, weird, and creepy as   online furries. Obviously I'm not referring to  all of them, just the toxic, weird, and creepy   ones. Because again, I think when you remove the  element of performing in front of a group, things   just become more personal and a lot less extreme. "I have a theory that the more privileged   someone's fave is, the more toxic the  fandom is." Okay. Why are you right? Wait,   you might be onto something. All right, I'm  going to have to think about that one more,   but this person might've just did something. "Animal Crossing fans are the chillest group   of individuals." Here's why you're wrong. I'm in  the Animal Crossing fandom. I'm a 21 year old man,   by the way. And while I am typically rather chill  about my Animal Crossing obsession, let me explain   you something. If Nintendo pushes back the  release date of this next Animal Crossing game,   the AC fandom is not going to be the chillest  one by a long shot. So I think outwardly we're   kind of like a chill fandom, but we have the  potential to riot just because let's be honest,   Nintendo has been starving us lately. "The Star Wars fandom is awful." I'm   just going to stop you right there.  Here's why you're right. They are. Next.  "No matter how wholesome the source material is,  you're still going to garner a vocal majority   that will be toxic, such as Steven Universe,  how the fans will go harass people to the..."   Oh. Holy crap. I forgot that happened. Here's  why you're right. It doesn't matter if the show   is about fricking friendship, like My Little  Pony, you're still going to result in an awful   fandom. And I think for the most part that's just  because people in general are awful. So like a   collection of Steven Universe fans is still  at the end of the day, a collection of human   beings. Therefore it's going to be pretty bad. "Also worst fandom is Smash." Here's why you're   wrong. The Smash fandom is perfectly fine. And  I'm not just saying that because I'm in it.  "People trying to act woke in a fandom, like  trying to argue that fan cams are cultural   appropriation, are the actual people who need to  be educated." Here's why you're right. I think   when people kind of take it upon themselves  to educate everybody who breaks any sort of,   I don't know, woke rules, you really need to  reevaluate why you feel the need to correct any   and everyone around you. I think a lot of times  when people approach something from the stance   of, "Here, let me educate you," they're kind of  masking a very toxic trait as something designed   to help you. And it's ugly. And just because  you're doing it with Steven Universe characters   and not real people doesn't make it any less ugly. "Homestuck's always called cancerous when it comes   to fandoms, but most of their biggest offenses  come from being very young and inexperienced   with cosplaying conventions." Here's why you're  wrong. I think the reason, well first of all,   I don't think it's cancerous. I think that's  just such a weird word that people use. But I   will say there's a lot of weird stuff going on.  And it's not necessarily just because of the age   or the cosplay. It's the role play. I've seen  people in public spaces on the internet kind of   act like they're Homestuck characters even down to  like the weird typing. And it's just like, "Why?"  "I'm not the person that should say what you  should or should not ship... Yeah, but you're   going to anyway." This person is exactly like  me. But if you ship incest slash age gap slash   something abusive, you should rethink that. "Fiction is not total escape from reality."   Here's why you're right. I see far too many  people trying to say, "Oh well it's fictional   characters and it's not hurting anyone." Cool.  That is not going to stop me from saying that   it's weird and that I don't think it's correct. "Making fun of people's interests is scummy,   even if you still like that thing. I.E. making  fun of kids who still like FNAF even though   you still like it. If you still like a thing,  that doesn't make it okay to make fun of other   people for also liking it." Actually I think  if you used to like something, but then you   grow out of it and start making fun of literal  children who like it still, that probably says   a whole lot more about you than it does about  the kids. So this person is absolutely right.  "Children should not be included in some fandoms.  I don't hate children, but some stuff is clearly   meant for adults." Here's why you're right.  I'm never one of those people who's like,   "Think of the kids!" But I will say I  encounter certain profiles on the internet,   and from the kind of media that they're posting  I would assume they're like 20, but then you look   at their bio and they're literally 15. "Just because the author says something   happened during the books but didn't write about  it should not mean it's canon. Looking at you,   Joanne." Here's why you're wrong. J.K.  Rowling just paid me to tell you that   you're wrong. So, guess you're wrong. "My Hero Academia, Voltron and BTS stans   are weak compared to Hetalia and Homestuck  fans. Change my mind." Okay. I'll absolutely   change your mind. Voltron is worse than any of  the groups that you just mentioned. And I say   this as somebody who's watched the majority of  the first few Voltron seasons, just stay far,   far away from those people. And if you've heard  of them, then you know what I'm talking about.  "Shipping children is weird. Especially  offscreen. Characters is a little more forgivable,   but kids IRL being shipped is gross, like Finn  Wolfhard and Millie Bobby Brown." Yeah. That's   absolutely gross. They're children. Holy crap.  And as much as I would like to say, "Duh," I   see people do this. So I know why this person  brought that here. I've said it once and I'll say   it again, reevaluate your life. If someone's under  18, you don't really need to be thinking about who   they're with or in a romantic relationship at all. "Some fans called our idol offensive nicknames,   like Rat Coward et cetera, jokingly,  forgetting that they aren't friends and   they just simply receive an interaction that  leads to an acquaintance type relationship.   And they don't realize that probably makes their  idol uncomfortable. This take feeds into the   recent discussions of parasocial relationships."  Here's why you're right. Sometimes I see people   post just the weirdest things about people  that they actually like. And I'm like, "Bro,   from just looking at your account, I would  assume you were like an anti." Familiarity   breeds contempt is true. I think feeling a certain  familiarity with your fave can lead to you being   just kind of mean. I don't know, it's a weird  phenomenon. And I think somebody who knows more   about it than me should make a video about it. "People act like K-Pop stans are the only annoying   ones. Like I've seen the same Lady Gaga and Ariana  Grande fan cams under a ton of tweets and y'all   are quiet about it. But then suddenly it's K-Pop  and it's a sin. Like, okay." Here's why you're   wrong. Actually, I've seen so many Taylor Swift  fan cams, and they were kind of innocent. But   then I'll see someone reply like, "Okay, Swifty,  how's it feel to stan a flop? Imagine stanning   Taylor." And I'm just like, "Holy crap. They  just posted a fan cam." So no, I think everybody   gets backlash for posting fan cams. And I think  that's because ultimately fan cams are annoying.  "We should stop shaming people for being in  particular fandoms because to some degree   they all have something terrible about them."  Here's why you're right. Just because you're   in the FNAF fandom doesn't mean you're okay with  kids being stuffed into animatronics. You know,   I think people do kind of look at fandoms  and attribute all the negative aspects to   every single person within the fandom. And  that's absolutely unfair. It's like saying,   "Oh, you liked Avengers? So you support Thanos  wiping out half the universe." It's a movie.  "Stop basing your entire being and identity  on a piece of media for God's sake." Here's   why you're right. I don't know how people  do that. Honestly, I want someone to look   at me one day the same way a BTS stan account  looks at BTS's latest album. Which I will be   reviewing next week, don't forget about that. "Amino is absolute crap and people should stop   promoting it because of the amount of..." Oh no.  I didn't know that was a thing. Yeah. If this is   true, here's why you're right. Holy crap.  Someone needs to do something about that.  "If you're an adult and you like media  created primarily for kids, that's fine   and dandy. But if you talk down about kids who  enjoy it and publicly post NSFW images of it,   then you need to be exterminated." Here's why  you're right. Oh my gosh. Why would you even post   not safe for work images of kids fandoms? Then  again, it's something that I've seen. You know,   so many of these I wish were just common sense,  but having been on the internet a long time,   I've seen examples of literally everything  y'all are talking about. So you're right.  "Liking old music doesn't mean you have good  music tastes and dubstep is the only inherently   bad genre of music." Here's why you're wrong.  Dubstep is not inherently bad, okay. In fact,   a lot of popular music right now just straight up  stole elements from dubstep, drum and bass EDM,   et cetera. So I mean, if it's inherently  bad, it sure did have a large impact on the   rest of music. Also, I'm just salty because  I really liked Scrillex when I was like 13.  "The Billie Eilish and Melanie Martinez fandoms  have to calm down and about Billie and Melanie   both having a song called Copycat and referencing  each other's lyrics in those songs." Here's why   you're right. I went to go listen to Copycat  by Melanie Martinez featuring Tierra Whack,   and the comments section was just full of people  either talking about how Melanie copied Billie,   talking about how people need to stop  talking about how Melanie copied Billie,   or talking about the fact that there were no  people talking about how Melanie copied Billie,   so people need to stop talking about  people not talking about it. Bro,   nobody cares. Just enjoy the music please. "The Jesus fandom is full of bullies that have   abandoned the canon." Oh my God. Literally imagine  stanning Jesus but still being rude to people   online. Like did you not see the gospel story  arc where Jesus went around not judging people,   but rather sitting with them. Honestly,  the Jesus fandom needs to get it together.  "Benedict Cumberbatch is the ugliest human being  in existence." Here's why you're wrong. Honestly,   when he was the dragon in the Hobbit movie,  he was kind of thick. Not going to lie.  "Fandoms suck in general, too many extremists  that make things weird or blindly fight for   people they don't even know." Here's why you're  right. I think the blindly fighting for people   they don't know part is super weird. Just  because you're in a fandom doesn't mean you   have to excuse any semblance of wrongdoing from  your fave. I mean y'all will literally pretend   like Police records don't exist. Video footage  wasn't captured. Things did not come out of   your faves literal mouths. Some people will do  anything to just paint this perfect image where   their fave can do no wrongdoing, but then when  they get called out on it, they just switch to,   "Well they're just a human being and  nobody's perfect." Okay, Chris Brown stans.  But honestly I think that's kind of a  good one to leave off on. Fandoms suck   in general. You know what, they do. You would  think that something designed to bring people   together would do that. But all it does is  just cause chaos. And it's like a breeding   ground for salt. Salt doesn't breed. It's like  a salt crystal, okay? Fandoms are just awful,   but I'm not leaving any of the ones I'm in and  you're probably not either. So honestly who cares.
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 710,482
Rating: 4.9390221 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, here's why you're WRONG: all fandoms are equally toxic
Id: HyVhJ3_NxEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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