ma'am . . . i'm sorry.

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and welcome back to me talking about whatever I want today I want to talk about how I was wrong and why I was wrong and I want to apologize for being wrong I'm skipping all the pleasantries I uploaded a video yesterday and it's still on my channel it's called ma'am you're 30 great title all I know and in this video I had I showed a lot of things and I said a lot of things that I honestly had no business saying or showing I was getting not really allowed to backlash like I don't want to sit here and blow it out of proportion and cry and say oh my gosh I was getting so many hate comments I didn't see one hate comment I only saw hundreds of comments that would disappoint it now this happens to me a lot when I make videos other like I guess you could say against other creators but then I wake up in the morning in the video has over like a thousand comments he became obvious to me that it would be disingenuous for me to just write it off as fans of the person I was talking about coming after me it was very obviously my own viewers expressing their disappointment and how I handled the situation so I'm still here we can talk about it because honestly if I can't sit here on my own channel and talk about myself and the wrong things I did and why I think they're wrong then I'm literally I would have no self-awareness I would be no different from the people I'm talking about I feel like it would be too easy for me to just delete the video and then upload a two-minute clip saying guys I'm sorry that's not really addressing that problem head-on and plus to take that video down would be to remove like the hundreds of comments that were criticizing me so I personally feel like that's the easy way out so instead let's just go through the very grimy business of me eating my own words but one thing I have to get out of the way just so we're on the same page is that I'm not here to apologize for the whole video obviously the video is 20 minutes long so for me to sit here and say that every single thing I said within 20 minutes I now the next day no longer agree with would be disingenuous and obviously just a lie parts of the video I was right and I believe what I said and I felt like it's still important that I said those things other parts of the video I was just wrong and I was sharing misinformation and I was talking about things I didn't understand and then other parts of the video I was just out of line I was just being mean so I can go back and pretty easily identify which parts are rich now that I have the added context of the comments that I was getting yesterday you know basically correcting my mistakes this is just a good old-fashioned call-out post because what she did was bad and she should feel bad all right so I'm still sticking with that lauren Petrie's the person I'm talking about and honestly there were some things that she did in the video that I'm reacting to that were completely unacceptable and I kind of think if nobody calls them out then that's problematic in and of itself so so far and kind of on board with myself alright so I'm gonna go ahead and skip a couple minutes ahead because this part of the video is just me explaining the two people I'm talking about which is Blake a 16 year old Instagram person they're non-binary they go by they them this is what they look like and Lauren Petrie he runs a YouTube tattoo channel called tree Eagle tats and basically she made a video calling out Blake for a myriad of things some of which I agreed with and some of which I didn't agree with so I'm basically just gonna skip the introductions because well I just gave them right off the bat that thumbnail for this video was extremely concerning to me because it says visibly self tattooed before graduating school mom can't tell their real unsanitary tattooing like this reads like a tabloid article ok Blake's not a celebrity they're just a 15 year old kid I still stand by this because what I go on to explain is that unsanitary tattoos are completely frightened to call out but kind of sensationalizing the fact that their mom doesn't know they're real and oh they're visibly tattooed and they haven't even graduated high school it's obviously capitalizing off of judging Blake for their decisions before the video even starts which didn't sit right with me and I still don't think that that's right I'm doing this from a place of concern I want to stress that to you so hard I'm doing this from my place of concern how much do you wanna bet that's not coming from a place of concern okay well that was mistake number one just because Lauren makes mistakes in this video which she does and I do that doesn't mean she's now coming from a place of concern doing that to her literally before she has a chance to get into the video was just completely wrong and setting up an atmosphere where she has no space to express those concerns so I apologize for that that wasn't right I don't want any of you being horrible to this person at Oaks again they are young they are a minor so this is actually a new technique we're in surge of saying hey don't send hate to this person Lauren says don't send hate to this person but then proceeds to do the hating herself I have to give her points for innovation I do still agree with that while I appreciated her disclaimer Lauren herself is the one being unacceptable towards Blake in the situation which is ridiculous but already it's just in this current video that you're watching I'm being forced into a gray area we're like I have to admit that while Lauren made mistakes in this video that doesn't mean that she doesn't care about Blake at all so I had to complete lack of nuance in my original video it's obvious to me now after reading the comments kind of pointing out how unfair I was being I get it I did this one with like a regular needle you know like an embroidery needle base an embroidery needle an embroidery needle embroidery needle an embroidery needle okay we get it you just learned how to add it you also get it don't use embroidery needles when you're tattooing I think it's perfectly valid to call that out because yeah that's pretty horrifying I don't think you should be poking yourself with an embroidery needle and an attempt to do DIY tattoos okay so I'm still with me on that the embroidery needle editing was just very annoying but like I did in the segment I still pointed out that Lauren had a point I could still see past you know the parts of her video that weren't going to me and understand that there is still valid things in that video which I do go on to explain you can get tattoo needles on Amazon for like seven dollars so please I beg you get tattoo needles don't use sewing needles okay just because you can doesn't mean you should okay kids step away from your parents Amazon account and do not be ordering tattoo needles once again I think Lauren's exactly on the money I really am 100% for this video so far she said she's doing it out of a place of concern she told everybody not to send any hate to Blake she's calling out specific issues that are wrong with the information Blake is presenting literally nothing wrong with this video in fact I think it's very important that Lauren made it so if only it was that simple again I still stand by that and I think issue was because I only set this six minutes in and there's like our remaining 17 minutes in this video um that kind of got buried by all the other garbage I wound up saying later but I would just like to I guess double down on the fact that I did think that Lauren's intentions were good which obviously contradicts what I said earlier anyway so I don't know how I made this video without understanding that I was contradicting myself but I can really obviously see that now the fact that they're tattooing on a carpet my freaking car pet is giving me pure fear you know repeating things doesn't make it funnier and again Lilly Singh has gotten very far in her comedic career so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but yeah these are all things that I'm sure Blake didn't know we should have conveyed even I didn't know that he shouldn't be testing people on carpet though it does make sense I don't know anything about sadness Harry tattoo practices and I did admit that I did learn something from Lorentz video link being a sixteen year old showing people how to stab needles into themselves with ink literally is awful and I'm glad I think the dolt did go on the internet and call that out but just because Lauren did that doesn't excuse what she pursues to do in the next part of this video this is the part of the video where it takes a turn and instead of offering perfectly valid and necessary tattoo do's and don'ts and correcting misinformation Lauren starts attacking not just Blake but Blake's family it's it's like really really really weird I was honestly genuinely curious about this I was curious to see what they had to say when it comes to like their family and stuff with all their tattoos and piercings because I know for a fact that all the fun bit like that oh my mom would have okay that kicked me off the planet but the thing is like you do look like that that's really confusing that you find the issue with it now obviously I do understand that she's saying if she looked like it when she was Blake's age that would have been a little different but again that's like a boomer mentality or it's like well my mom would have never let me do this yeah that's probably why you'll have 30,000 tattoos on you now because your mom didn't let you do so much as put the sticker on when you were like 12 you know okay so that was just wrong I just pulled that out of thin air you can't judge people its actions based off of their parents which was kind of literally what I was calling Lauren out for so I was just being hypocritical there's like no way of circumventing that I was being hypocritical right here you know I think it's weird that she was so concerned about Blake's family in the first place because like what does that have to do with anything but I mean that just borders on kind of weird territory like things I wouldn't necessarily say but I guess I can understand why Lauren sings I know I would like to at least emphasize that part of the video because I did feel like that got buried a bit I do understand why Lauren went there and I wouldn't go there you know what I mean I don't think it's right to immediately want to blank bring Blake's parents into it Lauren did this because Blake is actually the one who mentioned their mom but at the same I just didn't see how it was relevant their mothers not like an Internet person I don't think we even know who this person is or anything about them so and then she just veers into absolutely unacceptable territory I don't know why I did it I don't remember doing it I don't care like it's only state like this whole thing concerns me so much because it's like okay but why can't you remember like you're so young do you see what I'm saying here like I'm scared that there's something else going on here like you know like with substances maybe I don't know I don't assume or anything like that yep that's right full grown adult just went on the internet and accuses he nature of being on drugs you know you can't do that you just can't do that I don't really have to explain why you can't do that but I can only assume Lauren doesn't understand why you can't do that first of all if you don't know then you can't say accusations as strong as substance abuse could ruin someone's life issues like that aren't dealt with by talking about it on the Internet they're not dealt with by public speculation and people wandering about and prying issues like substance abuse are dealt with privately by people within that person's life and the fact that we're having this conversation about substance abuse at all is weird because that's not something that Blake ever mentioned so to put that on them is beyond unacceptable for me as an adult to have to sit here and say to another adult hey you don't accuse people of being on drugs is ludicrous especially since I'm assuming that this Lauren person is older than I still 100% agree with everything I said they're just for full disclosure actually that's kind of the part of the video where I just stopped giving her room you know after she went on the internet and basically speculated about whether or not Blake is abusing substances which is unacceptable it was then that I decided there's no way Lord was coming from a place of concern but again that's just full of thinking that's like black and white think even when I've talked about people I met on before that have been open about you know substance abuse but even at that I just completely avoid talking about that you can't do it you know if you don't know you can't say and you can ruin someone's life by bringing those up so what I really should have done hitherto was kind of just focus on that that's the issue with this video my issue with Lauren was that what kind of person doesn't see the issue with going on the internet and saying their behavior is odd it makes me wonder if they're abusing substances my mind doesn't immediately go to the worst a lot of times I just think kids embellish things you know if they might say things like ooh I don't even remember getting this tattoo but I like it so I don't really care to me just based off the interactions I've had with people Blake's age it doesn't really mean much to me you know what I mean so again that statement is not enough to decide that Blake's on drugs Lauren then goes on to judge Blake's mom my mom just came in here and she's like you need to wash all those tattoos I've stopped putting them on yourself because she still thinks they're fake but I'm honestly so concerned that they are living under the roof with someone that cannot figure out that all of those tattoos are real or fake this is like borderline stupidity okay so first you're gonna go online and accuse somebody of substance abuse and then you're going to imply that their parents are stupid you know even if at the very least Blake's mom was like in this video I could sort of bring myself to understand that she's not in the video with blade you can't talk about people that you have never seen and the bottom line is you never know what's going on in somebody's home you don't know why Blake's mom hasn't done anything to stop them from getting tattoos you don't know place mom has tried you don't know if their dad is truck you don't know anything like you really just don't the only thing you know is good tattoo practice you don't know anything about Blake's life so all these speculations about you know substance abuse in their family life who are you like are you literally a tabloid magazine because if so I'll treat you with like the same respect I would treat the son nothing you have no integrity you're not worth listening to you're not worth looking at you're not worth paying attention to okay so well I obviously came off a little strong towards the end of that I'm not gonna take back the underlying statement which is that you don't know what Blake is going through in Morton's video all I see is her some paintings in the background couch all I'm getting from Lauren's videos will learn to giving me all you're getting from this video are the things that I'm saying and what's in the background this is like a tiny window of a larger space that i'm in both physically and mentally so no matter what anybody says to me I will never change my stance that that tiny space that people resent on YouTube is not enough to make assumptions about their family members this let the other that's when you're getting into like tabloid territory like if you have to speculate on things that you can't really show happen like my video about Daniel Conan in my opinion was a similar premise to her video about Blake in that video I was going off of video evidence that I showed in the video of Danny's mom you know pressuring her into making out with her boyfriend or like pressuring her and just showing off her bikini even though she's only like 13 that's on camera so I well within my rights to say hey this is happening we don't have video evidence of Blake's mom I guess acting weird or exhibiting borderline stupidity as Lauren put in so bottom line is we don't know that overnight where like they just live in the best teen years they're having fun with a friends going out experimenting with style and what-have-you and to make such a bold movement of having very visible hand tattoos at such a young age I don't know you have very visible hand - oh my god where do I go from here she even mentions that she herself has hand tattoos so it's like how are you not picking up the irony in fact this whole lotta portion of the video is her just projecting she's projecting like her life depends on it she's all like Blake's just living their best teen life having fun I couldn't help but pick up a twinge of jealousy I mean clearly this Lauren person isn't a teenager anymore me neither it happens to all of us so me right here saying she's projected I was actually referring to things that she proceeds to say about herself she actually starts Lauren start talking about herself and the tattoos that she regrets having and the excessive amount of money that she's had to spend to remove these tattoos and I was saying that she was projecting because now she's talking about Blake the same way but up until this point in the video Lauren hadn't mentioned any of this hey at least in the video I showed in my video so it's like really poor presentation on my part this whole conversation is counterproductive because obviously Blake has the tattoos on their hands they're not going anywhere they're there so they kind of sit around and make it about the fact that Blake has in tattoos versus what you were doing Misha Lee which was making it about safe practices is just weird and makes you sound like a lot of things that tattoos are in Blake's hands now obviously me saying that I guess I was kind of giving off the impression that I was okay with it or that I didn't see anything wrong with it but that's not what I meant and that's also not true but if I didn't specify how could you know what I really meant was that nothing was being accomplished by sitting around talking about it you know what I mean at the point where you start singling out Blake and making it about Blake as opposed to about the misinformation or the damage that Blake could be causing then I'm absolutely gonna have a problem with the video you know what I mean the tattoos are there what are you gaining now one major thing I did pick up from the comments was why it's such a big deal that Blake got tattoos you know on their hands above the color and below the cuff I think is what people in the comments are saying we're basically a tattoo etiquette is that tattoo artists will not tattoo you you know above your color or below your cuff in other words places that would be visible while fully clothed unless you're like older or you already have a ton of tattoos or like maybe you have some sort of job that doesn't involve having to cover up tattoos and so like the glaring issue here is that Malik has pretty much robbed themselves of the safety net that that etiquette provides if Florin had explained about you know the above the collar below the cuff policy then I would kind of I understand it just like I did when I read the comments I'm like oh so that's why it's a big deal but all I was seeing was some lady with hand tattoos calling out some kid with hand tattoos to me that just was reading us our policy but no really it's about tattoo etiquette I just I wish that the tattoo etiquette had been better explained but at the same time I could have looked that up myself so I was wrong in that regard I just have this image of them just in there like mid-trip mid-to-late 20s of being like holy crap what did I do okay at this point you can basically tell she's just talking about herself but like substituting Blake it's a little eerie like uh I think you're in your mid to late 20s and you're the probably the one thinking holy crap what did you do I guess I'll just say what I said about Blake you have the tattoos they're there now talking about some random kid on the internet it's not gonna do anything about it look I've been in that place I've been in Blake's place I've spent thousands literally thousands of pounds on cover-ups yep it's projection time strapping kids where she's projecting a movie her whole life story apparently you know the fact that you had to spend thousands of dollars of your own money to undo thousands of dollars of their own money worth of work is on you like is it Blake's fault that you look like a coloring book and you regretted it I don't think so and you know I was wondering what it was so that was picking up in this video that was bothering me so much I was like is it jealousy you know is it condescension no not really now it's just all too obvious that I'm we watching it it's bitter hey well I'm not gonna apologize for saying she looks like a coloring book because that would be dishonest I thought that was funny and that of course is just a joke she doesn't really look like a cover by the way I just immediately went to projection again to assume that she's just projecting would be to assume that she's not coming from a place of concern which as I established earlier isn't right you may think this is a good thing now and you may think you're like the coolest person but I kind iterally guarantee you when you hit your 20s you're gonna be like what did I do okay if she mentions the Indian ooh Tony's one more time and again like by the time they're in the mid-twenties you're looking at like 10 years down the line so in ten years time so things may have changed and hopefully for them it does oh my gosh we get it you're in your mid to late 20s and when you say hopefully things work out you mean they didn't work out for you because that's that's the only thing I'm picking up from this video like truly what is being gained from this maybe they'll watch this and be like oh my god this girl like why are you so judgmental like let me live my life I've been there like I'm saying I've spent thousands of pounds and cover-ups of tattoos that weren't done very well I don't think anyways gonna be like oh my gosh why is this girl so judgmental I think we're gonna be like oh my gosh why is this grown woman accusing a teenager of substance abuse speculating on her family members and her home life rejecting her own regrettable life choices on to this child and then trying to mask it all as sympathy over bad tattoo practices really it was just an extremely pathetic video to upload and I'm sad that I watched it I'm sad that it has in the amount of views at all all right so honestly I still agree with that I was very harsh my wording but I can't sit here and say you know I can't take it back if I still believe it morons video was not a good video now obviously as I hope I've explained it wasn't a bad video for the reasons I was saying it wasn't a bad video because she was projecting it wasn't a bad video because she wasn't coming from a place of concern because again I don't have any way of knowing that I mean obviously I do we do understand that Lauren is using her own life experiences to explain why what Blake did was wrong and ultimately whether that's okay to do or not will be up to the individual person I just don't think it is because at this point we are getting into judgment so I think I'm gonna skip ahead a few minutes because the next part of the video were basically just me reading comments on Lauren's video orange reactions to these comments were like super childish and then I was repeatedly bringing up like how she was basically acting like a child like for example people were bringing up legitimate concerns about you know the fact that she was speculating on Blake's substance abuse and family life and then Lauren was replying things like I just really care about you know substance and infections basically her reaction until the comments was wrong that's because she was being obtuse which I think I even said in this video she was ignoring the glaring issues with her video but the one comment that I do wanna address was towards the end but exactly did you accomplish with this video besides revealing that the fifteen-year-old you're discussing is twice as mature as you'll ever be the way you're masking toxicity as concern makes my skin crawl Congrats on 100k you deserve precisely zero I just went straight to the boy and so go ahead and guess what Lauren's response to me was let's get a little germ mold okay hon just delete your channels just just delete your channel first of all my comment was out of line to imply that or not to imply it just said it to say that somebody doesn't deserve their subscribers for the channel that they've uploaded tons of videos to and have run for maybe here's I don't know this is just wrong that would be the same as if someone said I don't deserve subscribers because of lovely video I made yesterday I think I would be very upset if someone said that to me so her responsive okay hun was perfectly fine if I could go back and I guess take back my comment on their video I would more so put hey the fact that you're doing things as unacceptable as speculating on a teenager's drug use and making assumptions about their parents really calls into question the fact that you care about them or that you're expressing your video from a place of concern in fact all its really doing is concerning me that someone thirty years old is going after someone 16 years old in a way that is universally understood to be unacceptable do you have anything to say to that that's honestly whatever comment word for it because while that's still pretty harsh that's what I believe so the last part of the video I'm not really gonna go over too much because I'm just basically doubling down on the fact that Lauren is 30 and I even make the joke that I'm gonna name the video she's 30 because that's all I could really take away from it or might be 30 and an adult and responsible for her actions but I'm 21 so I'm responsible for what I said in that video a lot of things I said in that video I'm gonna give this video some kind of clickbait titles so hopefully a lot of people watch it um also I'm gonna put ads in the video just because as serious as it was we're not talking about like I don't know no one died bottom line it's not the most serious thing in the world but it's still serious enough to where I felt compelled to address it so just ultimately with no strings attached Lauren and all the people in the comment section who felt like I was talking to them I'm sorry I hope you forgive me I hope better videos tomorrow you know there they can't all be bingers but that's all I really have to say thank you
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 1,194,974
Rating: 4.9203796 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, ma'am . . . i'm sorry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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